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• s 3/4" CAP f1' STRUCTURAL NOTES GENERAL 1. All Structural Work shall conform to the International Residential Code, 2009 and the Massachusetts Amendments, 8th Edition. 2. The Structural Drawing is based on information shown on the Architectural Drawings. The Contractor shall coordinate all dimensions, elevations, and details with the Architectural Drawings. If discrepancies or other field conditions are discovered the Architect shall be TYPICAL notified prior to the continuation of construction. 3. Design Criteria: ror Floor Live Load: 40 psf Wi d Speed: Load: 90 40 mph % "x4 "SHEARit STL w/ Three 3/4" $ A325 —SC 1 TR All st steel work shall conform to the latest editions of the AISC Code of Standard Practice . Manual of Steel Construction, ASD. • 2. Wide flange, "tee" and channel shapes: ASTM A992, Grade 50, or equal. l-----------%"%FIBTTED 3. Other shapes, plates and anchor rod stock: ASTM A36 REMOVE BOTT. ft. BACKER BAR 4. Standard bolts: ASTM A307 t REINFORCE WELD ROOT PASS 5. High— strength bolts: ASTM A325. Tension control (TC) bolts shill be used in all connections. 6. Provide shop primer and field paint on all areas of steel which are to be embedded in concrete. 7. Welding electrodes shall be E7CXX. All welding shall be performed by certified welders. STIFFENER 8. Epoxy anchors shall be HILTI HIT HY150 or equal. Follow all instructions according to the manufacturer. 17' EAM —TYP. 9. Grout shdl be non — metallic, non— shrink, conforming to ASTM C1107. ® Moment Connection Detail SCALE: % Inch -1 foot 2x6 NAILER It BOLTED TO BEAM TOP "y 3h" $ BOLTS 0 24" % — STAGGER T. 0. it 3" + ANCHOR ROD ONE E/ COLUMN 1 W 12 x 35 0 1s it SET "y EPDXY ADHESIVE HILTI HIT HY150 OR EQ.) 4 8" MIN. FULL — PENETRATION FIELD — WELDED MOMENT CONNECTION — SEE DETAIL — TYPICAL 1 % , «u.: 34" BASE f1' — MATCH COLUMN SIZE - N N M x EX'G FOUNDATION WALL I.1 !. 'ol 3 3 II :3/47MIN:UNDTHIA GROUT PAD (\ID/ . "y CKNESS BASE l EPO XY ANCHOR RODS — SEE DETAIL — TYP. TION WALL T. 0. Conc. Foundation 17-0" MAXIMUM ® Base It Detail ® Frame Elevation SCALE: %Ydl_1foot yE;Kr,d,_1foot . DiPASQUALE / McGRATH RES'D Structural Steel Portal Frame RYAN S. HELLWIG, PE 55 WOODLAWN AVENUE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NORTHAMPTON MA 28 A L D R I C H STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 RICE YUN ARCHITECTS April 18 2011 Scale: As Noted Phone: 413 584 HLWG (4594) ABBREVIATIONS 0 BUILT —UP END STUDS B. = bottom SEE ELEVATION (TYP) t = centerline ' I,1 CONC. = concrete HOLDOWN — SEE + = diameter ELEVATION (TYP) 111", �, 4 = = each face ►_�' ∎' each side :ii; if _ �� FLOOR JOIST IN PLANE = far y OF SHEAR WALL F. = floor, flange Gypsum Board Shear Wall H., HOR. = horizontd 7 (2) 2x4 % = inside face MIN. = minimum 111M THROUGH BOLT W / NUT ° = on center lir 4. WASHERS — $ TO • = outside face III MATCH HOLDOWN P.T. = pressure— treated - -- IQ =plate , I DU2 —SDS T. = top SOLID BLOCKING GLUED ; _ Fm