1975 Historical Commission minutesJanuary 6, 1975
,A regular meeting of the
was held on Monday, January 6,
Department Offices, located in
present for this meeting.
Northampton Historical Commission
1975 at 4:10 p.m. in the Planning
1111 emorial Hall. All members were
The secretary's report was read and accepted.
There was no treasurer'.s report made at this meeting.
1. Historical Inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea reported that reports are
being turned in and Mr. Charles Stark is checking them for errors.
The reports which were due concerning the area which extends from
the City Hall to the Academy of Music are in the final stages of
completion. All of the photographs, which are required on inventory
forms, are to be processed commercially.
2. Redevelopment Authority - It was reported by Miss Helen Searing
that the ideas of the Redevelopment Authority are still compatible
with the Historical Commission, however, there might be some
differences of emphasis.
3. Communications -
A. A letter was read from Mayor Sean Dunphy in regards to the
series of letters which had been sent, as instructed, from the last
B. James D. Raymond, of Sheehan's Cafe was approached by the
Commission to assist him in restoring his newly purchased building.
C. Interns- The interns which have been working tith the Historical
Commission, have compiled a report, which was read by Mr. Gordon
1. City Hall - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur reported that the color for the
trim had been chosen and it will be Plantation Bbown, which is
manufactured by Sherwin - Williams.
2. Discussion with Mayor Sean Dunphy by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur:
A. A Design Review Board may be established on a local basis even
if this area is not classified as part of the Massachusetts Historical
District. This would provide some protection in this area through
zoning regulations, local easements, signs, but also it could
provide an architectural review board and consultant services.
B. Historical Inventory Coordinator - Mayor Dunphy stated that
he would attempt to obtain the services of a person to work and
develop a program for the completion of the historical inventory.
C. Memorial Hall - It is conceiveable that in the immediate future
the Historical Commission may acquire office space in Memorial Hall
which would be an important tool for carrying out its varied programs.
D. Newburyport, Mass. - The Mayor stated that there was a great
deal-of enthusiasm concerning a trip to Newburyport and that it might
be possible to use a bus for transporting those involved. This would
be for the purpose of gaining knowledge on their programs in historical
preservation and thus give many ideas for the development of like
programs in Northampton.
(2) January 6, 1975
3• Grants - Miss Karen Leveille, of the Northampton Planning Depart-
ment, stated that federal grants for the improvement of historical
structures must be submitted prior to January 15, 1975. Structures
which are eligible are those whose historical inventory forms have
been completed and as at present this was impossible the Massachusetts
Historical Commission gave an extension of one month (February 15,
1975)• These grants are on a matching basis between the government
and the site selected.
4. Award of Merit - Dr. Wilbur submitted the criteria for the Award
of Merit that he has developed and it will be discussed at the next
5. Zoning - Dr. Wilbur made a. motion which was seconded by Mr. Harvey
Finison that a letter be sent to Mr. Charles Baranowski requesting
that Bridge Street be classified as eitheb A or B Residential.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be
held on Monday, January 20, 1975 in the Planning Department Offices
of Memorial Hall.
Mr. Charles -Stark made a motion which was seconded by 'Dr. C. Keith
Wilbur to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. The motion passed unamiously.
Respectfully submitted,
ecret D. S e ncer, Jr.
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
Ivtonday, March 3, 1975 4:00 pm Conference Room,
Planning Department,
Memorial Hall
Carol Du ie,
Assistant to the Commission
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes
1. Treasurer's Report will not be given
2. Inventory Report —Carol Dubie
3. Redevelopment Committee Report—Helen Searing
1. Letter from Harvey Finison. Mr. Finison has indicated his
intention to resign from the Commission.
2. Letters from Sue MdCarthy and Deborah Dowling. These
individuals, have expressed interest in wotking with the
Commission. Their respective fields are history and art.
Old Business:
1. TOPICS: Lighting Fixtures presentation by Karen Leveille.
Karen Leveille will be presenting several alternative
lighting fixtures for Main Street. The Commission will
be asked to make a'recommendation. This recommendation,
along with others, will be submitted to the Urban Renewal
Steering Committee.
2. Downtown Historic District proposal. The proposal in its
final form will be available for examination by the
members of the Commission. The memo describing the
implications of National Register status will be discussed.
3. Design Review Board. .Discussion.
New Business:
1. Smith Vocational School --Dr. Larry Chase. The fate of
the present Smith School building is in question.
2. Proposed Zoning Changes.
3. Election of Officers. The resignation of Mr. Finison makes
necessary the election of a treasurer. It has been suggested
that a general election of officers be held.
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
Monday, March 17, 1975 4:OOpm Conference Room,
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
Carol Dubie,
Assistant to the Commission
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the March 3, 1975 meeting
1. Treasurer's Report - Juliette Tomlinson
2. Inventory Report -Carol Dubie. Enclosures.
3. *:Redevelopment Committee Report-Helen Searing
1. Letter from Robert Scagliotti concerning Design Review
Old Business:
1. TOPICS: Lighting Fixtures. The Commission must make
a recommendation this week if that recommendation is to be con-
sidered by the Steering Committee. I have some additional in-
formation. Mazie Cox has several suggestions, as well as a photo-
graph showing old Main Street lighting. Please bring photographs,
sketches, etc. to support your choice of fixtfxres. The fixture
used in the Metoon Street Area is under consideration; if you
have the opportunity, please make a trip to Springfield to see this
2. Downtown Historic District Proposal. Dr. Wilbur
will discuss the outcome of the meeting with the Mayor.
