1974 Historical Commission minutesJanuary 3, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on. Thursday, January 3, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. Due to the fact that the Conference Room at the Northampton City Hall was locked the meeting was adjourned to Dr. C. Keith Wilbur's home on Prospect Street in Northampton. The secretary's report was read and accepted. OLD BUSINESS 1. Function - A discussion was held of the major function of the Commission and the direction which should be followed in the future. It was brought out at this time that an historical inventory of the structures of Northampton would be a tremendous under taking if the members of the Commission alone were res- ponsible for it. Dr. Wilbur informed the Commission on the problems and opportunities for a Northampton historical museum. Mr. Harvey Finison then submitted a potential program for the Commission and a discussion ensued concerning its basic format. 2. Bicentennial Celebration - The Bicentennial Meeting to be held on January 10 was discussed and the addenda for that meeting was formulated. Dr. Wilbur was to give a brief intro- duction concerning the roles of the Northampton Historical Soc ity, the Northampton Historical Commission and the Bicentennial Committee that is to be established. Following this Mr. Edward McColgan of the Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission was to speak to the group followed by a question and answer period. NE W BUSIN 1. Bay State Historical League - Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion for the Northampton Historical Commission to join the Bay State Historical League and it was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson. The motion passed unamiously. 2. National Trust - A motion was made by Mr. Wilfred Spencer, Jr. for the Northampton Historical Commission to join the National Trust and it was seconded by Mr. Harvey Finison. The motion passed unamiously. 3. Treasurer - Mrs. Agnes Shea nominated Mr. Harvey Finison as treasurer of the Northampton Historical Commission for the year 1974. Mr. Leonard Day seconded the motion and it passed unamiously. 4. Budget - A discussion of the fiscal budget which would be in effect from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Various items were included by the membership which was to be submitted to the Office of the Mayor. The next meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was planned for Monday, January 21, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Mrs. Agnes Shea made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Leonard Day to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. The motion passed unamiously. Respectfully, submitted, Wilfred D. Jr. Acting Secretary January 21, 19'4 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, January 21, 1974 Rt 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present with the exception of Mr. Charles Stark, who has been ill. The secretary's report was read and accepted. The treasurer's report was read and accepted and a copy of the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1974 75 was briefly discussed. OL BUSINESS 1. Bicentennial Meeting - Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. gave a report of the Bicentennial Meeting held on January 10, 197-4 at the Northampton City Hall. The suggestions which had been presented included: A. Mobile school display B. Art, folk dance, film, C. PubliKhing early maps D. Playground for school E. Grants and research art, and craft fairs children F. Indoor and outdoor displays G. Tours of homes H. Walking tours I. Colonial muster J. Talks and loans of artifacts from other societies - 2. Priorities - The following priorities were established in an effort to develop a program and direction for the Historic Commission in the future. A. Historical Inventory - The inventory of historical sites should commence in the immediate future and Mrs. Agnes Shea and Mr. Wilfred Spencer, Jr. should initiate this program. B. Historical District - Mr. Harvey Finison has been given the responsibility for investigating the possibil- ity of creating an Historical District in the central down town area of Northampton. C. Bicentennial - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer will serve as representatives and advisors of the Northampton Bicentennial Committee. The priority for this group is to develop a steering committee to give direction for this group. NE BUSI 1. Surplus land - Recently a large tract of land has been made available from the state at the Northampton State Hospital. This land might be used by the city of Northamptonaand the Commission will investigate exactly where it is and what possible use it could be put to. 2. The Golden Triangle - The land in central Northampton between Pleasant Street and Conz Street is being considered for future development. It was reported by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur that the area constituted no - real threat to any historical landmark in Northampton. (2) January 21, 1974 3. Scenic Road Act - Through a fzecent act by the state of Massachusetts, any unnumbered road may be made a scenic road giving protection to trees, walls, and other aesthetic sights along that road. At the next meeting of the Commission sugges- tions for such roads will be discussed. 4. Bay State Historical League - Membership has been requested in the Bay State Historical League and a meeting of this group will be held at the Bicentennial Conference at the University of Massachusetts on January 25 and 26, 1974. 5. Bicentennial Conference - Commissioners were reminded of the Bicentennial Conference at the University of Massachusetts on January 25 and 26 and urged to attend. The next meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was planned for Monday, February 4, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a. motion which was seconded by Mr. Harvey Finison to adjourn at 9:15 P. The motion passed unamiously. Re pectfull submittfed, Wi fred D. ipencer,�Jr. Acting Secretary February 4, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, February 4, 1974 at 'x:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present except Mr. Leonard E. Day, Jr. and Mr. Charles Stark who has been i l l. The secretary's report was read and accepted after the addition that Mr. Charles Stark's absence was due to illness. The treasurer's report was read and accepted and a report on the procedure for filing expenses was given. COM REPORTS 1. Inventory - The major problem associated with an historic inventory is to identify the architectural styles of various homes in the Northampton area and to determine which sites are most important so that an inventory of them may be made. Mrs. Agnes Shea recommended that because of this problem people with expertise in this arch should be requested to assist the Commission and as such become associate members. The following people were suggested as having this knowledge and are to be invited to our next meeting; Mrs. Linton H. Foster, Mr. Brinkley Thorne, Mr. William H. MacDonald, Miss Helen E. Searing, and Mr. Peter Garland. 2. Historic District - Mr. Harvey Finison reported that the ground work for an Historic Districtin the central Northampton business area should be carried out and a program of salesmanship and publicity of this area should be done prior to any legis- lation in creating an Historic District. Photographs should be displayed on what some people have already done in restoring their building and the people that might give us assistance on the inventory might also assist in giving information on the background of some of these buildings. 3. Bicentennial Committee - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur informed the commissioners that a steering committee had been formed for the Bicentennial Committee. These members would include Mr. Maurice Carlson, Mr. Daniel Griffin, Mr. Nicholas Flynn, Mrs. Joseph Natale, Miss Donna Meeker, Miss Elizabeth Seymour, Mr. John Skibiski, Jr., Mr. David Wampler, Dr. C. Keith Wilbur, Mr. Leonard E. Day, Jr. and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. In addition to this group Mr. David Raphael, Mrs. Miriam Leader, and Mr. Francis Leader will serve as advisors. Application will be made by the end of this week for Northampton to be considered a Bicentennial Community with the national government. It was further reported that a program for the Bicentennial Project is being formulated by the Northampton Planning Depart- ment and that tentative proposals are being drawn up. Dr. Wilbur stressed the fact that in dealing with the Bicentennial, co- operation with the surrounding communities should always be considered. OLD BUSINESS 1. Surplus land - The Northampton State Hospital, at the present time, wishes to give up 416 acres of land by either deeding (2) February 4, 1974 it outright to the City of Northampton or their maintaining the deed and allowing Northampton to use the land but the maintenance of it would be continued by the Department of Mental Health. The Vetran's Hospital wishes to use 216 non - contigious acres to create a national cemetery with part of this land. There are at present three people, who had fought, in the Civil War, buried there but no information is presently available concerning them. A motion was made by Mr. Harvey Finison and seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that the surplus land at the Northampton State Hospital be left in its present state and used for recreational purposes. The motion passed unamiously. 