2011-03-09 PTC MinutesPublic Transportation Committee Minutes 3/9/11 Present: John Norton, Alex Ghiselin, Jim Nash, David Elvin of PVPC, Jamin Carroll of VATCO, and Leslie Stein Public Comment: Alex Spear, Transportation Director for ServiceNet joined the meeting for his own information. Minutes of 2/9/11 were approved with one corrected typo. Transit Goals from Sustainability Plan: report on subcommittee work 1) Review draft of specific language about public transit in regard to site plan permitting process: Akex Ghiselin and Jim Nash reported that they want to propose changes in the Zoning ordinances but want to get some direction from the Planning Department. The committee agreed to invite Wayne Feiden to our next meeting and Alex and Jim plan to discuss their ideas with him beforehand. 2) Check corrections to draft of a Public Transportation Plan to include routes, use of shelters and pull offs, and flag stops to permanent stops. No discussion at this meeting. Old Business: Snow removal: Leslie Stein will send a thank-you to the BID on behalf of the Committee. New Business: The Committee talked about the upcoming meetings with the Nelson- Nygard group about the design of downtown. Some members may attend some of the sessions.