2011-10-18 TPC MinutesTransportation and Parking Commission
City of Northampton
210 Main Street, Room 18,
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 587 -1210
www.northamptonma.gov / tpc
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
City Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building
4:03 p.m. — 6:07 p.m.
Members Present: Maureen Carney, Russell Sienkiewicz, Debin Bruce, Leslie Stein, James
Lowenthal, Jesse Adams, Wayne Feiden, Ned Huntley, William Letendre, Gary Hartwell
Members Absent: Paul Sustick
Others Present: Laura Hanson, DPW
Meeting called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Chair, Maureen Carney. Quorum met.
1. Public Comment
a. Suzanne Smith - 134 State Street
Supports parking change on Bright Street, but hopes it really pertains to a
change on State Street at Bright Street; cited danger of turning blindly onto
State Street from Bright Street while cars are parked on State; reported
anecdotally that responding officer to 10/4 accident acknowledged near - misses
at that intersection in the past; proposed moving no- parking signs on
northbound side of State to widen no- parking areas from the intersection to
improve visibility;
b. Charlene Sagrodnic — 167 Riverside Drive
• Addressed the speed hump at her home address; spoke with Ms. Hanson (DPW)
about it and who informed her the hump is temporary; said she was concerned
about the emissions of vehicles, or the sound of brakes by large trucks, that line
up to drive over the hump, and that there is no other adjoining speed hump in
the vicinity renders the existing hump as purposeless in that it doesn't
effectively slow traffic at the intersection of Federal St. & Riverside Drive;
• Chair Carney said the issue of speed humps on Riverside and other streets was
on this meeting's agenda under DPW updates.
c. Jackie Mesa — 95 West Street
• Read into the record a letter written to the Chair from Maureen Kiely and
Thomas Kelley, both of 29 Henshaw Avenue, requesting parking prohibition on
Henshaw between 17 and 37 and to make it residents -only with wider clearance
areas outside the residences; also to re- regulate parking in front of Ziskind
House (Smith College) to bring it in compliance with the rest of the street;
Chair Carney suggests Ms. Kiely bring matter to the attention to the Ward 2
Councilor; requested minutes reflect to put this item on the November Agenda;
Ref. — Letter to Chair by Kiely and Kelley, dated 10/14/11
d. Alex Geaslin — 164 Riverside Drive
Observed that speed humps on Riverside are not reducing overall traffic speed
while exacerbating environmental concerns, specifically the energy expended
by large vehicles coming to a grinding halt and then starting up again; 18-
wheelers gears & exhaust, etc; summarized that the speed humps are not very
Paula Sakey — 32 Deer Place
• Had spoken earlier with Chair Carney and Ms. Hanson re: the intersection of
Finn & Prospect Streets, which she described as "particularly troublesome ";
said there are currently no traffic - calming measures; advocating for pedestrian
crosswalks; secondarily expressed concern of the snow piles impede visibility
for drivers with respect to pedestrians; said painted lines are "dull," and hoped
for new traffic signs by Spring.
f. Peter McLain — 298 Riverside Drive
Expressed appreciation to the Commission for addressing traffic calming
measures three years ago; said he understands previous references against the
speed humps but said he likes them being there; expressed support for the group
seeking more safety measures at the high school as they would have an
extended impact on Riverside;
Chair Carney instructed that further public comment with respect to the TCRs
on this meeting's agenda can be addressed respective to when they're up for
g. Marian Geller — 22 Lincoln Avenue
• Expressed concern with trucks off 91 going to Coca Cola in as they're high -
volume and there are a lot of young children on the street; also the speed limit
ought be reduced from 30 mph to 20 -25.
h. Ref: eMail from Ms. Smith to Pamela Schwartz, dated 10/5; replied to 10/7;
i. Ref eMail from Chair Carney to Paul Sakey, et al., dated 10 /11 /11;
j. Ref email from Deborah Carlin to David A. Murphy, Subj. Riverside Drive Speed
Humps, dated 9/14/11;
2. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of September 20, 2011
• Ms. Stein requested clarification of the Public Transportation Plan: Have we
approved it, [Mr. Feiden], or are we waiting for it to go to committee? When is
it final? When can we share?
• Mr. Feiden said it was approved by this committee but he doesn't know as to
the Board of Public Works;
• Mr. Huntley said it has been distributed to board members and the Commission
was awaiting their comments, and they're meeting next week (10/25);
• Chair Carney noted the Minutes state that after the Commission's consideration,
the plan be brought before the Planning Board and to the Board of Public
Works; said there is no correction.
