42-089 (8) Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. Counsellors at Law June 13, 2012 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL Mr. Louis Hasbrouck, Building Commissioner Office of the Building Commissioner Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Building Permit Application for Verizon Wireless Antenna Swap — 170 Glendale Road /Landfill, Northampton, MA Dear Mr. Hasbrouck: On behalf of Verizon Wireless, I am enclosing a building permit application for the above site along with a check made payable to the City of Northampton in the amount of $55.00 as payment for the building permit fee. When ready, please send the approved building permit to my attention at the address on this letterhead. Please don't hesitate to contact Attorney Ellen Freyman or myself if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, al/Lk Dana Cowl Paralegal /dmc Enclosures U \U108 \Verizon\2012\Northampton - Loudville\LT BI w App1.061312 1441 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103 -1450 • 413 - 737 -1131 • 413 - 736 -0375 (fax) • www. ssfpc.com ° One Way Shear, Flexua Capacity, and Punching Shear Factored One Way Shear (V): 263.3 k One Way Shear Capacity (V): 750.7 k AC111.I1.1 v,/ctiV\: 0.35 Result: OK Load Direction Controling Shear Capacity Diagonal to Pad Edge Lower Steel Pad Factored Moment (K 1864.6 k-ft Lower Steel Pad Moment Capacity (c1 7554.2 k-ft AC|103 M"/ 0.25 Result: OK Load Direction Controling Flexural Capacity: Diagonal to Pad Edge Upper Steel Pad Factored Moment (M): 1325J k-ft Upper Steel Pad Moment Capacity (4M): 7308.1 k-ft K4,/ 0.18 Result: OK Lower Pad Flexural Reinforcement Ratio: 0.0058 OK - Minimum Reinforcement Ratio Met - ACI1O.5.1 Upper Pad Flexural Reinforcement Ratio: 0.0058 OK - Minimum Reinforcement Ratio Met A[|10.5.1 Lower Pad Reinforcement Spacing 8 in Pad Remfnn;in�Spacing 0K AC|7.l2,22&1O.5.4 Upper Pad Reinfo,cennont Spacing: 8 ip^PodAeinford Spacing OK ACI7.12.2.2 & 10.5.4 Factored Punching Shear (V): 'I513 k Nominal Punching Shear Capacity (4)//"): 2441.5 k 4[111.12l1 v" /�v� -0.06 Result: OK Factored Moment in Pier (M 5621.0 k-ft Pier Moment Capacity ((W"): 9069.4 k-ft N 0.62 Result: OK Factored Shear in Pier (V): 40.6 k Pier Shear Capacity (4V): 686.7 k V,/1:1)V 0.06 Result: OK Pier Shear Reinforcement Ratio: 0.0005 No Ties Necessary for Shear - ACI11.5.6.1 Factored Tension in Pier (T): 0.0 k Pier Tension Capacity (4T): 25272 k T,/+T 0.00 Result: OK ,.. Factored Compression in pie/ (P,): 0.0 k Pier Compression Capacity (4iP): 14174.6 k AO103.62 p,/(I)P,: 0i00 Result: Pier Compression Reinforcement Ratio 0.0O6oK- Reinforcement Ratio Met '4C|1l5.1&1U�.4 K8AoK8"+T,N3.-rT,: 0.62 Result: OK Nominal and Design Moment Capacity and Factored Design Loads 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 --- -- '� - - --- r -- -'-''-- ---- -.'-------`- --- ---' 30000 �&w" r- ~~~~ 25000 --- —� -��-- -- zoono ---- �-----.-----T-----'-----��^~~�----'----- ' r" mm" . | . . � . woo ■mo mow me ^ am, .wee maw IMO WIND °raa ^ -- — --�-- -- - -� z5000 � | | �------�-----�-----�-----^�-----�--- znnnU~~ •••• Design Envelope �----�f—�— �—��-----�----� . =~~~ �f----� ----��' 5000 ~~~~ ~~ Nominal �"�"� �� ~°-1 — 1 0 -5000 Moment (k-ft) Site Name: Northampton Landfill MA, MA Program Last Updated: 6/1/2010 Site Number: 15035 I Engineering Number: 48547721 n Iiil ;' 9 Engineer: W. Godwin Date: 02/21/12 Tower Type: MP Design Loads (Factored) - Analysis per TIA -222 -G Standards Foundation Mapped: N Compression /Leg: k Concrete Strength (f c ): 4000 psi Uplift /Leg: k Pad Tension Steel Depth: 32.00 in Total Shear: 40.6 k shear: 0.75 Moment: 5296.2 k -ft Flexure /Tension 0.90 Tower + Appurtenance Weight: 60.6 k 4 Compression. 0.65 Depth to Base of Foundation (I + t - h): 10.50 ft (3: 0.85 Diameter of Pier (d): 8.00 ft Bottom Pad Rebar Size #: 11 Height of Pier above Ground (h): 0.50 # of Bottom Pad Rebar: 34 Width of Pad (W): 24.00 ft Pad Bottom Steel Area: 53.04 in Length of Pad (L): 24.00 ft Pad Steel F 60000 psi Thickness of Pad (t): 3.00 ft Top Pad Rebar Size #: 11 Tower Leg Center to Center: 0.00 ft # of Top Pad Rebar: 34 Number of Tower Legs: 1.0 (1 if MP or GT) Pad Top Steel Area: 53.04 in Tower Center from Mat Center: 0.00 ft Pier Rebar Size #: 11 Depth Below Ground Surface to Water Table: 11.00 ft Pier Steel Area (Single Bar): 1.56 in Unit Weight of Concrete: 150.0 pcf # of Pier Rebar: 30 Unit Weight of Soil Above Water Table: 120.0 pcf Pier Steel F 60000 psi Unit Weight of Water: 62.4 pcf Pier Cage Diameter: 88.0 in Unit Weight of Soil Below Water Table: 65.0 pcf Rebar Strain Limit: 0.008 Friction Angle of Uplift: 30.0 Degrees Steel Elastic Modulus: 29000 ksi Ultimate Coefficient of Shear Friction: 0.40 Tie Rebar Size #: 5 Ultimate Compressive Bearing Pressure: 8000.0 psf Tie Steel Area (Single Bar): 0.31 in Ultimate Passive Pressure on Pad Face: 0.0 psf Tie Spacing: 12 in (soil and Concrete Weight: 0.9 Tie Steel F Y : ... 60000 psi isoil: 0.75 Overturning Moment Usage Design OTM: 5742.8 k -ft OTM Resistance: 10061.1 k -ft Design OTM / OTM Resistance: 0.57 Result: OK Soil Bearing Pressure Usage: Total Weight (Foundation, Soil, Tower): 843.2 k Net Bearing Pressure: 3968 psf Nominal Bearing Pressure: 6000 psf Net Bearing Pressure /Nominal Bearing Pressure: 0.66 Result: OK Load Direction Controling Design Bearing Pressure: Diagonal to Pad Edge Sliding Factor of Safety Total Factored Sliding Resistance: 253.0 k Sliding Design / Sliding Resistance: 0.16 Result: OK Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 37 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides �l X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200711112011 by American Tow er Corporation All rights reserved. y Base Summary Reactions Original Design Analysis Moment Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment (kip -ft) (kip) (kip) (kip -ft) (kip) (kip) Design % 5,136.08 54.60 39.10 5,296.18 98.13 40.60 103.12 Base Plate Yield Thick Width Poly Clip Len Effective Mu Phi Mn (ksi) (in) (in) Style Sides (in) Len (in) (kip -in) (kip -in) Ratio 60.0 2.750 73.790 Polygon 16 0.00 9.420 487.58 961.77 0.51 Anchor Bolts Start — Compression — Tension Bolt Num Bolt Yield Ultimate Cluster Angle Force Allow Force Allow Circle Bolts Bolt Type Dia (in) (ksi) (ksi) Arrange Dist (in) (deg) (kip) (kip) Ratio (kip) (kip) Ratio 67.79 20 2.25" 18J 2.25 75.00 100.00 Radial 0.00 0.0 192.41 260.00 0.76 182.60 260.00 0.72 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 36 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright@ 2007111 /2011 byAmencan Tower Corporation. Alf rights reserved . 4y' Analysis Summary Reactions Max Usage Shear Shear Axial Moment Moment Moment FX FZ FY MX MY MZ Elev Interaction Load Case (kips) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (ft) Ratio 1.2D+ 1.6W 40.60 0.00 60.55 0.00 0.00 5296.18 0.00 0.82 0.9D+ 1.6W 40.57 0.00 45.39 0.00 0.00 5222.35 0.00 0.80 1.2D+ 1.0Di+ 1.0Wi 7.55 0.00 98.13 0.00 0.00 1032.59 52.00 0.18 1.0D+ 1.0W 10.12 0.00 50.51 0.00 0.00 1310.97 0.00 0.21 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 35 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007U11201 1 by American Tower Corporation. All rights resery ed. 4/ Load Case: 1.0D + 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 190.00 -2.35 -1.12 0.00 -8.61 0.00 8.61 1,283.68 641.84 1,410.61 700.29 40.85 -1.87 0.014 195.00 -2.00 -0.99 0.00 -3.00 0.00 3.00 1,254.77 627.39 1,331.07 660.80 42.82 -1.88 0.006 198.00 -0.06 -0.02 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.02 1,236.91 618.45 1,283.86 637.36 44.00 -1.88 0.000 198.92 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,231.36 615.68 1,269.49 630.23 44.36 -1.88 0.000 • Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 34 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 200 7 020 1 1 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Case: 1.0D+ tow 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Calculated Forces Seg Pu Vu Tu Mu Mu Resultant phi phi phi phi Total Elev FY ( -) FX ( -) MY MZ MX Moment Pn Vn Tn Mn Deflect Rotation (ft) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (ft -kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (ft-kips) (in) (deg) Ratio 0.00 -50.51 -10.12 0.00 - 1,310.97 0.00 1,310.97 5,455.75 2,727.88 13,237.3 6,571.59 0.00 0.00 0.209 5.00 -49.12 -10.01 0.00 - 1,260.38 0.00 1,260.38 5,404.98 2,702.49 12,908.3 6,408.27 0.03 -0.05 0.206 10.00 -47.54 -9.90 0.00 - 1,210.35 0.00 1,210.35 5,353.12 2,676.56 12,580.7 6,245.60 0.11 -0.10 0.203 15.00 -45.97 -9.79 0.00 - 1,160.87 0.00 1,160.87 5,300.18 2,650.09 12,254.4 6,083.64 0.24 -0.15 0.200 20.00 -44.43 -9.67 0.00 - 1,111.94 0.00 1,111.94 5,246.16 2,623.08 11,929.8 5,922.47 0.43 -0.21 0.196 25.00 -42.92 -9.54 0.00 - 1,063.60 0.00 1,063.60 5,191.06 2,595.53 11,606.8 5,762.14 0.68 -0.26 0.193 30.00 -41.42 -9.41 0.00 - 1,015.90 0.00 1,015.90 5,134.87 2,567.43 11,285.7 5,602.71 0.98 -0.31 0.189 35.00 -39.94 -9.27 0.00 - 968.86 0.00 968.86 5,077.60 2,538.80 10,966.5 5,444.24 1.33 -0.36 0.186 40.00 -38.49 -9.13 0.00 - 922.51 0.00 922.51 5,019.24 2,509.62 10,649.3 5,286.80 1.74 -0.42 0.182 44.75 -37.14 -8.97 0.00 - 879.15 0.00 879.15 4,962.80 2,481.40 10,350.1 5,138.23 2.19 -0.47 0.179 45.00 -37.01 -8.98 0.00 - 876.91 0.00 876.91 4,959.81 2,479.90 10,334.4 5,130.44 2.21 -0.47 0.178 50.00 -34.57 -8.81 0.00 - 831.99 0.00 831.99 4,899.29 2,449.64 10,021.7 4,975.23 2.73 -0.52 0.174 52.00 -33.60 -8.75 0.00 - 814.36 0.00 814.36 3,993.53 1,996.76 8,253.35 4,097.31 2.96 -0.55 0.207 55.00 -32.86 -8.67 0.00 - 788.11 0.00 788.11 3,967.28 1,983.64 8,108.46 4,025.38 3.31 -0.58 0.204 60.00 -31.64 -8.52 0.00 - 744.77 0.00 744.77 3,922.66 1,961.33 7,867.91 3,905.96 3.95 -0.64 0.199 65.00 -30.44 -8.36 0.00 - 702.20 0.00 702.20 3,876.96 1,938.48 7,628.63 3,787.17 4.65 -0.70 0.193 70.00 -29.26 -8.20 0.00 - 660.40 0.00 660.40 3,830.17 1,915.09 7,390.74 3,669.07 5.41 -0.76 0.188 73.00 -28.36 -8.04 0.00 - 635.80 0.00 635.80 3,801.58 1,900.79 7,248.72 3,598.57 5.90 -0.79 0.184 74.08 -28.10 -8.01 0.00 - 627.08 0.00 627.08 3,791.16 1,895.58 7,197.58 3,573.18 6.08 -0.81 0.183 75.00 -27.73 -7.99 0.00 - 619.74 0.00 619.74 3,782.31 1,891.15 7,154.36 3,551.73 6.24 -0.82 0.182 80.00 -25.73 -7.80 0.00 - 579.79 0.00 579.79 3,733.36 1,866.68 6,919.62 3,435.19 7.12 -0.88 0.176 80.75 -25.43 -7.79 0.00 - 573.93 0.00 573.93 3,339.34 1,669.67 6,274.36 3,114.86 7.26 -0.88 0.192 85.00 -24.53 -7.65 0.00 - 540.84 0.00 540.84 3,304.74 1,652.37 6,102.38 3,029.48 8.07 -0.93 0.186 90.00 -23.49 -7.49 0.00 - 502.58 0.00 502.58 3,263.02 1,631.51 5,901.12 2,929.56 9.08 -0.99 0.179 95.00 -22.46 -7.33 0.00 - 465.14 0.00 465.14 3,220.23 1,610.11 5,701.11 2,830.27 10.16 -1.05 0.171 100.00 -21.46 -7.16 0.00 - 428.51 0.00 428.51 3,176.35 1,588.18 5,502.49 2,731.67 11.29 -1.11 0.164 103.92 -20.68 -7.03 0.00 - 400.47 0.00 400.47 3,141.22 1,570.61 5,347.94 2,654.94 12.22 -1.16 0.157 105.00 -20.33 -7.00 0.00 - 392.86 0.00 392.86 3,131.39 1,565.70 5,305.38 2,633.81 12.49 -1.17 0.156 110.00 -18.73 -6.81 0.00 - 357.88 0.00 357.88 3,085.35 1,542.68 5,109.89 2,536.77 13.74 -1.22 0.147 110.00 -18.72 -6.81 0.00 - 357.88 0.00 357.88 2,354.82 1,177.41 3,967.25 1,969.51 13.74 -1.22 0.190 114.00 -17.97 -6.63 0.00 - 330.63 0.00 330.63 2,331.48 1,165.74 3,856.92 1,914.74 14.78 -1.27 0.180 115.00 -17.81 -6.59 0.00 - 324.00 0.00 324.00 2,325.54 1,162.77 3,829.38 1,901.06 15.05 -1.28 0.178 116.00 -17.55 -6.52 0.00 - 317.41 0.00 317.41 2,319.56 1,159.78 3,801.86 1,887.40 15.32 -1.29 0.176 120.00 -16.73 -6.19 0.00 - 291.34 0.00 291.34 2,295.18 1,147.59 3,691.99 1,832.86 16.43 -1.34 0.166 125.00 -15.93 -6.02 0.00 - 260.42 0.00 260.42 2,263.73 1,131.87 3,555.21 1,764.96 17.86 -1.40 0.155 130.00 -15.15 -5.86 0.00 - 230.30 0.00 230.30 2,231.21 1,115.60 3,419.17 1,697.42 19.36 -1.46 0.142 135.00 -14.30 -5.54 0.00 - 200.98 0.00 200.98 2,197.59 1,098.80 3,283.99 1,630.31 20.92 -1.51 0.130 140.00 -13.57 -5.38 0.00 - 173.28 0.00 173.28 2,162.90 1,081.45 3,149.79 1,563.69 22.52 -1.56 0.117 142.00 -11.60 -4.31 0.00 - 162.52 0.00 162.52 2,148.72 1,074.36 3,096.41 1,537.19 23.18 -1.58 0.111 145.00 -11.04 -4.11 0.00 - 149.55 0.00 149.55 2,127.12 1,063.56 3,016.70 1,497.62 24.18 -1.61 0.105 150.00 -10.39 -3.95 0.00 - 128.99 0.00 128.99 2,090.26 1,045.13 2,884.83 1,432.15 25.89 -1.65 0.095 151.75 -10.16 -3.90 0.00 - 122.07 0.00 122.07 2,077.10 1,038.55 2,838.98 1,409.39 26.50 -1.66 0.092 155.00 -9.49 -3.79 0.00 - 109.40 0.00 109.40 2,052.32 1,026.16 2,754.32 1,367.36 27.64 -1.69 0.085 156.83 -9.12 -3.73 0.00 - 102.44 0.00 102.44 1,448.01 724.01 1,956.91 971.49 28.29 -1.70 0.112 160.00 -8.79 -3.64 0.00 -90.63 0.00 90.63 1,434.38 717.19 1,903.91 945.18 29.43 -1.73 0.102 165.00 -8.28 -3.49 0.00 -72.43 0.00 72.43 1,411.97 705.99 1,820.40 903.72 31.26 -1.77 0.086 170.00 -7.78 -3.35 0.00 -54.98 0.00 54.98 1,388.48 694.24 1,737.24 862.44 33.13 -1.80 0.069 175.00 -5.36 -2.34 0.00 -38.25 0.00 38.25 1,363.90 681.95 1,654.56 821.39 35.03 -1.83 0.051 180.00 -4.93 -2.20 0.00 -26.57 0.00 26.57 1,338.25 669.12 1,572.48 780.64 36.95 -1.85 0.038 185.00 -4.52 -2.06 0.00 -15.59 0.00 15.59 1,311.50 655.75 1,491.12 740.25 38.90 -1.86 0.025 186.00 -2.63 -1.23 0.00 -13.53 0.00 13.53 1,306.03 653.01 1,474.95 732.23 39.29 -1.87 0.020 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 33 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category: 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides i` X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 2007002011 by American Tow er Corporation. All rights reserved. 7/ Load Case: 1.OD+ 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 186.0 769.28 1,911.82 0.00 0.00 190.0 96.80 285.96 0.00 0.00 195.0 117.98 347.67 0.00 0.00 198.0 906.45 1,973.39 0.00 0.00 198.9 20.85 61.45 0.00 0.00 Totals: 10,094.47 50,519.13 0.00 46.39 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 32 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category: 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©200742011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Case: 1.0D+ 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Applied Segment Forces Summary Seg Lateral Axial Torsion Moment Elev FX ( - FY ( - MY MZ (ft) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib -ft) (lb -ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 153.22 1,384.45 0.00 0.00 10.00 150.83 1,575.74 0.00 0.00 15.00 148.44 1,554.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 154.97 1,532.26 0.00 0.00 25.00 159.77 1,510.53 0.00 0.00 30.00 163.26 1,488.79 0.00 0.00 35.00 165.79 1,467.06 0.00 0.00 40.00 167.59 1,445.32 0.00 0.00 44.75 160.24 1,352.92 0.00 0.00 45.00 8.49 122.93 0.00 0.00 50.00 172.02 2,437.38 0.00 0.00 52.00 68.51 963.65 0.00 0.00 55.00 103.05 735.72 0.00 0.00 60.00 172.37 1,211.29 0.00 0.00 65.00 172.05 1,192.66 0.00 0.00 70.00 171.46 1,174.03 0.00 0.00 73.00 153.54 905.47 0.00 5.71 74.08 36.72 249.33 0.00 0.00 75.00 31.49 369.84 0.00 0.00 80.00 172.11 1,996.19 0.00 0.00 80.75 25.57 296.35 0.00 0.00 85.00 145.04 895.98 0.00 0.00 90.00 169.48 1,038.29 0.00 0.00 95.00 167.90 1,021.21 0.00 0.00 100.0 166.17 1,004.14 0.00 0.00 103.9 128.73 774.71 0.00 0.00 105.0 35.76 350.53 0.00 0.00 110.0 164.51 1,599.46 0.00 0.00 110.0 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.00 114.0 179.58 753.29 0.00 0.00 115.0 32.19 164.36 0.00 0.00 116.0 81.90 253.80 0.00 0.00 120.0 328.71 819.29 0.00 0.00 125.0 157.82 798.29 0.00 0.00 130.0 155.37 784.31 0.00 0.00 135.0 313.93 849.54 0.00 0.00 140.0 150.18 731.77 0.00 0.00 142.0 1,021.36 2,002.10 0.00 0.00 145.0 187.32 562.48 0.00 40.68 150.0 144.64 652.98 0.00 0.00 151.7 49.85 225.33 0.00 0.00 155.0 92.88 670.91 0.00 0.00 156.8 51.83 374.04 0.00 0.00 160.0 88.60 329.35 0.00 0.00 165.0 137.61 511.27 0.00 0.00 170.0 134.50 500.40 0.00 0.00 175.0 932.88 2,456.93 0.00 0.00 180.0 128.08 429.47 0.00 0.00 185.0 124.78 418.60 0.00 0.00 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 31 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 200712011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Z/ Load Case: 1.0D+ 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Discrete Appurtenance Segment Forces (Factored) Total Horiz Vert Wind Mom Mom Dead Elev qz qzGh CaAa i.ama Ecc Ecc FX Y Z Load (ft) Description Qty (psf) (psf) Factor Ka (sf) (ft) (ft) (Ib) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) (Ib) 73.00 GPS 1 10.385 11.424 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.500 11.42 0.00 5.71 10.00 73.00 Stand -Off 1 10.370 11.407 1.00 1.00 3.50 0.000 0.000 39.93 0.00 0.00 200.00 114.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 11.391 12.530 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 49.62 0.00 0.00 90.00 116.