Roundhouse from Brian Byrnes SECTION 02000 Soil and Material Management
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 1SECTION 02000 – SOIL AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The purpose of this Section is to describe procedures and requirements
for the handling and management of MGP-impacted soils, groundwater treatment residuals, and MGP-impacted debris (asphalt, brick, concrete, wood, brush, stumps, etc.) based on the environmental
quality and characteristics of the material. These procedures include, but are not limited to methods of excavation, handling, processing, conditioning, stockpiling, off-site transportation
and disposal/treatment of MGP-impacted material and miscellaneous debris. Work to be performed under this Section includes, but is not limited to, the following items including all labor,
materials, equipment and services necessary and incidental to the proper execution of Work. 1.02 DEFINITION A. MGP-impacted: Materials with visual evidence of separate phase product
(tar), blue staining, wood chips, and/or olfactory evidence of MGP tar odors ((naphthalene). All discolored soil within the portion of the Pioneer Property that was formerly owned by
Bay State Gas and that is part of the Site under the MCP is by definition considered MGP-impacted. Soils below elevation 109.5 ft in the portion of the property south of the property
formerly owned by Bay State may be MGP-related, and such determination shall be made based on the same physical and olfactory evidence (the presence of tar, tar oils, blue or greenish
soil or stones, and/or blue wood chips). Disputes over the source of material (MGP-impacted or non MGP-impacted) will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions
of the Settlement agreement, recognizing that visual and olfactory evidence is a better determiner of source than the detection of PAHs by chemical analysis. B. Non MGP-impacted: All
materials which are not classified as MGP-impacted. Non MGP-impacted soil may include urban fill soil, clean native soil, and clean imported fill soil. C. Urban fill: Fill soils which
are characterized by elevated concentrations of VOCs and/or PAHs and/or metals, and not identified as MGP-impacted. Urban fill is a subset of non MGP-impacted. Discolored (i.e., non-native)
fills in the southern portion of the Pioneer Property may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a result of past use not related to the MGP operations. The presence of PAHs
is not by itself evidence of Releases of Hazardous Materials at the Site related to MGP operations, particularly for soils less than 109.5 feet in elevation. Disputes over the source
of material (MGP-impacted or non MGP-impacted) will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions of the settlement agreement, recognizing that visual and olfactory
evidence is a better determiner of source than chemical analysis.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 2 D. The following is a summary of the anticipated excavation work and an identification of materials to be defined as MGP-impacted. 1. General: For
the purposes of this project, all soils on the parcel formerly owned by BSG are considered to be MGP impacted, with the following exceptions: a. Clean fill present above a geotextile
marker liner, and b. Soils west and northwest of the previous BSG excavation. This area is roughly defined by the footprint of the hotel. MGP-impacted soils may be encountered in excavations
on the parcels not previously owned by BSG, and shall be managed as MGP-impacted. MGPimpacted soils may be present in fill soils and natural deposits. 2. Clean Utility Corridors: a.