TYP = typical 4 SCREWED TO JOIST _ V., VERT. = vertical T — VZF. = verify in field HOLDOWN DETAIL WEN NOTES - Ill 1 1) Refer to Architecturd Drawings for Shear Wall locations and nailing schedules Ii — Plywood Shear Wall 2) Refer to "Structural Steel Portd Frame" drawing for Generd Structural Notes \ 7 (3) 2x4 % J 3) All concrete shill meet or exceed the following requirements: 28—day compressive strength f, = 2500 psi, minimum 4) Dimension lumber studs of 2 inch nominal thickness shall be Spruce— Pine —Fir #1/ #2 per the National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) and shall have the following minimum design values : _ E = 1,400,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity HDQB —SDS F, = 875 psi Bending Stress .� 5) Dimension lumber posts of 4 inch nominal thickness shill be Southern Pine #1 lI,��.__ �� p the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) and shill have the following !' minimum design values: 1 E = 1,700,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity 1 F, = 1850 Bendng Stress L 4x4 P.T. 6) All lumber in contact with the ground, or concrete or masonry shall be preservatively / PBS44A pressure—treated, to the requirements of the American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA). 7) WdI sheathing panels to conform to APA Voluntary Product Standard PS1 for Construction and Industrial Plywood. Panels to be classified with Exterior Durability Exposure, and 10" x 24" x 24" to be made w/ waterproof glues; Veneer grade to be C or better. Panels conforming to Footing 1 APA Voluntary Product Standard PS2 for Wood —Based Structural Use Panels with Approval. 8) All holdowns and post bases to be manufactured by the Simpson Strong —Tie Company, Inc. — 9) Gypsum wallboard panels to comply with Mass. Code R702.3 ELEVATION DiPASQUALE / McGRATH RES'D Interior Shear Wall RYAN S. HELLWIG, PE 55 WOODLAWN AVENUE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NORTHAMPTON, MA 28 ALDRICH STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 RICE YUN ARCHITECTS April 19, 2011 Scale: NONE Phone: 413 584 HLWG (4594) • it I 0 1 , I" RIGID INSULATION 1 I 6 tr sg kiaJ4-6.,4.,,e , r i 1/2' PLYWD SEATING MO p.p......- - -Ji /11111111 ...., 1 2X6 STUD 5/8' GYP OW V) 0 , 1 ........-., u 8 'Tzolumme.....~M I IN < ■ 1111 I 3/ X 1 1/2' POPLAR FOR PAINT — x ii scfirico g , 1■) PORCH i • i4! •-■ i" ,.., ROCC 1 1 I 11 I ii FACE OF WAL. FRAM,NC ISCR PORCH I 0 I t O A A .....4 CONC. CS-PF - Sec ■ 4X4 BUILT UP cos; c. R602 10.4.1 1 ce < L 1 - I- 8 W." I Jr- Z Z e _ . it 1 - iliffiWV n I ' LI ) ci, \ /)\ 1 , i i ,,,,i4,_., li \ , t 1 w > 2 , ; / < 2 . 1 .5. I 1 PATIO u E ,„/ CONC. \ t ,......„,/, , , ? j . ...0 ,, , , § I..] ce a , 'GREEN ROOF 7 1 . ' ' • , 1 : g ■ I — : 1E11 Mk WD VENEER W/HRDWD ilk Gypsum Board , M11/ EDGE; OPEN BELOW ‘17 • Sh Wall 0 TYP CORNER WIN JAMB DTL , , KEA CABS enevr a OXNER 1 %.,„ FLUSH FRA BEAM Siructtual Steel , ) ear rIALL BELOW , " ,--. , 1-- -- ....,- s. -.1,--. _ _ Rigid Frain2 ---- ■ (-- ---`, t 1 ik Exterior Plywood 1 MIMI -10. 