3. Design Review Board.
New Business:
1. Associate Commissioners. Please come with names in
mind. We ought to discuss a) means of gathering information about
these individuals, b) means of selection of associates from those
Note Mr. John Murphy, Postmaster, has agreed to come and speak
to the Commission and members of the Northampton Historical Society
about the new Post Office building to be constructed on Bridge Street.
He is expected at 4 pm. Please try to be prompt.
April 2, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical
Commission was held on March 17, 1975, at 4 pm in the conference
room at the Planning Department. Present were Commissioners
Searing, Stark, Tomlinson, and Wilbur; Associate fox; Historical
Society members Mrs. Ruth Wilbur and Mrs. Richard Holden.
Absent were Commissioners Shea,and Spencer, Associates Bowen,
Thorn, Foster, and Murphy.
`The reading of the minutes did not occur in the absence
of Mr. Spencer, the secretary.
The treasurer's report was given by Juilette Tomlinson.
The site inventroy report was given. Carol Dubie reported
that further research on the commercial blocks on Main Street
had resulted in more accurate dating of many' -of thelbuildings.
Xeroxes with this information were distributed. Members suggested
additional sites in the downtown area worth investigating. The
Fire House, the Bike Factory /Button Shop, Beardsley's Diner,
church of Christ, Scientists, the Radiologists, Old Hampshire
uookstore, and the factory complex behind Pleasant Street were
The Redevelopment Committee Report was given by Helen
Searing. She reported that the redevelopment scheme which had met
with the most approval was the scheme which involved the fewest
major changes and located the new department store on Main Street
rather than on Pleasant Street. The block of worker's housing
on Hampton Avenue would probably not be retained. Some discussion
of the Plaza Theatre building ensued.
At this point, John Murphy arrived and spoke about the
new post office. He outlined the process of site selection,
described the construction schedule, and explained the blueprints
for the new building. TkxxAkstaxkx Mrs. Ruth Wilbur expressed
concern about the mural in the present post office building, and
was advised to contact the Building Services Administration.
Communications included a letter from Robert Scagliotti
of Salem concerning the Design Review Board and a notice of Spring
Preservation Workshops was received from the state 4istorical
commission. The western Hass. workshop will be held on May 17,
in Buckland, Mass., and it is hoped that some of our members
will attend.
Under the heading of Old Business, lighting fixtures
were again discussed. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously
agreed to recommend that the "Victorian" fixture and the "Boulevard"
post, both made by the Welsbach company, be used.
Also under Old Business, Dr. Wilbur reported on the
meeting held with Mayor Dunphy. The Commissioners agreed that
greater public exposure would benefit the National Register
proposal. A motion made by Dr. Wilbur and seconded by `'uliette
Tomlinson, that the Commission present its ideas to the*P'leasant/
River Steering Committee at a special meeting on March 25, was
Under New Business, the question of .Associate Commissioners
was raised. Dr. Wilbur read a list of names including Peter Rowe,
Emory Clausing, Deborah Dowling, Susan McCarthy, and others.
f ,.
April 28, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
was held on April 7, 1975, in the conference room at the Planning
Department. Dr. Wilbur, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
4:05 pm. Present were Commissioners Searing, Stark, Tomlinson,
and Wilbur, and Associate Murphy. Absent were Commissioners Shea
and Spencer, and Associates Bowen, Cox, Foster, and Thorne.
The minutes of the March 17, 1975 meeting were read and
accepted. The treasurer's report, the inventory report, and the
redevelopment committee report were given.
Under the heading Old Business, the Award of Merit procedure
was discussed. C. Dubie stated that although the ' °Iayor had not yet
returned his comments on the Award materials, he had agreed to
participate in the Awards ceremony during Preservation Week. A. —L
rough draft of the advertisement to be placed in the Gazette was
circulated. Several Commissioners felt that the scope of the
Awards in May should be limited and that the length of the proposed
nomination form would discourage citizen participation. Discussion
followed. A motion was made by Helen Searing and seconded by
Charles Stark to limit the initial presettation of Awards to the
downtown area. The motion passed. It was agreed that a simple
coupon would be added to the advertisement and the work of collecting
information about nominated properties would be left to the Historical
Commission. Beth Buffington of the Planning Department would
prepare the advertisement and Carol Dubie would write a press release
explaining National Preservation Week and the Award.
the National Register Proposal was also discussed. Carol
Dubie reported that the Redevelopmett Authority felt that another
meeting with the Pleasant /River Steering committee. would be necessary.
The primary purpose of this meeting would "be to provide the opportunity
for Steering Committee members to speak directly with representatives
of the Mass. Historical Commission.
Gordon Murphy mentioned that the National Register proposal
had been discussed at the Chamber of Commerce meeting that morning
and there had been some confusion as to the effects of National Register
listing on individualaroperty owners. IIr. Murphy said that he had
been appainted "liason' between the Chamber and the Commission. He
felt that the Commission should present its proposal to the Chamber;
C. Dubie stated that arrangements were being made to do so.
Under New Business, it was agreed that the names of Mrs.
Foster and Mr. Murphy should be submitted to the Mayor for his
consideration in the selection of a new Commissioner. Dr. ,
agreed to do so.