2. Scenic Road - The following roads were given as suggestions for catagorizing them as Scenic Roads under the Scenic Roads Act; North Farms Road, Rocky Hill Road, Riverside Drive, River Road, Kennedy Road, Chesterfield Road, and Sylvester Road. Further study on this matter was deemed necessary. NEW BUSINESS 1. Leeds Mill (Button Factory) Conversion - Pioneer Homes are the sponsors of a project to convert the Button Factory into apartments. It was recommended that Mrs. Miller be invited to come to our next meeting and explain their program for this building. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur will contact Mrs. Miller and invite her. 2. Massachusetts Historical Commission Meeting - The Massachusettss Historical Commission has requested that its regional meeting be held in Northampton in June. Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencdr, Jr. that we would be the host for this meeting. The motion passed unamiously. 3. Publication - Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. suggested that the Commission purchase for 43.00 the publication called Getting in In k and on the Air from the Metropolitan Cultural Alliance, Inc. which concerns publicity and news releases. Mrs. Agnes Shea made a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Harvey Finison that we purchase this publication. The motion passed unamiously. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, February 25, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. This motion passed unamiously. Respectful submitted, Wi red D. Spence , Jr. Ac ing Secretary February 25, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, February 25, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present except Mr. Charles Stark and Mr. Harvey Finison who were ill. The secretary's report was read and accepted. There was no treasurer's report due to the illness of Mr. Harvey Fini son . Present at this meeting were Mrs. Linton Foster and Miss Alice Searing, who have offered assistance as associate commissioners, in the historic inventory program. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Inventory - Mrs. Foster and Miss Searing were introduced by Mrs. Agnes Shea and a brief discussion as to the direction we should take for compiling our inventory ensued. 2. Historic District - No report was made due to Mr. Finison's absBnce. 3. Bicentennial Committee - Dr. Wilbur reported that the canal site application will be made to the Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission prior to the March 1 deadline. There is, however, no plan for a boat launching site as security would be very difficult. Dr. Wilbur further reported on the project and stated that an archaeological dig would commence in April and that the scheduled opening dage of the canal would be April 19, 197-5. OLD BUSINESS 1. Scenic Roads - Mr. Robert LaSalle of the Planning Board made a report on the Scenic Roads Act and asked that the Historical Commission, Conservation Commission and the Planning Board form a sub - committee and act in concert in the determination of scenic roads in the greater Northampton area. 2. Leeds Building - Mrs. Miller and Mr. Gosland of Pioneer Homes presented information and blueprints concerning the conversion of this Leeds building into apartments. Following discussion Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that programs such as this should be encouraged and that a news article to this effect should be published. The motion was adopted unamiously. 3. Inventory - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that a Preservation Award be created for those pr6prietors that had done an outstanding restoration project on their dwelling or business site. Miss Juliette Tomlinson will investigate the cost of such a certificate. The motion passed unamiously. (2) February 25, 1974 A general discussion of the inventory ensued and it was agreed that Main Street from City Hall towards Bridge Street and then to ibvanch out from the streets of Bridge Street as the initial stage for this program. 4. Massachusetts Historical Commission - There will be no Massachusetts Historical Commission meeting in Northampton in June. 5. Bay State Historical League - The Northampton Historical Commission has been accepted for membership in the Bay State Historical League. NEW BUSI There was no new business to be discussed at this meeting. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, March 4, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Miss Juliette Tomlinson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. This motion passed unamiously. ReVti pectful y subm "bed, d D Spence Jr. Secretary March 4, 197-4 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, March 4, 19'4, at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present with the exception of Mrs. Agnes Shea. The secretary's report was read and accepted. The treasurer's report was also read and accepted. CO MMITT E E REPORTS 1. Inventory There was no report given on the historic inventory of buildings as Mrs. Agnes Shea was not present. 2. Historic District - No report was given at this time as plans for an historic district in the central area of Northampton have not changed since our last meeting. 3. Bicentennial Committee - Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. gave to the commissioners, a schedule of events that would take place when the Pioneer Valley Colonial Muster took place on October 5 -6, 19'4. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur also made comment on the programs being created by the Bicentennial Steering Committee and the fund raising efforts being made so that future plans might be put into effect. A report on the canal and the progress which has been made in procuring the land was also made by Mr. Richard Allardice of the Northampton Planning Department. OLD BUSI 1. Officers - Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that those holding the office of Chairman, Vice - Chairwoman, and Secretary be made permanent. The motion passed unamiously. The following people will now serve in those respective offices; Dr. C. Keith Wilbur - Chairman, Mrs. Agnes Shea - Vice - Chairwoman, and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer,Jr- Secretary. A motion was made by Mr. Harvey Finison and seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that the term of office, effective with this meeting, will be one year. The motion passed unamiously. 2. Scenic Roads - A motion was made by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. and seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that a sub - committee be formed with the Planning Department and Conservation Commission for the purpose of developing ideas on what roads in the Northampton area should be designated scenic roads. The motion passed unamiously. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur that Mr. Charles Stark should be the representative of the Historical Commission on the sub - committee. The motion passed unamiously. 3. Preservation Award - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. that 450.00 should be spent to investigate and produce a certificate to be given to those people that have restored their place of business or dwelling in the style in which it was originally created. The motion passed unamiously. (2) March 4, 194 4. First Church of Christ, Congf'egati onal - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that a letter be sent to the First Church of Christ and the :Edwards Church to suggest to them that Northampton should keep and preserve the First Church of Christ. This is due to the fact that discussion by these two groups has presented the possibility that they might amalagate and thus one church would not be used. Miss Helen Searing volunteered to write a descriptive paragraph on the background of this church and Dr. C. Keith Wilbur would conclude the letter and forward it to both of these church groups. The motion passed unamiously. 5. Inventory - The Historical Commission will investigate the possibility of Mr. Burke or Mr. Gosland speaking to the commissioners on the progress and completenss of the Lower 10ioneer Valley Development Corporation of their historic inventory of Northampton. NEW BUSINESS 1. Bicentennial Committee - +A motion was made by Mr. Harvey Finison and seconded by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur that 040.00 of the budget of the Northampton Historical Commission be delegated to the Bicentennial Committee to cover the cost of writing paper and postage. The motion passed unamiously. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, March 18, 1974 at '� : 45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur to adjourn at 9:10 P.M. The motion passed unamiously. Respectfully submitted, Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. Secretary March 18, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, March 18, 1974 at 7:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present with the exception of Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. The secretary's report was read and accepted. The treasurer's report was read and accepted. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Inventory - It was reported by Mrs. ;Agnes Shea that Mr. Burke was to talk to the Commission at the ,April 1 meeting in reference to previous investigation made by his office dealing with the historic inventory. OLD BUSINESS 1. Inventory - Mr. Brinkley Thorne, Ms. Mazie Cox, Mr. Chad Floyd and Mrs. Phyllis Blanchette were in attendance for purposes of discussion of the historical and architectural styles present in the central Northampton area. A general discussion developed concerning these architectural styles and the need to preserve them for posterity. It was agreed that publicity was needed in an effort to make the public aware of the importance of history and architecture in the downtown Northampton area. 2. First Church of Christ - Miss Helen Searing, Associate Member, has written the paragraph concerning the history and important architectural styles of this building, however, Dr. C. Keith Wilbur has not sent the letter to these two church groups. This was because it was felt that more publicity on the importance of this church should be made public prior to it being sent. 3. Preservation ;Award -- The idea of a preservation award was a@in discussed and it was felt that the giving of such awards to owners of buildings that were restored in an original manner would act as a positive catalyst for other owners to do likewise. Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion that a Committee be formed by the Chairman for the purpose of making guidelines towards the revitalization of the Northampton area and the criteria for those that will receive the preservation award. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. seconded the motion, and it passed unamiously. 4. Bicentennial Dr. C. Keith Wilbu.r made a report on the various aspects which the Bicentennial Committee has been developing. These included fund raising programs and the calendar of events for the various Bicentennial Programs. NEW BUSINESS =0 Associate Members Ms. Mazi e Cox and Mr. Chad Floyd were associate members, without voting privilege, of the Northampton Historical Commission. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, ,April 1, 1974, at 7 :45 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion . that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Charles Stark. The motion passed un.amimously. ReOSenCetary ec tful l bmi t t ed, 0 d D. encer, April 1, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, April 1, 1974 at 7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present. The secretaries report was read and accepted with the addition of the fact that Ms. Mazie Oox and Mr. Chad Floyd were to be voted in as members at this meeting. COM MITTEE REPORTS U Historic Downtown - The Historic Downtown Committee has held three meetings and has given assignemtnts to its members to research infor- mation on various buildings so as to develop a theme for historic preservation. Following the accumulation of this information an audio- visual presentation will be developed and given to an open meeting of downtown merchants and other groups in an attempt to get suggestions from these groups for the purpose of revitalization. Mr. Harvey Finison reported on an outline for development for the downtown which is in the process of formulation, to achieve an economic, social, historic, and aesthetic atmosphere so as to promote growth and more effective utiliz- ation of the downtown. 2. Bicentennial - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur reported that the Bicentennial Committee might become an independent committee separate from the Historical Commission, and thus not responsible to the Commission. 3. Inventory - Mr. .Arnold Berke of the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commission reported on the attempts of that group to develop an inventory of historical structures in the 43 municipalities of the counties of Hampden and Hampshire. Mr. Berke was asked by Dr. Wilbur on what types of structures should be considered and he responded that all pre -Civil War structures and archaeological sites should be con - sidered plus the better examples of Victorian homes. Mrs. Agnes Shea was requested to develop a plan of attack for the development of a programf`of'_ this inventory. 4. Scenic Road - The Conservation Commission has, as of this date, submitted their proposals for those roads that should be considered as scenic roads under the Scenic Roads .Act. NEW BUSINESS 1. .Associate Commissioners - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Harvey Finison that Ms. Mazie Cox and Mr. Chad Floyd be made Associate Members of the Historical Commission. This motion passed unami ou sly . 2. Bicentennial - This Historical Commission was given the working document of the Bicentennial Committee ao as to be able to study this document and accept or reject it. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, April 22, 1974, at 7:45 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. a WbAlv\y Mr. Harvey Finison announced that � Downtown Meeting would be held at his hom. -e on Monday, April 8, 1974. . Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9:35 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Charles Stark and assed unamiously. R p � f y ubmi t ed, Wi red D. pence , Jr. (Sec'y) ;April 22, 194 .A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, April 22, 1974, at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present with the exception of Miss Juliette Tomlinson. The secretary's report was read and accepted. The treasurer's report has remained the same since the last meeting. C REPORTS 1. Inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea reported the the historical inventory has been initiated and that certain selected homes on Pomeroy Terrace, Butler Place and Hawley Street are currently being completed. A suggestion was made that the inventory should be made in four copies so that Forbes Library, Massachusetts Historical Commission, Planning Department and the Northampton Historical Society might all have a copy. 2. Historical Downtown - Mr. Harvey Finison stated that plans for an historic downtown had not changed from our last meeting, howevever, he was interested in developing feedback on the practicability of certain programs. OL BUSINES There was no old business discussed this evening. NEW BUSINESS 1. Smith College Centennial - A letter was received from Mr. Thomas Mendenhall on the possibility of the participation of the Historical Commission participating in a 'Town and Gown' program for the Smith College Centennial. A meeting has been scheduled for late spring for the purpose of developing a program for the Centennial Celebration. Miss Helen Searing described the general program which the College has been developing to celebrate its 100th Year Celebration in 195. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mrs. Ann Shanahan giving our support and co- operation for the Centennial and developing a date for a potential meeting. 2. Preservation Week - The National Trust for Historic Preservation has forwarded to the Commission a kit describing various activities for the national observance of Preservation Week from May 6 -12. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mrs. Agnes Shea that the Northampton Historical Commission- develop a program for this event. The motion passed unamiously. 3. Bridge Street Railroad Bridge - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur suggested that the Bridge Street Railroad Bridge is at present unsightly and that it might be conceivable that a painted scene might be done on both sides of it and thus make a more pleasant and interesting view. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stated that he would investigate the possibility of having this done with both the railroad and various artists. (2) April 22, 1974 4. Historical Downtown and the Redevelopment Authority - Mr. Harvey Finison gave a report on the meeting of various city commissions with the Redevelopment Authority concerning urban renewal which had been held earlier in the month. An open discussion ensued concerning the redevelopment of Northampton and the "TOPICS" program which deals with street lights and parking. 