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t A i w N m o _ ° I N � (/1 :'' Ati. N MN� �1 cn Mw V/ \ m if m � p m �/ O w O M \\,,," - r') C O I - L - O \ Q U M „Z /l2 - ,Z ,.O - ,z o p N I I U U U I U N O N I— I N N I 2„,. .., M M M TRUSS NOTES e: � �� L c cam. 4287 " . --- PROFILES SHOWN FOR GENERAL OVERALL SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS �1 ,` r� ACTUJAL SIZES AND FRAMING CONFIGURATION MAY VARY. . :, TRUSS FABRICATOR TO ENGINEER AND STAMP TRUSS SHOP DRAWINGS PER CURRENT CODE STANDARDS AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR ROOF TRUSS PROFILES 1/2" = l' - 0 S 2 01 APPLICABLE TO THE JOB LOCATION. CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PERMIT SET MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOD RESTORATION & OCT 19, 2009 TRUSS FABRICATOR TO IDENTIFY RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RES. MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 REQUIRED BRACING AND BRIDGING OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMBUS AV., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER • . EDGE GARAGE SHEATHOF N G BELOW ROOF AA FRAMING NOTES: (\i FACE OF GARAGE A -301 WALL BELOW N 1) FRAMING ALTERNATIVE: DELETE �� V POSTS AT EITHER END OF RIDGE a d V BEAM AND SUBSTITUTE A 2x4 ®24" O.C. �' z I STUD BEARING WALL FROM TOP OF Z I 1ST FLOOR FLOOR JOISTS I 0 I Un) I- a w> I _ z z c ctLu I o a� I o .'z z° 1 2x6 NAILING PLATES co D ix BELOW (SEE SHT A -301) o f o J ° J w RIDGE LINE OF GARAGE ROOF BELOW II o z ' w �p A - 30 WALL FRAMING OPTIONS: 2x4 STUDS BELOW 0 24" O.C. 1 W/ 2x6 SOLID BLOCKING, OR... 1 Z I 2x4 STUDS BELOW 0 16" O.C. J 2x6 STUDS BELOW 0 24 O.C. CL 2 . 6F� ,,2 +1, J - o�Y . 1.- ' ,-- \ 0N Q EFL-. J a 3 N I \\h,. 0 a a_, 0 ( Z z v) m N NEW SHEAR WALL B _LOW 9) Q o a cc i O w w a N as c 1 2x8 SPF #2 a 3 fX cr m w - - - t� OJ LL 1 a vo ,, _ 0 24" O.C. N LL-1 m Q CC v .1 1 co . o A -30 Z _ o N 0 ® 2x12 SPF #2 RIDGE BEAM I N = �Pc, w o a t.; * e , a a A ��J O�Jc� O p l hl53C // /// _O w 2 m �C , 0_, U OFF S� +� - r. a ct �` 1- //, I 1 1= N x D Q 2 0�� S'g . ti , ` r.OAs m 2 8 SPF (2) 2 - O J D r ( - 4 , v T F ' 0 13 x g M 0 Z o u) , N 3 . / "' 4 ' a HEADER BELOW A Q a J 0 0 w o x t� J a N d w N J N CO CV 1 CV p in N N L. 0 W Z a `' a w CC O 01= Ct �x x N N m 6-a a0 N co N p t` 'ZO W J p F N J a �GJ \+ N w � t w m> y JP p 0 rt a ti Oro�a 1x6 STU S BELOW 0 24" O.C.- ; - - -- - �- l'y10 p I I I I I 1: - N z Ln 0 (2) 2x6 SPF #2 (2) 2x6 SPF #2 3 o N w c HEADER BELOW HEADER BELOW J a j 3 a > 3 pa PROVIDE SOLID PROVIDE SOLID S co N 3 w AI BLOCKING WHERE B LOCKING WHERE o m a S _� = cn o op A - 30 REQUIRED REQUIRED ^ • Q Z Z S �.tivy tirf° i j F z Z - J CV 2 J PG NO. 4281 ° -I a Z O 1 0 + p it ^ a ' Dw 1 - z Q � j IM *--'if o� m�z kr ill.....1111MMIl. i E 1- - zzzt - b o w w CO ., w TRUSS TG -1 (2) 2x6 DL HDR BELOW N x 1 A 0 1- N C O m N m ® Z OD N rn 4:. m TRUSS TC -2 4D 1 z m O P O m 0 m m r 0 O O * I. - I m I �x 1 r x 1 g I I x I f , I 1. u � TRUSS TC -1 co! m x O a' * D '- TRUSS TC -1 x 0 m x (2) 1.75x9.25 LVL HEADER BELOW N - ��'J TRUSS TG -1 ��J 0 STG + SA GO +A cn '" 6l 9 c e � �( O� OIt �\ ;,�, - kk \'` • f ; , t, 1/4 =1_D.. 3 - 121 AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR GARAGE ROOF FRAMING PLAN ISSUED: OCT 56, 22009 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PERMIT SET MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LENNOX RES., PHASE 1 ALTERATIONS OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMBUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER y 2x10 PT /SYP #2 RIM JOIST N T w x _ O -v N Li N 1 111 E"- n N - ,72 CC r Z d' 0 ` V W c° . W m Cr) 0 W A r N mm,_ I CI * Z O PD Z 0 Z NJ x 2x10 PT /SYP #2 ® 16" O.C. 0 > 0 v r O -I r N 1 CO 0 -C m 0 0 a N * z N Z O .-- A v 0 (2) PT /SYP #2 ®16" O.C. _ L N 0 -U -I (2) PT /SYP #2 @ 16" O.C. N CD 40 70 m 0 C CD Z N 0 = r m 0 0 m 2x10 PT /SYP #2 ® 16" O.C. A W- 0 r lib... NiN, w 1 2x6 PT/SPY #2 LEDGER BD. T 1 § 2X6 PT /SYP #2 JOIST 41,. 0 16" O.C. (TYP) 2x10 PT /SYP #2 T RIM JOIST N N c N c N D C_4 D - W - m N A -30 N z 0 ;� Z 0 1 0 xra ma N N r c0 0 m m 0 W 0 TI Z P P > - 1 H D ; -< -< D r Z � m 0 > 49 0 ° A Il k■. z' r g 1 !? 1 VA 1 \ ,...... 1 / 4 ' = 1' -O" S -111 AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR 1st FLOOR FRAMING LAYOUT PLAN ISSUED: OCT 16, 2009 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PERMIT SET MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LENNOX RES., PHASE 1 ALTERATIONS MARSHALL AUDIN ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMBUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER 8' -0" 20' -0" < >< y -ce w AA °J A -301 1O o m (i A I J n A V"mi z z p �I— Q 1 X CO , . < w ._O 1 1 ° o = w O GARAGE SLAB w o cc Ix SET FLUSH WITH < < �o 1 TOP OF FOUNDATION 1 a CC ti z F 11 1 C WALL AT BACK OF 1 b r a o GARAGE ` ` ! o J in 1 GARAGE SLAB ON GRADE: PITCH DOWN 6" 1 00 0 o n = I 1 0 O - - - - - o o N Q m N < o - A -30 1 1 TOPS OF FNDN WALLS 1 oz 1 SET TOPS OF WALLS 1 c I 1 SUCH THAT THE TOP BOT. OF FTGS 1 w OF NEW SUBFLOOR SET 4' -0" MIN 1 0 IS 3/4" DN FROM BELOW FINISH X TOP OF EXIST'G GRADE (TYP) E ��, x./ .��y / / L FIRST FL FINISH FL 1 �> V\ �� �� �, I C7 a �/ / / � z � / V�V�V� � / / , � \�� "i/ n 0 r o A //� ��; %� /� // FOUNDATION ALIGNMENT j� / /� � � � � /j � I -J 1 i j \ � /� / � / \ \ / PARALLLEL & PERPENDICULAR � I a o w V / V A /� /� � � ` TO THE "WORK LINE" 1 1 1 D a Li i \ �� \ \ \ � \�� \� \ \% // WALL HICH IS THE THE FOUNDATION ^ O a s ����� /�� /�� THE EXISTING HOUSE PIN NEW FOOTINGS Q 7 D / EXIST'G FOUNDATON 0 ''- w CO 0 w 1 I/ & WALL TO EXIST'G Z ci� i x m 1 Z FOUNDATION (TYP) WORK LINE D- Z o lio - _1 � C9 ° ,,ir I a /� gam// O Z a J .n I 8' -0" F �� � iI % %�y� t y ���� �� r 7 1 1 NO SLAB THIS AREA I 1 % / / / IZ I FOUNDATION WALL / \ �� � o Q o 0 1 10" THICK (TYP) / A �A ��� z o - 1 y A vA . A / /,l 1` > o Z � 0 ° }oa 0 1 a V 1 zm_ L y - j Z V) VS /I , Z N H U a - 3iNwfx m a n = °Q °o A -30 A - 301 in 0 3 w� v J w 0 I Z F O Z U K �y Z _ 0 / u q' O Z W J / 4287 \ . a ° o U 0 N D w r Z a . 1, ..0 C � tnr a I--Z ZZ - D O W W m ��, acomoo f/ �� r / / 0mq / / M L �� )\ , N\ // 0 011 1 / , \N /\ wir , \/\ . O i \ \ /\ /\ \ // ,__ Th \ i f" If° 11.' '‘Irip • c N —� L� seso sov Q ,�,, N\i A „ o , • \ \\\ \ p/ u ,n >< / / )\ Z( 4 4 /\ 0� uu s so sow X \ -- )4110 – 7 ( � 0 10 � �-- / C 10 1 � iii • ›.