Also under New Business, Karen Leveille spoke to the
Commission about the Environmental Assessment Form. for the Redevelopment
project. She explained items on the form which were of conceirn to
the Historical Commission, and requested that the Commission indicate,
in a letter to Patrick Kinney, Project Coordinator, its willingness
to work with the Redevelopment Authority. It was agreed that :,).this
would be done.
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
Monday, April 7, 1975 4:00pm Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
Call to
1. Treasurer's Report - Juliette Tomlinson.
2. Inventory Report -Carol Du.bie. See below.
3. Redevelopment Committee Report -Helen Searing.
1. Notice from the Bay State Historical League
Old Business:
1. Award of Merit. See enclosures. This information has
been sent to Mayor Dunphy. I hope to have his comments to present
at the meeting on Monday. The procedures and schedule as I have
outlined them should be altered, if necessary, and approved at this
meeting if the Awards are to be given during National Preservation
of the Minutes of the March 17, 1975 meeting
2. National Register District Proposal.
New business:
1. Recommendations for new Commissioner. Mayor Dunphy
has requested recommendations from the historical Lommission. He
will consider these suggestions in his selection of an individual
to replace Mr. Finison.
2. Pleasant /River Redevelopment Project. Several questions
on the Environmental Assessment Form for the Urban Redevelopment
project concern historic resources in the project area. Karen
Leveille will discuss these items with the Commission.
*A reminder that the Mass. historical Commission will hold
its western Mass* workshop in Buckland on May 17, 1975. Please let
me know if you are interested in attending.
*Inventory forms on the majority of the downtown buildings
have been completed. These will be available at the meeting on
Monday. Comments, suggestions, and additional information would be
appreciated. I will be sending the forms to Boston and would like
them to be as complete and informative as possible.
1 0 -
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
April 28, 1975 4 :00 pm Conference Room,
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubie,
Assistant to the Commission
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the April 7, 1975 meeting
Treasurer's Report: Juliette Tomlinson
Inventory Report: Carol Dubi e
Redevelopment Commkttee Report: Helen Searing
Letter from Mrs. Agnes Shea. Mrs. Shea has indicated
her intention to resign from the Commission.
Letter from Mayor Dunphy; The Mayor has requested the
Commission's endorsement of the proposal to rehabilitate
the Academy of Music.
Old Business:
National Register Proposal: Dr. Wilbur will report on
the meeting, with the Chamber of Commerce on Agrril 14, 1975.
National Preservation Week: The Commission has received
several nominations for the Award of Merit. Any
additional nominations from the Commission itself should
be made at this meeting. The presentation of awards has
been scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, at 3 :30 pm; the
evaluation of nominations should begin immediately.
New Business:
None to date.
April 28, 1975
A regular meeting of the
was held on Monday, April 28,
Department Offices, located in
present for this meeting.
Northampton Historical Commission
1975 at 4 :05 p.m. in the Planning
Memorial Hall. All members were
The secretary's report was read and accepted.
The treasurer's report was read and accepted. At present
a balance of $352.12 remains on the fiscal budget and all other
bills have been paid. Due to a reorganization of the budget,
the Historical Commission is charged for office expenses which
were 47,8.57 for this quarter and this sum is to be deducted from
the present balance.
1. Historical Inventory - Carol Dubie reported on her progress
in the downtown area. The areas of Hawley, Pomeroy, Market and
those contiguous are to be investigated in the immediate future.
2. Redevelopment Authority - Miss Helen Searing attended two meetings
of the Redevelopment Authority.
A. Sub - committee on Design and Enviornment has recommended the
exterior street lamps which had been chosen by the Historical
Commission and these would be closely spaced infront of institutions
and a few commercial buildings.
B. Steering Committee is to recommend the full proposal to the
City Council. This proposal will include a modest demolition of
buildings and a bus station which will be close to the housing
for the elderly.
1. Mrs. Agnes Shea has submitted a letter of resignation due to
her inability to attend meetings during the winter months as she
will be moving to Florida.
2. Mayor Sean Dunphy is urging support of the Historical Commission
in the renovation of the Academy of Music. This proposal is important
to the Historical Commission as the Academy is a key part of the
commercial and recreational aspect for a potential historical area.
Miss Juliette Tomlinson is to draft this letter of support. IkI5 is d
L v\k6, S � 1 Pa� r is re
3. Massachusetts Historical Commission invited the Northampton
Historical Commission to their workshop in Buckland on May 17.
1. National Preservation Week - The following commercial structures
were nominated for the Award of Merit which will be given on May 14;
Smith Charities, 140 Main St., Fitzwilly's, St. Mary's Church,
Zelda's, Bonducci's, Sutter's Mill, Mr. Kenneth Bowen's Law Offices,
Graham Building, Stewart's College Shop, Cronin and Dwyer's Bookstore,
Dr. Crowe's Offices, 10 Button St. and Kimball and Cary.
- 2 -
April 28, 1975
2. National Register proposal was presented by Miss Helen Searing
to the Chamber of Commerce and they appeared quite receptive and
interested in this program.
1. Downtown Open House was proposed as a tour of various establishments
in the downtown area and Ms. Mazie Cox and Mr. Gordon Murphy are
investigate this program.
2. Rotary Club has requested a speaker for May 5 or 19 on the hitorical
aspects of Northampton, however, the Commission feels that at the
present time this is impossible.
3. Smith College is to tear down alumni Gym to expand the Library
and Miss Helen Searing will attempt to set up a meeting with Mr.
