RFP for PS&E Recreation at Allard Farm Request for Proposals Design, Specifications, Estimates, and Contract Documents Florence Fields Recreation Area, Meadow Street, Florence Deadline for proposals: 1:00 PM Thursday October 21, 2010 Submit to: Electronically to WFeiden@NorthamptonMA.gov AND Two paper copies to Wayne Feiden and the address below. For questions contact: Wayne Feiden WFeiden@NorthamptonMA.gov or 587.1265 Awarding Authorities: Planning and Development AND Recreation Department Horizontal design services (therefore exempt from MGL c. 30B) Project Summary The City is purchasing 24 acres at the intersection of Meadow and Spring Streets in the Florence section of Northampton to develop into a recreation area, in accordance with the City’s master plan for the property. The majority of the site is in the floodplain. Development of the recreation area will be phased over many years. This RFP is for design services to take the master plan and create 100% Designs, Specifications, Estimates, Contract Specifications, and Permit Applications for the site, based on the City’s master plan, including all recreation facilities, fencing, sidewalks and paths, drainage, parking lots, and any other necessary site improvements EXCEPT buildings. Buildings will be designed separately or ordered as off-the shelf buildings at a later stage, but the plans should show the location of the buildings and the utilities and infrastructure necessary to serve the buildings. Evaluation of proposals will be based on: Consultant experience in all aspects of the project Evidence of being able to complete the project on-time and on-budget Project approach Price proposal The consultant who prepared the master plan is eligible for this contract but has no inside track. We are actively soliciting multiple proposals so to achieve the best opportunity for the city. Existing documents available to consultants:  Survey (Northeast Survey): property boundaries, one foot contour intervals and the ten and 100 year floodplain.  Master Plan (Berkshire Design Group): showing all programmatic components and proposed layout on the site. Anticipated Detail of Requested Design Services 1. Kick-off meeting with Office of Planning and Development (OPD) and the Recreation Department to work out details of the project, timing, and identify any necessary information. 2. Create 25% (or so) plans and specifications for review by Planning, Recreation, and DPW. 3. Participate in 25% design community meeting for final community input (there was extensive community input during the planning and master planning phases). 4. Meet with Office of Planning and Development and Recreation Department on to address any necessary changes. 5. Create revised plans and specifications to address comments. 6. Apply for and obtain necessary permits, with assistance from the Office of Planning and Development: 1. Site Plan Approval (Planning Board) 2. Notice of Intent (Conservation Commission) 3. Stormwater Permit (Department of Public Works) 7. Create final plans, specifications, and estimates for the project. 8. Meet with Office of Planning and Development and Recreation to confirm all city comments are adequately addressed and to create a phasing plan for the project. 9. Create final 100% plans, specifications, estimates that include the City phasing and are created to serve for multiple phases and bid cycles. The City is willing to consider other approaches so long as all of the work products detailed above are addressed. Proposal Contents (there is no required format for the proposal, but include): 1. Documentation on consultant expertise, especially in recreation master planning and design. 2. Cost proposal. Fees must be fixed fee or not-to-exceed fees for project. 3. Consultant approach. 4. If any items in detailed approach (above) are not provided, explain why not.