Soils above the marker barrier (approximately 3 feet below ground surface) are clean imported soils suitable for on-site re-use. b. Urban fill soils within the former BSG parcel will
be managed as MGPimpacted. c. Urban fill soils off the former BSG parcel will be managed as non-MGPimpacted, unless there is evidence of MGP-impacted soil as determined by the on-site
Licensed Site Professional (LSP) or the BSG Engineer/Representative. To the extent practical, this non impacted urban fill shall be re-used on either of the parcels, whether or not formerly
owned by BSG. d. Naturally deposited soil, if not exhibiting evidence of MGP impacts, shall be re-used on the premises. 3. Excavation for the hotel pool, floor slab, grade beams and
associated structural elements: a. Soils above the marker barrier (generally 3 feet below ground surface) are clean imported soils suitable for on-site re-use. b. Urban fill soils within
the former BSG property shall be managed as MGPimpacted. c. Urban fill soils, including soils in the pool area at the northwest corner of the proposed hotel and soil along the western
boundary of the hotel (both areas considered to be outside the former BSG property) shall be managed as urban fill, unless determined to be MGP-impacted by the BSG Engineer/Representative
or on-site Licensed Site Professional (LSP). d. Naturally deposited soil, if not exhibiting evidence of MGP impacts, shall be re-used within the former BSG property.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 3 e. MGP-impacted materials, if encountered, shall be managed as MGPimpacted. 4. Soils generated from the installation of deep foundations: a. Within
the former BSG property, urban fill soil and those identified as MGP impacted, will be managed as MGP impacted. b. Outside of the former BSG property, only MGP impacted materials will
be managed as MGP impacted materials. 5. Excavations for elevators within the parcel formerly owned by BSG: a. Soils above the marker barrier (generally 3 feet below ground surface)
are clean imported soils suitable for on-site re-use. b. Urban fill soils from within the former BSG property shall be managed as MGP-impacted. c. Naturally deposited soil, if not exhibiting
evidence of MGP impacts, shall be re-used within the former BSG property. d. MGP-impacted materials, if encountered, shall be managed as MGPimpacted. 6. Other excavated materials not
defined above, shall be classified as non MGPimpacted. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 310 CMR 40.0000, The Massachusetts Contingency
Plan, dated 29 October 1999, or latest version. B. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Policies: 1. Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil at Massachusetts Landfills,
dated 15 August 1997, Policy # COMM-97-001. 2. WSC-94-400, Interim Remediation Waste Management Policy for Petroleum Contaminated Soils, dated 21 April 1994. 3. Massachusetts Department
of Environmental Protection, Information Sheet, Guide To Regulations For Using Or Processing Asphalt, Brick And Concrete Rubble, (March 1, 1993, Revised February, 2000). C. Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection, 310 CMR 30.000, Hazardous Waste Regulations, 24 September 1993. D. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 310 CMR 19.000, Solid
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 4 Management Facility Regulations, 3 July 1992. E. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Solid Waste Management, Active MSW
Landfills and Active Demolition Landfills in Massachusetts, April 1997. F. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Solid Waste Management, Active Solid Waste
Landfills with Liners in Massachusetts, April 1997. G. HAZWOPER: OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.120. 1.04 BSG SUPPLIED SERVICES A. BSG has separately contracted the disposal of the following
wastes from this project. As an alternate to BSG, the Contractor may provide pricing for material disposal at the facilities listed herein, or at alternate facilities. BSG shall determine
the disposal facility based on its corporate policy. 1. MGP impacted non-hazardous soils 2. MGP impacted soils with benzene concentrations greater than the hazardous waste criteria 3.
MGP impacted NAPL impacted liquids (including water, emulsions, sludge, tars) 4. MGP impacted impacted concrete and brick 5. MGP impacted wood, metal and piping B. Facility restrictions
are provided in Part 3.02 below. Where ranges are provided for daily limit on disposal quantities, the lower range shall be the minimum daily average the facility will accept. Facilities
may accept more material, based on facility operations, up to the upper limit of the range indicated. C. BSG shall provide transportation for wastes to BSG designated facilities listed
in Section 3.02 of this Specification. D. The Contractor shall coordinate and adjust the project execution/schedule to meet the disposal facility requirements. The Contractor shall condition,
segregate and process materials to meet disposal facility and transportation requirements. BSG shall be responsible for the costs of this conditioning, segregation and processing. E.
Analytical testing services for waste characterization shall be performed by a Statecertified laboratory acceptable to the disposal facility. 1.05 HEALTH & SAFETY A. The Contractor is
is solely responsible for the health, safety, and protection of all on-site workers including its employees, subcontractors and material vendors during the handling of MGP-impacted materials.