\\ \ \ 2 / \C 1/N • II . \\\ \ \ \ \._____z \-----/ vso 0 c -7 1 I / • ' sgs� 30 ,o a, 1 110 ' N 4 / N u 0 ) � >2j__ 114 41111 ,o�, ,��, \ , ,0,, 1110 . ,o1, / 1 / / \ P il la . 1 O� / .Z ) \ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\ \ 0 'C7 1 > 0 / ___)\ ' - up I pr.> ,,,--;;;;'—'--,„--Pes, c=. i:D R II t .) / 1 \fir♦ IP 111 UTHORIZA SEC TI TION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS N DETAILS F & G ' " °1, —O r'1— 5 0 6 „Ho,. BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OCT 16, � 000 E O INIER(S) AND GLOD PERMIT SET MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 ESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE E OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) C ARS AL AUDI ION A RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER STAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPRO✓ALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA •1■ 11 ■ w •■ vvvvvvv i — r AAVITI x w -+ 1 — i cl:48P m v , , , , A0 oXm (<1 xw i • �� 1Pw •rc" :C I- o oo!/1 Zz2R' <Z Z n gmgc) ,„ ,..— i , 33 3 := hhhllll \ / \/ :L —_ 42 •. • � 'i�i�i�i�i�i� ► 7��i�i�i�i�i�iL 'TiLr i�i�iVi�i�i�i�Ir \ • I • a — 1 • I >\ / / r tiir 1 �Z ,,,/ // 1 _ j / / \ /\ err I 1 _ v v v v v V .\ \ �!�!I / t �j, J m m z $ ( \\ / \ \\/ /•..,„,iii . % f m 'o _ X � \ \ / \ \/ o — 1 _ i j 2 Z • f p I / / / ��� 1 1 n 0 0 \ \\ o . I S Am 8 fg \ •,.• • 0 i 0 , x \ \ C / j / \ \ \ / � ' � T.O.S.F. TO BOTTOM OF HEADER " / • \ • A \ //\ L r {fi r. z i .s: O xi m m z RI A 0 z • • ,: I i 4 , 6 . r "..• P UTHORIZATION — THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING SECTION "CC" 3/8 " °1'-0" A-303 UTHORIZED BY WRITTEN l+OREEMENT BETWEEN THE OWT\ER(S) AND GLOD OCT 10, 1000 PERMIT SET MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 ESTORATION & RENCNATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. BUILDER BTANING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPRCNALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE. . NORTHAMPTON, MA / n . mmommm ■ MINIM ■ ■ CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT GABLE VENT (AS REQ'D) _ BATH & LAUNDRY ROOF > ROOF SHINGLES > UNDERLAYMENT > 5/8" CDX SHEATHING > ROOF FRAMING RAFTER BAFFLE & 12 - SOLID BLOCKING 1 AS REQUIRED MR) II 1 2.25 SEE FRAMING ALTERN NOTE #1 - S- 122 -- �- I � ?!!1?2.%fSf & %V!1!f!!f?!V% a ee =-..le = �� =01 Vf 4A.. i��W$% ► -- ; - ►� - L P LIGHT FIXTURE CONTINUOUS SOFFIT ■� ■ TYP INTERIOR WALL �� CEILING 0 LAUNDRY & BATH � STRIP VENT (TYP) i� > 1/2 BLUE BD. & PLASTER � > 1/2" BLUE BD. & PLASTER ' -' > SMART VAPOR RETARDER .' > BLANKET INSUL (R -11 MIN) >i � �� > STAPPING ®24" O.C. .� > 2X4 STUDS © 24" O.C. �1 > 1/2" BLUE BD. & PLASTER > 3/4" XPS RID INSUL rr j jj � ►� > 2x6 CEILING JOISTS MIN) @ 24" j .C. . AA % > BLANKET INSUL EXTERIOR BEARING WALL (TYPICAL) �i j • � . > E XTERIOR SIDING (VARIES) � j j j j �� > CEDAR BREATHER UNDER �� BATH I j j 1� 4 WOOD SIDING (RECOMMENDED) ►� j y�/////4 1 : i > HOUSE WRAP (RECOMMENDED) • // JJd4 7 P /J / /JJA4 � > WALL SHEATHING (SEE GEN'L NOTES ®A 301) = FLOOR SYSTEM > > INSUL ( R -19 MIN ► ) > 3/4" CDX T &G SUB - FLOOR : � > "SMART" VAPOR BARRIER • > BRIDGING AS REQ'D �� : 4 44r ■ > 1/2" BLUE BOARD & PLASTER � > 1.5" (MIN) XPS RIGID INSUL (R -7.5) ■ . > 3/4" CRUSHED STONE . �,, �� 1 LAUNDRY CAPILLARY BREAK,. > FILTER FABRIC (AS REQA'D) > COMPACTED EARTH . A D. • 1 Aiiillilih 1 POT" _ - STAGGARD SOLID 4 ii Al :BRIDGING-- - II sE-- _ _. - __ _I , :� PERIMETER DRAIN V\ / /V /V /V / /V� /V / / / / \ V/\V / \/ ` ---V\---- / / /\\ \ \ 1 40 4: �CyJr: K. r , Pb 42 I AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR BUILDING SECTION " BB" 1/2" = 1' -0 . - - - - CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PERMIT SET OCT 16, 2009 A 3 02 MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOD RESTORATION & IAA a, RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RES. 07 MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMBUS AV., NORTHAMPTON, MA � �►. / ,0_ w „ . GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER • /�` CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT NEW ADDITION ROOF > ROOF SHINGLES GENERAL SECTION NOTES: > UNDERLAYMENT GARAGE ROOF > 5/8" CDX SHEATHING 1) EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING- > CONTINUOUS RAFTER BAFFLES USE STRUCTURAL L WALL WALL SHEATHING > ROOF SHINGLES > BLANKET INSUL (R -30 MIN) > 5/8" CDX SHEATHING > ) INSUL (R @ WITH PANEL SPAN RATINGS OF: 12 > UNDERLAYMENT 3/4" XPS INSR 3.75 > STUDS 16" O.C.- 12/0, 16/0, 20/0 1\ SEE SHT > TRUSS FRAMING > STAPPING PARALLEL TO RAFTERS > STUDS ® 24" O.C. - 24/0, 24/16, 32/16 S -201 > 3/4" XPS INSUL (R 3.75) BETWEEN EXISTING HOUSE OPTIONAL 2X6 STRAPPING LINES BEYOND MINIMUM NOMINAL THICKNESS - 1/2" NAILING PLATES > 1/2" BLUE BD & PLASTER (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) CONTINUOUS OR V -GROVE 1x6 T &G PANELING — — r ( 2) METAL PLATE CONNECTORS: STAINLESS VENT OPENING STEEL OR GALV. - SIMPSON STONG TIE ,‘ MID -POINT OF ROOF IN GARAGE ROOF SHEATHING OR EQUAL. 3) BLANKET INSUL R- VALUES � (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) e. "■ 12 LUMBER SZ. MIN- Rvolue RECOMMENDED _ UNHEATED ♦ •` A 2x4 R -11 R -15 Q '• 2x6 R -19 R -21 GARAGE CEILING 0 F 0, T .et-� r ♦ gtA ♦ 2x1 2 R -30 R -30 19 > TRUSS LOWER CORD q O� �T � \ o � � q / L s > STAPPING 'P, L l ►� L #----4. ^ > 5/8" TYPE ..X.. GWB 9] <,/'1/ ♦' m TAPED &SPACKLED 0 , Q � )- C V i - .• 1 1 �� ♦' D F- s Itl > ..�♦ O G �_ _ - - — — -- — -- --, ` ,a FACE OF EXIST'G ,t104,1L4411,114 t♦ ► LI LT: HOUS BEYOND �y ♦ o TIE THE INSIDE LINE OF STUDS i►��� I - --4 o � TO THE TOP PLATE OF THE .