5. Letter to the Editor - Mr. Brinkley Thorne presented an article which he wrote and which stressed the need to preserve the varied structures in Northampton from the stand -point of history, architecture, and nostalgia. It was agreed by the Commission that his letter should be sent to the Daily Hampshire Gazett as an individual and be published in the "Letter to the Fdito — column. 6. Do it yourself inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea proposed and discussed the possibility of a do it yourself historic inventory as part of the observance of National Preservation Week. It was agreed by the Commissioners that this would be an excellent program and that City Hall would serve as an excellent location for distribution of historic inventory forms. 7. walking Tour - Miss Helen Searing reported that on Saturday, May 11, between 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. she would conduct a walking tour from the Forbes Library down Main St. to the Railroad Bridge. This tour would be for the purpose of describing the architecture and uniqueness of Northampton. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was planned for Monday, May 6, 1974 at x:45 p.m. in the Conference Room of the ? Northampton City Hall. Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9;45 p .m . This was seconded by Dr. 0. Keith Wilbur and passed unamiously. . Respectfully submitted, Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. Secretary May 6, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission wal held on Monday, May 6, 1974, at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present with the exception of Dr. C. Keith Wilbur. The secretary's report was read and accdpted. The treasurer's report has m emained the same since the previous meeting. Mr. Brinkley Thorne said that his expenses for his study on Northampton would be approximately 50.00. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Inventory - Mr. W.D. Spencer, Jr. stated that over the past t7ge weeks there has been no change in the status of the historic Inventory. 2. Historic downtown - Mr. harvey Finison stated tht discussion of an informal nature have been held with certain individuals in Northmpton concerning solutions to the problem of downtown. These discussions were concerned with inTi.gorating and creating an atmosphere in Northampton for stimulation of this area as a cultural - retail area. Discussion ensued concerning the possibilities for the downtown area cultural- recreational wite with particular emphasis on Pulaski Park. Mr. W.D.Spencer, Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that a working session be held immediately follow:hg the regular session at our next meeting in the Smith College Art Building in an effort to develop the idea of a presentation for a downtown program. The motion passed unamiously. O BUSINESS 1. Colonial muster - Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. explained the complete program for the colonial muster which will be held on October 5 and 6 of this year. This program is basically complete and formalized and Mr. Day further stated that a tremendous amount of co-operation was apparent between the various groups participating and the various agencies and retail establishments in Northampton. 2. Smith College Centennial - Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. read the letter which was sent to Mrs. Ann Shanahan concerning the desire of the Northampton Historical Commission to participate in the Town and Gown Committee as part of the Smith College Centennial. 3. Preservation Week - Mrs. Agnes Shea and Mr. Charles Stark reported that both WHMP Radio and the Daily Hampshire Gazette were giving reports for Preservation Week. The table concerning the Do- It- Yourself Inventory has been established but as of this day not mahy people had taken forms to become actively involved. Mayor Dunphy had signed the proclamation establishing Preservation Week in Northampton and a photograph had been taken for publication in the paper at a later date. Mr. Harvey Finison stated that he wished that black and white photo- graphs might be displayed of old Northampton in a store window as his slide show would be difficult to develop at this time. Mr. CharlEms Stark stated that he would attempt to arrange this by finding a stoe (2) May 6, 1974 that would allow them to be presented. As a further program of Preservation Week, Miss Helen Searing will conduct a walking tour of Northampton on Saturday and all are welcome to join this tour of Northampton's architecture. Mr. Charles Stark agreed to investigate the possibility of finding a loud speaker for Miss Searing. 4. Railroad Bridge - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur sent a letter to the railroad concerning the possibility of painting the railroad bridge on Main St. with an approppiate scene. Miss Conway of the art department of Northampton High School suggested that panels be painted by her special art class and these would be inserted and removable on the bridge itself. NEW BUSINESS No new business was ANN 1. The regular meet: on Thursday, May 9, 2. The next meeting held on Monday, May City Hall. discussed at this meeting. ing of the Bicentennial Committee will be held 1974 in the Conferem.ce Room of City Hall. of the Northampton Historical Commission will be 20, 19 4 in the ConferBnce Room of the Northampton Mrs. Agnes Shea made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. This motion passed unamiously. Respectfully submitted Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. Secretary May 20, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, May 20, 1974 at 7 : 55 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All commissioners were present. The secretary's report was read and accepted. The treasurer's report was read and accepted. Mr. Harvey Finison explained that of the current budget in effect until June 30, 19'4 we have spent 071 .�2 of our appropriation of 6250.00. Mr. Brinkley Thorne stated that his bill for the preparation of the historic preservation project program would cost #78 .18 for materials. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that the report be accepted. The motion passed unamiously. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Preservation Week - Mr. Harvey Finison expressed the feelings of the commissioners in stating that Miss Helen Searings description of the historic architecture given in her walk on the previous Saturday was excellent. Mrs. Agnes Shear gave a report on the "Do -It- Yourself' inventory and while there was considerable interest in the project, the model of the 17 th century hous e by Dr. Wilbur, and the bul l eti ng board of various style homes, there was little help offered by the general public. The hospitality of City Hall and Mr. James Faulkner in particular was, however, appreciated. 2. Historic Inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea reported that six dwellings and sites have been inventoried as of this date. OLD B USINESS - 1 . Railroad B=ridge - The Boston and Maine Railroad was quite receptive in a letter which was sent to Dr. Wilbur concerning railroad design to be painted on the Bridge St. Railroad Bridge. Dr. Wilbur - was requested to pursue the matter further. Miss Juliette Tomlinson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. to take under advisement until further information is made available concerning the liability of the commission by the Boston and Maine Railroad and the City Solicitor, prior to the actual design being placed on the bridge itself. The motion passed unamiously. 2. Caleb Strong Sword - For the information of the commissioners only, Dr. C. Keith Wilbur showed a model of the hilt of a sword he had modeled for the Caleb Strong letter opener, which was a possible fund raising project of the Bicentennial Committee. The cost of this hilt was 41.50. NEW BUSI NESS 1. King Philip's War - Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. brought to the attention of the commissioners that next year would mark the 300th anniversary of the initiation of King Philip's War. It was requested of Mr. Day that he investigate a program which might be offered to commemorate this event. 2. Destruction of historic buildings - Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion that a. letter be sent to the City 'Engineer, Mr. Patrick Ryan and to the City Planner, Mr. York Philips, that the Historical Commission be informed of any historic sites being considered for destruction prior to their actual destruction. Mr. Harvey Finison seconded the motion and (2) May 20, 1974 it passed unamiously. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission is planned for June 3, 1974, at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The motion passed unamiously. �Lhu�G; G w P Res ec tfully// bmi e , Wi1jl.fred D. Spence r. Secretary June 3, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held Monday, June 3 1974 in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Meeting called to order by chairman, Dr. C. Deith Wilbur, at 7 :45. Five commissioners present, absent were Miss Juliette Tomlinson and Wilfred Spencer, Jr, secretary. Mrs. Agnes Shea sppointed secretary pro tem. Minutes of the May 20th meeting read and accepted. Treasurer, Harvey Finison, reported no expenditures since May 20th meeting and requested all bills for fiscal year ending June 30, 1974 be submitted to him by June 10, 1974. Correspondence 1. Letter from Mr. Robert Brigham of the Bay State Gas Company regarding the missing weathervane from the circular gas house building. The gas company removed the weathervane and intends to remount it on the new building they are constructing in Northampton. They are interested in our plans for restoring the circular gas house and when complete Mr. Brigham would be very willing to discuss the (home; permanent home of the weathervane. Possibly a duplicate will be made so each building would have one. 2. Students of the Landscape Art Class of the University of Massachusettes outlined designs for possible improvements to Pulaski Park. Models on display at former McCallumis Store. 3. Letter from Scape, unlimited. Mr, Finison will call Mr. about a future date for him to come to tell about the Mattoon Street section of Springfield, which has been declared a Historic District. Commission members will be notified of time, place and date. Committee reports. 1. Inventory - -Mrs. Shea reported 12 houses in the Pomeroy, Hawley, Butler streets area are being researched for the inventory. A "windshield survey's of other areas of Northampton will be done Saturday, June 8 by Mr. Chas, Stark, Mrs. Shea and Mr. Berke of the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Development Commission of Springfield. Downtown - -Mr. Finison, chairman of the Downtown Committee, reported a meeting was held with the district and office managers of the Telephone Company and an engineer from Boston, at which a discussion of the preservation of the 100 year old stable, a part of the Draper Hotel and Mansion House, was held. They are very interested in our desire to save the building and agreed to delay the demolition to allow time to find a buyer or to develop a use for the building. Mr. Finison presented a sketch showing his idea of adaptive re -use of the stable as a restaurant- -the name -- The Draper Stable. Suggesting 1; theme of the use of old buildings P.T.D. Preserve through Development." The slidO presentation of downtown, prepared by the committee, was discussed. Thursday, June 20, 1974 is the date the city council is scheduled to vote on the expenditure of 9107,000 for the study of the wenewal project and it is our desire to have the council see our slides before the June 20th date. A letter will be sent to Mayor Dunphy requesting a date be set for this presentation at the earliest t' o o s b1e. We al want to show this presentation to the downtown merchants, r Ofie owners and businessmen. Moved by Mr. Vinson that a meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 or Wednesday June 12 and invitations be sent to the downtown merchants, realtors and businessmen; to review some of the initial studies made by the Northampton Historical Commission regarding downtown preservation and development, and to obtain comments and discussion about these studies. Motion seconded by Mrs. Shea and voted. Motion passed unanimously. Tru s meeting to be held at Peoplels Institute, if available. Invitations will be printed and delivered personally to those in town and mailed to out- of- towners. Estimated cost about $30.00 (thirty dollars) Moved by Mr. Finison to expend up to thirty dollars for the invitations and postage. Motion seconded by Dr. Wilbur. Motion carried. Commemoration of King Phillip Is War. Mr. Day is very interested in having something done in the schools to commemorate this event , and to have a program -- markers, sites etc., and will check into this and report at the next meeting. Unfinished business - -Smith College is developing plans to celebrate it's 100th anniversary in 1975 and has been informed that we are willing to assist in any way in this celebration. Railroad bridge - -Dr. Wilbur reported the stencils are cut, on material from Multi - Color, and we are waiting word of approval from the Boston & Maine R. R. before proceeding with stenciling, on the side of the overpass, the design of the first. train to pass through Northampton in 1846. Awards of merit -- Reported by Dr. Wilbur, the preservation awards, on 8x10 buff colored paper, printed in gold and blue, will be ready soon and will be awarded to deserving downtown stores. New business -- Proposed as associate members were, Robert Hodgkins, architect, by Dr. Wilbur Gordon Murphy, realtor, by Dr. Wilbur Kenneth Bowen, lawyer, by Mr. Finison Moved by Dr. Wilbur, seconded by Mr. Stark, the three proposed members be accepted as associate members. Motion carried. Summer meetings- -Moved by Mrs. Shea that only one meeting be held in July and August, on the first Monday of each month, unless a special meeting is deemed necessary.Seconded by Mr. Day. Motion carried. Other business -- Brinkley Thorne, associate member, reported the painting of the plywood safety fence around the Nonotuck Bank could not be undertaken by Ms. Cox and him due to their very busy schedule. Dr. Wilbur will check with Miss Conway art instructor at Northampton High School and perhaps the Junior class would be able to do this before school closes. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully -, - j Nkjj'- CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS :il AN 5 A ()I1Ni'IIV July 1, 1971x. 584 -2265 MAY,, AYCJ {2 8A- 2265 TO: Chairperson, All Committees, Boards and Commissions FROM: Sean M. Dunphy, Mayor RE: Open Meeting Law and Minutes of Meetings Recently a reporter from the Daily Hampshire Gazette raised the question with me as to your familiarity and awareness with the i so— called 0 1open meeting law", M.G.L.A., Chapter 39, Sections 23A, 23B and 23C. Although I said I had attempted to make everyone aware of the provisions of this law and that I have pointed it out to new Boards, I could not say that I had personally communicated thei.law or its importance to each of you. I therefore enclose reproductions of the three sections as they presently exist. (Some amendments are currently before the state legislature but have not yet been enacted.) Section 23A is the most important and is divided into three subsections. l u Vkl CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS ' I AN M, MINI'IIY MAYO k �2 The first paragraph contains the most important rule. "All board meetings shall be open to the public and to the press unless the board shall vote to go into executive session." Executive session should be considered and voted only in a son —zzsn 5114 - 2265 very limited set of circumstances. Therefore, you should insure that your meetings are, in fact, open to the public and press. All meetings should begin "open" or "public ". In the event an executive session is felt necessary a formal motion should be made stating the reasons for the executive session. A vote should be then taken and recorded as part of the minutes of the meeting. s• There are times when executive sessions are both proper and legitimate, in fact, required if you are to perform your duties properly. However, in these limited cases it should be clearly stated what the matter to be discussed is and the reason the executive session is necessary. I believe that a responsible and competent reporter will accurately report legitimate uses of the executive session. However, I believe you can anticipate, and - ( rightly so, very critical reporting if you have not clearly made a case for the executive session. r� •�- 'mot''• -��2 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 51 AN M. UUNPNY MAYOR -3- 58.1 -.26.1 584 -2265 If you have questions about the use of executive session I would be pleased to discuss them with you, or refer questions to the City Solicitor. The second paragraph deals with posting of notices. As you know the City Clerk's bulletin board is the official board for the City. However, this is obviously not adequate if the_ public and press are to attend. Although the press often checks, we cannot expect our fellow residents to be checking the bulletin board. Therefore, I believe we have an obligation here to go beyond the statutory requirements. When you send meeting notices to your members yo should also include all local media If this responsibility is assigned to the person sending meeting notices to members and the City Clerk there should be no confusion as to who notifies the press. In addition to that the Gazette has agreed to work with us to provide a weekly column for City meetings — not a news item but a blocked off column. Our job is to get the material to them on Friday for the following week. T hat mea ns you must have not ices to the City Clerk e Fri day a fterno on. His office will insure that it is posted and my office will assist in getting the information to the Gazette. A notice of the meeting is not adequate. You 0 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS SI AN M. UUNPHY M A Y U H 584-2264 584 -2265 should list y ou r m or