3066 N:. I 0.=r -.. Au "' ' T E.O. EtTt I WELDED SR. ERNIE SPTUTIANG VANDOWS- , 0 1 PZi 41 . , m ar D, , Flom 1 TO BE ENGINEERED i WD 1 Shear Wall -. Z U111.4111 • ' • 1 Nfir.1 9._ _ -.. l il 11221 lgreHEN1 (;) CI AP ,drirtai , . 13.-8. ‘T ww° WOOD i IBEORM 21 V k'T 7 ...- / 11 UP 1 ,,Z-10" F - 1 4 . mum Appi,, —o. RNLING 210 i .-. 1 , (1) A T ,---, . I l II V - OA 4 L ,,, w.15 ,--- I x --1 T y .,1___, - -----pq-- , ,© I 1 i 7 2 iNGI WOOD 221. 1r. 1 1 :;1121 . , — ,.., .. _,, . .„ --___ E ' L - -N ' 1 1 L : - 0 , h,., 4-1 : I , , i.p4 (5)sHELVESIEri --, z ce o . ,- , i i ' i n ' ., ..,,,31. Arts }.....-- No , , I 2i 0 70 , 00 - 1 ,r • I 0 lb, . , , -I 1 ••=3/ - , f -t i § -'' :: i 1 t ■ .4 ' 'llirj ; 'El ,' riXill i FOR P0T L' , 1..., z 1 1[1 Y 11M A r '' ill I i 14 1 1 .4* i g _ , b. ,_ i" L---,1 L ,_ g lb, I 161) 1 : PR 4x70 IKE UN ''' 4 " j ''' RAIWOR 7!LIGN t C 7 5 - -- 1 cLiLls FOR PHI Ef OvNE , i , Immom v ..." C , r,i, - ; FR,G . -7" —1 2 ,.. wil r 3. 1 ' ki I 2 " 7 " 5 - 510 - IlEn C RE 7 IrTE D D ° ' 11111:111n es., ; ... , I:: 1 CI m iu Z 0 z A.• 4 NEW STONE SLAB HEARTH 7,31-1 01 : mi Il /111 ,... fa , REFINISHED En < Z BASE BELOW 1 . 4 ' 184SS 7 1 t 40 SIM. ilj3 W .1 0 1 SOUND & VIEL , • I ' al NR SPA& $'s:ii. .1 w i 1 --+ . 6.' 1 .............. 1 ,t = 11211 . 7- t ---1---- 7 -, ..- 1 ' (VHELVES; Z X . ISOLATING , I . ' 1 P 0 IV RESILIENT BASE \ El 1 w •4 '01 , - -g. 1 ___,,, . i 0„ 1 I ' 1 -- 8 1 ,,, LAuc ::sro , ,2„, ,v [KEA wARDROBE 32 x 96WD , 1 L=1. FP - EXYG WALL LU < ,';,' , -• 1 -' 1 By Ove.ER -, .■,.--- . I.- _L_.„ f I Lv.w_N u, 3246 WO f -..I WOOD ' POCKET I g . J E 1 ImuoRoolif < 103 1 ,_ ( --- i 0. ti _ HoOKS ell IKEA cAB . - 1 I e , C , ..1-- 1 3246 •1 !; 0 \ \,i- ' I WOOD '' c • 0.E., I WELDED STL FRAME SPANNING WINDOWS- . FLUSH FRAMED W/TRust " t_r 1, < ■••■ ,_,_.. 17 '"'E ' G „„ DN 1 TO BE ENGNEERED I BEAM ABV O- f - . RAWCR r --------- 1 1._ 1 , T=E - ...o ...._.....__ D j! ..... ...... ._____ ..1.1111111 ; I NNI, —1--------1— : L , -1 1 , . . ■-■ 0 `.....1 ..• 4'-6 , ,;, 16 ' I 14'-lOr I 8 \ - 7-1 a0 L f 1, 111 — 1=1 1 I I 1 ..-- FLUSH FRAMED Ei"--' „— „ IsRu'l , WD SILL N40 TRIM 1 11 I I I I I o j , BEAM MN ti. WOOD lilt Aitalb■ ' 1 , J I I , .-- t-1,__ J- ON t ■ Exterior Plywood !GARAGE 1 1 '. s._ ilk Shear Wall larG SLAB Vir PATCHED 0 Structural Steel z ® PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN 0 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 0 1=606601rehliMMOtl.M.,, 1/4.,1,0" RIgid Frame //4. - r-o. t ot IRCOF 1 CI Z CI) .7 4 1 5 L VI Z Gypsum Board Shear Wall ce ce 5 ..., ......•••=,. it 0 1 /2" GB ES w/ #6 screws (0 6" o 0 eL 0 0 N-- s ii-FAg_ uurg- LI, LU Li- Z tf) < 0 r O. PFG - See 1:--0 C O'C 0 ( ° ce R602 10 3 4 - cl. '4 -- 11 1 t DATE DRAWN: yw 04-06-11 MIIIIMIIIIII■ Exterior Plood Shear Wall 9.0. DOOR REVISED: 12" PW 1S w/ 6d @ 6" o/c _. 1,_ BEIM 1111111••• 55 Structural 11(1 Ft;,inie ?E' W4111. si■ewrommi „ dei„,i,,, A2