Therefore, the Contractor shall provide a Health and Safety Plan (HSP) meeting all applicable Federal, State, and Local requirements and implement the HSP.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 5 B. Prepare a HSP which will ensure the health and safety of all workers engaged in work at the site and the public, in particular, occupants of the
surrounding buildings (residential and commercial), at all times when handling, or exposure to contaminated soil or water is possible. The HSP shall be prepared by a Certified Industrial
Hygienist or a Certified Safety Professional. Implement the plan throughout the execution of the work. C. The Contractor shall monitor ambient air in the area of the work in accordance
with the Health & Safety Plan and shall provide the BSG Engineer with monitoring results relevant to the selection of levels of personnel protective equipment. Should Level C protection
be required during the Work, the Contractor will be required to monitor the work area and the perimeter of the site to ensure there are no off-site emissions of gases, dust or other
airborne hazards that might pose a risk to public health and safety or create a nuisance factor. D. D. Require all workers who will engage in work at the site who may contact MGPimpacted
material to have received training in accordance with OSHA regulations governing such work and to attend a health and safety orientation meeting. Contractor shall provide BSG proof of
such training and orientation. (Reference 29 CFR 1910.120) E. Provide adequate OSHA-required and site-specific health and safety training for all personnel who will be engaged in work
at the site that might result in exposure to MGPimpacted air, soil, sediment or water. F. Conduct health and safety meetings at the beginning of each work day to review specific hazards
associated with the work planned for that day, PPE and operational controls to mitigate those hazards, and contingency plans and emergency procedures to respond to potential problems.
G. Personnel who have not received training or who are not equipped with the required protective clothing and equipment shall not be permitted access to the site during execution of
work which may result in exposure to MGP-impacted soil or water or other materials. H. Air monitoring will be performed in the breathing zone of the work area at the following minimum
frequencies: at the start of work each day, at the beginning of any new work task, at the completion of work each day, at noticeable changes in the materials being handled, and at least
every two hours during the work day. If encountered, monitoring shall be performed continuously while non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) is being handled on site. I. Decontaminate all equipment
and tools which have come in contact with contaminated soil, groundwater and other materials to prevent the spread of contamination within the site and outside the site limits. J. Dispose
of all decontamination by-products in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 6 K. At a minimum, decontamination of construction equipment shall include the steamcleaning of all equipment which comes in contact with contaminated
soil or water, prior to leaving the job site. Soap and water decontamination of non-disposable worker protective equipment shall be performed. L. Provide on-site facilities for Contractor
personnel to decontaminate their protective clothing or other equipment. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Contractor shall provide a detailed description of materials management, emission controls
and a decontamination plan. B. Submit name and qualifications of proposed analytical testing laboratory to be used for waste characterization analysis. C. Submit haul schedule with estimated
tons per day to be removed from the site a minimum of 7 days in advance of the work. D. Submit all documentation and permits relative to the handling and transport of soil, groundwater
and other solid and liquids handled during the work and maintain copies of these documents on site. These shall include at least the following: 1. Schedule for sampling, excavation and
off-site disposal of MGP wastes. 2. Results of waste characterization data 10 days in advance of proposed disposal schedule. 3. For Contractor-disposed materials, manifests for hazardous
waste transportation. Drafts of Manifests shall be provided for BSG review at least 5 days in advance of off-site transportation. 4. For Contractor-disposed materials, Bills of Lading,
Non-Hazardous Manifests, or Material Shipping Records for transportation of non-hazardous materials. Draft transportation documents shall be provided to BSG for review and comment at
least 5 days in advance of off-site transportation. 5. If permits are obtained, provide BSG /BSG Engineer with copies of all applications submitted and permits obtained. E. Health and
Safety: 1. HSP which includes levels of protection and a schedule for training of Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s workers in the use of respiratory equipment and use of protective clothing.
clothing. Certification of proper training of on site personnel is to be on file and available for review during operation.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 7 2. A list of all personnel who will enter the site, copies of certification of training and certification of compliance with medical monitoring requirements.