MOTION, Mr. Feiden, to Approve Minutes; Seconded, Mr. Adams; Motion carried.
3. TCR - Northampton High School
a. Wendy Bernstein, PTO
• She thanked the Commission for the neon yellow crossing signs as they're
helpful and make the crosswalk more visible; said they met with Nancy Athos
about crosswalk safety issues and parking spot parallel to Childs Park (east side
of the crosswalk) specific to its rendering of low visibility pedestrians walking
out on North Elm Street until they're already in the road; entreated the
Commission to look into how to make the crosswalks even safer for pedestrians;
thanked Chief Sienkiewicz for having officers in the area;
• Ref. Orange handouts made by Monica for open house (Chief Sienkiewicz said
he likes it); she also made an announcement that will be sent out to 700 of the
families, alerting them what they can do to raise awareness on safety issues;
b. Ref. TCR- NHS.pdf (1 page)
• Mr. Letendre said that if the Board wants him to write an Ordinance, he'll do
• Chair Carney asked what options the community has if parking exceeds one
hour; Mr. Letendre instructed the priority is still "down town" and that
enforcement is limited, although they've written lots of tickets up there; Chair
Carney emphasized citizens can "witness" violations and can file complaints
accordingly online whereupon follow -ups by the police can follow;
• Ms. Bruce concurred saying that also provides people with the sense they have a
• Chair Carney solicited the Commission to determine the next step on the matter;
• Mr. Lowenthal suggested asking the DPW to conduct the usual data - finding
phase, which he added is a good idea considering the Route 9/Elm Street area
has a high- volume accident rate, not to mention high pedestrian rate, and should
be put on the list of priorities;
• Mr. Huntley concurred with Mr. Lowenthal;
• At the Chair's suggestion Ms. Hanson said she would have to look at traffic
counters and report back;
• Chair Carney summarized the Commission was asking DPW to gather more
data, i.e., traffic counts and speeds from the east side of the high school; asked
for updated crash data from the police department; separated a second Motion to
have the Parking Director submit an Ordinance to eliminate the parking space
on the east side of the crosswalk; said after Motion carried that this TCR would
be kept on the Agenda as a DPW update whereupon a fuller discussion can be
taken from there.
• Ms. Bernstein suggested the discussion should include what community
resources can be included, as well as traffic flow inside the high school parking
• Chief Sienkiewicz pointed out that many of the measures suggested were
implemented a year ago, and asked if people are not abiding by it;
• Ms. Hanson said she would factor that into her equation with another site visit;
• Ms. Bernstein said she'd be happy to review the site observations conducted a
year ago;
• Mr. Letendre sought specificity of parking spot in question, i.e., in the direction
of going toward the hospital, is it before or after the crosswalk; Ms. Bernstein
indicated it to be right before the crosswalk and adjacent to Childs Park (east
MOTION, Mr. Lowenthal, to Move Forward on this TCR; Seconded, Mr. Huntley;
Motion carried.
MOTION, Ms. Bruce, to Ask Mr. Letendre to Sponsor an Ordinance to Remove the
Parking Spot on East Side of Crosswalk in Front of the High School; Seconded, Mr.
Adams; Motion carried.
4. TCR #15 -Massasoit Street
a. Laura Hanson, DPW
Conducted a preliminary analysis in lieu of a more formal engineering study;
said she put out two traffic counters; noted the speed limit is 30 mph and the
85"' percentile was in compliance in both directions, which indicates speeding as
not an issue; said she was curious as to volume and compared the 1250 vehicles
daily at the midpoint of Massasoit in 2007 vs. the 1400 in 2011, and 1900
vehicles near the Y; she summarized that speeding is not indicated on Massasoit
despite concerns conveyed by residents who want the speed limit reduced to 25
mph; she suggested she would look into the request upon approval by the TPC
and Mr. Huntley at DPW, and that it would include a study of Franklin Street,
parallel to Massasoit; pointed out to Ms. Knox that if the speed limit is reduced,
the 85t'' percentile in compliance would then be exceeding the speed limit;
b. Lou Knox
Asked why residents couldn't request a reduction of the speed limit to 25 mph;
was informed by the Chair that the state, and not the city, determines the speed
limit based on criteria of 85 percent of traffic speed as determining the speed;
was informed by Mr. Huntley that Route 66, after it was reconstructed, had
similar circumstances but where DPW did not pursue a traffic study for fear the
speed limit would be raised; was informed by Ms. Hanson as to traffic volume;
was informed by Chair that a letter was forthcoming;
Public Comment specific to Massasoit
• Eileen (unidentified) resident asked that if Franklin & Woodlawn got their
traffic reduced, why not Massasoit ?; dismissed the rationale for not reducing
speed limit, citing potential accidents waiting to happen;
• Justine Berkman, corner of Elm & Massasoit, inquired about radar alert signs