know agenda items so that residents will know whether they should attend or not. The Gazette will assist in reproducing agenda items in the column. It. will, of course, be impossible to reproduce all agenda items for some meetings in the newspaper. We will work with the Gazette to attempt to see that major items are chosen. The third paragraph deals with minutes of your meetings. . My first request here is, that if you are not already doing so, please send me copies of our minutes Most boards do so already and it's the easiest way for me to get an overview of City operations and that is critical. O' I ask that you read the paragraph so you are aware of your responsibilities. I am concerned about the continuity of business and the existence of records, especially for boards with no office or staff. Therefore, I request that after your minutes have been formally - approved by your membership that you forward a copy to the City Clerk. i (J ` ti :'4t"•���y M VA*L CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 51 AN M, f)UNPHY MAYOR -5- 50.1 -2264 504 -2265 His office will keep them on file and available for public inspection. I know some of you have offices, staff and adequate records. However, having one central depository for all boards will simplify questions of who should or should not participate in this request and make these records conveniently available to our residents. When making meeting arrangements for the use of rooms in 'City Hall please call my office to reserve a room well in advance. This is the only way we can avoid conflicts. I realize that "these requests, which I herewith formally make of you, may initially appear burdensome. I recognize fully that you are for the most part unpaid, volunteer servants of our o • community and that you probably receive more criticism-than thanks for stepping forward to serve on our several vital citizen committies. I believe the press and public recognize this. However, I have considered these matters carefully and consider that the request must go beyond the statutory requirements, especially if we are to achieve citizen participation and awareness. I believe these requests can easily become a normal part of your board's standard procedures. �j J'' r_ • �� � Y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS !,I AN M, 1AINNl1y 784 -2764 MAYU 'r I! _ 984 2269 I would of course be pleased to discuss any of these matters with you and receive any suggestions or comments you may wish to offer. I appreciate very much your continued service to the City and your consideration of these requests. Y' July 1, 1974 The regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was called to order on Monday, July 1, 1974 by Chairman Dr. Wilbur, at 7 :50 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Three members present, Dr. Wilbur, Miss Tomlinson and Mrs. Shea. Chairman Dr. Wilbur appointed Mrs. Shea secretary pro -tem and called for the minutes of the June meeting. No majority present, no action taken. Reports: Mrs. Shea reported work is being done on the.inventory but forms given out have not been returned yet. Hopefully come Fall more time will be found to give to this phase of the work of the Commission. The chairman reviewed the many items on the agenda, which were discussed briefly, but due to a lack of a majority no action taken. All important items will be brought up at the next meeting scheduled for Monday, August 5, at 7:45 p.m. July 1 agenda attached. Respectfully Secretary pro -tem August 5, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission 1,as held on Monday, August 5, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All members were present with the exception of Miss Juliette Tomlinson and Mr. Harvey Finison. The secretary's report was read and accepted as was the secretary's report for June 3, 1974 The treasurer's report was read and accepted. As of June 30, 1974 the Historical Commission has paid 0198.50 in acquired bills against the fiscal budget of 1973 - 74• At the present time a $20.00 bill, which has yet to be paid is charged against the fiscal budget of 1974 - 75. The current balance on the present budget is $200.00. Present at this meeting were Mr. Robert Hodgkins and Mr. Kenneth Bowen, who had been elected as Associate Commissioners at the previous meeting. Mr. Gordon Murphy, who was also elected, was unable to attend this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Historic Inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea reported that no new reports were available and stressed the difficulty encountered in getting these reports completed. New building location for future research have been investigated and reports on these structures should be considered in the immediate future. 2. Historic Downtown - No report was available as Mr. Harvey Finison was not present. A discussion ensued concerning the demolition of the stable by the New England Telephone Co. and the problems encountered in communicating with them for the purpose of saving this structure. Mr. Robert Hodgkins was requested to investigate the possibility of their having acquired a demolition permit prior to the destruction of this building. A second topic concerning Historic Downtown was the possibility of requesting a representative from Matoon St. in Springfield to speak before the Commission at the next meeting. Dr. C.I�eith Wilbur was requested to contact this group to determine if it would be possibly;. -for them to attend the next meeting. 3. King Philips War - Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. suggested that as part of the celebration of the three hundred year annivertity of this encounter that dioramas be developed for the local schools to illustrate how people lived during that period. A further suggestion was that plaques be erectdd in those areas or houses that were directly involved. 4. Bicentennial - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur reported that Northampton is now a Bicentennial Community and that a presentation of this new status has been made. The Northampton Canal site is still in question due to the problem of acquiring the land on which this park would be situated. 5. Communications - No communications have been received since the last meeting of the Commission. (2) August 5, 1974 OLD BUSINESS 1. Award of Merit - An example of the certificate giving an Award of Merit to stores or homes of owners that have rest ®red them to their original design, was shown by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur. It was stressed that this award should be given to anyone in the Greater Northampton area and not restrict it to the downtown. The possibility exists that a plaque could be purchased by the owner of the structure to exhibit this award. 2. Historical Associations - At the present time we are not receiving Preservation News or the Bay State Historical League and a letter should be sent to determine the status of these publications. 3. Smith College Centennial - In mid - September, Smith College will hold a parade to celebrate their 100 year anniversity. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur will have more information at the next meeting. 4. Historic and Scenic Roads - Mr. Charles Stark stated that those streets listed by the Conservation Commission were just streets and should not qualify under the act to protect them. Exceptions such as Kennedy Road or Sylvester Road might be made, but it was not conceiveable that the others would have merit for this status. 5. Historic Markers - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur will investigate business firms that produce markers and also discuss with the Massachusetts Historical Commission any advise they might have on acquiring this type of sign. 6. Inventory - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stressed the importance of this program and stated that September would be excellent to start this program in earnest as assistance from students might be obtained. NEW BUSINESS 1. Open Meetings - Mayor Sean Dunphy, in a letter to this Commission, stated that all meetings must be posted and members be notified of that meeting. Minutes of the meeting should be sent to the Planning Department, the Mayor, and the City Clerk. 2. New Sidewalks - New sidewalks are to be constructed in the immediate future as approved by the City Council. These sidewalks will be divided into thirds with the outside third being constructed with paving stones and the inside two - thirds with textured concrete in color. These new sidewalks will be on Main St. from Masonic St. to Center St. and from Old South St. to Pleasant St. 3. The question of new lighting fixtures for the future to })e placed on Main St. using traditional styles is to be investigated. Mr. Robert Hodgkins has been requested to find a catalogue which will list the various styles of street lighting fixtures. 4. Historic Downtown - The question of the possibility of using before and after photographs of other cities that have done a commendable job in restoring their business areas was discussed. This would be for the purpose of showing citizens of Northampton what could be done and haz been done in other areas. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion that the watercolors which have been previously been prepared of Northampton might be exhibited in McCallums store. Mrs. Agnes Shea seconded the motion and it passed unamiously. (3) august 5, 1974 Walking Tour Booklet - pamphlet giving a walking Miss Helen Searing, might requested to discuss this determine if the Pioneer financing this pamphlet. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur suggested that a tour of Northampton, with basic ideas from be a useful document. Dr. Wilbur was project with Miss Dorothy Potter to Jalley Association might assist in 6. Construction supplies - The possibility of developing a booklet giving information on where various types of building supplies, used in designing or redecorating buildings, was discussed. In this way valuable information would be available for people seeking materials for the restoration of their structures. 7. Historic District - Mayor Sean Dunphy in a letter to the Commission, has expressed an interest in making Main St. a Historic District. The Massachusetts Historical Commission has likewise has been interested in developing Historical Districts in Western Massachusetts and are going to view Elm Street as a possibility. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stated, however, that perhaps the best area to initiate this program should contain City Hall, Memorial Hall, Pulaski Park, the Academy of Music, and eventually continue down Main St. Dr. Wilbur then read the check list which has been created for establishing the procedure for developing a Historic District. &. City Hall Complex - Mr. Peter Payne, a local cabinet - maker, has stated that it is possible to save the gingerbread on City Hall. Mayor Sean Dunphy, in a letter, has stated that this decoration will be restored and not removed as was first believed. A motion was made by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur and seconded by Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. that Mr. Newell of the Vermont Store be sent a letter thanking him for bringing this matter to the attention of the Historical Commission. 9. Pulaski Park - Suggestions by the Historical Commission, as to the planning of Pulaski Park should be inittt,ted and given to Mr. York Phillips of the Planning Department. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission is planned for September 9, 1974 in the Conference Rooia of Northampton City Hall. Two meetings of the Commission have been scheduled in October on the r7th and 21rd. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Charles Stark that the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 p.m. The motion passed unamiously. Respectfully submitted, Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. Secretary September 9, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, September 9, 1974 at 7:45 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Charles Stark and Mrs. Agnes Shea. The secretary's report was read and accepted as was the treasurer's report where no new business had transpired. - Present at this meeting was Mr. Gordon Murphy, who has been elected as Associate Commissioner at a previous meeting. COMMITT R EPORTS : 1. Historical Inventory - There have been no new inventory forms returned as of this date, however, a complete report was not available due to Mrs. Agnes Shea's absence. 2. Historic Downtown - Ms. Mazie Cox reported that the project of constructing new sidewalks in downtown Northampton was proceeding, however, the colors to be selected are still being studied. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur has received a catalogue on lighting fixtures from the Welsbach Mfg. Co. of Baltimore, Maryland for possible selection of new lighting fixtures in the downtown area. 3. Stable - Mr. Robert Hodgkins reported that the demolition permit for the removal of the stable was gotten by the New England Telephone on June 13, 1974, the same date as the Historical Commission meeting. 4. King Phillips War - Mr. Leonard Day reported that Smith,College might strongly consider an archaeological dig on their property to uncover early Indian artifacts. While approximately twelve volunteers are available for this project Mr. Day feels that an adtisor from - Smith College would be extremely useful. No new reports concerning dio- ramas are available, but a letter was received from Miss Dorothy Potter concerning King Phillips War for the making of a film for the local schools and public television. Massachusetts has made available 2; million dollars for the Bicentennial and some of this money could be used for this project. The 6th Massachusetts Militia is also doing a film on the Revolutionary War. O LD BUSINESS: 1. Award of Merit - Dr. Wilbur presented a finished copy of the certificate of the Award of Merit to be presented to anyone that restored their home or business, however, criteria must be established priot to these presentations. Dr. Wilbur also reported that he talked to the Massachusetts Historical Commission and they stated that there was no single place that manufactured a permanett sign that could be affixed to the outside of a building. NEW BUSINESS 1. Representatives of the Massachusetts Historical Commission were given a guided tour of Northampton by Miss Helen Searing �'�� �vw0.�� (J,�I�ur for AV, of determining if the potential for an Historic District was conceiveable. They informed the Northampton Historical Commission that it was not necessary to initially be considered in order to get on the National Historic Register. The representatives of the Mass- achusetts Historical Commission were very impressed with the possibilities for an Historical District in Northampton. (2) September 9, 1974 2. Historical District - Miss Juliette Tomlinson suggested that a representative from the Springfield Historical Commission speak to the Northampton Historical Commission on the procedures for establishing an Historical District. Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that Miss Juliettd Tomlinson invite a representative to speak at our next meeting. The motion passed unam- iously. 3. Redevelopment Authority - A letter was sent to the Historical Commission from Mr. P atrick'Kenney requesting the Commission to dend, a representative to the Redevelopment Authority meetings. This would be for the purpose of discussing problems, needs and the development of future plans for urban renewal. Mr. Harvey Finison stated that we should respond and attend the meeting and that he would draft a letter to send as an overview of the Commissions ideas. 4. Meeting Change - Miss Juliette Tomlinson made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that the time for Historical Commission meetings be set at 4:00 p.m. The meeting dates for October would be the same except the change in time. The motion passed unamiously. 5. Associate Commissioners - Dr. Wilbur stated that guidelines should be established for Associate Commissioners and that their responsibilities be developed. 6. Workshops - It was suggested that the second meeting of each month be used in gaining knowledge and discussing various programs presently confronting the Historical Commission. It was stated that one of the present problems is developing the techniques for searching deeds on the historical inventories. Mr. Harvey Finison also suggested that the Commission should attempt to establish a permanett office to meet and keep their files and other records. The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Monday, September 30, 1974 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson to adjourn at 9:40'p.m. The motion passed unamiously. Resp c fully submitted, /fred D. pencer' Jr. S .ry October 7, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was 'held on Monday, October 7, 1974 at 4:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Harvey Finison. The secretary's report was accepted as read with the exception of the addition of Dr. C. Keith Wilbur's name as one of the representatives meeting with the Massachusetts Historical Commission on September 9, 1974• The treasurer's report was not made due to the absence of Mr. Finison. COMMITT REPORTS 1. King Phillips War - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stated that many artifacts from this period are available and should be displayed in an appropriate place. Dr. Wilbur further stated that he wished to thank Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. for his work on the Bicentennial and with the 6th Mass. Militia for the extremely successful Muster events held on October 5 and 6. Mr. Day said that many of the units that had participated in this event were most enthusiastic about attending another such event next year. 2. Historical Inventory - Mrs. Agnes S. Shea stated that no new forms had been turned in, however, Mrs. Emmi C. Clausen had sent a letter expressing some difficulty she had had on the four homes which she had investigated. OLD BUSINESS 1. Meeting Place - Mr. York Phillips said that the forsaw no major problems in allowing the Northampton Historical Commission to use a room in the Council for Aging Center in Memorial Hall. This will allow the Commissioners to put up maps and other forms of information so that they might be easily studied. 