• I- 1 4t . w GARAGE LINE OF STUDS BY . ' a ►,: � � � • � -. FLOOR SYSTEM � � : BOTTOM OF GARAGE FRIEZE TRIM LINE TOE NAILING OR SIMPSON "H' '0 a Z SERIES TIES _I > FLOOR FINISH (VARIES) Z w w o . w > 3/4" CDX T &G SUB -FLOOR > J o �i Q > BRIDGING AS REQ'D j a W 1 : ' J a > 1.75" XPS RIGID INSUL (R -7 a .J w . a a > 3/4" CRUSHED STONE w < Cr o EXTERIOR GARAGE WALL Q ►�? p D CAPILLARY BRE N • _ J :� 1- > FILTER FABRIC (AS REQA ° (TYPICAL) u_ z ( ) 0 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB • • a 0 a ° > COMPACTED EARTH z O `` > EXTERIOR SIDING (VARIES) a TAPED & SPACKLED >: .:1 o o} Z o o ° > CEDAR BREATHER UNDER 3 ` ° m o w cc n I-- EXTERIOR BEARING WALL (TYPICAL) ° WOOD SIDIN (RECOMMENDED) O . O o INTERIOR GARAGE WALL . co > HOUSE WRAP (RECOMMENDED) a . • , ° 0 (x O 0 0 1 > EXTERIOR SIDING (VA w _ > WA LL SHEATHING (SEE GEN'L NOTES) ° > 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB TAPED �i�� o `` 1 > CEDAR BREATHER UNDER Q I & SPACKLED • �� ' co ° `y m 1 WOOD SIDING (RECOMMENDED) "� o > 2x4 STUDS @ 24" O.C. VA' N m ∎ i a > 2x4 STUDS CAD 24" O i 7 D N w 0. > HOUSE WRAP (RECOMMENDED) � >- > U NFINISHED INTERIOR SIDE z :��� w N 1 — o > BLANKET INSUL (R -11 MIN) �. ° w I > WALL SHEATHING (SEE GEN'L NOTES) w b tZ > SHEATHING (SEE GEN'L NOTES) � � a0 ° z > 2x4 STUDS @ 24" 0.C. . I. O 1 GARAGE SLAB ON GRADE O > 2x4 STUDS @ 24" O.C. ►��' CL ao w o_ z �.l� w > BLANKET INSUL ( R -19 MIN) o 4- ° > BLANKET INSUL (R -11 MIN) . , '- 0 I > 4" REINF CONC SLAB O ►� �! > 1/2" BLUE BOARD & PLASTER �, ' PITCHED TO DRAIN w > SMART VAPOR RETARDER MEMB. a o I 0 > 1/2" BLUE BD. & PLASTER •.' '- 1 1. i �i > 6x6 /W1.4xW1.4 WWF REINF o_ ice • V : 1 i > 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER / 4" CRUSHED STONE o � i > 6" 3 1 !� BRIDGING 2x10 PT /SYP CAPPOLARY BREAK �II� I`" AS REQ SILL BOARD (TYP) � � ► =I, MN > FILTER FABRIC AS REQ'D ► _� __ _ -- _ _ > COMPACTED EARTH 'q 'T''�0"b C4. . S 4 .Ii = _ %; // / / ,/ jam /am \ / ;A S ILL SEAL (TYP) V %A / �>X/„,\ / i 1 --,__„,---• / fi , .'c�t'''' K �;i o PERIMETER DRAIN ' 4 1 ", i ILDING SECTION "A 1' A" 1/2" = -0" a AS REQUIORED (TYP) AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR F N0 . 4287 ° ;I A _ 0 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE - PERMIT SET OCT 16, 2009 ,/`~` 1 MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND CLOD RESTORATION & . ( I RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 1' , ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS T0 LENNOX RES. ' MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. % �, 15 COLUMBUS AV., NORTHAMPTON, MA CLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER I r J L \ 1 . I // Yr\> % \//\ i r i i >: „' I I l i d " :� I' ��7 , ' ,167 ,is 1 1 _ � , 1 " 4 111 1 • t % Oi�SS�i�i�i�i�i� •v .mimi�i�i�i�iL�i� G j � \\ r t` - u piii ail oili N u. rr i i It g i a ' 1 no ‘4,,,, l \ L : p AUTHDRIZATI0 — THIS DRAWING IS NOT VAUD FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING ELEVATION "E ” 1/4' =1' -O A...205 AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND CLOD PERMIT SET OCT 18, 2000 RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER -1 •, \ LE • J I z 0 z c - ' -- I TT1 X _ N z 0 (n 461 N% trrs --1 c c P1 BY AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VAUD FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING ELEVATION "D" 1/4 ° = A 204 - 1. -0° AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND CLOD PERMIT SET OCT 18, 'jQQO RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC.! BUILDER Y E — r MEW II w 1 11111 . o I o 1 _ � 1- z m n 0 z — xi littA N\ \ Maim= ''''''' ', : : ''''''''' c [� I 0 z v . E L L _ J A �" (' \ \ \� � ll 1:. Mill t si 1 i i 1 is 5 5 N � 1a 4i/4/9014,\\ ii: \ *I.,. I \� e / 4.. ALIT .'ZATI.'� — W S DR NG IS NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING ELEVATION " C " 1/4 " =1' -0" A.203 AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OwNER(S) AND GLOD PERMIT SET OCT 1a. 2000 RESTORATION & RENORATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) MARSHALL AUDIN /ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 OBTA NING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPRO✓ALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA CLOD RESTORATION Sc RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER • V) m s In T m m D E € I E H I : N 0 ' I. I m 0 N m r m D O i Z j f 0 ��: j „' 1 , ` � r i _ H .H I I / I I 1 \ I \:. I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I z m n 0 z 0 0 < 6 Z 7) Z C C 0 r (7 O z I I I I \\ I I I I I _ 1 H ..... 1_ I o < 6 Z Z 0 r 1 1 1 - -J 3 P .1' - ' J ......1...)4 ,' _; .- O t -, ' AUTHORIZAT• — THIS DRAWING IS NOT VAUD FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING ELEVATION "B" 1/4" =1' -0" /\-2 0 2 AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOO PERMIT SET OCT 10, 1000 RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OJVNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 OBTAINING AU. REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER A • I • Ar N 7 II I II 1 I :1 " ; : ; ' ' : : " ' ' ' : .1 . Li : ' ' : \ i : ':, ' ' : :', : : : L :: , : ::::' :::::„ : ' : „ ' 1 : : . ; : : :i : : ' . 11 mI x 2 !::: i :;!:1::. , 0 ■i: fl 1 f 1 c I C-1 i -1 f C m iTl , : :i \\ IMMM \, 1 1 MiMMM\ E Z �/ M 0 Z . N M C C7 O IMIN I I / -•./ p \.__ r c i X � \\ a °1 �� AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS BUILDING ELEVATION "A" 1/4 =1 —O A..20 i AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OWNERS) AND GLOD PERMIT SET OCT 1d, 2000 RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OMMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERATIONS TO LENNOX RESIDENCE (PHASE 1) MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: G116 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. 15 COLUMUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER • 9' -0" 9' -0,. ) 1 t< > ^ A !r. fl,,, r, V V V .i. 44V,SV,1NJJ.V.AVNVI V VVVVVV V .■■■■tiu1PTi11101" ^ ►� ;'i Es �i ` U (7 i � n : . rC { � : o m ► . ,, o W : z : _ o 0 ■ 4! S Z W c-) - 4 7.) 0 m .� m Z -- z 0 n ■ P. Z x 2668 e; 2668 ,, y m I 15 LITE n r CENTER BTWN DRS o C C O 1 R° * - • ' N) * n z (W > co = _+ , \` Z I r� D z \. re O D ►� < Z m lb m r ►. N c = D ii n X -n -I G m -_F r v 0 1 ) = m m g x z r �� o „ z o 70 I- i 0 T < N m X r O r - - ' N tg m O O � 1 1 > D O c t t o O O X N `- ire O C e m Z tJ > .� c to m I r * -! I- D G) O. r - SHEAR WALL - 7 ' '-.„ 4- 3/4" CDX SHEATHING THIS SIDE r W • co O S U N m !b < FULL HT BOOKS LOW BOOKS V V . N r EQ CENTER BTWN: el NEW PATO DOOR ■ P1 U) cp, Z cn to a � y\\ ,i, 2 iP rh o v v rn � N S U v Z G c °' Z X •- -t 88 %,_ - 1070 GARAGE DOOR Z .__I t DOOR & a' V V 0 Z z c WINDOW j 7) 0 N o EQUAL EQUAL w >G _ ', o ° D m 7' - 6" 14' - 0" I oo FACE OF FNDN TO FACE OF FNDN FACE OF FNDN TO FACE OF FNDN j > 1 / 66 .