and whether drivers are responding accordingly; likened traffic patterns to "a
game of chicken "; said she was afraid every time she backed out of her
driveway; suggested enlisting the Y to alert drivers to be more respectful;
• Giordy Harold, 3 Massasoit Ave, said he has kids aged 2 & 5 and they walk
around the Y; said he was nearly "clipped" coming to this meeting; wants the
speed limit reduced to 20 mph;
• (unidentified), 103 Massasoit, suggested speed humps exist on Riverside, so
why not Massasoit; was informed by Chair that residents of Riverside would be
happy to move the speed humps, and why not to Massasoit;
d. Ref. Memo from Laura Hanson to Ned Huntley re: Massasoit Street Traffic Counts
(2007 & 2011), dated 10/12/11;
e. Ref. TCA #15 St_06212011.pdf (5 pages);
• Mr. Letendre emphasized this as having nothing to do with the 5t' Avenue
parking problem; Ms. Hanson replied that this was totally separate;
• Chair Carney indicated Ms. Knox's dual conflict of Massasoit being as "a
raceway" and having too many cars parked on the street (in and of itself a traffic
calming measure); said that consequently TPC should get the word out that
parked cars reduce speeding on the streets;
• Mr. Feiden said the Y expresses concern for too few parking spaces every
• Ms. Bruce said that even with the 85t' percentile being in compliance means one
in six cars are in fact speeding, which may be lending itself to the impression
that Massasoit is less safe;
• Ms. Hanson added that the 95 percentile indicated the speed was 34 mph,
illustrating that even though speeding occurs, it's not that much higher;
• Chair Carney reminded that to residents, 30 mph, even though the speed limit,
feels too fast; added that even so, it's not up to the city but to the state to reduce
the speed limit, and that state law says what the 85t' percentile is driving is what
determines the speed limit; asked Ms. Hanson to convey to Ms. Knox this
TCR's dispensation; concurred w/Ms. Hanson who suggested the conveyance
be better provided by the TPC;
• Mr. Huntley offered to draft the letter to Ms. Knox, to be signed by the Chair;
the Chair agreed;
• Mr. Feiden suggested the letter reflect no action as going forward unless the Y
goes forward with their plans for more parking; the Chair agreed;
• Mr. Lowenthal said there was legislation wending its way through the
Statehouse to allow for municipalities to set their own speed limits; emphasized
that it's not yet law;
• Chair Carney pointed out the state goes by quantitative data (traffic counts) vs.
qualitative data (anecdotal); suggested the state's rationale for maintaining a
higher speed limit is in fact counter - intuitive and that that may lend itself to why
the legislation is pending;
• Ms. Bruce inquired as to putting a stop sign at the intersection of Massasoit and
Elm; was informed by Mr. Huntley that that too is regulated;
• Mr. Lowenthal expressed the TPC wants what the residents want but that "we're
hogtied by what the State wants" and that resources are limited and there is a
numerical ranking system on priorities; #1 on the list is State Street and South
• Ms. Stein encouraged residents to put signs in their back car window saying
"I'm a Pace Car!" and make that a community effort; Chair Carney concurred
saying the City endorsed and supported the Pace Car Program;
• Mr. Huntley explained the City standard of painting crosswalks; Ms. Hanson
followed -up with the standard on providing traffic signs; Chief Sienkiewicz
pointed out that the City budget doesn't provide for repainting all the
crosswalks so they have to be prioritized;
• Chair Carney suggested revisiting the Massasoit TCR when the Y conducts its
annual review, uncertain as to whether that happens in the Fall or Winter;
• Mr. Lowenthal suggested residents encourage the Y to encourage their members
to Bike and Walk rather than Drive to exercise at the Y;
MOTION, Chief Sienkiewicz, to Take no Further Action; Seconded, Ms. Bruce; Motion
5. TCR #16 -Union Street
a. Owen Freeman - Daniels, Ward 3 Councilor
Spoke extemporaneously for Tim Van Epps, President of Sandri Sunoco, who
was not in attendance; summarized Union Street as a cut - through between
Bridge Street and Market Street, problematic as the Bridge Street School sits at
the end of it; related conversations from the School Committee about possibly
making it a one -way street; especially problematic when loading and unloading
children at the school;
b. Ref. Ltr to Whom It May Concern from Tim Van Epps, dated 9/9/11;
• Chair Carney summarized the concerns as being of speeding and congestion
(Mr. Freeman - Daniels concurred);
• Mr. Letendre said the speeding issue is the same as Massasoit, but that there is
congestion problems;
• Mr. Huntley said there was a presentation by Susan Wright at the Capital
Improvements Committee to analyze traffic congestion at the Bridge St. School;
said he was unclear on how or whether it was funded when the request came in
approximately two years ago;
• Ms. Stein said it has been on the docket for a while;
• Chair Carney noted Mr. Van Epps was not available to facilitate how to
MOTION, Chief Sienkiewicz, to Continue to Next Meeting; Seconded, Mr. Letendre;
Motion carried.