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 11.432 12.576 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 49.80 0.00 0.00 90.00 120.0 Ericsson ML18.12 M H 1 11.514 12.666 1.00 1.00 15.86 0.000 0.000 200.88 0.00 0.00 170.00 135.0 RFS APXV18- 206517 3 11.803 12.984 0.80 1.00 12.41 0.000 0.000 161.10 0.00 0.00 79.20 142.0 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF 3 11.930 13.123 0.70 0.80 10.07 0.000 0.000 132.20 0.00 0.00 45.00 142.0 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF 3 11.930 13.123 0.61 0.80 9.41 0.000 0.000 123.51 0.00 0.00 29.70 142.0 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF 6 11.930 13.123 0.74 0.80 31.25 0.000 0.000 410.06 0.00 0.00 120.00 142.0 Low Profile Platform 1 11.930 13.123 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 284.76 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 142.0 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L 6 11.930 13.123 0.40 0.80 0.89 0.000 0.000 11.65 0.00 0.00 18.60 145.0 Side Arms 1 11.982 13.181 1.00 1.00 6.30 0.000 0.000 83.04 0.00 0.00 150.00 145.0 Telewave ANTI 50F2 1 12.026 13.228 1.00 1.00 1.23 0.000 2.500 16.27 0.00 40.68 13.00 175.0 Flat Low Profile Pla 1 12.466 13.713 1.00 1.00 26.10 0.000 0.000 357.91 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 175.0 Kathrein 800 10122 6 12.466 13.713 0.66 0.80 29.95 0.000 0.000 410.74 0.00 0.00 357.00 175.0 Kathrein 860 10025 12 12.466 13.713 0.40 0.80 0.86 0.000 0.000 11.85 0.00 0.00 14.40 175.0 Powerwave TT19- 6 12.466 13.713 0.40 0.80 1.54 0.000 0.000 21.06 0.00 0.00 96.00 186.0 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 6 12.627 13.890 0.40 0.80 1.68 0.000 0.000 23.34 0.00 0.00 59.40 186.0 72" x 12" Panel 6 12.627 13.890 0.60 0.80 30.24 0.000 0.000 420.03 0.00 0.00 270.00 186.0 Low Profile Platform 1 12.627 13.890 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 301.41 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 198.0 60" x 12" Panel 9 12.795 14.074 0.60 0.80 37.80 0.000 0.000 532.00 0.00 0.00 270.00 198.0 Low Profile Platform 1 12.795 14.074 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 305.40 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 3,957.97 8,082.30 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:28 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 30 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / }{ Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200 7 02011 by A mencan Tower Corporation Alf rights reserved. y Load Case: 1.0D+ 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 190.0 1.00 1.44 12.684 13.95 164.76 0.750 0.000 4.00 9.251 6.94 96.8 0.0 256.4 195.0 1.00 1.45 12.753 14.02 159.58 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.213 8.41 118.0 0.0 310.8 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.46 12.795 14.07 156.46 0.750 0.000 3.00 6.541 4.91 69.0 0.0 181.2 198.9 1.00 1.46 12.807 14.08 155.50 0.750 0.000 0.92 1.974 1.48 20.9 0.0 54.7 Totals: 596.75 87,116.6 0.0 109,968.8 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 29 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©2007702011 by A mencan Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 Load Case: 1.0D+ 1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability 27 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Shaft Segment Forces (Factored) Seg Top Ice Wind Dead Tot Dead Elev qz qzGh C Thick Tributary Aa CfAa Force X Load Ice Loaa (ft) Description Kzt Kz (psf) (psf) (mph -ft) Cf tin/ (ft) (sf) (sf) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) 0.00 1.00 0.85 7.442 8.186 27824 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 1.00 0.85 7.442 8.186 273.94 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.955 18.72 153.2 0.0 1,384.4 10.00 1.00 0.85 7.442 8.186 269.64 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.567 18.42 150.8 0.0 1,362.7 15.00 1.00 0.85 7.442 8.186 265.33 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.178 18.13 148.4 0.0 1,341.0 20.00 1.00 0.90 7.896 8.686 268.88 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.789 17.84 155.0 0.0 1,319.2 25.00 1.00 0.94 8.276 9.104 270.73 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.400 17.55 159.8 0.0 1,297.5 30.00 1.00 0.98 8.600 9.460 271.35 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.011 17.26 163.3 0.0 1,275.8 35.00 1.00 1.01 8.883 9.772 271.09 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.622 16.97 165.8 0.0 1,254.0 40.00 1.00 1.04 9.137 10.05 270.16 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.233 16.67 167.6 0.0 1,232.3 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1.00 1.06 9.355 10.29 268.79 0.750 0.000 4.75 20.761 15.57 160.2 0.0 1,150.5 45.00 1.00 1.07 9.366 10.30 268.71 0.750 0.000 0.25 1.099 0.82 8.5 0.0 112.3 50.00 1.00 1.09 9.576 10.53 266.82 0.750 0.000 5.00 21.774 16.33 172.0 0.0 2,224.4 52.00 Top - Section 1 1.00 1.10 9.656 10.62 265.97 0.750 0.000 2.00 8.601 6.45 68.5 0.0 878.4 55.00 1.00 1.11 9.770 10.74 268.62 0.750 0.000 3.00 12.784 9.59 103.0 0.0 607.9 60.00 1.00 1.13 9.951 10.94 266.12 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.996 15.75 172.4 0.0 998.3 65.00 1.00 1.15 10.120 11.13 263.35 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.607 15.46 172.1 0.0 979.6 70.00 1.00 1.17 10.279 11.30 260.36 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.219 15.16 171.5 0.0 961.0 73.00 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.18 10.370 11.40 258.46 0.750 0.000 3.00 11.944 8.96 102.2 0.0 567.7 74.08 Bot - Section 3 1.00 1.18 10.403 11.44 257.76 0.750 0.000 1.08 4.279 3.21 36.7 0.0 203.3 75.00 1.00 1.19 10.430 11.47 257.16 0.750 0.000 0.92 3.660 2.74 31.5 0.0 330.9 80.00 1.00 1.20 10.572 11.62 253.79 0.750 0.000 5.00 19.733 14.80 172.1 0.0 1,783.9 80.75 Top - Section 2 1.00 1.21 10.593 11.65 253.27 0.750 0.000 0.75 2.926 2.19 25.6 0.0 264.5 85.00 1.00 1.22 10.708 11.77 254.13 0.750 0.000 4.25 16.418 12.31 145.0 0.0 715.5 90.00 1.00 1.23 10.838 11.92 250.47 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.955 14.22 169.5 0.0 826.0 95.00 1.00 1.25 10.962 12.05 246.68 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.566 13.92 167.9 0.0 808.9 100.0 1.00 1.26 11.081 12.18 242.76 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.177 13.63 166.2 0.0 791.9 103.9 Bot - Section 4 1.00 1.27 11.171 12.28 239.62 0.750 0.000 3.92 13.968 10.48 128.7 0.0 608.4 105.0 1.00 1.27 11.195 12.31 238.74 0.750 0.000 1.08 3.872 2.90 35.8 0.0 304.6 110.0 1.00 1.29 11.305 12.43 234.61 0.750 0.000 5.00 17.639 13.23 164.5 0.0 1,387.2 110.0 Top - Section 3 1.00 1.29 11.305 12.43 234.61 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 114.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 11.391 12.53 234.50 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.830 10.37 130.0 0.0 493.5 115.0 1.00 1.30 11.412 12.55 233.65 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.419 2.56 32.2 0.0 122.0 116.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 11.432 12.57 232.80 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.403 2.55 32.1 0.0 121.4 120.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.31 11.514 12.66 229.35 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.457 10.09 127.8 0.0 480.1 125.0 1.00 1.32 11.614 12.77 224.96 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.472 12.35 157.8 0.0 587.6 130.0 1.00 1.33 11.710 12.88 220.50 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.083 12.06 155.4 0.0 573.6 135.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.34 11.803 12.98 215.96 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.694 11.77 152.8 0.0 559.6 140.0 1.00 1.35 11.894 13.08 211.35 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.305 11.48 150.2 0.0 545.6 142.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 11.930 13.12 209.48 0.750 0.000 2.00 6.013 4.51 59.2 0.0 214.3 145.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 11.982 13.18 206.67 0.750 0.000 3.00 8.903 6.68 88.0 0.0 317.3 150.0 1.00 1.37 12.068 13.27 201.93 0.750 0.000 5.00 14.527 10.90 144.6 0.0 517.7 151.7 Bot - Section 5 1.00 1.38 12.098 13.30 200.25 0.750 0.000 1.75 4.995 3.75 49.8 0.0 178.0 155.0 1.00 1.38 12.152 13.36 197.13 0.750 0.000 3.25 9.265 6.95 92.9 0.0 583.0 156.8 Top - Section 4 1.00 1.39 12.182 13.40 195.35 0.750 0.000 1.83 5.157 3.87 51.8 0.0 324.4 160.0 1.00 1.39 12.233 13.45 194.91 0.750 0.000 3.17 8.779 6.58 88.6 0.0 243.7 165.0 1.00 1.40 12.313 13.54 190.01 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.547 10.16 137.6 0.0 376.0 170.0 1.00 1.41 12.390 13.62 185.05 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.158 9.87 134.5 0.0 365.1 175.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.42 12.466 13.71 180.05 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.769 9.58 131.3 0.0 354.2 180.0 1.00 1.43 12.540 13.79 175.00 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.380 9.28 128.1 0.0 343.4 185.0 1.00 1.44 12.613 13.87 169.90 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.991 8.99 124.8 0.0 332.5 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.44 12.627 13.89 168.88 0.750 0.000 1.00 2.352 1.76 24.5 0.0 65.2 A Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 28 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides x Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©2007002011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 Load Case: 0.9D + 1.OE Dead Load with Seismic (Reduced DL) 0 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Sds : 0.37 Ss : 0.22 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Seismic Load Factor : 1.00 Sd1 : 0.15 S1 : 0.07 Wind Load Factor : 0.00 Structure Frequency : 0.2385 SA : 0.04 Seismic Importance Factor : 1.00 190.0 256.45 1.72 1.22 0.85 84.78 195.0 310.78 1.82 1.61 1.01 125.21 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1951.25 1.87 1.89 1.11 876.56 198.9 54.68 1.89 1.98 1.14 25.36 Totals: 49,392.00 3,127.83 Total Wind : 40,490.1 Seismic Base Shear Is Less Than 50 %a Of Wind Force - Analysis Not Required Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI[TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 27 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides f % x Taper : 0.183078 (in/ft) Copyright ©2007112011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights resery ed. 4 Load Case: 0.9D + 1.0E Dead Load with Seismic (Reduced DL) 0 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Sds : 0.37 Ss : 0.22 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Seismic Load Factor : 1.00 Sd1 : 0.15 S1 : 0.07 Wind Load Factor : 0.00 Structure Frequency : 0.2385 SA : 0.04 Seismic Importance Factor : 1.00 Total Segment Forces (Factored) R: 1.50 Seg Top Lateral Elev Wz Fs (ft) Description (Ib) a b c (Ib) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 1384.45 0.00 0.03 0.01 57.92 10.00 1362.71 0.00 0.04 0.02 80.32 15.00 1340.98 0.01 0.06 0.03 91.12 20.00 1319.24 0.02 0.06 0.04 96.31 25.00 1297.50 0.03 0.07 0.04 98.57 30.00 1275.77 0.04 0.07 0.04 99.36 35.00 1254.03 0.06 0.07 0.04 99.55 40.00 1232.30 0.08 0.07 0.04 99.62 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1150.55 0.10 0.07 0.04 94.77 45.00 112.28 0.10 0.07 0.04 9.26 50.00 2224.35 0.12 0.07 0.03 187.42 52.00 Top - Section 1 878.44 0.13 0.07 0.03 74.68 55.00 607.90 0.14 0.07 0.03 52.36 60.00 998.27 0.17 0.07 0.03 87.68 65.00 979.64 0.20 0.06 0.02 87.07 70.00 961.01 0.23 0.06 0.02 85.15 73.00 Appertunance(s) 2337.66 0.25 0.05 0.02 204.33 74.08 Bot - Section 3 203.34 0.26 0.05 0.02 17.63 75.00 330.92 0.27 0.05 0.02 28.47 80.00 1783.92 0.31 0.04 0.01 142.38 80.75 Top - Section 2 264.51 0.31 0.04 0.01 20.76 85.00 715.54 0.35 0.03 0.01 48.88 90.00 826.02 0.39 0.02 0.01 41.27 95.00 808.94 0.43 0.01 0.01 19.62 100.0 791.86 0.48 -0.01 0.01 -5.38 103.9 Bot - Section 4 608.41 0.52 -0.02 0.01 -19.41 105.0 304.56 0.53 -0.03 0.01 -11.74 110.0 1387.19 0.58 -0.04 0.01 -91.58 110.0 Top - Section 3 0.09 0.58 -0.04 0.01 -0.01 114.0 Appertunance(s) 763.48 0.62 -0.06 0.02 -63.24 115.0 121.98 0.63 -0.06 0.02 -10.52 116.0 Appertunance(s) 391.42 0.64 -0.07 0.02 -34.97 120.0 Appertunance(s) 750.11 0.69 -0.08 0.03 -73.98 125.0 587.56 0.75 -0.10 0.04 -60.96 130.0 573.59 0.81 -0.11 0.06 -58.76 135.0 Appertunance(s) 829.62 0.87 -0.12 0.08 -79.09 140.0 545.64 0.94 -0.12 0.10 -45.20 142.0 Appertunance(s) 3813.74 0.96 -0.12 0.11 - 291.35 145.0 Appertunance(s) 2087.32 1.00 -0.11 0.13 - 136.07 150.0 517.70 1.07 -0.08 0.17 -21.98 151.7 Bot - Section 5 177.96 1.10 -0.07 0.19 -5.93 155.0 582.99 1.15 -0.04 0.22 -8.53 156.8 Top - Section 4 324.42 1.17 -0.02 0.24 -1.02 160.0 243.69 1.22 0.03 0.27 4.47 165.0 375.98 1.30 0.12 0.34 21.26 170.0 365.12 1.38 0.25 0.41 36.56 175.0 Appertunance(s) 2453.65 1.46 0.41 0.50 366.04 180.0 343.38 1.55 0.63 0.60 70.00 185.0 332.51 1.63 0.89 0.72 87.88 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1894.60 1.65 0.95 0.74 524.95 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 26 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides i X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copynght 0 200711112011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.0E Dead Load with Seismic 0 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Sds : 0.37 Ss : 0.22 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Seismic Load Factor : 1.00 Sd1 : 0.15 S1 : 0.07 Wind Load Factor : 0.00 Structure Frequency : 0.2385 SA : 0.04 Seismic Importance Factor : 1.00 190.0 256.45 1.72 1.22 0.85 84.78 195.0 310.78 1.82 1.61 1.01 125.21 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1951.25 1.87 1.89 1.11 876.56 198.9 54.68 1.89 1.98 1.14 25.36 Totals: 49,392.00 3,127.83 Total Wind : 40,490.1 Seismic Base Shear Is Less Than 50 %Of Wind Force - Analysis Not Required Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIJTIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height: 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category: C Page: 25 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides 7 X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©200722011 by Amer 4 ican Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. • . Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.0E Dead Load with Seismic 0 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Sds : 0.37 Ss : 0.22 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Seismic Load Factor : 1.00 Sd1 : 0.15 S1 : 0.07 Wind Load Factor : 0.00 Structure Frequency : 0.2385 SA : 0.04 Seismic Importance Factor : 1.00 Total Segment Forces (Factored) R: 1.50 Seg Top Lateral Elev Wz Fs (ft) Description (Ib) a b c (Ib) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 1384.45 0.00 0.03 0.01 57.92 10.00 1362.71 0.00 0.04 0.02 80.32 15.00 1340.98 0.01 0.06 0.03 91.12 20.00 1319.24 0.02 0.06 0.04 96.31 25.00 1297.50 0.03 0.07 0.04 98.57 30.00 1275.77 0.04 0.07 0.04 99.36 35.00 1254.03 0.06 0.07 0.04 99.55 40.00 1232.30 0.08 0.07 0.04 99.62 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1150.55 0.10 0.07 0.04 94.77 45.00 112.28 0.10 0.07 0.04 9.26 50.00 2224.35 0.12 0.07 0.03 187.42 52.00 Top - Section 1 878.44 0.13 0.07 0.03 74.68 55.00 607.90 0.14 0.07 0.03 52.36 60.00 998.27 0.17 0.07 0.03 87.68 65.00 979.64 0.20 0.06 0.02 87.07 70.00 961.01 0.23 0.06 0.02 85.15 73.00 Appertunance(s) 2337.66 0.25 0.05 0.02 204.33 74.08 Bot - Section 3 203.34 0.26 0.05 0.02 17.63 75.00 330.92 0.27 0.05 0.02 28.47 80.00 1783.92 0.31 0.04 0.01 142.38 80.75 Top - Section 2 264.51 0.31 0.04 0.01 20.76 85.00 715.54 0.35 0.03 0.01 48.88 90.00 826.02 0.39 0.02 0.01 41.27 95.00 808.94 0.43 0.01 0.01 19.62 100.0 791.86 0.48 -0.01 0.01 -5.38 103.9 Bot - Section 4 608.41 0.52 -0.02 0.01 -19.41 105.0 304.56 0.53 -0.03 0.01 -11.74 110.0 1387.19 0.58 -0.04 0.01 -91.58 110.0 Top - Section 3 0.09 0.58 -0.04 0.01 -0.01 114.0 Appertunance(s) 763.48 0.62 -0.06 0.02 -63.24 115.0 121.98 0.63 -0.06 0.02 -10.52 116.0 Appertunance(s) 391.42 0.64 -0.07 0.02 -34.97 120.0 Appertunance(s) 750.11 0.69 -0.08 0.03 -73.98 125.0 587.56 0.75 -0.10 0.04 -60.96 130.0 573.59 0.81 -0.11 0.06 -58.76 135.0 Appertunance(s) 829.62 0.87 -0.12 0.08 -79.09 140.0 545.64 0.94 -0.12 0.10 -45.20 142.0 Appertunance(s) 3813.74 0.96 -0.12 0.11 - 291.35 145.0 Appertunance(s) 2087.32 1.00 -0.11 0.13 - 136.07 150.0 517.70 1.07 -0.08 0.17 -21.98 151.7 Bot - Section 5 177.96 1.10 -0.07 0.19 -5.93 155.0 582.99 1.15 -0.04 0.22 -8.53 156.8 Top - Section 4 324.42 1.17 -0.02 0.24 -1.02 160.0 243.69 1.22 0.03 0.27 4.47 165.0 375.98 1.30 0.12 0.34 21.26 170.0 365.12 1.38 0.25 0.41 36.56 175.0 Appertunance(s) 2453.65 1.46 0.41 0.50 366.04 180.0 343.38 1.55 0.63 0.60 70.00 185.0 332.51 1.63 0.89 0.72 87.88 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1894.60 1.65 0.95 0.74 524.95 I Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 24 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides � ' X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©2OO7002011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Case: 1.2D + 1.ODi + 1.OWi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 190.00 -6.44 -0.92 0.00 -7.04 0.00 7.04 1,283.68 641.84 1,410.61 700.29 32.99 -1.52 0.015 195.00 -5.60 -0.80 0.00 -2.43 0.00 2.43 1,254.77 627.39 1,331.07 660.80 34.59 -1.53 0.008 198.00 -0.15 -0.02 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.02 1,236.91 618.45 1,283.86 637.36 35.55 -1.53 0.000 198.92 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,231.36 615.68 1,269.49 630.23 35.85 -1.53 0.000 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 23 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 2007 1102011 by American Tower Corporation All rights reserved Z Load Case: 1.2D + 1.0Di +1.0Wi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Calculated Forces Seg Pu Vu Tu Mu Mu Resultant phi phi phi phi Total Elev FY ( -) FX ( -) MY MZ MX Moment Pn Vn Tn Mn Deflect Rotation (ft) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (ft -kips) (ft -kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (ft -kips) (in) (deg) Ratio 0.00 -98.13 -7.55 0.00 - 1,032.59 0.00 1,032.59 5,455.75 2,727.88 13,237.3 6,571.59 0.00 0.00 0.175 5.00 -95.84 -7.50 0.00 - 994.83 0.00 994.83 5,404.98 2,702.49 12,908.3 6,408.27 0.02 -0.04 0.173 10.00 -93.28 -7.45 0.00 - 957.31 0.00 957.31 5,353.12 2,676.56 12,580.7 6,245.60 0.09 -0.08 0.171 15.00 -90.73 -7.40 0.00 - 920.04 0.00 920.04 5,300.18 2,650.09 12,254.4 6,083.64 0.19 -0.12 0.168 20.00 -88.19 -7.34 0.00 - 883.03 0.00 883.03 5,246.16 2,623.08 11,929.8 5,922.47 0.34 -0.16 0.166 25.00 -85.68 -7.28 0.00 - 846.32 0.00 846.32 5,191.06 2,595.53 11,606.8 5,762.14 0.54 -0.21 0.163 30.00 -83.19 -7.20 0.00 - 809.94 0.00 809.94 5,134.87 2,567.43 11,285.7 5,602.71 0.77 -0.25 0.161 35.00 -80.73 -7.12 0.00 - 773.93 0.00 773.93 5,077.60 2,538.80 10,966.5 5,444.24 1.05 -0.29 0.158 40.00 -78.30 -7.04 0.00 - 738.31 0.00 738.31 5,019.24 2,509.62 10,649.3 5,286.80 1.38 -0.33 0.155 44.75 -76.02 -6.93 0.00 - 704.87 0.00 704.87 4,962.80 2.481.40 10,350.1 5,138.23 1.73 -0.37 0.153 45.00 -75.83 -6.95 0.00 - 703.14 0.00 703.14 4,959.81 2,479.90 10,334.4 5,130.44 1.75 -0.37 0.152 50.00 -72.21 -6.83 0.00 - 668.38 0.00 668.38 4,899.29 2,449.64 10,021.7 4,975.23 2.17 -0.42 0.149 52.00 -70.77 -6.80 0.00 - 654.71 0.00 654.71 3,993.53 1,996.76 8,253.35 4,097.31 2.35 -0.44 0.178 55.00 -69.47 -6.75 0.00 - 634.32 0.00 634.32 3,967.28 1,983.64 8,108.46 4,025.38 2.63 -0.46 0.175 60.00 -67.33 -6.66 0.00 - 600.55 0.00 600.55 3,922.66 1,961.33 7,867.91 3,905.96 3.14 -0.51 0.171 65.00 -65.21 -6.56 0.00 - 567.26 0.00 567.26 3,876.96 1,938.48 7,628.63 3,787.17 3.69 -0.56 0.167 70.00 -63.13 -6.45 0.00 - 534.46 0.00 534.46 3,830.17 1,915.09 7,390.74 3,669.07 4.30 -0.60 0.162 73.00 -61.28 -6.32 0.00 - 515.11 0.00 515.11 3,801.58 1,900.79 7,248.72 3,598.57 4.69 -0.63 0.159 74.08 -60.84 -6.30 0.00 - 508.27 0.00 508.27 3,791.16 1,895.58 7,197.58 3,573.18 4.84 -0.64 0.158 75.00 -60.27 -6.30 0.00 - 502.49 0.00 502.49 3,782.31 1,891.15 7,154.36 3,551.73 4.96 -0.65 0.157 80.00 -57.20 -6.15 0.00 - 471.01 0.00 471.01 3,733.36 1,866.68 6,919.62 3,435.19 5.67 -0.70 0.152 80.75 -56.75 -6.15 0.00 - 466.40 0.00 466.40 3,339.34 1,669.67 6,274.36 3,114.86 5.78 -0.71 0.167 85.00 -55.11 -6.06 0.00 - 440.26 0.00 440.26 3,304.74 1,652.37 6,102.38 3,029.48 6.43 -0.75 0.162 90.00 -53.21 -5.95 0.00 - 409.95 0.00 409.95 3,263.02 1,631.51 5,901.12 2,929.56 7.24 -0.80 0.156 95.00 -51.35 -5.83 0.00 - 380.21 0.00 380.21 3,220.23 1,610.11 5,701.11 2,830.27 8.10 -0.85 0.150 100.00 -49.51 -5.71 0.00 - 351.05 0.00 351.05 3,176.35 1,588.18 5,502.49 2,731.67 9.02 -0.89 0.144 103.92 -48.09 -5.61 0.00 - 328.68 0.00 328.68 3,141.22 1,570.61 5,347.94 2,654.94 9.76 -0.93 0.139 105.00 -47.53 -5.59 0.00 - 322.60 0.00 322.60 3,131.39 1,565.70 5,305.38 2,633.81 9.98 -0.94 0.138 110.00 -45.00 -5.44 0.00 - 294.64 0.00 294.64 3,085.35 1,542.68 5,109.89 2,536.77 10.99 -0.99 0.131 110.00 -45.00 -5.45 0.00 - 294.64 0.00 294.64 2,354.82 1,177.41 3,967.25 1,969.51 10.99 -0.99 0.169 114.00 -43.47 -5.31 0.00 - 272.82 0.00 272.82 2,331.48 1,165.74 3,856.92 1,914.74 11.83 -1.02 0.161 115.00 -43.15 -5.29 0.00 - 267.51 0.00 267.51 2,325.54 1,162.77 3,829.38 1,901.06 12.04 -1.03 0.159 116.00 -42.59 -5.24 0.00 - 262.22 0.00 262.22 2,319.56 1,159.78 3,801.86 1,887.40 12.26 -1.04 0.157 120.00 -40.73 -5.03 0.00 - 241.26 0.00 241.26 2,295.18 1,147.59 3,691.99 1,832.86 13.15 -1.08 0.149 125.00 -39.19 -4.91 0.00 - 216.10 0.00 216.10 2,263.73 1,131.87 3,55521 1,764.96 14.31 -1.13 0.140 130.00 -37.67 -4.79 0.00 - 191.55 0.00 191.55 2,231.21 1,115.60 3,419.17 1,697.42 15.52 -1.18 0.130 135.00 -35.58 -4.55 0.00 - 167.63 0.00 167.63 2,197.59 1,098.80 3,283.99 1,630.31 16.78 -1.22 0.119 140.00 -34.15 -4.42 0.00 - 144.88 0.00 144.88 2,162.90 1,081.45 3,149.79 1,563.69 18.09 -1.26 0.108 142.00 -27.99 -3.62 0.00 - 136.04 0.00 136.04 2,148.72 1,074.36 3,096.41 1,537.19 18.62 -1.28 0.102 145.00 -26.65 -3.46 0.00 - 125.15 0.00 125.15 2,127.12 1,063.56 3,016.70 1,497.62 19.43 -1.30 0.096 150.00 -25.33 -3.32 0.00 - 107.87 0.00 107.87 2,090.26 1,045.13 2,884.83 1,432.15 20.81 -1.34 0.087 151.75 -24.88 -3.28 0.00 - 102.05 0.00 102.05 2,077.10 1,038.55 2,838.98 1,409.39 21.31 -1.35 0.084 155.00 -23.73 -3.18 0.00 -91.40 0.00 91.40 2,052.32 1,026.16 2,754.32 1,367.36 22.24 -1.37 0.078 156.83 -23.09 -3.13 0.00 -85.57 0.00 85.57 1.448.01 724.01 1,956.91 971.49 22.77 -1.39 0.104 160.00 -22.37 -3.05 0.00 -75.66 0.00 75.66 1,434.38 717.19 1,903.91 945.18 23.69 -1.40 0.096 165.00 -21.26 -2.92 0.00 -60.40 0.00 60.40 1,411.97 705.99 1,820.40 903.72 25.18 -1.44 0.082 170.00 -20.17 -2.80 0.00 -45.78 0.00 45.78 1,388.48 694.24 1,737.24 862.44 26.70 -1.47 0.068 175.00 -14.02 -1.96 0.00 -31.80 0.00 31.80 1,363.90 681.95 1,654.56 821.39 28.25 -1.49 0.049 180.00 -13.04 -1.83 0.00 -22.00 0.00 22.00 1,338.25 669.12 1,572.48 780.64 29.82 -1.51 0.038 185.00 -12.09 -1.71 0.00 -12.83 0.00 12.83 1,311.50 655.75 1,491.12 740.25 31.40 -1.52 0.027 186.00 -7.14 -1.02 0.00 -11.13 0.00 11.13 1,306.03 653.01 1,474.95 732.23 31.72 -1.52 0.021 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 22 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides 77 }( '' Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200702011byAmencan Tower Corporation .All rights reserved . y � Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.ODi + 1.OWi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 186.0 553.50 4,969.04 0.00 0.00 190.0 80.66 695.02 0.00 0.00 195.0 98.79 844.45 0.00 0.00 198.0 634.59 5,470.40 0.00 0.00 198.9 17.58 150.36 0.00 0.00 Totals: 7,517.11 98,136.57 0.00 44.67 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIITIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 21 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright CO 2007002011 by American Tower Corporation. A//rights reserved. Z Load Case: 1.2D + 1.0Di + 1.0Wi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Applied Segment Forces Summary Seg Lateral Axial Torsion Moment Elev FX ( -) FY ( -) MY MZ (ft) (Ib) (Ib) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 114.98 2,288.79 0.00 0.00 10.00 113.71 2,554.40 0.00 0.00 15.00 112.28 2,545.91 0.00 0.00 20.00 117.54 2,529.33 0.00 0.00 25.00 121.48 2,508.09 0.00 0.00 30.00 124.42 2,483.78 0.00 0.00 35.00 126.64 2,457.26 0.00 0.00 40.00 128.28 2,429.08 0.00 0.00 44.75 122.90 2,280.42 0.00 0.00 45.00 6.51 182.57 0.00 0.00 50.00 132.09 3,621.57 0.00 0.00 52.00 52.67 1,434.26 0.00 0.00 55.00 79.31 1,297.74 0.00 0.00 60.00 132.90 2,139.01 0.00 0.00 65.00 132.94 2,110.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 132.76 2,080.42 0.00 0.00 73.00 129.74 1,847.29 0.00 4.84 74.08 28.50 443.35 0.00 0.00 75.00 24.42 567.25 0.00 0.00 80.00 133.69 3,060.64 0.00 0.00 80.75 19.89 455.21 0.00 0.00 85.00 112.92 1,633.37 0.00 0.00 90.00 132.23 1,893.79 0.00 0.00 95.00 131.31 1,864.11 0.00 0.00 100.0 130.27 1,834.12 0.00 0.00 103.9 101.14 1,416.55 0.00 0.00 105.0 28.09 556.53 0.00 0.00 110.0 129.46 2,536.74 0.00 0.00 110.0 0.01 0.17 0.00 0.00 114.0 132.94 1,524.44 0.00 0.00 115.0 25.42 318.66 0.00 0.00 116.0 55.93 559.03 0.00 0.00 120.0 206.69 1,861.16 0.00 0.00 125.0 125.20 1,544.00 0.00 0.00 130.0 123.62 1,516.38 0.00 0.00 135.0 216.61 2,094.29 0.00 0.00 140.0 120.24 1,431.10 0.00 0.00 142.0 672.81 6,175.78 0.00 0.00 145.0 142.74 1,341.93 0.00 39.83 150.0 116.58 1,313.66 0.00 0.00 151.7 40.27 454.57 0.00 0.00 155.0 75.06 1,146.19 0.00 0.00 156.8 41.96 639.80 0.00 0.00 160.0 71.87 720.12 0.00 0.00 165.0 112.00 1,114.71 0.00 0.00 170.0 109.92 1,089.63 0.00 0.00 175.0 680.05 6,175.34 0.00 0.00 180.0 105.61 980.08 0.00 0.00 185.0 103.38 954.65 0.00 0.00 A Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 20 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides 7 , f' X Taper: 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 2007 052011byAmericanTowerCorporation .Allrightsresery ed. y' Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.0Di+ 1.OWi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Discrete Appurtenance Segment Forces (Factored) Total Horiz Vert Wind Mom Mom Dead Elev qz qzGh CaAa calla Ecc Ecc FX Y Z Loaa (ft) Description Qty (psf) (psf) Factor Ka (sf) (ft) (ft) (lb) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) (lb) 73.00 GPS 1 4.616 5.077 1.00 1.00 1.91 0.000 0.500 9.68 0.00 4.84 39.46 73.00 Stand -Off 1 4.609 5.070 1.00 1.00 8.05 0.000 0.000 40.80 0.00 0.00 573.05 114.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 5.063 5.569 1.00 1.00 5.47 0.000 0.000 30.44 0.00 0.00 241.16 116.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 5.081 5.589 1.00 1.00 5.47 0.000 0.000 30.57 0.00 0.00 241.45 120.0 Ericsson ML18.12 M H 1 5.117 5.629 1.00 1.00 18.75 0.000 0.000 105.53 0.00 0.00 604.65 135.0 RFS APXV18- 206517 3 5.246 5.771 0.80 1.00 16.40 0.000 0.000 94.65 0.00 0.00 605.70 142.0 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF 3 5.302 5.832 0.70 0.80 13.64 0.000 0.000 79.57 0.00 0.00 579.21 142.0 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF 3 5.302 5.832 0.61 0.80 10.96 0.000 0.000 63.95 0.00 0.00 548.48 142.0 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF 6 5.302 5.832 0.74 0.80 33.73 0.000 0.000 196.74 0.00 0.00 1,871.68 142.0 Low Profile Platform 1 5.302 5.832 1.00 1.00 47.21 0.000 0.000 275.35 0.00 0.00 2,460.90 142.0 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L 6 5.302 5.832 0.40 0.80 1.67 0.000 0.000 9.72 0.00 0.00 149.57 145.0 Side Arms 1 5.325 5.858 1.00 1.00 9.57 0.000 0.000 56.08 0.00 0.00 427.40 145.0 Telewave ANT150F2 1 5.345 5.879 1.00 1.00 2.71 0.000 2.500 15.93 0.00 39.83 110.18 175.0 Flat Low Profile Pla 1 5.541 6.095 1.00 1.00 52.00 0.000 0.000 316.95 0.00 0.00 2,479.07 175.0 Kathrein 800 10122 6 5.541 6.095 0.66 0.80 37.04 0.000 0.000 225.72 0.00 0.00 2,024.37 175.0 Kathrein 860 10025 12 5.541 6.095 0.40 0.80 2.35 0.000 0.000 14.34 0.00 0.00 232.85 175.0 Powerwave TT19- 6 5.541 6.095 0.40 0.80 2.50 0.000 0.000 15.25 0.00 0.00 374.61 186.0 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 6 5.612 6.173 0.40 0.80 2.66 0.000 0.000 16.44 0.00 0.00 290.27 186.0 72" x 12" Panel 6 5.612 6.173 0.60 0.80 35.79 0.000 0.000 220.95 0.00 0.00 2,005.46 186.0 Low Profile Platform 1 5.612 6.173 1.00 1.00 47.91 0.000 0.000 295.76 0.00 0.00 2,484.45 198.0 60" x 12" Panel 9 5.686 6.255 0.60 0.80 44.09 0.000 0.000 275.80 0.00 0.00 2,484.56 198.0 Low Profile Platform 1 5.686 6.255 1.00 1.00 48.07 0.000 0.000 300.70 0.00 0.00 2,490.00 2,690.91 23,318.54 • Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 19 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides }{ Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©2007002011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.0Di+ 1.0Wi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 190.0 1.00 1.44 5.637 6.201 0.000 1.200 2.383 4.00 10.839 13.01 80.7 351.9 659.6 195.0 1.00 1.45 5.668 6.235 0.000 1.200 2.389 5.00 13.204 15.84 98.8 427.2 800.2 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.46 5.686 6.255 0.000 1.200 2.392 3.00 7.738 9.29 58.1 251.8 469.3 198.9 1.00 1.46 5.692 6.261 0.000 1.200 2.394 0.92 2.340 2.81 17.6 76.6 142.2 Totals: 198.92 4,826.2 23,893.8 66,462.4 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G , Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 18 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 20070112011 by A mencan Tower Corporation All rights reserved Z/ Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.0Di+ 1.0Wi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Ice Dead Load Factor : 1.00 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Ice Importance Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Factor : 1.00 Shaft Segment Forces (Factored) Seg Top Ice Wind Dead Tot Dead Elev qz qzGh C Thick Tributary Aa CfAa Force X Load Ice Load (ft) Description Kzt Kz (psf) (psf) (mph -ft) Cf um (ft) (sf) (sf) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) 0.00 1.00 0.85 3.308 3.638 0.000 1.200 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 1.00 0.85 3.308 3.638 0.000 1.200 1.656 5.00 26.336 31.60 115.0 627.4 2,288.8 10.00 1.00 0.85 3.308 3.638 0.000 1.200 1.775 5.00 26.046 31.25 113.7 663.5 2,298.8 15.00 1.00 0.85 3.308 3.638 0.000 1.200 1.848 5.00 25.718 30.86 112.3 681.1 2,290.3 20.00 1.00 0.90 3.509 3.860 0.000 1.200 1.902 5.00 25.374 30.45 117.5 690.6 2,273.7 25.00 1.00 0.94 3.678 4.046 0.000 1.200 1.945 5.00 25.021 30.03 121.5 695.5 2,252.5 30.00 1.00 0.98 3.822 4.204 0.000 1.200 1.981 5.00 24.662 29.59 124.4 697.2 2,228.1 35.00 1.00 1.01 3.948 4.343 0.000 1.200 2.012 5.00 24.299 29.16 126.6 696.8 2,201.6 40.00 1.00 1.04 4.061 4.467 0.000 1.200 2.039 5.00 23.932 28.72 128.3 694.7 2,173.5 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1.00 1.06 4.158 4.574 0.000 1.200 2.062 4.75 22.394 26.87 122.9 656.9 2,037.6 45.00 1.00 1.07 4.163 4.579 0.000 1.200 2.063 0.25 1.185 1.42 6.5 35.1 169.8 50.00 1.00 1.09 4.256 4.682 0.000 1.200 2.085 5.00 23.511 28.21 132.1 696.7 3,365.9 52.00 Top - Section 1 1.00 1.10 4.291 4.721 0.000 1.200 2.093 2.00 9.298 11.16 52.7 277.9 1,332.0 55.00 1.00 1.11 4.342 4.777 0.000 1.200 2.105 3.00 13.837 16.60 79.3 414.9 1,144.4 60.00 1.00 1.13 4.423 4.865 0.000 1.200 2.123 5.00 22.766 27.32 132.9 685.5 1,883.4 65.00 1.00 1.15 4.498 4.948 0.000 1.200 2.140 5.00 22.391 26.87 132.9 678.8 1,854.4 70.00 1.00 1.17 4.569 5.025 0.000 1.200 2.156 5.00 22.015 26.42 132.8 671.6 1,824.8 73.00 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.18 4.609 5.070 0.000 1.200 2.165 3.00 13.027 15.63 79.3 400.2 1,081.4 74.08 Bot - Section 3 1.00 1.18 4.623 5.086 0.000 1.200 2.168 1.08 4.670 5.60 28.5 144.2 388.2 75.00 1.00 1.19 4.635 5.099 0.000 1.200 2.171 0.92 3.992 4.79 24.4 123.4 520.5 80.00 1.00 1.20 4.699 5.169 0.000 1.200 2.185 5.00 21.554 25.86 133.7 6652 2,805.9 80.75 Top - Section 2 1.00 1.21 4.708 5.179 0.000 1.200 2.187 0.75 3.200 3.84 19.9 99.6 417.0 85.00 1.00 1.22 4.759 5.235 0.000 1.200 2.198 4.25 17.975 21.57 112.9 558.2 1,416.9 90.00 1.00 1.23 4.817 5.298 0.000 1.200 2.211 5.00 20.798 24.96 132.2 647.8 1,639.1 95.00 1.00 1.25 4.872 5.359 0.000 1.200 2.223 5.00 20.419 24.50 131.3 638.6 1,609.4 100.0 1.00 1.26 4.925 5.417 0.000 1.200 2.234 5.00 20.039 24.05 130.3 629.2 1,579.4 103.9 Bot - Section 4 1.00 1.27 4.965 5.461 0.000 1.200 2.243 3.92 15.433 18.52 101.1 486.9 1,217.0 105.0 1.00 1.27 4.976 5.473 0.000 1.200 2.245 1.08 4.277 5.13 28.1 135.9 501.4 110.0 1.00 1.29 5.025 5.527 0.000 1.200 2.256 5.00 19.518 23.42 129.5 617.4 2,282.0 110.0 Top - Section 3 1.00 1.29 5.025 5.527 0.000 1.200 2.256 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.2 114.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 5.063 5.569 0.000 1.200 2.264 4.00 15.339 18.41 102.5 487.3 1,079.5 115.0 1.00 1.30 5.072 5.579 0.000 1.200 2.266 1.00 3.796 4.56 25.4 121.4 267.8 116.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 5.081 5.589 0.000 1.200 2.268 1.00 3.781 4.54 25.4 121.0 266.7 120.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.31 5.117 5.629 0.000 1200 2276 4.00 14.975 17.97 1012 477.4 1,053.5 125.0 1.00 1.32 5.162 5.678 0.000 1.200 2.285 5.00 18.376 22.05 125.2 586.1 1,291.1 130.0 1.00 1.33 5.204 5.725 0.000 1.200 2.294 5.00 17.995 21.59 123.6 575.2 1,263.5 135.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.34 5.246 5.771 0.000 1.200 2.303 5.00 17.613 21.14 122.0 564.2 1,235.7 140.0 1.00 1.35 5.286 5.815 0.000 1.200 2.311 5.00 17.231 20.68 120.2 553.0 1,207.7 142.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 5.302 5.832 0.000 1.200 2.314 2.00 6.785 8.14 47.5 219.4 476.6 145.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 5.325 5.858 0.000 1.200 2.319 3.00 10.063 12.08 70.7 325.0 705.8 150.0 1.00 1.37 5.364 5.900 0.000 1.200 2.327 5.00 16.467 19.76 116.6 530.1 1,151.3 151.7 Bot - Section 5 1.00 1.38 5.377 5.914 0.000 1.200 2.330 1.75 5.674 6.81 40.3 184.2 397.7 155.0 1.00 1.38 5.401 5.941 0.000 1.200 2.335 3.25 10.529 12.63 75.1 341.1 1,040.7 156.8 Top - Section 4 1.00 1.39 5.414 5.956 0.000 1.200 2.337 1.83 5.871 7.05 42.0 190.9 580.3 160.0 1.00 1.39 5.437 5.981 0.000 1.200 2.342 3.17 10.015 12.02 71.9 324.9 617.3 165.0 1.00 1.40 5.472 6.020 0.000 1.200 2.349 5.00 15.504 18.61 112.0 501.2 952.4 170.0 1.00 1.41 5.507 6.058 0.000 1200 2.356 5.00 15.121 18.15 109.9 4892 927.3 175.