Charles Henderson and the Trustees in an attempt to determine what
can be done to save this structure.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be
held on Monday, May 5. 1975 in the planning Department Offices of
Memorial Hall.
Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred
D. Spencer to adjourn at 5 :35 p.m. The motion passed unamiously.
Respect u ly submitted,
Wi fred D. Spencer, Jr.
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
May 5, 1975 4 :00pm Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubi e,
Assistant to the Commission
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the April 2,1975 meeting
The Commission will meet to vote on the various nominations
for the Preservation Award of Merit to be given during
National Historic Preservation Week,, May 12 -18.
May 5, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
was held on Monday, May,5 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in the Planning Department
Offices, located in Memorial Hall. All members were present for
this meeting.
The secretary's report was read and accepted, with the addition
of including that the Academy of Music project is a Bicentennial
There was no treasurer's report for this week.
1. Award of Merit - The following establishments were granted the
Award of Merit for historical preservation and are to receive their
certificate on May 14, 1975 at City Hall: Sutter's Mill, Bonducci's,
Zelda's, Kimball and Cary, 10 Button Alley, FitzWilly's, Smith Charities,
138 -40 Main St. and Kenneth Bowen's Law Offices.
2. Preservation Week - Ms. Mazie Cox asked various owners to open their
establishments to the public, however, their was mixed reaction to
this proposal.
3. Visual Aids - The next meeting of the Commission a general discussion
should include various potential programs in an effort to create a
show dealing with historic places in Northampton.
4. Symbol for Award of Merit - An exterior symbol for the Award of
Merit recipients will be investigated by Mr. Gordon Murphy and Ms.
Mazie Cox. These will be used to display outside of the successful
renovation and could be in the nature of a flag or pennant.
5. Exterior Street Light - Miss Helhn Searing is to investigate the
possibility of obtaining an exterior light pole from Van Arc
which could cost approximately 4125.00 for each piece. This is in
an effort to find an alternative which would be more adaptable for
the lighting program in Northampton.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will
be held on Monday, May 19, 1975 in the Planning Department Offices
of Memorial Hall.
Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr.
Wilfred D. Spencer to adjourn at 5:35 p.m. The Motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Wi fred D. pencer, Jr.
Meeting of the Northampton Historic'1 Commission
May 19, 1915 4 :00 pm Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubie,
Assistant to the Commission
Call to Order Agenda
Reading of the Minutes of the May 5, 1975 meeting
Treasurer's Report.
Inventory Report.
Redevelopment Committee Report.
I-ommuni cations.
Old Business: No items under old business.
New Business:
1. Armory building on King Street. The Sixth Mass.
Continental Infantry Regiment proposes that the Armory building
be restored and used as a military museum/ community center. The
city has projected other uses for this site. The Commission
will discuss this matter.
2. House of Correction. As the County is hoping to
acquire state hospital land or other land as a . site for a new
House of Correction, the Historical Commission will begin to
ather information on the history of the present House of
orrection on Union Street, and investigate proposed future
uses for the structure.
3. Tax incentives for preservation. At Mayor Dunphy' s
suggestion, the Commission will begin investigation of possible
programs to encourage restoration in the downtown.
May 19,1975
The regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
was held on Monday, May 19, 1975 at 4:07 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
All members were present with the exception of Miss Juliette
The secretary,'s report was accepted as read.
The treasurer's report was not read due to the absence of
Miss Juliette Tomlinson.
1. Communications:
A. Massachusetts Historical Commission letter of appreciation
for the twenty -five completed inventory forms and the excellent way
in which they were accomplished;
B. Telephone call to Carol Dubie requesting information and co-
operation With Mr. William Gillen, architect of the Court House,
to develop a display on the history of the Court House during the
winter time.
C. Letter from the Bay State Historical League informing us of
the election of new officers of this group.
2. Alumni Gym - Ms. Helen Searing informed the Commission that
petitions were being circulated and that she would write a letter
of concern over the possible demolition of the Alumni Gym.
3. Design and Enviornment Sub - Committee has proposed a new design for
the sidewalks in the downtown area. This design, as reported by
Ms. Searing, was to be much simpler than the prevkous design and the
use of a single color. It was also reported by Ms. Searing that
no new design has been decided on for the lights and that this was
to be investigated more intensively.
4. Commercial Sub- Committee met with the Design and Enviornment
Sub - Committee concerning a passageway into the Main St. from the
parking lot. Much controversey has developed over which facade
should be chosen with the Commercial Sub - Committee in favor of
C - ohen Bros. while the Design and Enviornment Committee in favor of
an urban wall on Pleasant Street.
5. Armory- the'6th Massachusetts Regiment has requested the use of
the Armory aff a meeting place and museum and which could also be used
for various civic programs that could be developed there. This group
would restore this structure but there are many questions such as
privately operated public building, parking, cost, and the effect on
the Master Plan.
6. House of Correction - Next meeting of the Historic Commission will
be held on May 27 at 4:00 p.m. at the House of Correction
7. Tax incentives on preserved areas - A meeting with the Board of
Assessors and Mr. Kenneth Bowen should be arranged to investigate
provisions of the tax laws so that people that restore their structures
should not be penalized for their efforts in improving their building.
7. West Farms School - A private group wishes to keep up this structure
because of the vandalism. Dr. Wilbur made a motion which was seconded
by Mr. Wilfred Spencer that a letter be sent to the Reverend
Kirkpatrick stating that this structure should be restored by the
city before it is turned over to the Chapbl Committee. Copies of this
letter should be sent to Mayor Dunphy and Mr. Edward Gross.