6. Truck Escape Routes
a. Owen Freeman - Daniels, Ward 3 Councilor
• Said there are two different truck escape routes: Lincoln Ave. to North Street
into the industrial park; 2nd by the bridge on Holly Street that takes you back
toward Damon Road; said there are two separate issues and hoped the TPC will
consider them both: Holly/Phillips/Pomeroy intersection; believed residents
from Lincoln Ave. would speak on their matter, but offered as his initial policy
suggestion to the TPC that they make the escape route not at Lincoln or Bates
but down by the Fairgrounds;
b. Fred Zimmock — 23 Pomeroy Terrace
• Was at the last meeting; said trucks that came down Bridge Street and couldn't
go under the Bridge could take a left on Hawley Street, another left on Phillips
Place and another left on Pomeroy Terrace; said 3 trucks turning from Phillips
to Pomeroy couldn't make the turn because of snow; suggested an alternative
route, i.e., Hancock, an easier turn;
• Ref. Photos provided;
Michele Squires — Lincoln Avenue
• Said drivers stop to ask them for directions because they don't trust their GPS
systems in that area;
d. Ref eMail to Chair Carney from Owen Freeman - Daniels Subj: TPC Sept 20, dated
10 /10 /11;
• Mr. Feiden departed at 4:59 p.m.;
• Ms. Stein asked for clarification that "escape" means escape from hitting the
• Chair Carney noted Councilor Freeman - Daniels departed; differentiated the
escape routes being 1) left on Hawley; and 2) right on Lincoln coming off I -91,
and then a left on Bates to Coca Cola;
• Mr. Lowenthal asked DPW about laser detectors report for over - height trucks
and if it will affect which escape route;
• Ms. Hanson said DPW is still working on design and a report is estimated due
in the Spring, but that it will reduce the number of trucks making a left off Exit
• Chief Sienkiewicz emphasized the initial goal is to reduce trucks taking a left
off Exit 19; said there is poor signage on Damon Road that needs to be
improved, and that TPC need not wait for the laser detectors to improve the
signage now to prevent left -hand turns; said GPS companies have been alerted
as to the difficulties, suggesting to them to direct trucks away from that turn;
Item To Be Continued to Next Meeting's Agenda; Chair to Request Mr. Daniels to
Provide Update on his Meetings with Coca Cola and Residents; Ms. Hanson to
Update State.
7. Bright Street & State Street
a. Bill Letendre
Clarified the Ordinance is correctly stating no parking "anytime" on State
Street; said there will be no new signs, but that the city will simply move the
existing ones farther from Bright St.;
b. Ref. Ordinances 312 -102 fr Bill Letendre.pdf (3 pages)
• Chair Carney summarized the question put to the TCR is whether they want to
co- sponsor the Ordinance;
MOTION, Mr. Letendre, to Co- sponsor Ordinance Amend 312.102 with Insertion of
"State Street "; Seconded, Mr. Lowenthal; Motion carried.
8. Vernon Street
a. Bill Letendre...
• Upon recommendation from Councilor Spector; said parking to be eliminated
on the westerly side of Vernon St. (correction needed on Ordinance); goes 192
feet south to a point on Vernon; said it goes to another point 90 feet southerly
from that, and which eliminates parking for two driveways, one for the church
parking lot, the other for Margeaux Cooley's driveway; increasing visibility for
cars exiting out of Vernon;
• Chair Carney to ask Ward 2 Councilor to determine whether T &P wants to Co-
• Mr. Lowenthal sought clarification as to the number of driveways being
MOTION, Ms. Stein, to Amend 312.102 re: Vernon Street; Seconded, Ms. Bruce; Motion
9. DPW Updates
Deferred to Next Month
10. Jazz Festival Next Month
Deferred to Next Month
MOTION, Mr. Letendre, to Adjourn; Seconded, Mr. Adams; Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Gregory P. Ammons
Johnson & Hill Staffing