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.42 5.541 6.095 0.000 1.200 2.363 5.00 14.738 17.69 107.8 477.0 902.1 180.0 1.00 1.43 5.574 6.131 0.000 1.200 2.370 5.00 14.355 17.23 105.6 464.7 876.8 185.0 1.00 1.44 5.606 6.166 0.000 1.200 2.376 5.00 13.971 16.77 103.4 452.3 851.3 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.44 5.612 6.173 0.000 1.200 2.378 1.00 2.748 3.30 20.4 90.0 168.2 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIITIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 17 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides ./ X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 2007E2011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. z/ Load Case: 0.9D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 190.00 -1.58 -4.43 0.00 -34.03 0.00 34.03 1,283.68 641.84 1,410.61 700.29 161.95 -7.42 0.050 195.00 -1.33 -3.93 0.00 -11.86 0.00 11.86 1,254.77 627.39 1,331.07 660.80 169.71 -7.44 0.019 198.00 -0.04 -0.09 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.08 1,236.91 618.45 1,283.86 637.36 174.38 -7.45 0.000 198.92 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,231.36 615.68 1,269.49 630.23 175.81 -7.45 0.000 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 16 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 020074112011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Case: 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Calculated Forces Seg Pu Vu Tu Mu Mu Resultant phi phi phi phi Total Bev FY ( -) FX ( -) MY MZ MX Moment Pn Vn Tn Mn Deflect Rotation (ft) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (ft -kips) (ft -kips) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (in) (deg) Ratio 0.00 -45.39 -40.57 0.00 - 5,222.35 0.00 5,222.35 5,455.75 2,727.88 13,237.3 6,571.59 0.00 0.00 0.803 5.00 -44.01 -40.11 0.00 - 5,019.49 0.00 5,019.49 5,404.98 2,702.49 12,908.3 6,408.27 0.11 -0.20 0.792 10.00 -42.45 -39.65 0.00 - 4,818.94 0.00 4,818.94 5,353.12 2,676.56 12,580.7 6,245.60 0.43 -0.41 0.780 15.00 -40.91 -39.19 0.00 - 4,620.68 0.00 4,620.68 5,300.18 2,650.09 12,254.4 6,083.64 0.97 -0.62 0.767 20.00 -39.40 -38.70 0.00 - 4,424.73 0.00 4,424.73 5,246.16 2,623.08 11,929.8 5,922.47 1.73 -0.82 0.755 25.00 -37.91 -38.17 0.00 - 4,231.25 0.00 4,231.25 5,191.06 2,595.53 11,606.8 5,762.14 2.70 -1.03 0.742 30.00 -36.45 -37.63 0.00 - 4,040.39 0.00 4,040.39 5,134.87 2,567.43 11,285.7 5,602.71 3.89 -1.24 0.728 35.00 -35.01 -37.06 0.00 - 3,852.26 0.00 3,852.26 5,077.60 2,538.80 10,966.5 5,444.24 5.31 -1.45 0.715 40.00 -33.60 -36.47 0.00 - 3,666.98 0.00 3,666.98 5,019.24 2,509.62 10,649.3 5,286.80 6.94 -1.66 0.701 44.75 -32.33 -35.85 0.00 - 3,493.73 0.00 3,493.73 4,962.80 2,481.40 10,350.1 5,138.23 8.70 -1.86 0.687 45.00 -32.15 -35.88 0.00 - 3,484.77 0.00 3,484.77 4,959.81 2,479.90 10,334.4 5,130.44 8.80 -1.88 0.686 50.00 -29.89 -35.19 0.00 - 3,305.39 0.00 3,305.39 4,899.29 2,449.64 10,021.7 4,975.23 10.87 -2.09 0.671 52.00 -28.97 -34.94 0.00 - 3,235.01 0.00 3,235.01 3,993.53 1,996.76 8,253.35 4,097.31 11.77 -2.17 0.797 55.00 -28.22 -34.59 0.00 - 3,130.20 0.00 3,130.20 3,967.28 1,983.64 8,108.46 4,025.38 13.17 -2.30 0.785 60.00 -27.02 -33.96 0.00 - 2,957.26 0.00 2,957.26 3,922.66 1,961.33 7,867.91 3,905.96 15.71 -2.54 0.764 65.00 -25.84 -33.33 0.00 - 2,787.44 0.00 2,787.44 3,876.96 1,938.48 7,628.63 3,787.17 18.50 -2.78 0.743 70.00 -24.71 -32.67 0.00 - 2,620.79 0.00 2.620.79 3,830.17 1,915.09 7,390.74 3,669.07 21.53 -3.01 0.721 73.00 -23.88 -32.05 0.00 - 2,522.75 0.00 2,522.75 3,801.58 1,900.79 7,248.72 3,598.57 23.47 -3.15 0.708 74.08 -23.63 -31.91 0.00 - 2,488.03 0.00 2,488.03 3,791.16 1,895.58 7,197.58 3,573.18 24.19 -3.20 0.703 75.00 -23.23 -31.83 0.00 - 2,458.77 0.00 2,458.77 3,782.31 1,891.15 7,154.36 3,551.73 24.81 -3.25 0.699 80.00 -21.41 -31.08 0.00 - 2,299.65 0.00 2,299.65 3,733.36 1,866.68 6,919.62 3,435.19 28.33 -3.48 0.675 80.75 -21.08 -31.00 0.00 - 2,276.34 0.00 2,276.34 3,339.34 1,669.67 6,274.36 3,114.86 28.88 -3.52 0.737 85.00 -20.20 -30.45 0.00 - 2,144.57 0.00 2,144.57 3,304.74 1,652.37 6,102.38 3,029.48 32.10 -3.71 0.714 90.00 -19.19 -29.79 0.00 - 1,992.32 0.00 1,992.32 3,263.02 1,631.51 5,901.12 2,929.56 36.11 -3.95 0.686 95.00 -18.20 -29.13 0.00 - 1,843.38 0.00 1,843.38 3,220.23 1,610.11 5,701.11 2,830.27 40.37 -4.18 0.657 100.00 -17.25 -28.45 0.00 - 1,697.76 0.00 1,697.76 3,176.35 1,588.18 5,502.49 2,731.67 44.87 -4.41 0.627 103.92 -16.54 -27.92 0.00 - 1,586.30 0.00 1,586.30 3,141.22 1,570.61 5,347.94 2,654.94 48.57 -4.59 0.603 105.00 -16.17 -27.79 0.00 - 1,556.07 0.00 1,556.07 3,131.39 1,565.70 5,305.38 2,633.81 49.61 -4.64 0.596 110.00 -14.74 -27.04 0.00 - 1,417.13 0.00 1,417.13 3,085.35 1,542.68 5,109.89 2,536.77 54.59 -4.86 0.564 110.00 -14.70 -27.06 0.00 - 1,417.12 0.00 1,417.12 2,354.82 1,177.41 3,967.25 1,969.51 54.59 -4.86 0.726 114.00 -14.04 -26.31 0.00 - 1,308.88 0.00 1,308.88 2,331.48 1,165.74 3,856.92 1,914.74 58.73 -5.04 0.690 115.00 -13.88 -26.18 0.00 - 1,282.57 0.00 1,282.57 2,325.54 1,162.77 3,829.38 1,901.06 59.79 -5.09 0.681 116.00 -13.62 -25.87 0.00 - 1,256.38 0.00 1,256.38 2,319.56 1,159.78 3,801.86 1,887.40 60.86 -5.14 0.672 120.00 -12.92 -24.53 0.00 - 1,152.92 0.00 1,152.92 2,295.18 1,147.59 3,691.99 1,832.86 65.25 -5.33 0.635 125.00 -12.17 -23.88 0.00 - 1,030.26 0.00 1,030.26 2,263.73 1,131.87 3,555.21 1,764.96 70.94 -5.56 0.590 130.00 -11.44 -23.24 0.00 - 910.84 0.00 910.84 2,231.21 1,115.60 3,419.17 1,697.42 76.88 -5.78 0.542 135.00 -10.73 -21.94 0.00 - 794.66 0.00 794.66 2,197.59 1,098.80 3,283.99 1,630.31 83.04 -5.99 0.493 140.00 -10.09 -21.30 0.00 - 684.95 0.00 684.95 2,162.90 1,081.45 3,149.79 1,563.69 89.41 -6.19 0.443 142.00 -8.72 -17.04 0.00 - 642.35 0.00 642.35 2,148.72 1,074.36 3,096.41 1,537.19 92.02 -6.26 0.422 145.00 -8.26 -16.26 0.00 - 591.06 0.00 591.06 2,127.12 1,063.56 3,016.70 1,497.62 95.98 -6.37 0.399 150.00 -7.71 -15.63 0.00 - 509.75 0.00 509.75 2,090.26 1,045.13 2,884.83 1,432.15 102.73 -6.54 0.360 151.75 -7.51 -15.42 0.00 - 482.38 0.00 482.38 2,077.10 1,038.55 2,838.98 1,409.39 105.14 -6.60 0.346 155.00 -6.93 -14.99 0.00 - 43226 0.00 432.26 2,052.32 1,026.16 2,754.32 1,367.36 109.66 -6.70 0.320 156.83 -6.60 -14.76 0.00 - 404.76 0.00 404.76 1,448.01 724.01 1,956.91 971.49 112.24 -6.76 0.422 160.00 -6.32 -14.38 0.00 - 358.05 0.00 358.05 1,434.38 717.19 1,903.91 945.18 116.74 -6.85 0.384 165.00 -5.89 -13.79 0.00 - 286.14 0.00 286.14 1,411.97 705.99 1,820.40 903.72 123.99 -7.01 0.321 170.00 -5.48 -1321 0.00 - 217.18 0.00 217.18 1,388.48 694.24 1,737.24 862.44 131.38 -7.14 0.256 175.00 -3.74 -9.23 0.00 - 151.11 0.00 151.11 1,363.90 681.95 1,654.56 821.39 138.90 -7.25 0.187 180.00 -3.42 -8.68 0.00 - 104.95 0.00 104.95 1,338.25 669.12 1,572.48 780.64 146.52 -7.33 0.137 185.00 -3.10 -8.13 0.00 -61.58 0.00 61.58 1,311.50 655.75 1,491.12 740.25 154.21 -7.39 0.086 186.00 -1.79 -4.85 0.00 -53.44 0.00 53.44 1,306.03 653.01 1,474.95 732.23 155.75 -7.40 0.074 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIITIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 15 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides f' X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 20071702011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Z/ Load Case: 0.90+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 186.0 3,085.65 1,720.63 0.00 0.00 190.0 388.28 257.37 0.00 0.00 195.0 473.24 312.90 0.00 0.00 198.0 3,635.87 1,776.05 0.00 0.00 198.9 83.65 55.31 0.00 0.00 Totals: 40,490.06 45,467.22 0.00 186.07 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIITIA -222 Rev G ¥ Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 14 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides 7,� %� X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©20 0 70112011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. y Load Case: 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Applied Segment Forces Summary S Lateral Axial Torsion Moment EJev FX ( -) FY ( -) MY MZ (ft) (Ib) (Ib) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 614.57 1,246.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 604.99 1,418.16 0.00 0.00 15.00 595.41 1,398.60 0.00 0.00 20.00 621.60 1,379.04 0.00 0.00 25.00 640.84 1,359.48 0.00 0.00 30.00 654.85 1,339.91 0.00 0.00 35.00 665.02 1,320.35 0.00 0.00 40.00 672.22 1,300.79 0.00 0.00 44.75 642.73 1,217.63 0.00 0.00 45.00 34.06 110.64 0.00 0.00 50.00 690.01 2,193.64 0.00 0.00 52.00 274.81 867.28 0.00 0.00 55.00 413.34 662.15 0.00 0.00 60.00 691.40 1,090.16 0.00 0.00 65.00 690.12 1,073.39 0.00 0.00 70.00 687.74 1,056.63 0.00 0.00 73.00 615.87 814.93 0.00 22.91 74.08 147.30 224.40 0.00 0.00 75.00 126.31 332.86 0.00 0.00 80.00 690.36 1,796.57 0.00 0.00 80.75 102.58 266.71 0.00 0.00 85.00 581.75 806.38 0.00 0.00 90.00 679.80 934.46 0.00 0.00 95.00 673.47 919.09 0.00 0.00 100.0 666.53 903.72 0.00 0.00 103.9 516.36 697.24 0.00 0.00 105.0 143.44 315.48 0.00 0.00 110.0 659.88 1,439.51 0.00 0.00 110.0 0.04 0.10 0.00 0.00 114.0 720.31 677.96 0.00 0.00 115.0 129.10 147.92 0.00 0.00 116.0 328.50 228.42 0.00 0.00 120.0 1,318.51 737.36 0.00 0.00 125.0 633.04 718.46 0.00 0.00 130.0 623.22 705.88 0.00 0.00 135.0 1,259.20 764.58 0.00 0.00 140.0 602.41 658.59 0.00 0.00 142.0 4,096.80 1,801.89 0.00 0.00 145.0 751.36 506.24 0.00 163.16 150.0 580.16 587.68 0.00 0.00 151.7 199.95 202.79 0.00 0.00 155.0 372.55 603.82 0.00 0.00 156.8 207.88 336.64 0.00 0.00 160.0 355.38 296.42 0.00 0.00 165.0 551.96 460.14 0.00 0.00 170.0 539.49 450.36 0.00 0.00 175.0 3,741.88 2,211.24 0.00 0.00 180.0 513.75 386.52 0.00 0.00 185.0 500.49 376.74 0.00 0.00 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 13 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007002011 by A medcan Tow er Corporation All rights resery ed. Z/ Load Case: 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Discrete Appurtenance Segment Forces (Factored) Total Horiz Vert Wind Mom Mom Dead Elev qz qzGh CaAa 1.:aia Ecc Ecc FX Y Z Loaa (ft) Description Qty (psf) (psf) Factor Ka (sf) (ft) (ft) (lb) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) (lb) 73.00 GPS 1 26.035 28.639 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.500 45.82 0.00 22.91 9.00 73.00 Stand -Off 1 25.998 28.598 1.00 1.00 3.50 0.000 0.000 160.15 0.00 0.00 180.00 114.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 28.556 31.411 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 199.02 0.00 0.00 81.00 116.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 28.661 31.527 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 199.75 0.00 0.00 81.00 120.0 Ericsson ML18.12 M H 1 28.866 31.752 1.00 1.00 15.86 0.000 0.000 805.74 0.00 0.00 153.00 135.0 RFS APXV18- 206517 3 29.591 32.550 0.80 1.00 12.41 0.000 0.000 646.20 0.00 0.00 71.28 142.0 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF 3 29.907 32.898 0.70 0.80 10.07 0.000 0.000 530.27 0.00 0.00 40.50 142.0 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF 3 29.907 32.898 0.61 0.80 9.41 0.000 0.000 495.41 0.00 0.00 26.73 142.0 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF 6 29.907 32.898 0.74 0.80 31.25 0.000 0.000 1,644.79 0.00 0.00 108.00 142.0 Low Profile Platform 1 29.907 32.898 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,142.21 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 142.0 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L 6 29.907 32.898 0.40 0.80 0.89 0.000 0.000 46.74 0.00 0.00 16.74 145.0 Side Arms 1 30.039 33.043 1.00 1.00 6.30 0.000 0.000 333.07 0.00 0.00 135.00 145.0 Telewave ANT150F2 1 30.147 33.162 1.00 1.00 1.23 0.000 2.500 65.26 0.00 163.16 11.70 175.0 Rat Low Profile Pla 1 31.252 34.377 1.00 1.00 26.10 0.000 0.000 1,435.60 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 175.0 Kathrein 800 10122 6 31.252 34.377 0.66 0.80 29.95 0.000 0.000 1,647.53 0.00 0.00 321.30 175.0 Kathrein 860 10025 12 31.252 34.377 0.40 0.80 0.86 0.000 0.000 47.52 0.00 0.00 12.96 175.0 Powerwave TT19- 6 31.252 34.377 0.40 0.80 1.54 0.000 0.000 84.49 0.00 0.00 86.40 186.0 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 6 31.656 34.821 0.40 0.80 1.68 0.000 0.000 93.60 0.00 0.00 53.46 186.0 72" x 12" Panel 6 31.656 34.821 0.60 0.80 30.24 0.000 0.000 1,684.80 0.00 0.00 243.00 186.0 Low Profile Platform 1 31.656 34.821 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,208.99 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 198.0 60" x 12" Panel 9 32.075 35.283 0.60 0.80 37.80 0.000 0.000 2,133.90 0.00 0.00 243.00 198.0 Low Profile Platform 1 32.075 35.283 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,225.01 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 15,875.87 7,274.07 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:27 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 12 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides }{ Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007002011 by A mencan Tower Corporation. All rights resery ed. Load Case: 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 190.0 1.00 1.44 31.798 34.97 260.88 0.750 0.000 4.00 9.251 6.94 388.3 0.0 230.8 195.0 1.00 1.45 31.972 35.17 252.68 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.213 8.41 473.2 0.0 279.7 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.46 32.075 35.28 247.72 0.750 0.000 3.00 6.541 4.91 277.0 0.0 163.1 198.9 1.00 1.46 32.106 35.31 246.20 0.750 0.000 0.92 1.974 1.48 83.6 0.0 49.2 Totals: 198.92 24,614.2 0.0 31,926.4 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 11 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category: 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / X Ta 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007002011 by A merican Tower Corporation A II rights reserved Z` ' Load Case: 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 0.90 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Shaft Segment Forces (Factored) Seg Top Ice Wind Dead Tot Dead Elev qz qzGh C Thick Tributary Aa CfAa Force X Load Ice Loaa (ftj Description Kzt Kz (psf) (psf) (mph -ft) Cf (in) (ft) (sf) (sf) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) 0.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 440.55 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 433.74 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.955 18.72 614.6 0.0 1,246.0 10.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 426.93 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.567 18.42 605.0 0.0 1,226.4 15.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 420.11 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.178 18.13 595.4 0.0 1,206.9 20.00 1.00 0.90 19.795 21.77 425.73 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.789 17.84 621.6 0.0 1,187.3 25.00 1.00 0.94 20.747 22.82 428.66 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.400 17.55 640.8 0.0 1,167.8 30.00 1.00 0.98 21.559 23.71 429.65 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.011 17.26 654.9 0.0 1,148.2 35.00 1.00 1.01 22.270 24.49 429.23 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.622 16.97 665.0 0.0 1,128.6 40.00 1.00 1.04 22.905 25.19 427.76 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.233 16.67 672.2 0.0 1,109.1 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1.00 1.06 23.453 25.79 425.59 0.750 0.000 4.75 20.761 15.57 642.7 0.0 1,035.5 45.00 1.00 1.07 23.480 25.82 425.45 0.750 0.000 0.25 1.099 0.82 34.1 0.0 101.0 50.00 1.00 1.09 24.007 26.40 422.47 0.750 0.000 5.00 21.774 16.33 690.0 0.0 2,001.9 52.00 Top - Section 1 1.00 1.10 24.206 26.62 421.12 0.750 0.000 2.00 8.601 6.45 274.8 0.0 790.6 55.00 1.00 1.11 24.494 26.94 425.32 0.750 0.000 3.00 12.784 9.59 413.3 0.0 547.1 60.00 1.00 1.13 24.946 27.44 421.36 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.996 15.75 691.4 0.0 898.4 65.00 1.00 1.15 25.370 27.90 416.98 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.607 15.46 690.1 0.0 881.7 70.00 1.00 1.17 25.769 28.34 412.24 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.219 15.16 687.7 0.0 864.9 73.00 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.18 25.998 28.59 409.24 0.750 0.000 3.00 11.944 8.96 409.9 0.0 510.9 74.08 Bot - Section 3 1.00 1.18 26.079 28.68 408.13 0.750 0.000 1.08 4.279 3.21 147.3 0.0 183.0 75.00 1.00 1.19 26.146 28.76 407.18 0.750 0.000 0.92 3.660 2.74 126.3 0.0 297.8 80.00 1.00 1.20 26.504 29.15 401.84 0.750 0.000 5.00 19.733 14.80 690.4 0.0 1,605.5 80.75 Top - Section 2 1.00 1.21 26.556 29.21 401.01 0.750 0.000 0.75 2.926 2.19 102.6 0.0 238.1 85.00 1.00 1.22 26.844 29.52 402.37 0.750 0.000 4.25 16.418 12.31 581.8 0.0 644.0 90.00 1.00 1.23 27.169 29.88 396.58 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.955 14.22 679.8 0.0 743.4 95.00 1.00 1.25 27.480 30.22 390.58 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.566 13.92 673.5 0.0 728.0 100.0 1.00 1.26 27.779 30.55 384.38 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.177 13.63 666.5 0.0 712.7 103.9 Bot - Section 4 1.00 1.27 28.004 30.80 379.40 0.750 0.000 3.92 13.968 10.48 516.4 0.0 547.6 105.0 1.00 1.27 28.066 30.87 378.00 0.750 0.000 1.08 3.872 2.90 143.4 0.0 274.1 110.0 1.00 1.29 28.342 31.17 371.46 0.750 0.000 5.00 17.639 13.23 659.9 0.0 1,248.5 110.0 Top - Section 3 1.00 1.29 28.342 31.17 371.46 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 114.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 28.556 31.41 371.30 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.830 10.37 521.3 0.0 444.1 115.0 1.00 1.30 28.608 31.46 369.95 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.419 2.56 129.1 0.0 109.8 116.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 28.661 31.52 368.60 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.403 2.55 128.8 0.0 109.3 120.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.31 28.866 31.75 363.14 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.457 10.09 512.8 0.0 432.1 125.0 1.00 1.32 29.115 32.02 356.19 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.472 12.35 633.0 0.0 528.8 130.0 1.00 1.33 29.356 32.29 349.12 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.083 12.06 623.2 0.0 516.2 135.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.34 29.591 32.55 341.93 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.694 11.77 613.0 0.0 503.7 140.0 1.00 1.35 29.818 32.80 334.63 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.305 11.48 602.4 0.0 491.1 142.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 29.907 32.89 331.68 0.750 0.000 2.00 6.013 4.51 237.4 0.0 192.9 145.