31D-101 St John's Episcopal Church-historic district sign approval TO: Historic District Commission (Elm Street) FROM: Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Development RE: Monday February 7, 2011 Public Hearing (Map ID 31D-101-001) St. John’s Episcopal Church, 48 Elm Street, request for a new ground sign DATE: January 28, 2011 The proposed project 1) removes the existing 5’ wide by 6.5’ tall ground sign and posts; and 2)Replaces it with a new ground sign and supports 7’ wide by 5’ tall. The actual sign, excluding structural support, is 5’ wide by 4’ tall (20 square feet). Issues and Approval Criteria  more in keeping with the character The new sign is of the historic church than the current sign.  The Building Commissioner has determined that sign is in conformance with zoning.  The Design Standards recommend a sign not more than 12 square feet.  The Design Standards recommend a very simple signs with only entity’s name.  The Design Standards must be considered in the review of any project, and provide guidance and a near guaranteed approval path to the regulated community.  “The Commission shall not make any recommendation or requirements except for the purpose of preventing developments or alterations incongruous to the historic aspects or the architectural characteristics of the surroundings and of the Historic District (MGL c. 40C).  Projects may still receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission when the Commission otherwise finds “that that projects respect the details and the character of the district” Approval Criteria Relevance to this Project (1) The historic and architectural value of the building The site is very important historically. The sign is compatible and makes NO permanent alterations. or structure and the significance of the site. (2) The general design, building alignment, setback, The applicant will argue that their materials are more compatible with the site than the current sign. height, articulation, texture, material and features involved. (3) The relation of such features to similar features of The sign replaces an existing sign in essentially the same area, but is the only ground sign in the area. buildings and structures in the surrounding area. (4) The compatibility of the alterations and new Zoning envisions a sign of this size as being compatible with a church of the size on the site. construction with the existing buildings and site environment present in the district, including the appropriateness of the size and shape of the building or structure, in relation to the land area upon which the building is or will be situated, and to buildings and structures in the vicinity. (5) The Commission may impose dimensional and setback requirements in addition to those required by other applicable ordinances. In accordance with MGL c. 40C, § 7, the Commission may in appropriate cases impose dimensional and setback requirements in addition to those required by applicable ordinances. The Commission shall not make any recommendation or requirement except for the purpose of preventing developments incongruous to the historic aspects or the architectural characteristics of the surroundings and of the historic district. (6) Exterior or facade changes to buildings that would The sign will create NO permanent changes to any historic features. damage historic features or are not otherwise readily reversible, except when such changes replicate historic features, restore previously damaged historic features, or are otherwise compatible with the detail and character of the district, shall be avoided. (7) The Commission shall refer to and utilize the Design The sign is larger than the Design Standards and has Standards Handbook for evaluation of specific projects more information, but that may be consistent with the and project components use and the size of the building. Staff Recommendation  Staff recommends approving the sign as proposed.