\ / i i o c w > I Z C r 2 r C r M N cn D 0 F. 0 Z r m O N N > M Ni r rox o 1_ tiM� cn �■ ` �' Irk e � 1, � Y AN a '41;•-• t SETTS -' \ P- �' ti AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" A 111 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUED: OCT 16, 2009 MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND CLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LENNOX RES., PHASE 1 ALTERATION OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS & APPROVALS. MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 15 COLUMBUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA CLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER • i + 0— F �� ?ROPERTY BOUNDRY ��- LIN �.. - r � G Cj- C] __ - I Li -- - - - -- ; o ( ,X ' T a t I FRONT AND REAR OF NEW NEW ADDITIONS SET PERPENDICULAR TO WORK LINE t : 15' -0" EXISTING DWELLING IS ; "`+ r NON- CONFORMING WITH REGARD TO SIDE YARD' SETBACK ' ��� � t ( o ( 25 : yy ` �k ,v}-,:-*-. m m Z D o �'A �O D D 1 m F1 F, iC co C7 O n A w o co Z 1v m F Z m (i)' a - • — - - -- - - - - - N - - -- - - -- I W m N t±" p ! O -1 '^g c .. _ m Z c � 8 D x7 Z 1 1 4 g A ° � g Z r I D - - 1 `�1� PROPERTY BOUNDRY LINE - ``ice`\ _ - - - - r EXISTING I r \,,, ∎� EXISTING SIDEWALK / REMAIN CURB CUT TO t eh 1 ,____ ch eserrs `� C LUMBUS AUTHORIZATION - THIS DRAWING IS NOT VALID FOR SCOPE OF WORK PLAN 1/8 - 1 -0 V 101 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN AGREE- PERMIT SET MENT BETWEEN THE OWNER(S) AND GLOD RESTORATION & ISSUED: OCT 96,22099 RN INC. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LENNOX RES., PHASE 1 ALTERATIONS MARSHALL AUDIN / ARCHITECT PROJ: J -11 OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS &APPROVALS. 15 COLUMBUS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MA GLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION, INC./ BUILDER . / /:////2/ . , ///// 9e .L I 0 ( 19 1 E D N 51'04'47" E 86.79' ----- i I C N. ED d N) 1 W N rt rt ___ ❑ / / N N W W J /�/ rt 1 1 , / f bit. conc. driveway 540 SQ. FT. r r 8.6% 785 SQ. FT. z 12.5% � //// ///////27>/ / g ara g e / / , / / // / ; /, r r , /// 0 ; /7 1 : 7 r f //// , rr %/ r o �!r / /,/ / / / f/ 21.2ft (J) & —// ///:/// K 0 w/ co� Co co O co Z I* TOTAL LOT AREA ; / ////7////// m v cb 6,268 SQ. FT. // /d welling #15 / / ED D / 007 S Q' / / 0 BOOK 2302, PAGE 197 1 , / r 16. . ' FT. �/ / / 1 m 0 • SEE: PLAN BOOK 28, PAGE 45 / / / ' ASSESSORS MAP 38B, PARCEL 141 / r / / Z ZONING DISTRICT — URBAN RESIDENTIAL B / / / /// / ,/ /�rf C / // / --I\ a m ■ Z / f r / // / // / f 1 sidewalk 0 i c,, '121 SQ. FT. / r / - -� --cii \ J, /shed / 21.1 ft / 1 f � ! // N //2//// J — ED ❑ ! fv cn a S 50'25'09" W u 92.16' �. � "''�s Y u u u u ,? picket fence 'f A , L E \G�", g� ■. v IZER y 1 W • #3 rt SURE 0 10 20' 30 7. T — ii r�SKAmp,. P, Tit of Northamptrtn Z .` J � ` I'� _assaCitusetta '.,f _ - DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ,:5 ` / 212 Main Street • Municipal Building '� INSPECTOR �\ .�%" Northampton, MA 01060 LOCATION L S C, 6/___, VA, 3 o S A d '1 SQUARE FOOTAGE AMOUNT BASEMENT @ . 20 -'----- 1 FLOOR @ .50 1 4 0 5— X60 5 -49 2 FLR @ 30 FLOORS, FINISH ATTIC, GARAGE @ .20 2 6 C.> 5"6-n" DECK/PORCHES @ :20 TOTAL _O ■' 6 Nov 16 09 09:OOa Maria Murphy 9786496944 p.r 3i W2 31 Sr %E. W3123 SF 3 Sm LEFT SIDE WAIL LEFT SIDE WALL BEF4EF11' 1 a OF LAUNDRY LIBRARY & GARAGE ! cw 1 W414 SF WS71SF ti 3I I 1110 t x8 L , c.1:_, 1.... P I g 3N I g ion 7 I/ L,:t. ccf FLOOR SUPPORTING OONDIIIONED SPACE F1344 SF • .4S 90Z 11M TWA 30S 1.431 4* (f*. tt LAUNDRY AREA CONDITIONED L CATHEDRAL FLAT CELJNG CEILING AREA BATH AREA I C1131 SF C2 216 SF ResCHECK LAYOUT SHEET 1/8• = 1' -o• AOO I REF: RESCHECK REPORT -J11 P50- 091115 ISSUED: Nov 15. 2009 LENNOX RESIDENCE ADDITION MARSHALL ALIGN / ARCHITECT PRO.k J - 11 15 COLUMBUS ME., NORTHAMPTON. MA CLOD RESTORATION & RENOVATION. INC./ BUILDER Nov 16 09 08:59a Maria Murphy 978646944 p.0 2006 IECC Energy Eff iciency Certificate Insulatior Ra ing R -Value Coiling / Roof 33.75 Wall t9.00 Floor / Foundation 30.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Glass & Door Rating U- Factor SHGC Window 0.30 Door 0.30 NA Heating & Cooling Equipment Efficiency Water Heater: Name: date: Canrnenr.s_ Nov 16 09 08:59a Maria Murphy 9786496944 13.t NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) Project Title: ADDITONS to L NNOX RESIDENCE Report date: 11114/09 Data filename: M:tMAA -TERA1 S activetl -ti LennaxALT.gn ResCHECK\J -11 ResCheir PSO-191 114.rck Page 4 at 4 Nov 16 09 O8:59a Maria Murphy 9786496944 p.4 Comments: Note: Up to 15 sq.fL of glazed fenestration per dwelling is exempt from U- factor and SHGC requirements. Doors: ❑ Door 1: Glass. U -tailor 0.300 Cam: Floors: ❑ Floor 1: AN-Wood JoisUTruss:Over Unconditioned Space, R -30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Floor insulaton Is installed In permanent contact with the underside o(tthe sutMoor decking. Air Leakage: • Joints, penetrations, and at other such openings in the budding -envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. ID Recessed lights are either 1) Type IC rated with enclosures seatedfgasketed against leaks to the ceding. or 2) Type IC rated and ASTM E283 labeled, or 3) installed inside an air - tight assembly with a 0.5' clearance from combustible materials and a 3' clearanoe from insulation. Sunrooms: • Suuroorns that are thermally isolated from the budding envelope have a maxkncam fenestration U -factor of 0.50 and the maximum skylight U- factor of 0.75_ New windows and doors separating the sunroom from conditioned space meet the building thermal envelope requirements. Vapor Retarder: ❑ Vapor retarder is installed on the warm- in-winter side of all non - vented framed ceilings. walls. and t : or it has been determined that moisture or its freezing wit not damage the materials: or other approved means to avoid condensation are provided. Comments: .,. — Materials Identification and Installation: tialerlols and equipment are instated in accordance a with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ insulation is installed in substantial contact with the surface being insulated and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value. O lifalerials and equipment are idenMed so that compliance can be determined. ❑ Manufacturer manuals for all instated heating and coaling equipment end servioe wafer heating equipment have been provided. Instidation R- values and glazing U- factors are clearly marked on the building plans or spedFioel nstia Duct Insulation: ❑ Ducts in unconditioned spaces or outside the building are meted to at least R-8. ❑ Ducts in floor trusses above unconditioned d spaces or above the outdoors ere insulated to at least R-6. Duct Construction: ❑ Air handlers, titer boxes, and depot connections to tuhrigee of air dishiruton system equipment or sheet metal Items are sealed and mechanically fastened. ✓ All joints, seams. and connections are made substantially airtight with tapes, gasketng. masks (adhesives) or other approved closure systems. Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 1818. ❑ Building *airing cavities are not used as supply ducts. AuWmatic or gravity dampers are Installed on all outdoor at intakes and exhausts. ❑ Additional requirements for tape sealing and metal duct crimping are inciuded by an Inspection for corn/glance with the International Mechanical Code. Temperature Controls: © Thermostats exist for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating andlor cooling input to each zone or floor is provided. Circulating Service Mot Water Systems; ❑ Circulating season hot water pipes are insulated to R-2. • Circulating service hot water systems include an automatic or accessible manual switch to turn off tte circulating pump when the system is not in use. Certifico6e: ❑ A permanent certificate is provided on or in the electrical distribution panel fisting the predominant insulation R- values; window U- factors: type arid efficiency of space - conditioning and water heating equipment. Project Tale; ADDiTONS to LENNOX RESIDENCE Report date: 11/14/08 Dab tiename: M :IMAA- TERAI- JOBS a *roU -11 LennooxALT.gntResCHECKU -11 ResCheck PSI} 0 1I14.rdc Page 3 of 4 Nov 16 09 08:59a Maria Murphy 9786496944 p.3 REScheck Software Version 4.3.0 Is( I nspec tio n check edgings: ❑ Cram 1: Raised or Energy Toms, R-30.0 cavity insulabon Comments: Insulation must achieve full height over the plate lines of exterior walls. ❑ Ceiling 2 Cathedral Ceiling (no attic), R-30.0 cavity + R-3.8 continuous insulation Comments: Above - Grade Waits: ❑ Wail 1: Wood Frame, 24" a .c., RI 1.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: . ❑ Watt 3: Wood Frame, 24' o .c.. R -22.0 cavity insulation Comments. ❑ Wall 4: Wood Frame, 24" a .c., R -11.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 5: Wood Frame, 24.0 .c., R -19.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall Q: Wood Frame, 24" o .c., R-11.0 cavity Insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 7: Woad Frame, 24" o .c., R -11..0 cavity insulation Comments' Q Wall B: Wood Frame. 24" o .c., R -11.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wail 9: Wood Frame, 24" 0 .c., R-22.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 10: Wood Frame, 24" o .c., R -11.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wad 11: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments :. . . - . Windows: ❑ Window 1: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E, U- factor: 0.300 For vdridows without labeled If-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type _ Thermal Break? _Yes No Comments: U Window 2 Vinyl FrarneDoubie Pane with Low-E, U- farctor. 0.300 Far windows without labeled U4actors, describe features: Wanes _— Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Covenants: ❑ Window 3 Vinyl Frame Double Pane with low-E. U- factor 0.300 For windows without labeled tJ- factors, describe features: #Panes - - - - -- Frame Type. Thermal Break? Yes No Project Title: ADDITONS to LENNOX RESIDENCE Report date: 11114/09 Data filename: M:WWA -TERAI -JOSS activeU -11 Lenno ALT.grrtResCHECt(\J -11 ResCheck PS0- 091114,rck Page 2 of 4 i Nov 16 09 08:59a Maria Murphy 9786496944 p2 • REScheck Software Version 4.3.0 Corp i a n ce Cert Project Title: ADDtTONS to LENNOX RESIDENCE Energy Code: 2006 IECC Location: Northampton, Massachusetts Construction Type: =Family Family Project Tye: A NArteration Heating Degree Days: 84114 Climate Zone: 5 Construction Site: Owner/Agent Designer/Contractor: 15 Columbus Ave. Sara Lennox, Owner David Glod, Contractor Northampton, MA 15 Columbus Ave- Glod Restoration & Renovation. Corp Northampton, MA P.O. Box 590 Dunstable, MA 978 -804 -0836 :rgnt. a -,,,' p asses Compliant*: Maxanum UA: 88 Your UN'. 87 Gross Ca vity C nt. Glazing U Assamb' Area or R -Value R -Value or Door Pcsranctcr U- Factor Ceiling 1: Raised or Energy muss 131 30.0 00 5 Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) 216 30.0 3.8 8 Wall 1: Wood Frame. 24" o .c. 75 11.0 0.0 6 Window 1: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 10 0.300 3 Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 31 19.0 0.0 2 Wall 3: Wood Frame, 24' a .c. 123 22.0 0.0 7 Wee 4: Wood Frame, 24" o .c. 14 11.0 0.0 1 Walt S: Wood Frame, 24" a .c. 71 19.0 0.0 4 Wail 6: Wood Frame, 24" a .c. 27 11.0 0.0 2 Wall 7: Wood Frame, 24" a .c. 14 11.0 0.0 1 Wall 8: Wood Frame, 24" a .c. 80 11.0 0.0 5 Doer 1: Glass 21 0.300 6 Wall 9: Wood Frame, 24" o .c. 25 22.0 0.0 1 Wall 10: Wood Frame, 24' o .c. 56 11.0 0.0 4 Window 2: Vinyl Frame Double Pane with Low-E 9 0.300 3 Wail 11: Wood Frame, 18" o.c. 206 19.0 0.0 11 Window 3: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Law-F 30 0.300 9 Floor 1: Alt-Wood Jois Muss:Over Unconditioned Space 344 30.0 0.0 11 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, spec$ications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been deal to meet the 2006 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.3.0 and to comply with the mandatory tag ' et nts listed in the RE I ction Checklist. ( / Name - Title Signature Date Project Notes: Propaseded Substitution: Under floor instlatin - DELETE 1.5" Continuous Rigid insuletian below floor joists and SUBSTITUTE 9.5' standard density, kraft faced blanket covey insulation. Project The: ADDITONS to LENNOX ■ RESiDENCE Report data 11114/09 Data fiteneme: M :1MAA- TERA1-JO86 actiaeU -11 LennaxALT.gri1ResCHECKU -11 ReeCheck PS0- 09/ 114.rtk Page 1 of 4 Nov 16 09 08:58a Maria Murphy 9786496944 p.1 GLAD DAT1 : 11/16/09 Send to Northampton Bidg. Dept. From: Maria Murphy I phone Number: 978-804-0835 Fax Number: mber: 413- 587 -1272 Number of Pages, including Cover: 7 URGENT REPLY ASAP U PLEASE COMMENT ❑ PLEASE REVIEW Q FOR YOUR INFORMATION COMIMEN TS: Attached is the REScheck for 15 Columbus Ave. that you requested. If you have any questions, please contact David Glod 978 -804 -0836. Thank you, Maria Murphy NOV 1 (3 219 Glod Restoration & Renovation PO Box 590 Dunstable, MA 01827 978 - 804-0836 1 978. 