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 30.039 33.04 327.23 0.750 0.000 3.00 8.903 6.68 353.0 0.0 285.6 150.0 1.00 1.37 30.254 33.28 319.72 0.750 0.000 5.00 14.527 10.90 580.2 0.0 465.9 151.7 Bot - Section 5 1.00 1.38 30.328 33.36 317.07 0.750 0.000 1.75 4.995 3.75 200.0 0.0 160.2 155.0 1.00 1.38 30.464 33.51 312.12 0.750 0.000 3.25 9.265 6.95 372.6 0.0 524.7 156.8 Top - Section 4 1.00 1.39 30.539 33.59 309.31 0.750 0.000 1.83 5.157 3.87 207.9 0.0 292.0 160.0 1.00 1.39 30.668 33.73 308.61 0.750 0.000 3.17 8.779 6.58 355.4 0.0 219.3 165.0 1.00 1.40 30.867 33.95 300.85 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.547 10.16 552.0 0.0 338.4 170.0 1.00 1.41 31.062 34.16 293.00 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.158 9.87 539.5 0.0 328.6 175.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.42 31.252 34.37 285.08 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.769 9.58 526.8 0.0 318.8 180.0 1.00 1.43 31.438 34.58 277.09 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.380 9.28 513.7 0.0 309.0 185.0 1.00 1.44 31.620 34.78 269.02 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.991 8.99 500.5 0.0 299.3 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.44 31.656 34.82 267.40 0.750 0.000 1.00 2.352 1.76 98.3 0.0 58.7 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA-222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 10 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides / j X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007 002011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. y Load Case: 1.2D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 190.00 -2.28 -4.53 0.00 -34.78 0.00 34.78 1,283.68 641.84 1,410.61 700.29 165.04 -7.58 0.051 195.00 -1.93 -4.01 0.00 -12.11 0.00 12.11 1,254.77 627.39 1,331.07 660.80 172.96 -7.60 0.020 198.00 -0.06 -0.09 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.08 1,236.91 618.45 1,283.86 637.36 177.72 -7.60 0.000 198.92 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,231.36 615.68 1,269.49 630.23 179.18 -7.60 0.000 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 9 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides }{ 7 Taper: 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200 7 002011 by A men Z. icanTowerCorporation .Allrightsresery ed. Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Calculated Forces Seg Pu Vu Tu Mu Mu Resultant phi phi phi phi Total Bev FY ( -) FX ( -) MY MZ MX Moment Pn Vn Tn Mn Deflect Rotation (ft) (kips) (kips) (ft -kips) (ft -kips) (ft-kips) (ft-kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (ft-kips) (in) (deg) Ratio 0.00 -60.55 -40.60 0.00 - 5,296.18 0.00 5,296.18 5,455.75 2,727.88 13,237.3 6,571.59 0.00 0.00 0.817 5.00 -58.74 -40.20 0.00 - 5,093.18 0.00 5,093.18 5,404.98 2,702.49 12,908.3 6,408.27 0.11 -0.21 0.806 10.00 -56.71 -39.79 0.00 - 4,892.21 0.00 4,892.21 5,353.12 2,676.56 12,580.7 6,245.60 0.44 -0.41 0.794 15.00 -54.71 -39.38 0.00 - 4,693.28 0.00 4,693.28 5,300.18 2,650.09 12,254.4 6,083.64 0.99 -0.62 0.782 20.00 -52.73 -38.93 0.00 - 4,496.40 0.00 4,496.40 5,246.16 2,623.08 11,929.8 5,922.47 1.75 -0.84 0.769 25.00 -50.79 -38.44 0.00 - 4,301.78 0.00 4,301.78 5,191.06 2,595.53 11,606.8 5,762.14 2.74 -1.05 0.757 30.00 -48.87 -37.94 0.00 - 4,109.56 0.00 4,109.56 5,134.87 2,567.43 11,285.7 5,602.71 3.95 -1.26 0.743 35.00 -46.99 -37.41 0.00 - 3,919.88 0.00 3,919.88 5,077.60 2,538.80 10,966.5 5,444.24 5.39 -1.47 0.729 40.00 -45.14 -36.85 0.00 - 3,732.86 0.00 3,732.86 5,019.24 2,509.62 10,649.3 5,286.80 7.05 -1.69 0.715 44.75 -43.47 -36.24 0.00 - 3,557.82 0.00 3,557.82 4,962.80 2,481.40 10,350.1 5,138.23 8.83 -1.90 0.701 45.00 -43.25 -36.29 0.00 - 3,548.76 0.00 3,548.76 4,959.81 2,479.90 10,334.4 5,130.44 8.93 -1.91 0.701 50.00 -40.26 -35.60 0.00 - 3,367.33 0.00 3,367.33 4,899.29 2,449.64 10,021.7 4,975.23 11.04 -2.12 0.685 52.00 -39.05 -35.36 0.00 - 3,296.13 0.00 3,296.13 3,993.53 1,996.76 8,253.35 4,097.31 11.95 -2.21 0.815 55.00 -38.07 -35.03 0.00 - 3,190.05 0.00 3,190.05 3,967.28 1,983.64 8,108.46 4,025.38 13.38 -2.34 0.802 60.00 -36.50 -34.43 0.00 - 3,014.89 0.00 3,014.89 3,922.66 1,961.33 7,867.91 3,905.96 15.97 -2.58 0.781 65.00 -34.96 -33.82 0.00 - 2,842.72 0.00 2,842.72 3,876.96 1,938.48 7,628.63 3,787.17 18.80 -2.82 0.760 70.00 -33.48 -33.18 0.00 - 2,673.60 0.00 2,673.60 3,830.17 1,915.09 7,390.74 3,669.07 21.88 -3.06 0.738 73.00 -32.37 -32.56 0.00 - 2,574.05 0.00 2,574.05 3,801.58 1,900.79 7,248.72 3,598.57 23.85 -3.21 0.724 74.08 -32.05 -32.42 0.00 - 2,538.78 0.00 2,538.78 3,791.16 1,895.58 7,197.58 3,573.18 24.59 -3.26 0.719 75.00 -31.54 -32.35 0.00 - 2,509.06 0.00 2,509.06 3,782.31 1,891.15 7,154.36 3,551.73 25.22 -3.31 0.715 80.00 -29.11 -31.59 0.00 - 2,347.32 0.00 2,347.32 3,733.36 1,866.68 6,919.62 3,435.19 28.81 -3.54 0.691 80.75 -28.70 -31.52 0.00 - 2,323.63 0.00 2,323.63 3,339.34 1,669.67 6,274.36 3,114.86 29.37 -3.58 0.755 85.00 -27.54 -30.98 0.00 - 2,189.67 0.00 2,189.67 3,304.74 1,652.37 6,102.38 3,029.48 32.64 -3.78 0.731 90.00 -26.22 -30.33 0.00 - 2,034.78 0.00 2,034.78 3,263.02 1,631.51 5,901.12 2,929.56 36.73 -4.02 0.703 95.00 -24.92 -29.67 0.00 - 1,883.15 0.00 1,883.15 3,220.23 1,610.11 5,701.11 2,830.27 41.06 -4.26 0.673 100.00 -23.67 -29.00 0.00 - 1,734.81 0.00 1,734.81 3,176.35 1,588.18 5,502.49 2,731.67 45.65 -4.50 0.643 103.92 -22.72 -28.46 0.00 - 1,621.22 0.00 1,621.22 3,141.22 1,570.61 5,347.94 2,654.94 49.41 -4.68 0.618 105.00 -22.25 -28.33 0.00 - 1,590.41 0.00 1,590.41 3,131.39 1,565.70 5,305.38 2,633.81 50.48 -4.73 0.611 110.00 -20.34 -27.55 0.00 - 1,448.75 0.00 1,448.75 3,085.35 1,542.68 5,109.89 2,536.77 55.55 -4.95 0.578 110.00 -20.29 -27.58 0.00 - 1,448.74 0.00 1,448.74 2,354.82 1,177.41 3,967.25 1,969.51 55.55 -4.95 0.745 114.00 -19.40 -26.83 0.00 - 1,338.42 0.00 1,338.42 2,331.48 1,165.74 3,856.92 1,914.74 59.77 -5.13 0.708 115.00 -19.20 -26.70 0.00 - 1,311.59 0.00 1,311.59 2,325.54 1,162.77 3,829.38 1,901.06 60.85 -5.18 0.699 116.00 -18.86 -26.38 0.00 - 1,284.90 0.00 1,284.90 2,319.56 1,159.78 3,801.86 1,887.40 61.94 -5.23 0.689 120.00 -17.91 -25.05 0.00 - 1,179.37 0.00 1,179.37 2,295.18 1,147.59 3,691.99 1,832.86 66.41 -5.43 0.652 125.00 -16.92 -24.39 0.00 - 1,054.13 0.00 1,054.13 2,263.73 1,131.87 3,555.21 1,764.96 72.21 -5.67 0.605 130.00 -15.96 -23.74 0.00 - 932.17 0.00 932.17 2,231.21 1,115.60 3,419.17 1,697.42 78.27 -5.90 0.557 135.00 -14.99 -22.44 0.00 - 813.47 0.00 813.47 2,197.59 1,098.80 3,283.99 1,630.31 84.55 -6.11 0.506 140.00 -14.13 -21.78 0.00 - 701.30 0.00 701.30 2,162.90 1,081.45 3,149.79 1,563.69 91.04 -6.31 0.455 142.00 -12.17 -17.46 0.00 - 657.75 0.00 657.75 2,148.72 1,074.36 3,096.41 1,537.19 93.70 -6.39 0.434 145.00 -11.54 -16.66 0.00 - 605.21 0.00 605.21 2,127.12 1,063.56 3,016.70 1,497.62 97.74 -6.50 0.410 150.00 -10.80 -16.02 0.00 - 521.89 0.00 521.89 2,090.26 1,045.13 2,884.83 1,432.15 104.63 -6.67 0.370 151.75 -10.53 -15.81 0.00 - 493.85 0.00 493.85 2,077.10 1,038.55 2,838.98 1,409.39 107.08 -6.73 0.356 155.00 -9.75 -15.35 0.00 - 442.49 0.00 442.49 2,052.32 1,026.16 2,754.32 1,367.36 111.69 -6.84 0.329 156.83 -9.31 -15.11 0.00 - 414.33 0.00 414.33 1,448.01 724.01 1,956.91 971.49 114.33 -6.90 0.433 160.00 -8.93 -14.73 0.00 - 366.51 0.00 366.51 1,434.38 717.19 1,903.91 945.18 118.92 -6.99 0.394 165.00 -8.35 -14.12 0.00 - 292.88 0.00 292.88 1,411.97 705.99 1,820.40 903.72 126.31 -7.15 0.330 170.00 -7.80 -13.53 0.00 - 222.26 0.00 222.26 1,388.48 694.24 1,737.24 862.44 133.85 -7.29 0.264 175.00 -5.33 -9.45 0.00 - 154.61 0.00 154.61 1,363.90 681.95 1,654.56 821.39 141.53 -7.40 0.192 180.00 -4.88 -8.88 0.00 - 107.36 0.00 107.36 1,338.25 669.12 1,572.48 780.64 149.30 -7.48 0.141 185.00 -4.44 -8.32 0.00 -62.95 0.00 62.95 1,311.50 655.75 1,491.12 740.25 157.14 -7.54 0.089 186.00 -2.57 -4.96 0.00 -54.63 0.00 54.63 1,306.03 653.01 1,474.95 732.23 158.72 -7.55 0.077 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 8 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides • X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007,0'02011 by A mencan Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. Z/ Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 186.0 3,085.65 2,294.18 0.00 0.00 190.0 388.28 343.15 0.00 0.00 195.0 473.24 417.21 0.00 0.00 198.0 3,635.87 2,368.06 0.00 0.00 198.9 83.65 73.75 0.00 0.00 Totals: 40,490.06 60,622.96 0.00 186.07 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 7 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides %" X Taper 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 2007002011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4' Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Applied Segment Forces Summary Seg Lateral Axial Torsion Moment Elev FX ( -) FY ( -) MY MZ (ft) (Ib) (Ib) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 614.57 1,661.34 0.00 0.00 10.00 604.99 1,890.88 0.00 0.00 15.00 595.41 1,864.80 0.00 0.00 20.00 621.60 1,838.72 0.00 0.00 25.00 640.84 1,812.63 0.00 0.00 30.00 654.85 1,786.55 0.00 0.00 35.00 665.02 1,760.47 0.00 0.00 40.00 672.22 1,734.38 0.00 0.00 44.75 642.73 1,623.51 0.00 0.00 45.00 34.06 147.51 0.00 0.00 50.00 690.01 2,924.85 0.00 0.00 52.00 274.81 1,156.38 0.00 0.00 55.00 413.34 882.86 0.00 0.00 60.00 691.40 1,453.55 0.00 0.00 65.00 690.12 1,431.19 0.00 0.00 70.00 687.74 1,408.84 0.00 0.00 73.00 615.87 1,086.57 0.00 22.91 74.08 147.30 299.20 0.00 0.00 75.00 126.31 443.81 0.00 0.00 80.00 690.36 2,395.43 0.00 0.00 80.75 102.58 355.62 0.00 0.00 85.00 581.75 1,075.17 0.00 0.00 90.00 679.80 1,245.95 0.00 0.00 95.00 673.47 1,225.46 0.00 0.00 100.0 666.53 1,204.96 0.00 0.00 103.9 516.36 929.65 0.00 0.00 105.0 143.44 420.64 0.00 0.00 110.0 659.88 1,919.35 0.00 0.00 110.0 0.04 0.13 0.00 0.00 114.0 720.31 903.94 0.00 0.00 115.0 129.10 197.23 0.00 0.00 116.0 328.50 304.56 0.00 0.00 120.0 1,318.51 983.15 0.00 0.00 125.0 633.04 957.94 0.00 0.00 130.0 623.22 941.18 0.00 0.00 135.0 1,259.20 1,019.45 0.00 0.00 140.0 602.41 878.12 0.00 0.00 142.0 4,096.80 2,402.51 0.00 0.00 145.0 751.36 674.98 0.00 163.16 150.0 580.16 783.57 0.00 0.00 151.7 199.95 270.39 0.00 0.00 155.0 372.55 805.09 0.00 0.00 156.8 207.88 448.85 0.00 0.00 160.0 355.38 395.23 0.00 0.00 165.0 551.96 613.52 0.00 0.00 170.0 539.49 600.48 0.00 0.00 175.0 3,741.88 2,948.32 0.00 0.00 180.0 513.75 515.36 0.00 0.00 185.0 500.49 502.32 0.00 0.00 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 6 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides 77'' X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 02007 1102011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4/ Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Discrete Appurtenance Segment Forces (Factored) Total Horiz Vert Wind Mom Mom Dead Bev qz qzGh CaAa ':aAa Ecc Ecc FX Y Z Loaa (ft) Description Qty (psf) (psf) Factor Ka (sf) (ft) (ft) (Ib) (lb -ft) (lb -ft) (Ib) 73.00 GPS 1 26.035 28.639 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.500 45.82 0.00 22.91 12.00 73.00 Stand -Off 1 25.998 28.598 1.00 1.00 3.50 0.000 0.000 160.15 0.00 0.00 240.00 114.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 28.556 31.411 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 199.02 0.00 0.00 108.00 116.0 Ericsson ML180.6 MM 1 28.661 31.527 1.00 1.00 3.96 0.000 0.000 199.75 0.00 0.00 108.00 120.0 Ericsson ML18.12 M H 1 28.866 31.752 1.00 1.00 15.86 0.000 0.000 805.74 0.00 0.00 204.00 135.0 RFS APXV18- 206517 3 29.591 32.550 0.80 1.00 12.41 0.000 0.000 646.20 0.00 0.00 95.04 142.0 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF 3 29.907 32.898 0.70 0.80 10.07 0.000 0.000 530.27 0.00 0.00 54.00 142.0 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF 3 29.907 32.898 0.61 0.80 9.41 0.000 0.000 495.41 0.00 0.00 35.64 142.0 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF 6 29.907 32.898 0.74 0.80 31.25 0.000 0.000 1,644.79 0.00 0.00 144.00 142.0 Low Profile Platform 1 29.907 32.898 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,142.21 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 142.0 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L 6 29.907 32.898 0.40 0.80 0.89 0.000 0.000 46.74 0.00 0.00 22.32 145.0 Side Arms 1 30.039 33.043 1.00 1.00 6.30 0.000 0.000 333.07 0.00 0.00 180.00 145.0 Telewave ANT150F2 1 30.147 33.162 1.00 1.00 1.23 0.000 2.500 65.26 0.00 163.16 15.60 175.0 Rat Low Profile Pla 1 31.252 34.377 1.00 1.00 26.10 0.000 0.000 1,435.60 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 175.0 Kathrein 800 10122 6 31.252 34.377 0.66 0.80 29.95 0.000 0.000 1,647.53 0.00 0.00 428.40 175.0 Kathrein 860 10025 12 31.252 34.377 0.40 0.80 0.86 0.000 0.000 47.52 0.00 0.00 17.28 175.0 Powerwave TT19- 6 31.252 34.377 0.40 0.80 1.54 0.000 0.000 84.49 0.00 0.00 115.20 186.0 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 6 31.656 34.821 0.40 0.80 1.68 0.000 0.000 93.60 0.00 0.00 71.28 186.0 72" x 12" Panel 6 31.656 34.821 0.60 0.80 30.24 0.000 0.000 1,684.80 0.00 0.00 324.00 186.0 Low Profile Platform 1 31.656 34.821 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,208.99 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 198.0 60" x 12" Panel 9 32.075 35.283 0.60 0.80 37.80 0.000 0.000 2,133.90 0.00 0.00 324.00 198.0 Low Profile Platform 1 32.075 35.283 1.00 1.00 21.70 0.000 0.000 1,225.01 0.00 0.00 1.800.00 15,875.87 9,698.76 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIffIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 5 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200702011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. 4/ Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 190.0 1.00 1.44 31.798 34.97 260.88 0.750 0.000 4.00 9.251 6.94 388.3 0.0 307.7 195.0 1.00 1.45 31.972 35.17 252.68 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.213 8.41 473.2 0.0 372.9 198.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.46 32.075 35.28 247.72 0.750 0.000 3.00 6.541 4.91 277.0 0.0 217.5 198.9 1.00 1.46 32.106 35.31 24620 0.750 0.000 0.92 1.974 1.48 83.6 0.0 65.6 Totals: 198.92 24,614.2 0.0 42,568.6 t Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 4 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides i' X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright ©2007002011 byAmerican Tower Corporat ion . All rights reserved. 4/ Load Case: 1.2D+ 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 28 Iterations Gust Response Factor : 1.10 Wind Importance Factor : 1.00 Dead Load Factor : 1.20 Wind Load Factor : 1.60 Shaft Segment Forces (Factored) Seg Top Ice Wind Dead Tot Dead Elev qz qzGh C Thick Tributary Aa CfAa Force X Load Ice Loaa (ft) Description Kzt Kz (psf) (psf) (mph -ft) Cf tin) (ft) (sf) (sf) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) 0.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 440.55 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 433.74 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.955 18.72 614.6 0.0 1,661.3 10.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 426.93 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.567 18.42 605.0 0.0 1,635.3 15.00 1.00 0.85 18.656 20.52 420.11 0.750 0.000 5.00 24.178 18.13 595.4 0.0 1,609.2 20.00 1.00 0.90 19.795 21.77 425.73 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.789 17.84 621.6 0.0 1,583.1 25.00 1.00 0.94 20.747 22.82 428.66 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.400 17.55 640.8 0.0 1,557.0 30.00 1.00 0.98 21.559 23.71 429.65 0.750 0.000 5.00 23.011 17.26 654.9 0.0 1,530.9 35.00 1.00 1.01 22.270 24.49 42923 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.622 16.97 665.0 0.0 1,504.8 40.00 1.00 1.04 22.905 25.19 427.76 0.750 0.000 5.00 22.233 16.67 672.2 0.0 1,478.8 44.75 Bot - Section 2 1.00 1.06 23.453 25.79 425.59 0.750 0.000 4.75 20.761 15.57 642.7 0.0 1,380.7 45.00 1.00 1.07 23.480 25.82 425.45 0.750 0.000 0.25 1.099 0.82 34.1 0.0 134.7 50.00 1.00 1.09 24.007 26.40 422.47 0.750 0.000 5.00 21.774 16.33 690.0 0.0 2,669.2 52.00 Top - Section 1 1.00 1.10 24.206 26.62 421.12 0.750 0.000 2.00 8.601 6.45 274.8 0.0 1,054.1 55.00 1.00 1.11 24.494 26.94 425.32 0.750 0.000 3.00 12.784 9.59 413.3 0.0 729.5 60.00 1.00 1.13 24.946 27.44 421.36 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.996 15.75 691.4 0.0 1,197.9 65.00 1.00 1.15 25.370 27.90 416.98 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.607 15.46 690.1 0.0 1,175.6 70.00 1.00 1.17 25.769 28.34 412.24 0.750 0.000 5.00 20.219 15.16 687.7 0.0 1,153.2 73.00 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.18 25.998 28.59 409.24 0.750 0.000 3.00 11.944 8.96 409.9 0.0 681.2 74.08 Bot - Section 3 1.00 1.18 26.079 28.68 408.13 0.750 0.000 1.08 4.279 3.21 147.3 0.0 244.0 75.00 1.00 1.19 26.146 28.76 407.18 0.750 0.000 0.92 3.660 2.74 126.3 0.0 397.1 80.00 1.00 1.20 26.504 29.15 401.84 0.750 0.000 5.00 19.733 14.80 690.4 0.0 2,140.7 80.75 Top - Section 2 1.00 1.21 26.556 29.21 401.01 0.750 0.000 0.75 2.926 2.19 102.6 0.0 317.4 85.00 1.00 1.22 26.844 29.52 402.37 0.750 0.000 4.25 16.418 12.31 581.8 0.0 858.7 90.00 1.00 1.23 27.169 29.88 396.58 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.955 14.22 679.8 0.0 991.2 95.00 1.00 1.25 27.480 30.22 390.58 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.566 13.92 673.5 0.0 970.7 100.0 1.00 1.26 27.779 30.55 384.38 0.750 0.000 5.00 18.177 13.63 666.5 0.0 950.2 103.9 Bot - Section 4 1.00 1.27 28.004 30.80 379.40 0.750 0.000 3.92 13.968 10.48 516.4 0.0 730.1 105.0 1.00 1.27 28.066 30.87 378.00 0.750 0.000 1.08 3.872 2.90 143.4 0.0 365.5 110.0 1.00 1.29 28.342 31.17 371.46 0.750 0.000 5.00 17.639 13.23 659.9 0.0 1,664.6 110.0 Top - Section 3 1.00 1.29 28.342 31.17 371.46 0.750 0.000 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 114.