This documentation must be on file and available for review prior to personnel performing on-site work and shall be maintained on site. 3. Documentation of respirator fit tests shall
be required prior to their use. If respiratory protection is used the BSG Engineer/Representative shall be informed immediately. BSG Engineer/Representative or the Licensed Site Professional
(LSP) will be responsible for alerting City officials in accordance with MADEP requirements. PART 2 – PRODUCTS No permanent products are required under this section. PART 3 – EXECUTION
3.01 MATERIAL SEGREGATION A. All materials requiring off-site disposal shall be segregated by degree of contamination and analyzed as necessary to determine disposal requirements and
appropriately disposed off-site. MGP-impacted material shall be segregated from urban fill material and clean soils. Material segregation will be at the direction of the BSG Engineer
and in accordance with the areal definitions provided above. B. Screening, Sampling and Testing: 1. Contractor shall pre-characterize all known MGP-impacted soils prior to excavation
to prevent the need for on-site storage of impacted materials. Precharacterization shall be performed to meet regulatory and disposal facility requirements. 2. The BSG Engineer will
perform field screening to evaluate concentrations of contaminants. Field screening performed by the BSG Engineer may consist of visual, olfactory and photoionization detector (PID)
headspace readings for VOC monitoring. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the characterization of all wastes requiring off-site disposal. Sampling for waste characterization
shall be conducted in accordance with facility and regulatory requirements, and in the presence of the BSG Engineer. Waste characterization samples and sub-samples shall be collected
from evenly distributed locations throughout the volume of waste. All analyses shall be conducted by a Massachusetts certified laboratory. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
coordination and scheduling of sampling and analytical testing.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 83.02 MGP-IMPCATED MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION AND DISPOSAL FACILITIES A. MGP Residuals-Non-Hazardous: Soil and brick impacted by MGP wastes at concentrations
below the hazardous waste criteria, processed as necessary to meet disposal facility requirements. 1. Analytical testing for waste characterization: ESMI: One sample every 500 tons up
to 4,000 tons, then one sample every 500 tons. VOCs Total* SVOCs TPH* CN/PCB Total Metals, RCRA 8 Individual metals total (15 priority pollutant + Barium and Vanadium)*
Conductivity/reactivity Ignitability/flash point Pesticides and herbicides* 2. The following disposal and/or treatment facilities have been approved by BSG and may be contracted
by BSG directly: a. Environmental Soils Management, Inc. of NY in Fort Edward, New York Hours of Operation – M-F: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm Size restriction – 8-inch minus Daily limit
of disposal quantities – 250 tons/day b. Environmental Soils Management, Inc. of NH in Loudon, New Hampshire Hours of Operation – M-F: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Size Restriction – 7.5-inch
minus Daily limit of disposal quantities – 250-500 tons/day with flexibility (combined quantity of MGP Residuals – Non-Hazardous and Hazardous for Benzene) B. MGP Residuals-Hazardous
for Benzene: Soils impacted by MGP waste and NAPL/LNAPL impacted material with concentrations that exceed the hazardous waste criteria for benzene, processed as necessary to meet disposal
facility requirements. 1. Analytical testing for waste characterization at ESMI requires one sample for every 500 tons. EQMDI will require only one waste characterization test per uniform
stream. Testing shall include the following parameters VOCs SVOCs CN/PCB’s RCRA 8 total metals Conductivity/Reactivity
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 9 2. The following disposal and/or treatment facilities have been approved by BSG and may be contracted by BSG directly: a. Environmental Soils Management,
Inc. of NH in Loudon, New Hampshire Hours of Operation – M-F: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Size Restriction – 7.5-inch minus Daily limit of disposal quantities –350-500 tons/day (combined
quantity of MGP Residuals – Non-Hazardous and Hazardous for Benzene) b. EQMDI Disposal Facility Bellville, Michigan Hours of Operation – M-F: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Size Restriction
– 3’x 3’ Daily limit of disposal quantities – 500/day C. Liquids: Includes decontamination liquids. All liquids shall be disposed of off-site. Liquids generated and containerized
from the decontamination of equipment used during the work. 1. Analytical testing for waste characterization requires one sample for every 5000 gallons (tanker load) for the following