Ms. Helen Searing made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Charles
Stark that the meeting be adjourned at 5:35p.m. The motion passed
D �t'u unamiously. ""
N� s '' tted,
7 �irftd D.�nerer Jr. Sec'
p y
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
June 2, 1975 4 :00 p.m. Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubie
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of the
Treasurer' s Report.
Inventory Report.
Redevelopment Committee
Old Business:
May 19, 1975 meeting
1. Board of Assessors: I spoke with one of the assessors.
He outlined the process of assessment and asked me to relay
this information to the Commission. He suggested that the
Commission submit specific questions to the Board. Dr. Wilbur
feels that we might publicize their position concerning
renovation of buildings in the downtown area.
2. House: Correction_ . Those of us who visited the
HOC will report on our tour. Discussion of alternative
uses for the House of Correction should address the larger
question: 'ghat are the Historical Commission's priorities
for the preservation of public buildings in Northampton?
The Armory, the Fire Station, the House of Correction,
Memorial Hall, and the Gas Company bound House are either
vacant or to be vacated within the next few years. The
Commission ought to prepare a detailed statement concerning
the relative significance of each of these structures and
the Commission's recommendations for their disposal or re -use.
New Business.
None at present.
This will be the last regular meeting of the Commission. A meeting
of the U. R. Steering Committee and a representative of the
state Historical Commission is tentatively scheduled for June 24.
You will be kept informed.
Dr. Wilbur has suggested that the Commission meet once a month
through the summer.
September 8, 1975
4: 00 pm
Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubi e
Call to Order
Minutes -of last meeting
Old Business:
1. Pulaski Park Plan: Karen Leveille will be attending the
meeting to discuss proposed lighting in the park.
2. Design Review Board:
a. Mayor Dunphy has suggested that the Historical
Commission, Chamber of Commerce, and Downtown Business Association
jointly investigate the possibility of a presentation by Vision, Inc.
Dr. Wilbur has some information about this.
b. Planning Department memo enclosed. Please review and
make comments.
3. Other
New Business:
1. Josiah Parsons House: It is rumored that the 1755 Parsons
House on Old South Street is to be the site of a convenience store.
Some measures should be taken to communicate to the owners of the
property the importance of this structure and its site.
2. National Register District: Inventory forms have been
completed on a second potential National Register district in the
Bridge - Market - Hawley Street area. The Commission should discuss
possible boundaries for the district so that work on the body of
the proposal may begin.
3. Commission appointments & the coming election of a new mayor.
Notes: 1. The Downtown Historic District for the Nationale Register
was approved by the state historical commission on August 12.
They will be notifying us when the National Park Service
makes a decision.
2. Several Commission members and Mrs. Wilbur of the
Historical Society met with the County Commissioners and the
Courthouse building committee concerning the proposed
renovations at the courthouse. Another building committee
meeting has not yet been scheduled.
3. The Commission should meet with the county commissioners
to discuss the House of Correction. We have received some
helpful information on National Trust grants for re -use studies;
this possibility might be raised.
September 8, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was
held on Monday, September 8, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall
with all members present.
There was no secretary's report read at this meeting.
The treasurer's report was read and accepted. As of July 1
the balance available is 6 436.16 and this is part of the fiscal
budget which ends on June 30, 1976
1. Communications:
A. Letter of resignation from Mrs. Linton Foster due to her marriage.
B Receipt of twenty inventory forms from the Massachusetts Historic
C. Notice from the Bay State Historical League of a conference
at the Hilton Holton in Northampton from October 31 to Nov emb of 1
in co- operation from the ,,_ • _. _, m ,� + ��,� ��oa »tr , +; „b ,f}r3iC'✓�cdvc�xrt���o✓t
D. Letter from the New England Field Service Office offering t
informAtion available concerning the reuse of the Northampton House µ ` S
of Correction.
E. Letter from William H. Welch, Attorney expressing his concern
over his ability to change his building if.it became part of the.
National Register of Historic Places, however, a letter was sent
by the Massachusetts Historic Commission stating that he still would
be able to change his structure and this represented no problem.
F. Letter from the Massachusetts Historic Commission to Dr. Wilbur
to inform this Commission that the nomination for the National
Historic District was eligible as of August 13, 1975 •
2. Inventory - Ms. Carol Dubie submitted a list of new sites to be
inventoried and that areas in Bay State, Leeds and Florence should
be investigated. Ms. Dubie further stated that a preservation
proposal with a map should be submitted to the City Council, and
future sites for an historic district should be investigated. At
present an Historic District Study Committee should be established
by the City Council to develop plans for different types of districts.
3. Pulaski Park - Ms. Karen Leveille reported that three things are
are being attempted to achieve greater use of this area and they are:
A. Sitting/walking function
B. Crossing function
C. Gathering function (concerts, sales, etc.)
Area must be reduced as to expense to accompltBh this project and one
major expense is a reduction in the cost of street lighting which must
be usable and provide a pleasing atmosphere and yet by vandal proof.
Ms. Leveille will keep this Commission informed as to the future
progress of this project.
4. Design Review Board - Dr. Wilbur made a motion which was seconded
by Miss Juliette Tomlinson to approve the Design Review Board concept
in concert with the Planning Department.