649 -69 david@glodrr.com I wwww.giodrr.aom Sara Lennox 15 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 October 27, 2009 Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 To Whom it May Concern, Regarding the proposed addition to my house at 15 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA, the garage area will only be used as a garage, this space will not be converted and used as living space. Sincerely, /1 7 0 Sara Lennox Jurat Certificate OCT 2 7 2200 On this a"( day of C)U1 -r ,20 GPI' , before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared l� r'Q J L nrcX , (name of document signer) proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were 1)01)p1 -) I , to be the person who signed the preceding or attache 'document in my presence, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of (his (her) knowledge and belief. 1444a. Aki Vin 51)1 L4 . (official signature and seal of Notary) ( o ep. en N V 0 c;'4 y18-80 f�D�nstable M,q �� 1278-642: 6 944 827 ' •g/adrr com /fax) Juilding Inspector nicipal Building eet I, MA 01060 May Concern, )lease find a stamped plot plan for 15 Columbus Ave, Northampton, u and do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. rphy Vlanager t -0835 # 109392 - Sup. Lic. #055077 - Boston Lic. #8010231 Building Inspector TOTAL LOT AREA IL; / gar 6,268 SQ. FT. • ,-, TOTAL LOT COVERAGE �, f EXISTING AND PROPOSED N 51'04'47 E 86.79' _ ( 2056 SQ. Fr. TOTAL OPEN SPACE 40 a a EXISTING AND PROPOSED 27.9• 4212 SQ. FT. = 67% 20' 0 " 40.3" 2 � w x PAGE 197 I i P ROPOSED NEW m �,� BOOK 2302, ATTACHED ACCESSORY- SEE: PLAN BOOK 28, PAGE 45 z ° STRUCTURE ? PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY yam+ ASSESSORS DISICT MAP - 388, URBAN PARCEL RESIDEN 141 AL B c a 20 9 280 SO FT. 0 346 SO. FT. 0 ZONING TR 01 8 Q,. n z • �Cn" ti 40.3' 0 0 r- S i ` cn co PRO POSED NEW ` Q ° Cv0 x 5 c)' ATTACHED ADDITION ■ 2t.2 0 U 0 W N? W V o 0 al ull- 02 _ o TO EXISTING DWELLING N C (� w = di E R 40 5 SO. FT , v tD. //�/� '-' va r 2 r . / 4a 2210 1 2" W O p Z # 15 z Z .Q Q. FT. C > LLJ p 0 �_ 0 Q W C to ( includes porches) m Z Q w V) V) Opp o G -�� W� a z° =`,.. LI- r y ITt t"� 0 � °L W I L si 0, Z z w x 0 w r- rn l t 63 Q. FT. °- 0.¢ Q QOwo �0 z a N � 121 - - d _ li SO. Ft ( r ) 4- 9 ` / / / Q. zV a � • • N g // / 2 t.t' • W Q ' w oW- w I ° • i 0 0 = w IX - S 50'25'09" W 9 2,16' ( v� �� • nIcket fence M a z " H 0- "scris 11.1.4111111ftwe imminommiamoisioamiiiimosseassummismimaiiiiiimmerwimorimwommimiaib..- KA. tti "C. 1- S‘ UOg er431" U°11"4"1 SIC ALE •suagsanb aql lam.sue 'new u! 6u!Anwp padweis gip si io suowuco 6upsixe ja ueid 4old s 44 JO - A3IA32:1 3SY]ld 0 1.1s3WleviOD 3SV3ld Osi- t C.4 u f Jurat Certificate O CT 0 �, , On this grim day of N.)-('k-f ,20 L , before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared rQ J L(l'►1C?X , (name of document signer) proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were 11111 1„ 1 QL 1 , to be the person who signed the preceding or attache document in my presence, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of (his (her) , knowledge and belief. VW\ EM)1 ttk, (official signatur and seal of Notary) Shari -Lynn Emrick + , Notary Public �± My Commission Expires September 10, 2015 Commonwealth of Massachusetts CLOD PO Box 590 Dunstable, MA 01827 978-804-0836 (tel) 978-649-6944 (fax) www.glodrr.com Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • To Whom it May Concern, _- Enclosed please find a stamped plot plan for 15 Columbus Ave, Northampton, MA. Thank you and do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Maria Murphy Project Manager 978-804-0835 MA Reg. # 109392 - Sup. Lic. #055077 - Boston Lic. #B010231 Lennox-Building Inspector • Sara Lennox 15 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 October 27, 2009 Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 To Whom it May Concern, Regarding the proposed addition to my house at 15 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA, the garage area will only be used as a garage, this space will not be converted and used as living space. Sincerely, /1( � h Sara Lennox . . (NI - .., 88.79' --.- ..,.. • www.---...r.. Y IC . ''•-,__;-' „'-',-- ' ..• . , • ... . **• . 5 tik . -'-,., 1 i . . - bIt, canc. driveway co . g . _ _ arage g . c49.1,2) I r 0 6'7 _ ur 0 i ci 0 4E 1- ------ c 46 e - • • - - - • • ..... _. _ - - . i., • g g co R „,_ •. a -,...., . ,..„ c . , 4: { - 1 Fa (j) i ..,-) 7 .-' 1 ::' :•. TOTAL LOT AREA . • . *--).....) 6,268 SQ. FT. , dwelling #15 > z ROOK 2302, PACE 197 A 3 d/ . SEE; PLAN BOOK 28, PAGE 45 - ASSESSORS MAP 388, PARCEL 141 Z ZONING DISTRICT - URBAN RESIDENTIAL 8 _ „.. , , C ri _..., z . sidewalk 1 o. i , . - . ahed ..--r-' .., >i, . . . - -- • ..-•., .c . . . , E. . — S 50.25.09- W _ 92.18' , = i , 2 picket fence .03 ., ..• '03 2 0' 10' SO' 30' em. ma moomm winownwoeme ca MI ilall NM /1111111111.1 S .. . 6 _ --- 0 o 0, ( "t5 0 Oct 23 09 10:32a Maria Murphy 9786496944 p.1 GLOB l I, i( - �i A OCT 3 2009 DATE: ;� Send to: Office of the Building Inspector From: Maria Murphy �. r Phone Number: 978 - 696 -1515 Fax Number: -: 413- 587 -1272 Number of Pages, Including Cover: 1 U URGENT La REPLY ASAP U PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REVIEW U FOR YOUR INFORMATION COMMENTS: Please find a copy of the surveyor's plot plan of existing conditions for 15 Columbus Ave. I will send you the stamped drawing in the mall. I think this will answer the questions. Thank you, Maria Murphy 978- 696 -1515 Glad Nation & Renovation A goroge // TOTAL LOT AREA a. 6,268 SQ. FT. • TOTAL LOT COVERAGE fi m a. N 51'04'47" E ^ 86.79' EXISTING AND PROPOSED N 2056 SQ. FT. = 33% • ci o TOTAL OPEN SPACE 27.6' 4 0 3' 1 EXISTING AND PROPOSED 20' 0° - -- ° 4212 SQ. FT. = 67% PROPOSED NEW co A x ATTACHED ACCESSORY s 0 BOOK 2302, PAGE 197 ° STRUCTURE 4 , PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY a c z SEE: PLAN BOOK 28, PAGE 45 z-+ Z 20. s' 280 SQ. FT, 0 346 SQ. FT. o ASSESSORS MAP 38B, PARCEL 141 • \ ZONING DISTRICT - URBAN RESIDENTIAL 8 W 8' 0„ \ V 6 01 40.3' n s 0 O (n F m r PROPOSED NEW F 1— Ld ATTACHED ADDITION N zt.2 N E a W 0 .c,u) 1 o TO EXISTING DWELLING J 5' t 1/2" a , o x 405 SQ. FT. `' �+ / CO O •W• N Z w U n 23.0' N (A N C J = W «') W M + � � 22' 10 1/2" ��//� dwell #15 m N V Z Z m QN v / 84i sQ. Fr. I W z W Q o o I n o • (includ porches) ! O 0 v N r o r / 1 i m4 a u5 N o Q J J� , N -- w. > �M° � D Z o= o 6.z m 0 c< CO r j z ; � sidewalk f c- Z w I 4. {t 