parameters. VOCs SVOCs CN PCB BTU/flash Halogens 2. The following off-site disposal and/or treatment facilities have been contracted by BSG: a. Norlite Corporation
in Cohoes, New York (United). Hours of Operation – M-F: 700 am to 5:00 pm Facility restriction – Can accept heavy consistency oils “pumpable” coal tar liquid Daily limit of
disposal quantities – 10,000 gallons/day b. United Oil Recovery, Meridan or Bridgeport United Hours of Operation – M-F: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Facility restriction – light to medium
oil only Daily limit of disposal quantities – 20,000/day D. Concrete, Brick & Masonry: 1. If clean (no staining) manage with ABC policy as non-MGP impacted. 2. If impacted, to be
sized and disposed with soil. E. Metal: shall be cleaned and recycled
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 10 3.03 MGP MATERIALS MANAGEMENT A. Do not remove MGP impacted material from the site for disposal or treatment without approval of BSG /BSG Engineer/Representative
and appropriate Bills of Lading, Hazardous Waste Manifests, or other documentation (material shipping record). BSG will be the generator of MGP impacted wastes, and associated transportation
documents will be signed by BSG or the BSG Engineer/Representative. B. Maintain project documentation with accurate records of waste characterization testing of materials destined for
off-site disposal. C. Suspend work in the area and notify the BSG Engineer/Representative if the presence of potentially hazardous conditions is evident. These conditions include, but
are not limited to, buried containers, drums or tanks, or explosive conditions due to contaminated vapors. Secure the area to protect against worker or public health risk or release
into the environment. The BSG Engineer/Representative will notify, as necessary, the MA DEP, the City of Northampton Fire Department and BSG. 3.04 STOCKPILE DETAILS A. Due to limited
operating space and the potential for the generation of odors, the stockpiling of MGP-contaminated media shall not be permitted. If MGP wastes are unexpectedly encountered, these materials
may be stockpiled pending disposal. Stockpiles shall be: 1. Disposed of within 10 days of stockpile creation; and 2. Limited to a maximum size of 500 cy. B. Stockpiling MGP-impacted
soils destined for off-site thermal treatment shall be prohibited during the installation of the clean utility corridors. If encountered during clean utility corridor construction, materials
not acceptable for thermal treatment may be stockpiled upon approval by BSG/BSG Engineer. C. The creation of soil stockpiles of potentially-impacted material may be necessary, if encountered
during the hotel foundation and parking garage construction, but must be approved by BSG/BSG Engineer. Locations of stockpiles must not create any disturbances to nearby residences or
businesses. Stockpiles shall be protected from erosion. D. Materials shall be stockpiled on two sheets of 6-mil polyethylene plastic and securely covered with 6-mil polyethylene at the
end of each working day and when not in active use. Not in active use is defined as no soil being added to or removed from the stockpile for greater than 30 minutes. Odor control foam
may be required to minimize odor generation from stockpiles during active use. Stockpiles shall be located away from construction activity, residential dwellings, water drainage pathways,
areas prone to flooding, or other environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., wetlands). Prevent access to stockpiles by the public.
Hilton Garden Inn Northampton MA 11 E. Shape and grade stockpiles to facilitate surface water drainage. Prevent dust and water from leaching from stockpiles. Stockpiles shall be covered
and bermed to prevent impacts to storm water. 3.05 MATERIAL TRANSPORT A. Extreme precaution shall be exercised to prevent material spillage at the site and on public roads. All spills
shall be cleaned immediately. B. Load material within the site work limits, remove soil from trucks within the contamination reduction zone per the Contractor’s Health and Safety Plan
and Project Work Plan, and daily sweep off-site streets that contain project debris. The Contractor shall provide additional tracking control and/or load-out area as needed to preclude
onsite spillage and off-site tracking of wastes. C. Transport contaminated material off-site by a licensed material transporter or by BSGprovided transportation. D. Dump/transport bodies/containers
transporting MGP Residuals-Potentially Hazardous for Benzene, shall be lined. E. Cover all trucks leaving the site and prevent debris from spilling from trucks or being tracked off-site.
F. Transport contaminated material in accordance with requirements for remediation waste or State Solid Waste, State and Federal Hazardous Waste Regulations and all applicable State
and US Department of Transportation requirements. END OF SECTION