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 28.556 31.41 371.30 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.830 10.37 521.3 0.0 592.2 115.0 1.00 1.30 28.608 31.46 369.95 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.419 2.56 129.1 0.0 146.4 116.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.30 28.661 31.52 368.60 0.750 0.000 1.00 3.403 2.55 128.8 0.0 145.7 120.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.31 28.866 31.75 363.14 0.750 0.000 4.00 13.457 10.09 512.8 0.0 576.1 125.0 1.00 1.32 29.115 32.02 356.19 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.472 12.35 633.0 0.0 705.1 130.0 1.00 1.33 29.356 32.29 349.12 0.750 0.000 5.00 16.083 12.06 623.2 0.0 688.3 135.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.34 29.591 32.55 341.93 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.694 11.77 613.0 0.0 671.5 140.0 1.00 1.35 29.818 32.80 334.63 0.750 0.000 5.00 15.305 11.48 602.4 0.0 654.8 142.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 29.907 32.89 331.68 0.750 0.000 2.00 6.013 4.51 237.4 0.0 257.2 145.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.36 30.039 33.04 327.23 0.750 0.000 3.00 8.903 6.68 353.0 0.0 380.8 150.0 1.00 1.37 30.254 33.28 319.72 0.750 0.000 5.00 14.527 10.90 580.2 0.0 621.2 151.7 Bot - Section 5 1.00 1.38 30.328 33.36 317.07 0.750 0.000 1.75 4.995 3.75 200.0 0.0 213.6 155.0 1.00 1.38 30.464 33.51 312.12 0.750 0.000 3.25 9.265 6.95 372.6 0.0 699.6 156.8 Top - Section 4 1.00 1.39 30.539 33.59 309.31 0.750 0.000 1.83 5.157 3.87 207.9 0.0 389.3 160.0 1.00 1.39 30.668 33.73 308.61 0.750 0.000 3.17 8.779 6.58 355.4 0.0 292.4 165.0 1.00 1.40 30.867 33.95 300.85 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.547 10.16 552.0 0.0 451.2 170.0 1.00 1.41 31.062 34.16 293.00 0.750 0.000 5.00 13.158 9.87 539.5 0.0 438.1 175.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.42 31.252 34.37 285.08 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.769 9.58 526.8 0.0 425.1 180.0 1.00 1.43 31.438 34.58 277.09 0.750 0.000 5.00 12.380 9.28 513.7 0.0 412.1 185.0 1.00 1.44 31.620 34.78 269.02 0.750 0.000 5.00 11.991 8.99 500.5 0.0 399.0 186.0 Appertunance(s) 1.00 1.44 31.656 34.82 267.40 0.750 0.000 1.00 2.352 1.76 98.3 0.0 78.2 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 3 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides ./ X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 200 7 11g2011 byAmericanTowerCorporation .Allrightsresery ed. Z . Segment Properties (Max Len : 5ft) Seg Top Flat Elev Thick Dia Area lx W/t D/t Py S Weight (ft) Description (in) (in) (inA2) (i1 Ratio Ratio (ksi) (in3) (lb) 0.00 0.4375 59.200 82.010 35,775.4 25.32 135.31 73.9 1185. 0.0 5.00 0.4375 58.285 80.733 34,129.4 24.91 133.22 74.4 1148. 1,384.4 10.00 0.4375 57.369 79.455 32,534.6 24.49 131.13 74.9 1112. 1,362.7 15.00 0.4375 56.454 78.178 30,990.4 24.08 129.04 75.3 1076. 1,341.0 20.00 0.4375 55.538 76.900 29,495.8 23.66 126.94 75.8 1041. 1,319.2 25.00 0.4375 54.623 75.623 28,050.0 23.24 124.85 76.3 1007. 1,297.5 30.00 0.4375 53.708 74.345 26,652.3 22.83 122.76 76.7 973.4 1,275.8 35.00 0.4375 52.792 73.068 25,301.8 22.41 120.67 77.2 940.1 1,254.0 40.00 0.4375 51.877 71.790 23,997.7 21.99 118.58 77.7 907.4 1,232.3 44.75 Bot - Section 2 0.4375 51.007 70.576 22,801.1 21.60 116.59 78.1 876.9 1,150.5 45.00 0.4375 50.961 70.513 22,739.2 21.58 116.48 78.2 875.3 112.3 50.00 0.4375 50.046 69.235 21,525.5 21.16 114.39 78.6 843.7 2,224.4 52.00 Top - Section 1 0.3750 50.430 59.878 18,952.9 25.16 134.48 74.1 737.2 878.4 55.00 0.3750 49.881 59.221 18,335.9 24.87 133.02 74.4 721.1 607.9 60.00 0.3750 48.965 58.126 17,337.4 24.38 130.57 75.0 694.5 998.3 65.00 0.3750 48.050 57.031 16,375.9 23.90 128.13 75.5 668.5 979.6 70.00 0.3750 47.135 55.936 15,450.6 23.41 125.69 76.1 643.0 961.0 73.00 0.3750 46.585 55.279 14,912.6 23.12 124.23 76.4 627.9 567.7 74.08 Bot - Section 3 0.3750 46.387 55.042 14,721.4 23.01 123.70 76.5 622.5 203.3 75.00 0.3750 46.219 54.841 14,560.9 22.92 123.25 76.6 618.0 330.9 80.00 0.3750 45.304 53.746 13,705.9 22.44 120.81 77.2 593.4 1,783.9 80.75 Top - Section 2 0.3438 45.854 49.905 13,057.9 24.94 133.39 74.3 558.6 264.5 85.00 0.3438 45.076 49.052 12,399.5 24.49 131.13 74.9 539.6 715.5 90.00 0.3438 44.160 48.048 11,653.8 23.96 128.47 75.5 517.7 826.0 95.00 0.3438 43.245 47.044 10,938.5 23.43 125.80 76.1 496.2 808.9 100.0 0.3438 42.330 46.040 10,253.2 22.90 123.14 76.7 475.1 791.9 103.9 Bot - Section 4 0.3438 41.613 45.254 9,736.7 22.49 121.05 77.1 459.0 608.4 105.0 0.3438 41.414 45.036 9,597.1 22.37 120.48 77.3 454.6 304.6 110.0 0.3438 40.499 44.033 8,969.5 21.84 117.81 77.9 434.4 1,387.2 110.0 Top - Section 3 0.2813 41.061 36.587 7,686.7 27.45 146.00 71.5 367.2 0.1 114.0 0.2813 40.329 35.930 7,280.0 26.93 143.39 72.1 354.1 493.5 115.0 0.2813 40.146 35.766 7,180.7 26.80 142.74 72.2 350.9 122.0 116.0 0.2813 39.963 35.602 7,082.2 26.67 142.09 72.4 347.6 121.4 120.0 0.2813 39.231 34.945 6,697.3 26.15 139.49 73.0 334.9 480.1 125.0 0.2813 38.315 34.124 6,236.1 25.51 136.23 73.7 319.3 587.6 130.0 0.2813 37.400 33.302 5,796.6 24.86 132.98 74.4 304.0 573.6 135.0 0.2813 36.484 32.481 5,378.2 24.21 129.72 75.2 289.2 559.6 140.0 0.2813 35.569 31.660 4,980.5 23.56 126.47 75.9 274.7 545.6 142.0 0.2813 35.203 31.331 4,827.0 23.31 125.17 76.2 269.0 214.3 145.0 0.2813 34.654 30.838 4,602.8 22.92 123.21 76.6 260.5 317.3 150.0 0.2813 33.738 30.017 4,244.8 22.27 119.96 77.4 246.8 517.7 151.7 Bot - Section 5 0.2813 33.418 29.730 4,124.0 22.04 118.82 77.6 242.1 178.0 155.0 0.2813 32.823 29.196 3,905.8 21.62 116.70 78.1 233.4 583.0 156.8 Top - Section 4 0.2188 32.925 22.823 3,084.1 28.35 150.51 70.5 183.7 324.4 160.0 0.2188 32.345 22.418 2,923.0 27.82 147.86 71.1 177.3 243.7 165.0 0.2188 31.430 21.779 2,680.2 26.99 143.68 72.0 167.3 376.0 170.0 0.2188 30.514 21.141 2,451.2 26.16 139.49 73.0 157.6 365.1 175.0 0.2188 29.599 20.502 2,235.7 25.32 135.31 73.9 148.2 354.2 180.0 0.2188 28.683 19.863 2,033.2 24.49 131.12 74.9 139.0 343.4 185.0 0.2188 27.768 19.224 1,843.2 23.66 126.94 75.8 130.2 332.5 186.0 0.2188 27.585 19.096 1,806.7 23.49 126.10 76.0 128.5 65.2 190.0 0.2188 26.853 18.585 1,665.5 22.83 122.75 76.7 121.7 256.4 195.0 0.2188 25.937 17.947 1,499.6 21.99 118.57 77.7 113.4 310.8 198.0 0.2188 25.388 17.563 1,405.6 21.49 116.06 78.3 108.6 181.2 198.9 0.2188 25.220 17.446 1,377.6 21.34 115.29 78.4 107.2 54.7 35,473.8 Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 2 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category: 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides % X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright 0 20070,02011 by American Tower Corporation. A 11 rights reserved. Z 5.00 73.00 (1) 1/2" Coax 0.00 N Pole : 15035 Code: ANSIITIA -222 Rev G Y Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Struct Class : II 2/23/2012 8:40:26 PM Height : 198.9 (ft) Exposure Category : C Page: 1 Base Dia : 59.20 (in) Topographic Category : 1 Top Dia : 25.22 (in) Base Elev : 0.000 (ft) Shape : 16 Sides ' X Taper : 0.183078 (in /ft) Copyright © 2007©2011 by A mericar, Tower Corporation. All rights reserved. z '` Shaft Section Properties Bottom Top Slip Sect Length Thick Fy Joint Joint Weight Dia Bev Area Ix W/t D/t Dia Elev Area Ix W/t D/t Taper Info (ft) (in) (ksi) Type Len (in) (lb) (in) (ft) (sqin) (in ^4) Ratio Ratio (in) (ft) (sqin) (inA4) Ratio Ratio (in /ft) 1 -16 52.000 0.4375 65 0.00 13,336 59.20 0.00 82.01 35775.4 25.32 135.31 49.68 52.00 68.72 21052.4 21.00 113.55 0.183078 2 -16 36.000 0.3750 65 Slip 87.00 7,047 51.75 44.75 61.47 20501.0 25.86 138.02 45.16 80.75 53.58 13580.7 22.37 120.44 0.183078 3 -16 35.917 0.3438 65 Slip 80.00 5,822 47.07 74.08 51.24 14136.9 25.65 136.94 40.49 110.00 44.03 8969.5 21.84 117.81 0.183078 4 -16 52.917 0.2813 65 Slip 73.00 5,985 42.17 103.92 37.59 8333.9 28.24 149.96 32.48 156.83 28.89 3786.2 21.38 115.51 0.183078 5 -16 47.167 0.2188 65 Slip 61.00 3,284 33.85 151.75 23.47 3354.9 29.19 154.77 25.22 198.92 17.45 1377.6 21.34 115.29 0.183078 Shaft Weight 35,474 Discrete Appurtenance Properties Attach No Ice Ice Distance Vert Elev Weight CaAa CaAa Weight GaAa CaAa From Face Ecc (ft) Description Qty (Ib) (sf) Factor (Ib) (sf) Factor (ft) (ft) 198.00 60" x 12" Panel 9 30.00 7.000 0.75 270.06 8.165 0.75 0.000 0.000 198.00 Low Profile Platform 1 1500.00 21.700 1.00 2,390.00 48.073 1.00 0.000 0.000 186.00 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 6 9.90 0.700 0.50 46.40 1.110 0.50 0.000 0.000 186.00 72" x 12" Panel 6 45.00 8.400 0.75 325.24 9.942 0.75 0.000 0.000 186.00 Low Profile Platform 1 1500.00 21.700 1.00 2,384.45 47.909 1.00 0.000 0.000 175.00 Flat Low Profile Platform 1 1500.00 26.100 1.00 2,379.07 52.004 1.00 0.000 0.000 175.00 Kathrein 800 10122 6 59.50 7.610 0.82 325.50 9.410 0.82 0.000 0.000 175.00 Kathrein 860 10025 12 1.20 0.180 0.50 19.16 0.490 0.50 0.000 0.000 175.00 Powerwave TT19- 08BP111- 6 16.00 0.640 0.50 59.24 1.043 0.50 0.000 0.000 145.00 Side Arms 1 150.00 6.300 1.00 247.40 9.573 1.00 0.000 0.000 145.00 Telewave ANT150F2 1 13.00 1.230 1.00 107.58 2.710 1.00 0.000 2.500 142.00 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X 3 15.00 4.770 0.88 190.07 6.460 0.88 0.000 0.000 142.00 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF 3 9.90 5.160 0.76 180.85 6.011 0.76 0.000 0.000 142.00 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF 6 20.00 7.000 0.93 307.95 7.557 0.93 0.000 0.000 142.00 Low Profile Platform 1 1500.00 21.700 1.00 2,360.90 47.211 1.00 0.000 0.000 142.00 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L 6 3.10 0.370 0.50 24.31 0.695 0.50 0.000 0.000 135.00 RFS APXV18- 206517 3 26.40 5.170 0.80 196.62 6.834 0.80 0.000 0.000 120.00 Ericsson ML18.12 M HP 1 170.00 15.860 1.00 680.65 18.747 1.00 0.000 0.000 116.00 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP 1 90.00 3.960 1.00 261.45 5.469 1.00 0.000 0.000 114.00 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP 1 90.00 3.960 1.00 261.16 5.466 1.00 0.000 0.000 73.00 GPS 1 10.00 1.000 1.00 45.70 1.907 1.00 0.000 0.500 73.00 Stand -Off 1 200.00 3.500 1.00 633.05 8.047 1.00 0.000 0.000 Totals 77 8082.30 22,646.32 Number of Loadings : 22 Linear Appurtenance Properties Elev Elev Exposed From To Width Exposed (ft) tit) Description (in) To Wind 5.00 199.00 (9) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 186.00 (12) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 175.00 (12) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 145.00 (1) 7/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 142.00 (12) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 135.00 (6) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 120.00 (1) 1/2" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 116.00 (1) 3/8" Coax 0.00 N 5.00 114.00 (1) 3 /8" Coax 0.00 N p Load Case : 1.2D + 1.6W Max Ratio 81.72% at 0.0ft f.00 4 .u2 195.000 - - ` v118 . 1.Od 1 80.000 0.19 a 175.000 0.26 0.33 r 165 000 0.39 _ 0.33 ■'1. 156:$39 1�.�6 r 151.751 - 0.41 } 056 u 69 116.000 I .103 - lJh4 a '10.67 .__. s de,,.__ ? 0.r3 .,_i .._ °_��__--- 069 0.75 60.750 - f- - - 1 . 0.72 , :- 75.000 - � � f t __;- b76 � 0.78 60.000 -- , -- - - -w- - - - _ :- - - -; b.a0 - __- r _... - -, f , , , 0 .69 ' .V , 50.000 ____ - _ ____"-- -- __I- ' L1.70 - - ---_- 072 40.000- -.;_m ____,. -_ ___..._ ;v d -73 - I d 74 -. - 0.76 25,000- �gm a s_a_4f =d.77 0.7$ 15.000 - - d .79 0.81 5.00�i - Ci.,S2 ' - 1 = 1 -t ,, I 1 1.00 0.02 0.12 0.22 032 0.42 0.52 0.62 0.72 0.82 0.02 ,.q. interaction Reactions Moment Shear Axial Load Case (Kip -ft) (Kips) (Kips) 1.2D+ 1.6W 5296.18 40.60 60.55 0.9D + 1.6W 5222.35 40.57 45.39 1.2D+ 1.0Di + 1.0Wi 1032.59 7.55 98.13 _1.0D+ 1.0W 1310.97 10.12 50.51 Dish Deflections Attach Deflection Rotation Load Case Elev (ft) (in) (deg) 19V-11'198.4. [I 0 0 ' .4. 1.0D+ 1.0W 114.00 14.784 1.268 1.0D+ 1.0W 116.00 15.321 1.294 I] 1.0D+ 1.0W 120.00 16.426 1.343 10h'-0" 1; S' 0" 47-2" 7132" Thick (65 KSI) 156-10" 61" 151'-9" 145'-0" 14Z-0" I [I I 1:15-0" I 52-11" 9132" Thick c:1 (65 KSI) • 120' -0" 114 0" 114' -0" 110' -0" 1 r 73" 103'-11" 193' -11" 35-11" 11/32" Thick (65 KSI) 80'-9" 73' -0" 80" 74' -1" 1 36-0" 3/8" Thick ' ` Y (65 KSI) 52-0" 87" 44'-9" .p 52-0" 7/16" Thick (65 KSI) 0'0" . l i ' 0 Job Information Pole : 15035 Code: ANSI/TIA -222 Rev G Description : 199' Valmont Monopole Struct Class : II Client : Verizon Exposure : C Location : Northampton Landfill MA, MA Topo : 1 Shape : 16 Sides Base Elev (ft): 0.00 Copyright 0 20070112011 by American Tower Corporation. All rights reserved 4 Height: 198.92 (ft) Taper: 0.183078(in /ft) Sections Properties Diameter (in) Overlap Steel 196 - 11 '198'4' 111 ■ fl r' Shaft Length Accross Flats Thick Joint Length Taper Grade I ID Section (n) Top Bottom (m) Type (in) (in /ft) (ksi) 1 52.000 49.68 59.20 0.438 0.000 0.183078 65 135'_0" 2 36.000 45.16 51.75 0.375 Slip Joint 87.000 0.183078 65 3 35.917 40.49 47.07 0.344 Slip Joint 80.000 0.183078 65 4 52.917 32.48 42.17 0.281 Slip Joint 73.000 0.183078 65 175' -0" C 2" 5 47.167 25.22 33.85 0.219 Slip Joint 61.000 0.183078 65 L 7132" Thick (65 KSI) Discrete Appurtenance Attach Force 156' - 10" ., Bev (ft) Bev (ft) Qty Description -- - r 198.000 198.000 1 Low Profile Platform hi" 198.000 198.000 9 60" x 12" Panel 151' - 145 0„ .6, 186.000 186.000 6 6.7" x 10.7" TTA 142' -0" 0 I 186.000 186.000 1 Low Profile Platform 186.000 186.000 6 72" x 12" Panel 135' - 175.000 175.000 1 Flat Low Profile Platform 175.000 175.000 12 Kathre in 860 10025 52' 11" 175.000 175.000 6 Kathrein 800 10122 9132" Thick 175.000 175.000 6 Powerwave TT19- 08BP111 -001 (65 KSI) 145.0 145.0 1 Side Arms 120. 145.000 147. 1 Telewave ANT150F2 114' -0" 142.000 142.000 3 Ante! BXA- 70063/4CF 110' -0" 1 142.000 142.000 3 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X 142.000 142.000 6 RFS FD9R6004/2C -3L 142.000 142.000 1 Low Profile Platform 7.3,E 142.000 142.000 6 Antel LPA- 80063 /4CF 103' 198. 135.000 135.000 3 RFAPXVI8- 206517 120.000 120.000 1 Ericsson ML18.12 M HP 35' 11" 116.000 116.000 1 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP 11/32" Thick. 114.000 114.000 1 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP (65 KSI) 73.000 73.000 1 Stand -Off -" 80' -9" Y 71 3.000 711334.525..00000000 3.500 136 GPS 73' - 0" so» Linear Appurtenance 74 - ¢ Bev (ft) Exposed 36' - From To Description To Wind 318" Thick 5.000 73.000 1/2" Coax No __ t_ i (65 KSI) 5.000 114.0 3/8" Coax No 52 - 5.000 116.0 3!8" Coax No 5.000 120.0 1/2" Coax No 07 5.000 135.0 1 5/8" Coax No 44' - 9 ° 5.000 142.0 1 5 /8" Coax No 5.000 145.0 7/8" Coax No 52' - 5.000 175.0 1 5/8" Coax No I 7/16" Thick 5.000 186.0 1 5/8" Coax No (65 KSI) 5.000 199.0 1 5/8" Coax No Load Cases 1.2D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice 0.9D + 1.6W 95.00 mph with No Ice (Reduced DL) 0'0" 1.2D + 1.0Di + 1.0Wi 40.00 mph with 1.00 in Radial Ice I I 1.0D +1.0W 60.00 mph Serviceability Standard Conditions All engineering services are performed on the basis that the information used is current and correct. This information may consist of, but is not necessary limited, to: Information supplied by the client regarding the structure itself, the antenna and feed line loading on the structure and its components, or other relevant information. Information from drawings in the possession of American Tower Corporation, or generated by field inspections or measurements of the structure. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the information provided to ATC Engineering Services and used in the performance of our engineering services is correct and complete. In the absence of information to the contrary, we assume that all structures were constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and that their capacity has not significantly changed from the "as new" condition. All services will be performed to the codes specified by the client, and we do not imply to meet any other codes or requirements unless explicitly agreed in writing. If wind and ice loads or other relevant parameters are to be different from the minimum values recommended by the codes, the client shall specify the exact requirement. In the absence of information to the contrary, all work will be performed in accordance with the latest relevant revision of ANSUEIA -222. All services are performed, results obtained, and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices. ATC Engineering Services is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions and recommendations made by others based on the information we supply. Eng. Number 48547721 February 22, 2012 Page 2 Results The maximum structure usage is: 82% Pole Reactions Current Analysis Reactions Moment (ft -kip) 5296.2 Axial (kips) 60.6 Shear (kips) 40.6 The structure base reactions resulting from this analysis were found to be acceptable through analysis based on geotechnical and foundation information, therefore no modification or reinforcement of the foundation will be required. These calculations are located after the software output within this analysis. Conclusion Based on the analysis results, the structure meets the requirements per the TIA -222 -G standard and the 2009 IBC / MSBC 8th Ed. The tower and foundation can support the existing and proposed antennas with the transmission line distribution as described in this report. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call 919- 466 -5527. Eng. Number 48547721 February 22, 2012 Page 1 Introduction The purpose of this report is to summarize results of the structural analysis performed on the 199 ft. Valmont Monopole located near the intersection of Westhampton Rd. and Glendale Rd., Florence, MA 01062, Hampshire County (ATC Site No. 15035). The tower was originally designed and manufactured by Valmont (Drawing No. DD0848Z, dated June 24, 2000). Analysis The tower was analyzed using Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc., Software. Basic Wind Speed: 95 mph (3- Second Gust) Radial Ice: 40 mph (3- Second Gust) w/ 1" ice Code: T1A -222 -G / 2009 IBC / Mass. State Building Code, 8th Ed. Antenna Loads The following antenna loads were used in the tower analysis. Existing Antennas Elev. (ft) Qty Antennas Mount Coax Carrier 199.0 9 60" x 12" Panels Low Profile Platform (9) 1 5/8" Sprint Nextel 186.0 6 6.7" x 10.7" TTA Low Profile Platform (12) 1 5/8" T- Mobile 6 72" x 12" Panel 6 Kathrein 800 10122 175.0 12 Kathrein 860 10025 Low Profile Platform (12) 1 5/8" AT &T Mobility 6 Powerwave TT 19 -08BP 111 -001 145.0 1 Telewave ANT150F2 Side Arm (1) 7/8" Town of Northampton 142.0 6 Antel LPA- 80063/4CF Low Profile Platform (6) 1 5/8" Verizon 135.0 3 RFS APXV 1 8- 2065 1 7 Flush (6) 1 5/8" Youghiogheny 120.0 1 Ericsson ML18.12 M HP (1) 1/2" 116.0 1 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP Flush (1) 3/8" AT &T Mobility 114.0 1 Ericsson ML180.6 MM HP (1) 3/8" 73.0 1 GPS Stand -Off (1) 1/2" Sprint Nextel Proposed Antennas Elev. (ft) Qty Antennas Mount Coax Carrier 3 Antel BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X 142.0 3 Antel BXA- 70063/4CF Low Profile Platform (6) 1 5/8" Verizon 6 RFS FD9R6004 /2C -3L Install proposed coax inside monopole. AMERICAN TOWER® C O R P O R A T I O N Structural Analysis Report Structure : 199 ft Valmont Monopole ATC Site Name : Northampton Landfill MA, MA ATC Site Number : 15035 Proposed Carrier : Verizon Carrier Site Name : Loudville MA Carrier Site Number : 138419 County : HAMPSHIRE Eng. Number : 48547721 Date : February 22, 2012 * Usage : 82% Portholes Required : No Result : Pass Submitted by: Worth L. Godwin III Project Engineer American Tower Engineering Services 400 Regency Forest Drive Cary, NC 27518 Phone: 919 -468 -0112 AMERICAN TOWER® C O R P O R A T I O N Structural Analysis Report Structure : 199 ft Valmont Monopole ATC Site Name : Northampton Landfill MA, MA ATC Site Number : 15035 Proposed Carrier : Verizon Carrier Site Name : Loudville MA Carrier Site Number : 138419 County : HAMPSHIRE Eng. Number : 48547721 Date : February 22, 2012 * Usage : 82% Portholes Required : No Result : Pass Submitted by ti rs ` Worth L. Godwin 111 Project Engineer St •VERSON �W '< 1 9 CIVIL r NO.46131 : S ox , * tots TOO Il ) e stroxat p, :' American Tower Engineering Services '� tt, 400 Regency Forest Drive Cary, NC 27518 Phone: 919 -468 -0112 Vertically Polarized Log Periodic 63° / 13.0 dBd 806 -960 MHz Mechanical specifications LPA- 80063/4CF _ Length 1205 mm 47.4 in When ordering replace `_" with connector type. Width 386 mm 15.2 in Radiation - pattern Depth 335 mm 13.2 in 5 F °7 � 5 - tA' Depth with z- bracket 375 mm 14.8 in _ „° .,°° -98 Weight 4) 9.1 kg 20 lbs ,3° t ;k , Wind Area Fore /Aft 0.47 m 5.0 ft . ` ` ' t ` ' s Wind Area Side 0.40 m 4.4 ft • 0 20 ,6° �, ,� � , � � i Max Wind Survivability >201 km /hr >125 mph ^° �� Wind Load @ 100 mph (161 km /hr) 18° 5 3 , „ . Fore /Aft 665 N 150 Ibf 10 '0 ' Side 577 N 130 Ibf '6�, � ' t;": "! - It!" : " 7 , 7 `' -',4: :',. - A; 471 ;: :,::”' . Antenna consisting of aluminum alloy with 130 50 , . 8 " 90 80 brass feedlines covered by a gray, UV safe 120 "° �oo 60 „ t . fiberglass radome. RoHS compliant. Horizontal # ,- S1 ? . • Mounting & Downtilting -, , Mounting hardware attaches to pipe diameter 14 ° 130 ° - 4 ° '�-' 050 -102 mm; 02.0 -4.0 in. If the lock -down -150 =3 ° r brace is used, the maximum diameter is -20 e � � .' � � 088.9 mm (3.5 in). ° 0 Mounting & Downtilt Bracket Kit 21699999 ,� � � 6° z° u 2 a ' �' s d ,50 3° - ,40 40 Electrical specifications 130 120 60 50 Featuring our Exclusive Frequency Range 806-960 MHz "° ' °° 9° "° 70 A• 3T Technology"' Impedance 50C) Vertical Antenna Design: Connector 3) NE or E -DIN gy Female 1 port / Center Radiation patterns for all antennas • True log- periodic design allows for are measured with the antenna VSWR 1 ) 5 1.4:1 mounted on a fiberglass pole. superior front -to -side characteristics to Polarization Vertical minimize sector overlap. Gain 1 ) 13.0 dBd Mounting on a metal pole will typi- • Unique feedline design eliminates the 15.0 dBi tally improve the front -to -back need for conventional solder joints in Power Rating 2) 500 W ratio. the signal path. Half Power Angle') • A non - collinear system with access to g every radiating element for broad band - Horizontal Beamwidth 63° width and superior performance. Vertical Beamwidth 15° • Air as insulation for virtually no internal Electrical downtilt 5) 0° signal loss. Null fill') 10% Lightning protection Direct ground Warranty: This antenna is under a five -year limited warranty for repair or replacement. 1) Typical values. 2) Power rating limited by connector only. 3) NE indicates an elongated N connector. E -DIN indicates an elongated DIN connector. 4) Antenna weight does not include brackets. 5) Add'I downtiits may be available. Check website for details. Improvements to mechanical and/or electrical performance of the antenna A �u ��� may be made without notice. M P Ante Inc. 1 of 1 815.399.0001 • antel @antelinc.com • www.antelinc.com ~A, <ar «6do9Yromoa, v ■ 1710 -2170 MHz BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X X -Pol I FET Panel 185° 1 16.4 dBi BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -2 BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -2 BXA - 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -2 P I k illiiiii°0 /, � t'lfillill°' ,r 2° I Vertical 1 1710 -1880 MHz 2` I Vertical 1 1850 -1990 MHz 2° I Vertical 1 1920 -2170 MHz BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -4 BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -4 BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -4 -0, 11&::::), c- 00 le .--- 4° I Vertical 1 1710 -1880 MHz 4° I Vertical l 1850 -1990 MHz 4° I Vertical l 1920 -2170 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme operational conditions and /or stress on structural supports is beyond our control. Such conditions may result in damage to this product. Improvements to product may be made without notice REV052611 www.amphenol- antennas.com 2 of 2 Vka 1710 -2170 MHz A BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X X �' X -Pol I FET Panel I 85° 1 16.4 dBi Electrical Characteristics 1710 -2170 MHz Frequency bands 1710 -1880 MHz 1850 -1990 MHz 1920 -2170 MHz Polarization ±45° ±45° ±45° Horizontal beamwidth 88° 85° 80° Vertical beamwidth 7° 7° 7° Gain 13.5 dBd / 15.6 dBi 13.9 dBd / 16.0 dBi 14.3 dBd / 16.4 dBi Electrical downtilt (X) 0. 2, 4 Impedance 500 VSWR 51.5:1 First upper sidelobe < -17 dB Front - to-back isolation > 30 dB In -band isolation > 28 dB IM3 (20W carrier) < -150 dBc Input power 300 W Lightning protection Direct Ground Connector(s) 2 Ports / EDIN / Female / Bottom Operating temperature -40° to +60 C / -40° to +140' F Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions Length x Width x Depth 1232 x 154 x 105 mm 48.5 x 6.1 x 4.1 in Depth with t- brackets 133 mm 5.2 in Weight without mounting brackets 4.8 kg 10.5 lbs Survival wind speed 296 km /hr 184 mph Wind area Front: 0.19 m Side: 0.14 m Front: 2.0 ft Side: 1.5 ft Wind load Q 161 km /hr (100 mph) Front: 281 N Side: 223 N Front: 631bf Side: 50 Ibf Mounting Options Part Number Fits Pipe Diameter Weight 2 -Point Mounting Bracket Kit 26799997 50 -102 mm 2.0 -4.0 in 2.3 kg 5 lbs I 2 -Point Mounting & Downtilt Bracket Kit 26799999 50 -102 mm 2.0 -4.0 in 3.6 kg 8 lbs Concealment Configurations For concealment configurations, order BXA- 171085- 8BF - EDIN -X -FP BXA- 171085- 8BF - EDIN -X BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -X BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -X ,.„, silr': a .,° < ,, ,,, Horizontal 1 1710 -1880 MHz Horizontal 1 1850 -1990 MHz Horizontal 1 1920 -2170 MHz BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -0 BXA- 171085 - 8BF - EDIN -0 BXA - 171085 -88F- EDIN -0 1/4m: , .r. , 1If 1 0 > 170 r , „ 4 , 4 , „ , , , . „ „. , .„ , 0° I Vertical I 1710 -1880 MHz 0° I Vertical 1 1850 -1990 MHz 0° I Vertical 1 1920 -2170 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions Extreme operational conditions and/or stress on structural supports is beyond our control. Such conditions may result in damage to this product. Improvements to product may be made without notice 1 of 2 www.amphenol- antennas.com REV052611 .. 696-900 MHz BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-X X-Pol I FET Panel I 63° I 13.0 dBd BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-6 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-8 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-9 ,., 6° I Vertical I 750 MHz 8° l Vertical I 750 MHz 9° 1 Vertical l 750 MHz 120 ■,, 1, E, -, , 0 ■ , , ul 6° I Vertical I 850 MHz 8° I Vertical I 850 MHz 9 I Vertical I 850 MHz BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-10 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-12 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-14 .., , ,00 eiD 0 , f=3 0 1,,II 10° I Vertical I 750 MHz 12' I Vertical I 750 MHz 14' I Vertical I 750 MHz ..0 10 .. . 20 P 10, Ii1, jib 41 10° I Vertical I 850 MHz 12° I Vertical I 850 MHz 14 I Vertical I 850 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions Extreme operational conditions and/or stress on structural supports is beyond our control Such conditions may result in damage to this product Improvements to product may be made without notice REV0310 www.amphenol-antennas.com 2 of 2 1 1,._ _ 3 696 -900 MHz f , BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -X X -Poi I FET Panel I 63° 1 13.0 dBd Electrical Characteristics 696 -900 MHz Frequency bands 696 -806 MHz 806 -900 MHz Polarization ±45° - Horizontal beamwidth 65° 63° Vertical beamwidth 17' 15° Gain 12.5 dBd (14.6 dBi) 13.0 dBd (15.1 dBi) x Electrical downtilt (X) 0, 2, 4. 5, 6, 8, 9. 10, 12, 14 Impedance 500 VSWR 51.35:1 , Upper sidelobe suppression (0 °) -16.3 dB -22.1 dB�; A ` Front - to-back ratio ( +/ -30 °) -36,1 dB -34.9 dB Null fill 5% ( -26.02 dB) ±1 V` Isolation between ports < -30 dB Input power 500 W �y Lightning protection Direct Ground °:-, ! i Connector(s) 2 Ports / EDIN or NE / Female / Center (Back) i.4 Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions Length x Width x Depth 1205 x 285 x 133 mm 47.4 x 11.2 x 5.2 in Depth with z- brackets 173 mm 6.8 in Weight without mounting brackets 4.5 kg 9.9 lbs Survival wind speed > 201 km /hr > 125 mph Wind area Front: 0.34 m Side, 0.16 m Front: 3.7 ft Side: 1.7 ft' Wind load @ 161 km /hr (100 mph) Front: 498 N Side: 260 N Front: 111 lbf Side: 55 lbf Mounting Options Part Number Fits Pipe Diameter Weight 2 -Point Mounting Bracket Kit 36210002 50 -160 mm 2.0 -6.3 in 4.5 kg 10 lbs 2 -Point Downtilt Bracket Kit (0 -20 °) 36114003 50 -160 mm 2.0 -6.3 in 4.9 kg 11 lbs Downtilt Mounting Applications A mounting bracket and downtilt bracket kit must be ordered for downtilt applications Concealment Configurations For concealment configurations, order BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -X -FP BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -X BXA- 70063 - 4CF - EDIN -0 BXA- 70063 - 4CF - EDIN -2 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-4 BXA-70063-4CF-EDIN-5 c rip Horizontal 1 750 MHz 0° I Vertical 1 750 MHz 2° I Vertical 1 750 MHz 4° I Vertical I 750 MHz 5° I Vertical I 750 MHz . ce : ; ) % Horizontal 1 850 MHz 0° I Vertical 1 850 MHz 2° I Vertical 1 850 MHz 4° I Vertical! 850 MHz 5° I Vertical 1 850 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions Extreme operational conditions and/or stress on structural supports is beyond our control Such conditions may result in damage to this product Improvements to product may be made without notice 1 of 2 www.amphenol- antennas.com REV0310 orje,(p Vertically Polarized, Log Periodic 80° / 16 dBi Mechanical specifications LPA- 185080/8CF 2° Length 1204 mm 47.4 in When ordering, replace = "with connector type. Width 104 mm 4.1 in Radiation - pattern' Depth 150 mm 5.9 in f - -' -,•` .. —I co °) Weight 3.2 kg 7.0 lbs _ ,,° ,°° 90 -80 -70 C -120 -60 ` } Wind Area 130 50 � W Front 0.125 m 1.35 ft 150 -30 • o Side 0.144 m 1.55 ft -160 -20 Rated Wind Velocity (Safety factor 2.0) �. _ 180 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 >658 km/hr >409 mph 170 10 Wind load © 100 mph (161 km /hr) 160 20 150\ 30 Front 202 N 45 lbs 14 '\ 7/ Side 211 N 47 lbs 130 20 50 _ � 1,0 � 100 gg 60 70 6 Antenna consisting of aluminum alloy with brass feedlines covered by a UV safe fiberglass radome. Horizontal Mounting & Downtilting: 100 9D -80 20 A -60 Wall mounted or pole tower mount with mounting 130 -5o 5 55. brackets. -140 -40 Mounting bracket kit #26799997 X6 1 5 % -30 '`: Downtilt bracket kit #26799999 The downtilt bracket kit includes the mounting -170 00 0 t .t., bracket kit. 170 10 160\ 20 Electrical specifications 150 40 4030_ Amphenol Antel's }.. Frequency Range 1850 -1990 MHz 130 50 Exclusive 3T (True 12C 0 00 90 90 70 60 Tran Line Impedance 5052 Technology) 3) Vertical Design: Antenna Connector NE, E -DIN 1) VSWR 51.4:1 • True log- periodic design allows for su- perior front -to -side characteristics to Polarization Vertical Radiation patterns for all antennas minimize sector overlap. 1) are measured with the antenna • Unique feedline design eliminates the Gain 16 dBi mounted on a fiberglass pole. need for conventional solder joints in 2) Power Rating 250 W the signal path. • A non - collinear system with access to 1) Half Power Angle Mounting on a metal pole will every radiating element for broad band- typically improve the Front -to- width and superior performance. H - Plane 80° Back Ratio. • Air as insulation for virtually no internal E -Plane 8° signal loss. 1) Lobe Tilt 2° Every Amphenol Antel antenna is under a five -year limited warranty for repair or re- 1) Null Fill 10% placement Lightning Protection Direct Ground Antenna available with center -fed connector only. 11 Typical Values 2 ' Power Rating limited by connector only. CF Denotes a Center -Fed "NE indicates an elongated N Connector. E -DIN indicates an elongated DIN Connector. Connector. 41 The antenna weight listed above does not include the Amp bracket weight. Impremmeata te meekaaleal aa,/Kal.a kat pedenuanes of Me 1850-1990 MHz Antel, Inc. abeam maybe made Mama pieties. The Antenna Technology Company 1300 Capital Drive Rockford, IL 61109 Toll -Free (888) 417 -9562 Tel. (815) 399 -0001 Revision Date: /2/15/03 Fax. (815) 399 -0156 Email: antel @antelinc.com www.antelinc.com 00 9 4 1 ' ','; ? BETA ,;144,-'4 _ .._.. ._ .. +.' Ant. Freq. Func. Color Code Ant. Freq. Func. Color Code Ant. Freq. Func. Color Code Al -A 800 Txl /Rx0 RED A5-A 800 Tx2/Rx0 BLUE A9 -A 800 Tx3 /Rx0 GREEN Al -B 1900 Txl /Rx0 RED/ A5 -B 1900 Tx2 /Rx0 BLUE/ WHITE A9 -B 1900 Tx3 /Rx0 GREEN/WHITE WHITE A2 700 Txl /Rx0 RED/ A6 700 Tx2 /Rx0 BLUE/ ORANGE Al0 700 Tx3 /Rx0 GREEN /ORANGE ORANGE A3 700 Tx4 /Rx1 RED /RED/ A7 700 Tx5 /Rx1 BLUE /BLUE/ All 700 Tx6 /Rx1 GREEN /GREEN/ ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE A4 -B 1900 Tx4 /Rx1 RED /RED/ A8 -B 1900 Tx5 /Rx1 BLUE /BLUE/ Al2 -B 1900 Tx6 /Rx1 GREEN /GREEN/ WHITE WHITE WHITE A4 -A 800 Tx4 /Rx1 RED /RED A8-A 800 Tx5 /Rx1 BLUE /BLUE Al2 -A 800 Tx6 /Rx1 GREEN /GREEN 'aR ''.E GINEER rt. , . r RRMANAGER " q Prepared By: Dany Bustamante Steve Weatherbee DB 10/7/2011 Site Configuration 0° Al -A A2 A3 Al -B A4 -B A4 -A (111: CD Al2 -A CID A5-A Al2 -B A9-B — 270° All ® • A6 90° - A10 A7 • A5B A8-B A9 -AO CD North A8 -A 180° .---- 2' .. 4' . 4' 2' C D 12' .v ..''.'LOUDVJLLEMA , . a f ECP - CELL # LATI UD :if , t' . - .- ,.. R .f ' . 24 7;44t0 F, ; fit ' - ' r Additional Comments: LTE Phase 4 Add and associated ANTMO. Diplex .° '1 tr ® _ ._ ,' r '' ', % 4 Cellular with PCS. N x 700 Mhz - LTE ANTENNA ADD ALPHA BETA GAMMA EQUIPMENT TYPE eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB ANTENNA TYPE BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -0 BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -5 BXA- 70063 -4CF- EDIN -5 QTY OF ANTENNAS PER FACE 1 1 1 ORIENTATION (DEG) 30 180 270 DOWN TILT ( MECH /DEG) 0 0 2 RAD CTR (FT AGL) 142 142 142 TMA - QTY /MODEL DIPLEXER - QTY / MODEL 850 'menu e , -` urrentConfi , " -AL v a f''' • Y71',W713.,ETAtv ,E �: T h . 1 EQUIRME W °� Cellular Modcell 4.0B Cellular Modcell 4.0B Cellular Modcell 4.0B ANTENNA a , t' LPA- 80063 -4CF- EDIN -0 LPA- 80063 -4CF- EDIN -0 LPA- 80063 -4CF- EDIN -0 Q - 4OR"ANTEN - ., :ER tFAC ;; 2 2 2 ORIENTATi ` - 77 30 180 270 DOWNATiL ¢MECH/DEGA ; ,:= 3 3 2 7 ®`+I , I MAGI. i" v :.; 142 142 142 850 Celluar ' Future ' Config ALPHA I BETA! " r #., ,r ,, EQUIPMENT TYPE Cellular Modcell 4.0B Cellular Modcell 4.0B Cellular Modcell 4.0B ANTENNA TYPE.. -1 LPA- 80063 - 4CF - EDIN -0 LPA- 80063 - 4CF - EDIN -0 LPA QTY OF'`ANTENNAS PER FACE 2 2 2 ORIENTATION (DEG) 30 180 270 DOWN TILT (MECH /DEG') 3 3 2 RAD CTR (FT AGL)' '"" 142 142 142 TMA - QTY ; / MODEL DIPLEXER' QTY /'MODEL 2 FD9R6004 /2C -3L 2 FD9R6004 /2C -3L 2 FD9R6004/2C -3L DIIPLEXXWITH "LTE CABLE' 1901 I . ` - " . - ,S , , onfi .IMey 7. r - ■ - ;N = n ', ' T A ::;1 :, 1 ! 