5. Individual Renovation Projects - Discussion on how the Historic
Commission could be of assistance to the individual who wants to
renovate his st Should an outside firm such as Vision, Inc.
be requested to assist in this program or should it be done by
local interests?
September 8, 1975
6. Court House - Ms. Carol Dubie reported that there is a great
concern over the present windows in the Court House as to whether
to repair these older windows or not. No further information is
available at present nor has a meeting been scheduled.
1. Josiah Parsons House- Mr. Gordon Murphy stated t!zat the Parsons
House is at present for sale and the future of this structure Iff a
great concern. Dr. Wilbur volunteered to write a letter to the
new owners to inform them of the possible reuse of this structure.
2. Pine Rest Nursing House - This concern wishes to create a new
nursing home on Elm Street and destroy the two existing buildings
which occupy that area. Ms. Carol Dubie and Dr. Wilbur are to send
a letter to the Zoning Commission expressing our displeasure with
granting a variance for construction on this site.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be held
on September 22, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Dr. Wilbur made
a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that we adjourn
at 6:00 p.m. The motion passed unamiously.
Respectfully submitted,
Wi red D. enter, Jr.
September 22, 1975
4 :00 pm Planning Department
Memorial Hall
C. Dubie
1. Pine Rest Nursing Home. A Zoning Board of Appeals
hearing is scheduled for 8:00 pm, October 8, 1975. Tt4e
Commission ought to prepare a brief presentation for the
2. Pomeroy Terrace historic district.
3. TOP'I CS lighting.,
4. Other_
New Business:
1. Walking Tour: Funding has been located for a modest
brochure describing the downtown historic district. Dr.
VLlbur and I will present the rough draft we've prepared.
2. Northampton -New Haven Canal, The city apparently
owns a strip of land 10 by 1800 feet extending from Damon
Road to the Connecticut River. If this is the Canal bed,
the Commission might be able to obtain it from the city.
3. other.
Call tp Order
Minutes of September 8, 1975 meeting
Reports: Treasurers
; Inventory
Old Business:
County Courthouse: Dick Gaffney tells me that some steps have been
taken to modify the plans for the courthouse windows.
September 22, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was
held on Monday, September 22, 1975 at 4:00 p .m . in Memorial Hall.
All members were present with the exception of Mr. Charles Stark.
The secretary's report for May 19, 1975 and September 8, 1975
was accepted as read.
The treasurer's report was identical to the previous report
and so a formal statement was not given.
1. Communications:
A. Reminder of the 13th Annual Conference of Historical Societies
to b =e held on October 31- November 2, 1975 was given by Miss Carol Dubie.
B. The Salem Conference on Literature of the American Revolution
will be held on October 10 -12, 1975 and is sponsored by the Salem
State College.
2. Inventory - Miss Carol Dubie requested suggestions for potential
sites to investigate for future National Historic District designation.
The area of Pomeroy Terrace, Hawley Street and Market Street appear,
at present, to be the most logical choice.
3. Pine Rest Nursing Home - On October 8, 1975 a meeting by the Zoning
Board will be held to determine if variances should be investigated
prior to the Department of Public Health meeting which will be held
later in October in Northampton. The possibility of a photographic
display for presentation to the Zoning Board should be considered.
4. TOPICS - Miss Carol Dubie'reported that the lighting fixtures
which had been selected earlier, are too expensive and that other
types of fixtures should be considered.
5. Parsons House - The Food Basket, a chain store of grocery products,
has purchased the Parsons House and is, at present, considering the
renovation of this home for their purposes. Miss Carol Dubie presented
the plans for this store, which are presently under consideration.
6. Downtown structures - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stated that advice should
be given by local firms, rather than outside companies, in the
renovation of these various structures.
1. Walking tour - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur reported that funding is now
available from the Pioneer Valley Association for a pamphlet describing
a walking tour of the Northampton area.
2. Northampton -New Haven Canal - Dr. Wilbur reported that the city owns
the water way and some land adjacent to the Northampton -New Haven
Canal. Dr. Wilbur suggested that this should be investigated and that
a letter should be sent to Mayor Dunphy to determine if the Historical
Commission could get control of that area.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be held
on October 6, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Mr. Wilfred D.
Spencer made a motion which was seconded by Miss Helen Searing that
we adjourn at 5:45 p.m. The motion passed unamiously.
Respectfull I n bmitted,
9 i Wi fred D. ncer, Jr.
October 6, 1975
4 :OOpm Planning Department,
Memorial Hall
Call to Order
Reading of Minutes
Inventory Report
of September 22, 1975 meeting
Old Business
Mr. William Brown of Pine Rest,
s the proposed nursing home.
s ZBA request and attempting
with the Planning Board, abutters,
1. Pine Rest Nursing Home.
Inc. , will be attending to discus
Pine Rest will be withdrawing it
to work out a compromise solution
and other concerned parties.
2. County Courthouse. Gordon
3. Other.
New Business
1. Smith College intern's project. Louise Jones.
2. Other
Several downtown storeowners have expressed an interest in
the National Park Service grants connected with the National Register
district. The list now includes Joseph Gagne (Sheehan' s block),
Roger Ki.rwood (owner of Fitzwilly' s, now in process of acquiring
the entire block), and Robert Curran of Curran Associates.
Singer Sewing Center is moving to the present Jefferson's
Clothing store; Curran Assoc. will take over the street level of
their building.
