36-122 517 Westhampton Rd- letter
October 26, 2010
Paschalia Zantouliadis
517 Westhampton Road
Northampton MA, 01060
RE: Retaining Wall, 517 Westhampton Road, Parcel 36-122
Dear Ms. Zantouliadis:
Thank you for meeting with me at your home last week to discuss the work you are considering
around your retaining wall.
Enclosed please find a plan sheet of your property. This sheet includes plans for the septic
system, as well as the retaining wall. The septic system, including the leach field and retaining
wall received a Certificate of Compliance from the Northampton Health Department in 2003.
This Certificate indicates that the system, met Title V requirements. Please contact the Health
Department at 413-587-1214 if you have questions regarding Title V or the permit issued for
your parcel.
The plan also shows the wetland resource areas located on your lot, at the time the house was
constructed in 2003. Wetlands and streams are resources with many important functions,
including wildlife habitat, protection of groundwater, filtration of pollutants, and flood control.
A stream is located to the rear of the parcel, and a wetland area along the eastern boundary. A
portion of the retaining wall is located within the riverfront area, and the majority of the parcel
is located within the buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetlands. These areas are subject to
Northampton’s local Wetlands Protection Ordinance, as well as the State Wetlands Protection
Act. Any alteration of these areas, including the addition of fill, will require a permit from the
Northampton Conservation Commission. A permit application will need to include project
plans, work proposed, and identification of any impacts to resource areas from the project. It
might be helpful to contact a local wetlands consultant, or a contractor who has experience with
the Wetlands Protection Act
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. I would be happy to meet with
you and take a look at the file created when the house was built, or talk with you about the
Wetlands Protection regulations.
Sarah I. LaValley
Conservation, Preservation and Land Use Planner
Sanitary Sewer Design, 526 (517) Westhampton Road