63 S Q. FT. 9. Q Zw x Ou...I —, l - 1 rn� '1 - -� � Z d O � < Ow a) (11— J w e ",- '. ` NC s he d 21.1' -- 0- Z 0 o a r ° E 1 * / -- J N lY ~ < L 0 M W : o Il w _ 1c0 a) W < J . o `n 5.6' '. — , Ln O I o _ • . — S 50'25'09" W 92.16' O -1 Q N M * _ d picket fence n Cr P O O c w o Z TTS N a_ 0' 10' 20' 30' La 1 1 r— 'Alpo y' HOME OWNER EXEMPTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The State of Massachusetts allows the homeowner the right under 780CMR 108.3.4 to act as his /her construction supervisor. The state defines "Homeowner" as, " Person(s) who owns a parcel on which he/she resides or intends to be, a one or No family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two -year period shall not be considered a home owner." The building department for the City.ofNNorthampton wants person(s) who seek to use the home ownerexemption, to act as their own construction supervisor, to be aware that by doing so you become responsible for compliance with state building codes and _regulations The inspection process requires that the building department be called to inspect work at various stages, which include foundation /footings (before backfill), sonotube holes (before pour), a rough building inspection (before work is concealed), insulation inspection (if required) and a final building inspection. The building department requires these inspections before the work is concealed, failure to secure ..these ..inspections can result in failure to obtain a certificate of occupancy_ until the work can be inspected. If the homeowner hires other trades to perform work (electrical, plumbing & gas) the homeowner will be responsible to make sure that the trades hired secure their proper - -- - permits- in- conjunction.to the.builrli a_permitissued,.and_ -that they get their required inspections. Failure of the individual trades to secure the permits and inspections as required can D1LAY the project until such'time as the propel permits and inspections are made : I, understand the above. (Home owner /resident's signature requesting exemption) I will call to schedule all required building inspections necessary for the building permit issued to me. -- --- --Date Address of work location The Commonwealth of Massachusetts te. , Department of Industrial Accidents G=1. 01t� Office of Investigations 1' ■• MINIM a 600 Washington Street _ C = M Boston, M4 02111 ',, ,� .." www.mass.gov /dia • • -Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/ Contractors /Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print LegibIv Name ( Business /Organization/Individual): G-Lc, t.J 2v jvv�-'i( off c.. w.sixouA-i C o, Address: k5 SSi PPAG W A . • City/State/Zip: b NST(46L U 1 '62:- Phone. #: OC1 o4 6 '6 3 € Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: • Type of project (required): /,. 1. [ .I am a employer with S 4. fl I am a general contractor and I 6. [I] New construction employees (full and/or part- time).* have hired the sub- contractors listed on the attached sheet 7. ❑ Remodeling 2. ❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- ship and have. no. employees These sub - contractors have g. 0 Denoliuon to ees and - liave workers' Y working for me in any capacity. , _ 9. Bu>1 Q ddition [No workers comp: - inst ranee- comp iastirance - _ _ -_ . . dtn a We are a corporation aired [] poration and its 10.❑ Electrical repairs or additions re q ] 5. 0 Rficers eS,wwwCs t_tbeir _.---1r1 g repairs 3. I am- a-homeo-waer- da3a�- word- - - -- -- - h i �-- glu�bin r ai or additions myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.] t ' c. 152, §1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.[T] Other comp. insurance required.) - 'Any applicant that checks box #1 must also fin out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they arc doing an work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such 1- Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub - contractors aad state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub - contractors have employees they must. provide their workers' comp. policy number. • I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: J C Z 7r u 7f l).+f `c, t Afiti l'Vtr Policy # or Self -ins. Lic. #: C II 5 41 q1t / Expiration Date: - Q - /Z ■ • Job Site Address: I S Co LA) (u6� ALPO_ City /State/Zip: ) 5T . i '`t4 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy nu and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage; astequired under Secti61125A of MGL c. 152' can lead to the imposition of crininal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one.:year imprisonment; as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a,P of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Ile advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insura.no'e coverage verification. - Ido hereby.certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided. above.is_true.and correct ___ _ l I _ . < pate; 1 C.0' -' 1 ..�," © ` Signature: _ Phone#: c �1 rt"J " ' C-- • - . l - - Official use only. Do not write iii this area, to be comp ee ed"by city or town officiaL . City or Town: Permit/License # Issuing Authority (circle one): - 1; Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical In_spector 5. Plurnbina Inspector _ ._- 6. Other r Contact Person: Phone #: • SECTION 8 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder : DAY V S L C 5 ( 5 - 5 6 License Number d— Z 1`K ('r5 A- ?o C; \AI (A-- / (Jo 1 A-t3 J MA - I O Aotress Expiration Date ff .. 