A meeting with Mr. Cantell, President of Food Basket, and
his architect, is tentatively scheduled for 'Thursday, October
9, at 3 :00 pm. He is anxious to meet with the commission and
discuss his plans.
October 20, 1975
4:00 pm Conference Room
Planning Department
Memorial Hall
Call to Order
Minutes of September 22, 1975 meeting
Old Business:
1. Historic Districts. As there is little urgent business,
the commission might discuss its program for historic districting.
What areas should be developed as districts? What kind of districts- -
National Register or state- -does the commission want to emphasize?
2. Other.
New Business:
1. Knight's of Honor Block. The Flor=ence Savings Bank
is planning to expand onto the adjoining property. This will
involve the removal of an 1880's business block. The commission
may want to suggest alternatives to demolition or to work with
the bank to insure proper use of the site.
2. Other
If the commission plans to communicate with the architects
for Pine Rest, the commission's minimum requirements for revised
plans should be discussed.
October 20, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was
held on Monday, October 20, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall with
all members present.
There was no secretary's or treasurer's report read at this
1. Communications:
A. Pamphlets were received from the Boston Redevelopment Authority
concerning programs which they are working on:
(1) Notes on Exterio Rehab of So End Houses
(2) Seven Streets: A Guide to Good Desi gn_in the Fenwa
B. Letter from the Massachusetts Historical Commission stating
the requirements on application and to inform this Commission that
the next session of National Register grants will be held on Wednesday
November 19, 1975 in Boston.
2. Inventory - Miss Carol Dubie stated that she had investigated the
West Farms area, including the chapel, school house and some early
homes, plus other sites on Elm St., King Street,St. Mary's Rectory,
Northampton State Hospital, and the Grange Meeting House.
3. National Historic District - The Commission discussed the need ,
to establish an Historic District Study Committee and that at present
we should investigate how such a body R u d, be developed. There
are numerous sites which are potential at &hal Historic Districtz
in Smith College, Bridge St., Elm St., and South St. and programs
should be formulated to institute these recommendations.
4. .Alumni Gym - It was reported by Miss Carol Dubi e that the Alumni
Gym has been inventoried and we should investigate the possibility
of putting the building on the National Register in an attempt to
save it from demolition.
5. Callahan Block in Florence - This structure has recently been
purchased by the Florence Savings Bank,and Mr. Clark of this bank,
should be invited to discuss plans that are being developed for this
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will
be held on Monday, November 3, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
Miss Juliette Tomlinson made a motion which was seconded by Dr. Wilbur
that we adjourn at 5 :35 p.m. The motion passed unamiously.
Respectfully submitted,
Wil red D. pencer, Jr.
November 17, 1975
4:00 pm P'lanning Department
Memorial Hall
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of
Inventory Report
Treasurer' s Report
Communi cations
October 20,_1975,'- meeting
Old Business
1. Historic Districts: The Planning Department has received
a copy of the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commission's
historic preservation report. The recommendations for action in
Northampton should be discussed.
2. Pine Rest; Pine Rest has presented revised plans to
the Planning Board. . � 1
3. National Register Grants: ' downtown district. There will
'be a grants clinic in Springfield in January. The historical
commission should make some preliminary decisions as to which
projects would be most appropriate for the first round of grant
applications. Four individuals have approached the commission:
Mr. Gagne, owner of Sheehan' s block; John Gare for First Church,
Roger Ki rwoo d, Masonic Block; Robert Curran, block corner Main &
Old .South.
4. Commission appointments: Gordon Murphy has been officially
appointed to the commission and Helen Searing has been reappointed.
The commission should. now request a replacement for Charlie Stark
and a clarification of Juliette Tomlinson' s appointment. Come
with suggestions.
New Business -none at present
November 17, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was
held on Monday, November 17, 1975 at 4:06 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
All members were present for this meeting.
The secretary's report for September 22 and October 20 was
accepted as read with the exception of the October 20 notes which
were to be corrected to read:
A. Item #3 under Old Business should read State and National
Historic Districts and
B. Item #4 under Old Business should read Miss Helen Searing
not Miss Carol Dubie gave a report on the Alumni Gym.
The treasurer reported that the total balance available for this
fiscal year is 403.79.
1. Communications:
A. Letter from the County Commissioners stating that at the present
time no further programs for the re -use of the jail are bein g considered.
B. Letter fromthe Massachusetts Historical Commission requesting if
any grant applications would be submitted prior t -a �_ �r�e o
November 21. Also the Commission was informed of a workshop for local
commissions in Western Massachusetts concerning grants.
C. Letter from the National Trust for Historic Preservation welcoming
the Northampton Historical Commission to its membership. A copy of
the Preservation News was included.
D. Letter from the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Comlmiaaion
giving recommendations concerning future Historic Districts.
2. Historical Districts - The Commission believes that priorities for
Historic Districts should be in this order; Bridge - Pomeroy Streets,
Elm St., Florence, Bay State, Leeds, and South St. The Commission
hopes to present information on these priorities to the Planning Dept.
and the City Council and also to request that the Historical Commission
be informed and their approval requested on any building that has
been inventoried prior to their being given a demolitkon permit.
Miss Carol Dubie stated that members of the Commission should attend
the Planning Department meeting on December 10, 1975 to give them
information on this program.
3. Pine Rest Nursing Home - This organization has presented new plans
for consideration, however, they are still unacceptable as they call
for the demolition of the historic homes they wished to destroy previously
The Planning Board will make no further recommendations until variance's
are given by the Zoning Board.