1 v . ,�.r_,,,1,: :� ' . PCS Modcell 4.0B PCS Modcell 4.0B PCS Modcell 4708 � ' '-"":" : " "„ LPA- 185080/8CF 2 LPA- 185080/8CF 2 LPA- 185080/8CF 2 E - TE=A 2 2 2 - " I , ,w lint T' 30 180 270 DO ` a - `T ;`, .,- r c 0 0 0 • . 17 .'',...... --,--1 142 142 142 1900 PCS. -I Future Config4, ALPHA BETA I MI h, . ,,u 11GAMMAy Viz,!' , It EQUIPMENT TYPE -11 rii' `'!' " PCS Modcell 4.0B PCS Modcell 4.0B PCS Modcell 4.0B ANTENNA TYPE L'Nf "'" i "' BXA- 171085 -8BF- EDIN -2 BXA 171085 - 88F - EDIN - BXA- 171085 -813F- EDIN -2 QTY' OF ANTENNAS..PERIiFACE 1 1 1 1 ORIENTATION.. (DEG)?1' 1 30 180 270 DOWN TILT CMECH/DEG 0 0 0 RAD CTRi 1 ' (FT AGL) '„ f: " 1 142 142 142 TMA - QTY / MODEL, T 1 DIPLEX WITH CELLULAR CABLE DIPLEX with Cellular Cabl . DIPLEX with Cellular Cable DIPLEX with Cellular Cable ..,. .. ,,' UMBER4O CABLE` NEEDED , III 717 :F R = E, R A,�" ,___ MAINLINE SIZE 1 5/8" TOTAL # OF MAINLINES 12 MAINLINE (FT) 190 JUMPER SIZE 1/2 " TOTAL # OF TOP JUMPERS 18 TOP JUMPER (FT) 12 12 + 12 + _ 6 4 I T FREQUENCIES "° ' , ' ,, . ,. w, a i #.�.. _ ., .._..; ., _ �. _ lifr, i . - - 70 Mh Cellular (Watts) 20 TX - 869 - 880,890 -891.5 MHz TX - 1970 -1975 / 2145 -21 TX - 746 -757 PCS (Watts 16 RX - 824 - 835,845 -846.5 MHz RX - 1890 -1895 / 1745 -1 RX - 776 -787 LTE (Watts) 40 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/13/20 ) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER C Diane Woj cik Coakley Pierpan Dolan & Collins Insurance /ainn . p (413) 664 -9366 mic. Nol: (413) 664 -4723 26 Union Street L INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # North Adams MA 01247 INSURER A Alterra Excess & Surplus INSURED INSURER B :Peerless Insurance Company Berkshire Wireless Corp. INSURERC National Union Fire Ins. Co. 480 Pleasant Street INSURERD: INSURER E : Lee MA 01238 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:11 -12 WC 12 -13 All REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR INSR WVn POLICY NUMBER IMM /DD/YYYY) (MM /DD/YYYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 50,000 A CLAIMS -MADE X OCCUR X X 14AXD13100004680 5/5/2012 5/5/2013 MED EXP(Anyoneperson) $ 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP /OP AGG_ $ 2,000,000 X I POLICY JF , LOC $ GE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ 1,000,000 B ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ALL OWNED X SCHEDULED x x BA8882620 5/5/2012 5/5/2013 BODILY INJURY (Peraccident) $ AUTOS AUTOS _ _ X HIRED AUTOS X NON -OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ _ AUTOS (Per accident) _ $ X UMBRELLA LIAB _ OCCUR X X EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 DED I X (RETENTION$ 5,00C .fAX013100004680 5/5/2012 5/5/2013 $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION X WC C1RYDMU I 10TH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 (Mandatory In NH EXCLUDED? N/A WC9931019 10/14/201110/14 /2012 ( mY ) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) Verizon Wireless -New England and all its subsidiaries and affiliates are included as additional insured to the above liability policies. Coverage is primary and non - contributory with any insurance or program of self insurance that may be maintained by Verizon. Supplier shall waive its rights of subrogation against Verizon for claims that may arise out of the services provided under this Agreement. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Verizon Wireless - New England 99 River Drive, 9th Floor East Hartford, CT 06108 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Diane Wojcik /DIAWOJ � i ACORD 25 (2010/05) © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. INS025mmnnsm Thn ACARr1 nmmu mn.4 Innn mrc rcnie4crorl n,mrlrc of ACr1Rr1 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts .. Department of Industrial Accidents _t Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street " M 'N= Boston, MA 02111 TTT r,��1 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/ Contractors /Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name ( Business /Organization/Individual): - . • -- — Address: 0 VI c' Ste* City /State /Zip: 0 k a Phone #: t'3 •may - °� �� Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project (required): 1..I am a employer with L-® 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I employees (full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub contractors 6. ❑ New construction listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling 2. El I am a sole proprietor or partner- ship and have no employees These sub - contractors have 8. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. ❑ Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance. required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions officers have exercised their 11. Plumbing repairs ❑ I am a homeowner doing all work g airs or additions p myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, § 1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.0 Other comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box #1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub - contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub - contractors have employees, they must provide their workers' comp. policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: O r n - �� r L �(l cp, Policy # or Self -ins. Lic. #: L �7 C_ �\ 0 \ Expiration Date: \ p - \I-N - c�\ Job Site Address: 170 Glendale Road /Landfill City /State /Zip: Northampton, MA Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and /or one -year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certi der the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: ,y CR, Date: 6 - Phone #: 3 - 2_4 - J A Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License # Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone #: %la<rachusctte i)cp:ntnecnl ul Pul►Iic •:i1<°ie Board of Buildintt Rctulalion% and Sl in lade Construction Supervisor License License: CS 71466 DENNIS W TEICHERT 39 VELMA AVE PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 - - -jam` Expiration 4/14/2013 ( +rrnnlir+iamrr Tr#- 13825 A LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION SITE NO: 15035 SITE NAME: NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL MA ADDRESS: Westhampton Rd. Florence, MA 01062 APN: I, Richard Rossi, VP of Contract Management of American Tower *, owner of the tower facility located at the address identified above (the "Tower Facility "), do hereby authorize BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE OF MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION, LTD. D /B /A/ VERIZON WIRELESS, its successors and assigns, ( "VERIZON WIRELESS ") and /or its agent, to act as American Tower's non - exclusive agent for the sole purpose of filing and consummating any land -use or building permit application(s) necessary to obtain approval of the applicable jurisdiction for VERIZON WIRELESS' installation of its antennas and related telecommunications equipment on the existing tower and Tower Facility. This installation shall not affect adjoining lands and will occur only within the area leased by American Tower. We understand that this application may be denied, modified or approved with conditions. The above authorization is limited to the acceptance by VERIZON WIRELESS only of conditions related to VERIZON WIRELESS's installation, provided that any such conditions of approval or modifications will be the sole responsibility of VERIZON WIRELESS. The above authorization does not permit VERIZON WIRELESS to modify or alter any existing permit(s) and /or zoning or land -use conditions or impose any additional conditions unrelated to VERIZON WIRELESS's installation of telecommunications equipment 'thout the prior written approval of American Tower. Signature: Print Name: Richard R s' • Contract Management imeric. Power NOTARY BLOCK Commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS County of Middlesex This instrument was acknowledged before me by Richard Rossi, VP of Contract Management of American Tower (Tower Facility owner), personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this1day of )1,1,c-1-2012. , NOTARY SEAL Notary Public My Commission Expires: jj e / / r * American Tow. -: • ' ht'r IANIAfi( 1@llaiNk can Towers LLC and any of its affiliates or Notary Public z subsidiaries. ` `1 CommonweaflhofMassachusetts w; My March 30.2018 tes -4 ''' '.' '` VARIAN A. KAZANDJIAN t � Notary Public ': � 0' v<) Commonwealth of Mash ./ My Commission Expires sacusetts � March 30, 2018 1 '' " -- -'- CASH ONLY IF ALL CheckLockTM'SECURITY FEATURES LISTED ON. BACK INDICATE NO TAMPERING OR COPYING - € I qi SHATZ, SCHWARTZ AND FENTIN, P.C. TD BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 8609 ' I OPERATING ACCOUNT #2 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 1441 MAIN STREET 53-7054/2113 II SPRINGFIELD, MA 01103 -1406 6/11/2012 m I I PAY TO THE ORDER of City of Northampton I $ *55.00 Fifty -Five and 00/ 100 * * * * * * * *,.,t * * * * * ** * * * * * * *. *.: *t * * * ** *:x * *.:f.* ** .********.** * * * * * * * *,t * * *:t. * * *t *.. * *. * * *.. < *. * ** *., DOLLARS `''° City of Northampton ' 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 -3191 j 0/1.--,----4-A NP building permit app VER005 001272 205 DMC ,' 000860911' I:2L1370545: 82406018020 Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. 8609 City of Northampton 6/11/2012 6200 • Client Disbursements building permit app VER005 001272 205 DMC 55.00 TD Bank Deborah's C building permit app VER005 001272 205 DMC 55.00 Version1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15, 2000 SECTION 10 STRUCTURAL PEER REVIEW (780 CMR 110.11) Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes 0 No 0 SECTION 11 - OWNER AUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT See attached Letter of Authorization 1, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date d /b /a Verizon Wireless Ellen W. Freyman on behalf of Bell Atlantic Mobile of Massachusetts Corporatio. Ltd . as Owner /Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. :Ellen W. Freyman Print ame (0 j / ►a Sig of Own: /Agent -y;� horized agent Date SECTION 12 - CONSTR ION SERVICES 10.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Berkshire Wireless Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder . ;Dennis Teichert CS 71466 License Number 480 Pleasant Street, Lee, MA 01238 in 04/14/2013 Address Expiration Date — L2.7----- (413) 441 -4837 Signature Telephone SECTION 13 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes 0 No 0 Version1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15, 2000 SECTION 9- PROFESSIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL PURSUANT TO 780 CMR 116 (CONTAINING MORE THAN 35,000 C.F. OF ENCLOSED SPACE) 9.1 Registered Architect: Not Applicable ❑ Name (Registrant): Registration Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9.2 Registered Professional Engineer(s): Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date 9.3 General Contractor _v ( �J�'..I.z s5 C- ° � ° Not Applicable ❑ Company Name: e " µ .'s ( e' - - Responsible In Charge of Construction 4 6 P(«s.....* sr r L e. v-. A .. Address (1 )", 4 1)- 217 -3 /1 Signature Telephone Version1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15, 2000 8. NORTHAMPTON ZONING Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg & paved parking) # of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume & Location) A. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW 0 YES Q IF YES, date issued: 06/22/2000 IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW Q YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page and /or Document # B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW a YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained Q , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES Q NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES O NO Q IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES © NO Q IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. Version1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15, 2000 SECTION 4- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PROJECTS LESS THAN 35,000 CUBIC FEET OF ENCLOSED SPACE Interior Alterations ❑ Existing Wall Signs ❑ Demolition ❑ Repairs ❑ Additions ❑ Accessory Building ❑ Exterior Alteration ❑ Existing Ground Sign ❑ New Signs ❑ Roofing ❑ Change of Use ❑ Other SI Brief Description Verizon Wireless is removing 6 antenna panels and replacing them with 6 upgraded antenna Of Proposed Work: panels, on an existing telecommunications tower. SECTION 5 - USE GROUP AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE USE GROUP (Check as applicable) CONSTRUCTION TYPE A Assembly A -1 ❑ A -2 El A-3 ❑ 1A I ❑ A-4 ❑ A -5 ❑ 1 B ❑ B Business ❑ 2A ❑ E Educational ❑ 2B I ❑ F Factory ❑ F -1 ❑ F -2 ❑ 2C ❑ H High Hazard ❑ 3A ❑ I Institutional ❑ I -1 ❑ 1 -2 ❑ 1 -3 ❑ 3B ❑ M Mercantile ❑ 4 ❑ R Residential ❑ R -1 ❑ R -2 ❑ R -3 ❑ 5A ❑ S Storage ❑ S -1 ❑ S -2 El 5B { ❑ U Utility ❑ Specify: M Mixed Use ❑ Specify: S Special Use 0 Specify: Cell Site COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF EXISTING BUILDING UNDERGOING RENOVATIONS, ADDITIONS AND /OR CHANGE IN USE Existing Use Group: Proposed Use Group: Existing Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): Proposed Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): SECTION 6 BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA BUILDING AREA EXISTING PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION OFFICE USE ONLY Floor Area per Floor (sf) 1st 1 st 2nd 2 nd 3rd 3 rd 4 4 Total Area (sf) Total Proposed New Construction (sf) Total Height (ft) Total Height ft 7. Water Supply (M.G.L. c. 40, § 54) 7.1 Flood Zone Information: 7.3 Sewage Disposal System: Public ❑ Private ❑ Zone Outside Flood ZoneD Municipal ❑ On site disposal system ,, Version1.7 Commercial BuildinPermit May 15, 2000 Department use only r_.. City of Northampton Status of Permit ` \-- " ' uilding Department Curb Cut/Driveway Permit - ` 5 2012 212 Main Street Sewer /Septic Availability Room 100 Water/Well Availability No hampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans DEPT. aLT',n;' "413- 87 -1240 Fax 413- 587 -1272 Plot/Site Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE, CHANGE THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF, OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office 170 Glendale Road (Landfill), Northampton Map Lot unit Zone Overlay District Elm St. District CB District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: (Tower Owner) American Tower 0 10 Presidential Way, Woburn, MA 0 Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature See attached lette Telephone 2.2 Authorized Agent: Bell Atlantic Mobile of Massachusetts Corporation, Ltd. d/b /a Verizon Wireless 0 99 East River Drive, East Hartford, CT 06108 0 Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: (413) 737-1131 Signature by: Telephone at.thorizcd agent SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building 8000 d e (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from (6) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) l' 0 v0 ` s Check Number 16 0 4557 C' This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number Date Issued Signature: Building Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings Date Cr File # BP- 2012 -1125 APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON BERKSHIRE WIRELESS ADDRESS/PHONE 480 PLEASANT ST LEE (413) 441 -4837 PROPERTY LOCATION 170 GLENDALE RD MAP 42 PARCEL 089 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out 5- k.) Fee Paid r Typeof Construction: VERIZON - UPGRADE 6 PANELS New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 71466 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ION PRESENTED: pproved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management _ml; , . 0 , 7 .L.L& Sig trPr Building O' ici.' " Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. 170 GLENDALE RD BP- 2012 -1125 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 42 - 089 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: PANEL BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2012 -1125 Project # JS- 2012- 001924 Est. Cost: $8000.00 Fee: $55.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: BERKSHIRE WIRELESS 71466 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 2265120.00 Owner: NORTHAMPTON CITY OF LEACHATE TREATMENT FACILITY Zoning: Applicant: BERKSHIRE WIRELESS AT: 170 GLENDALE RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 480 PLEASANT ST (413) 441 -4837 WC LEEMA01238 ISSUED ON:6/21/2012 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:VERIZON - UPGRADE 6 PANELS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/21/2012 0:00:00 $55.00 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Louis Hasbrouck — Building Commissioner