0 40 S Sig Lure Telephone 9. Registered. Home Improvemet tContractor k 1 , ,a• �ttax1<� ,xr x , a . x . ,... x ,. r Not Applica ❑ Company Name Registration Number a_t -10 Address c3 Expiration Date OgSlik(3L t Telephone – i 8 '1 SECTION 10- WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ❑ No ❑ kY : o m e Owtn x'emtalon The_current_ exemption for "homeowners" was extended to include Owner- occupied Dwellings of one (1) or two(2) families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that the owner acts as supervisor. CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two -year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such "homeowner" shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official. that he /she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference'to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation }' and 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned "homeowner' certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code, City of _ -- o rt a mp on r t c a d`tml a'rti : - . • - • . . - s- 6eneraa- Laws.Annotated. Homeowner Signature . L SECTION 5- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) New House ( I Addition Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors El Accessory Bldg. VI Demolition El New Signs [ ❑] Decks [C) Siding [ ❑J Other [❑J Brief Description of Proposed Work: CON7 --i C- €. L 1 l '? f3-g-- q i L 0 N 6 2 y I 13 A "7 l+ c' ✓`'� Alteration of existing bedroom Yes K No Adding new bedroom Yes _,_ Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes i No Plans Attached Roll - Sheet �°� sa If New .ifi 'ouseand biltiditionttIN'S t fi nq•housirreire mplete`tf e'foliow nq a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms i c Is there a garage attached? t / .5 /y s/ Z° 4 - (,�q- .. lxAz.� - Z d. Proposed Square footage of new construction - `/ — Y eC) Dimensions (11 6Rr/ 11 V 7 3 X(S e Number of stories? �/ f. Method of heating? FO /ZC;nt) /f 1.V47 Fireplaces or Woodstoves /VD Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction LX/0o7 i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes )- No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes Y No 1 j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade Ole/„! k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? .< Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a - OWNER AUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED WHEN. OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES, FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, 7 IzA' (N•O , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize / (/► k v L v{ � L to act on b - a rs relative to work authorized by this building permit application. � ' fe / o• 1_ Sign. � • . re • f ... Date / 0 /9' 6 f I s „ , as Owner /Authcrized Agent hereby declare that the statements a • information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge 1 and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. D AV 1 -A S , C/100 , Print Name „.....y‘ I 0 - 19 - Signaturl of Owner /Agent Date Y, , . . . , • , Section 4, ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department .4 ..... . Lot Size 17_71 ;17.11 .. .., • _ Frontage - _ :___ Setbacks Front Side L R: A L RTP.71 '---o< Rear 10 f r ' ' 7-,T 1 trC _ ____ kW Building Height ■771.-.' ______ L.----- . Sr / Bldg. Square Footage 12‘;(0,1 ni;E} % ,E, 3`43, [37, 3-1 t--:-.-- ' 1 Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg & paved 9_7T Till FELT)::?_ L47 4:377 parking) F # of Parking Spaces :___2—..1 Fill: i (volume & Location) (..--L— • ' — . . • ', A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 DONT KNOW 42 YES 0 r--- IF YES, date issued:I i L _______- IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO . _.... .0 DONT KNOW Q YES Q •------ - IF YES: enter Book I Page I and/or Document ft i L---------- , B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO !',. DONT KNOW Q YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained - - 0 , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO V i IF YES, desc-ribe-size; type and location: I _ -- 071771ffe7EFFict fir orsigns intendecrioTtliFfirof5erty ? YES Q NO 3 IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES 0 NO 41, , .e. IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. .. . ._ _ n t k D egt only City of Northampton St of Per p f • Building Department Curbct D fvewayp r`rr(ti ,-';" Y � Septt�q ailab l ty i ; tl + , . " 212 Main Street s ri4 ,� ) Room 100 U Va e l a a I a it om i ; „A s . ” • Northampton, MA 01060 c e"f ® t l ra ola a 1. h phone 413- 587 -1240 Fax 413- 587 -1272 - A • - ,,,, s� , � ex,, sr ` ' i APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 SITE INFORMATION This section to be completed by office 1.1 Property Address: r ( ."--" 5 C.di/1I ` AVE Map Lot Unit 'Zo Overlay District *Elm`St`District CB District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: NNE Name iiiiip, Current Mailing A: �ayQ2 �L Telephone UA _ ` U Si!Ya 2,2 Authorized Agent: P w th 60..- . { f W 1 � 1 )NSTA& AA Na e (Print) Current Mailing Address: ti t Cj'2,,1.- �a )tc pi Sig re Telephone - SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED. CONSTRUCTION COSTS '• Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building i sQ l F (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of '12? I O e Constriction from (6) 3. Plumbing �> Building Permit Fee 1 4. Mechanical (HVAC) � p 5. Fire Protection 5 l�. 6 Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) 2`Z. i a Check Number ,o 1'� g g SD . __ This Section For Official Use Only - Date Building Permit Number: Issued: Signature: Building -- Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings Date File # BP- 2010 -0423 APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON DAVID S GLOD ADDRESS /PHONE PO BOX 590 DUNSTABLE (978) 804 -0836 PROPERTY LOCATION 15 COLUMBUS AVE MAP 38B PARCEL 141 001 ZONE URB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid /09 ;',P.57. S� Typeof Construction: CONSTRUCTION ATT GARAGE(14 X20) & ADDITION(23 X 18) LIBRARY,LAUNDRY & BATHROOM New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 55077 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE F LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability _ _Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay 1774( Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. likt$ ;AVE BP- 2010 -0423 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1 '- 141 ` CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2010 -0423 Project JS- 2010 - 000576 Est. Cost: $224000.00 Fee: $258.50 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: DAVID S GLOD 55077 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 5924.16 Owner: LENNOX SARA J Zoning. URB(100)/ Applicant: DAVID S GLOD AT: 15 COLUMBUS AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: PO BOX 590 (978) 804 -0836 WC DUNSTABLEMA01827 ISSUED ON:11/19/2009 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:CONSTRUCTION ATT GARAGE(14 X20) & ADDITION(23 X 18) LIBRARY,LAUNDRY & BATHROOM POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 11/19/2009 0:00:00 $258.50 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Building Commissioner - Anthony Patillo