4. National Register Grant Applications - Miss Carol Dubie is to contact
those interested in grants and invite them to the next meeting of the
Commission to explain their projects.
5. Commission appointments - Appointments should be expedited to
replace Mr. Charles Stark and Mrs. Agnes Shea on the Commission and
Miss Juliette Tomlinson's appointment should be considered.
1. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred
D. Spencer, Jr. that we purchase the bok entitled O House Jo urnal
Buye Guide This motion passed unamiously. .
A motion was made by Miss Juliette Tomlinson and seconded by Miss Helen
Searing that we adjourn at 5:40 p.m. The motion passed unamiously
Respectfully submitted,
Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr.
Meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
December 1, 1975 4 :00 pm Planning Department
Memorial Hall
Call to Order
Reading of the Minutes of November 17, 1975 meeting
Old Business
1. National Register Grants: Mr. Gagne from the Sheehan's
Block and Mr. Gage for First Church will be arriving at 4,30 and
5:00 respectively. The following points should be covered: kind of
work proposed, approximate cost, source of funds to match the 50%
offerred by Park Service.
2. Commission Appointments.
3. Annunci tation School
New Business
1. McCallum' s Block. The various design schemes for McCallum' s
will be available for review. I suggested tb. Floyd Andrus that
the commission discuss these, provide him with some general writ9L.en
comments, and meet with him in the near futute.
2. Other.
December 1, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was
held on Monday, December 1, 1975 at 4:10 p.m. in Memorial Hall. All
members were present with the exception of Miss Juliette Tomlinson.
The secretary's report was accepted as read.
There was no treasurer's report due to the absence of Miss
Juliette Tomlinson.
A. Pamphlets were received from the Historic Preservation Officer in
Seattle, Washington. These pamphlets included:
(1 ) Sign Guidelines
(2) Historic Districts
(3) The Place Market Historical District
F. Massachusetts Historical Commission - Notification was received
from the Massachusetts Historical Commission stating that confirmation
should be made for the Grants Clinic on January 15, 1976. Miss Carol
Dubie sent a letter reserving three places for this clinic. Also,
Miss Dubie informed the Massachusetts Historic Commission on our
priorities for Historical Districts in the future.
Old Business
A. Interviews with perspective grant applicants for the National
Register Grants included:
(1) Mr. Gagne who gave his views concerning the restoration of the
Sheehan Block;
(2) Mr. Joseph Parsons and Mr. John Gare who explained the needs
for restoring the First Church of Christ;
(3) Mr. Floyd Andrus who explained his ideas and presented sketches
for rehabilitation of the McCallums Block. Also, Mr. Andrus was
concerned with the acquiring of ideas for changing the facade of his
structure and the Commission agree to assist him.
B. Appointments - Miss Carol Dubie stated that names should be sub-
mitted for consideration to fill the vacancies in the Historical
Commission. If there are any ideas concerning potential Commissioners
Miss Carol Dubie should be contacted.
C. Annunciation School - The visit made by the Bishop of the Spring-
field Diocese was purely for information as reported by Miss Dubie.
Any decision as to the demolition of this structure would come from
the parish itself. The Little School, however, cannot be sold or
used for any purpose other tha that designated by the Church.
The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will
be held on Monday, December 15, 1975 at 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Gordon Murphy made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith
Wilbur that the meeting adjourn at 6 :00 p.m. The motion passed
Respectf ly submitted,
W Fred D. Spencer, Jr.
December 15, 1975
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was
held on Monday, December 1 5, 1975 at 4:05 p.m. in Memorial Hall. All
members were present for this meeting.
The secretary's report was accepted as read.
There was no treasurer's report as there has been no change
from the past meeting.
A. Preservation News was received from the National Register;
B. Annual Report of the National Trust; and
C. Announcement of Grants Clinic in Springfield on January 15, 1975
and sponsored by the Massachusetts Historical Commission.
Old Business
A. Louise Jones - described various structures she has worked on per-
taining to what could be dones for these structures and the visual
effect which could be achieved. Discussion continued concerning the
possibility of presenting these drawings and ideas on a local TV
B. Historical District - Miss Carol Dubie reported on jhhe Planning
Board Meeting on priorities for Historical Distticts ( State and
National) and they approved of these ideas. In the future a letter
should be sent prior to submission of district proposals to the
Planning Board.
C. Alumni Gym - Miss Helen Searing reported that while things look
difficult for the possibility of preserving these structure, the
effort would be continued.
D. Mr. Roger Kirkork (Fitzwilly's)- reported that he has purchased
the Masonic structure for security of space and because of the historic
value of the building. He was interested in finding and submitting
proposals to various foundations or other sources to restore the
structure and gather information on the Procedure for filing for a
solar energy grant.
E. Light fixtures - Mazie Cox reported that she had a meeting with
Pat Kinney concerning lighting in the downtown area. She showed three
different styles of lights and stated that there was 460 „ 000 outside
of TOPICS for the proposed lighting in Northampton.
F. Mr. Curran, - showed slides and gave a presentation concerning his
renovation of the Curran Block
The next meriting of the Historical Commission
will be held on Monday, at 4:00 p.m.
.T AAV VY Sl 1 9 ,
Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was secon�ed by Miss
Helen Searing that the meeting adjourn at 5:45 p.m. The motion
passed unamiously.
R snectf 1 y sub itted,
W lfred D Spencer, Jr.
3 cretary