2. Historical Inventory Forms - It was stated by Mrs. .;Agnes S. Shea that all historical inventory forms should be typed and done in at least four copies. 3. .Award of Merit - A medal plaque is being considered as a possibility for people to purchase who have been given the Award of Merit by the Northampton Historical Commission for their work in restoring their dwelling or business. A design for this award was introduced by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur. NE T i"Y BUSINESS: 1. Interns - Miss Sally Sousane and Miss Kathy Connolly were introduced as interns from Smith College to give assistance to the Northampton Historical Commission. 2. Historical Downtown - It was decided that a crash program should be initiated on the historical inventory of downtown Northampton. Mrs. Agnes S. Shea made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson to request the Mayor to establish An Historic 2 October 7, 1974 District Study Group. This motion passed unanimously. ;A discussion ensued concerning those people who might be eligible to be nominated for such a group. At the present time the sidewalks are being constructed and the possibility for traditional lighting fixtures is a potential program which the City can investigate The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be held on October 21 at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northampton City Hall. This will not be an official meeting but one used only to organize those people directly connected with the Historical Inventory of downtown. Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer,' Jr. made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur to adjourn at 5:35 p.m. This motion passed unanimously. Respectfully b fitted, , Wilfred D. S ncer, J Secretary November 4, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, November 4, 1974 at 4:15 p.m. in the Planning Department Offices located in Memorial Hall. All members were present With the exception of Mr. Harvey Finison and Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. The secretary's report was accepted as read. The treasurer's report was not made due to the absence of Mr. Finison. C OMMITTE E REPORTS: 1. Historical Inventory - A sub - committee meeting was held for the purpose of organizing the approach to be taken for conducting the historical inventory. Present at this meeting were Mrs. Agnes Shea, Mr. Harvey Finison, and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. It was decided at that ti that Miss Helen Searing, Mr. Harvey Finison and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. would initiate the photography necessary to complete the inventory forms in the downtown area. The photography was accomplished on October 26 and the results were available the following week. The .interns from Smith College reported on their investigation of buildings in Northampton. 2. Communications - A. Bay .Statd Historical League - concern with the problem of our not receiving their publications and this was due to their sending it to a wrong address. B. Mrs Linton Foster - anxious and interested in getting more directly involved in'the projects of the Historical Commission. C. Mr. York Phillips - stated that Pulaski Park would be the major concern of the Bicentennial Committee in requesting a grant from the Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission. D. Mayor Sean Dunphy - a letter was sent to the Mayor concerning the formation of a Downtown Study Group which would be concerned with the developing of that area into an Historical District. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Downtown Historical Inventory - Miss Helen Searing stated that she would be teaching a course in 19th century architecture and would assign her students each a buildin. for them to investigate. Plans were distributed by Mr. Gordon Murphy on the owners of lots in 1786 and 1886. 2. Pulaski Park - Miss in Pulaski Park should area. Miss Searing is Planning Department on was also sugested that of this propect. Helen Searing be compatible to write a le the needs and Memorial Hall stated that whatever is done with the architecture of the tter to Mr. York Phillips of the potential of Pulaski Park. It should be considered as part 3. Historical signs - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur circulated a brochure from the Exhibi Graphic Groin that produce exterior signs. Criteria for the awarding of the Award of Merit were briefly discussed and hiss Juliette Tomlinson is to investigate what other groups have used as the basis of their awards. (2) November 4, 1974 4. Public Relations - Miss Sally Sousane and Miss Kathy Connolly, interns from Smith College, requested the writing of an article for the Daily Hampshire Gazette on some aspect of the Northampton Historical Commission. The membership felt that this was an excellent idea. The next meeting of the Northampton Histor ical Commission will be on Monday, November 18, 1974 in the Planning Department Offices of Memorial Hall at 4:00 p . m . Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Chales Stark that the meeting be adjourned at 5:25 p.m. This motion passed unamiously. Respectful y submitted, F• Wi fred D. Spencer, r. Secretary November 18, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was held on Monday, November 18, 1974 at 4:10 p.m. in the Planning Department Offices located in Memorial Hall. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Charles Stark, who was ill, and Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. The secretary's re was accepted as read. Mr. Harvey Finison did not give a treasurer's report, however, he stated that there had been no new business since his last report. CO MMUN I CATIONS : 1. National Trust for Historic Preservation - in response to our inquiry they stated that they had not received payment for our membership and that was why iae have not received their periodical. 2. Storyfold, Inc. - concerned with gathering information for a book they hope to publish on Massachusetts in the Bicentennial. 3. Northampton Historical Society - this organization is concerned with the deterioration of Memorial Hall and the hope 'that the city will maintain and provide for the security of this structure. 4. Miss Juliette Tomlinson - A. Establishment of an Historical District B. Concern with Pulaski Park on how it should be reconstructed in a compatible style with the architecture that surrounds it. C. Inform that Mr. Leon Pernice of West Springfield is the closest member of the Western Massachusetts Chapter of American Institute of Architects. The next meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be held on Monday, December 2, 1974 in the Planning Department Offices of Memorial Hall at 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Agnes Shea made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that the meeting be adjourned. at 4:35 p.m. This motion passed unamiously. Following the regular meeting a work session was held in which the significant buildings in the downtown were discussed in an effort to develop a prograrc with the Redevelopment Authority. Respectfully submitted, Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. Secretary December 2, 1974 A regular meeting of the Northaon ton Historical Commission was held on Monday, December 2, 1974 at 4:15 p.m. in the Planning De - oartment Offices located in Memorial Hall. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Leonard Day, Jr. The secretary's report was accepted as read. Mr. Harvey Finison reported that the Historical Commission had spent approximately 440.00 of its budget of 4750.00. This leaves a balance of approximately 710.00 left in our budget. OL B USINESS: 1. Historical Inventory - Mrs. Agnes Shea reported that Mr. Harvey Finison.'s secretary had typed approximately 15 of the forms and they would be checked by Mr. Charles Stark. Photographs are still needed to complete some of these forms. 2. Redevelopment Authority - Miss Helen Searing attended the meeting of the Redevelopment Authority and reported that it was mainly concerned with the TOPICS Program. She stated that the merchants generally disliked various aspects of this program as parking spaces were being taken and one -way streets wefe being used in some areas. Also, with more lights, traffic would move much more slowly. Mr. Donald Lyndon spoke on the planning being undertaken at the present time, and it appears as though his ideas are compatible with the philosophy of the Historical Commission. 3. Interns - At present Miss Sally Sousane and Pliss Kathy Connolly are preparing a report on the objectives of the Historical Commission which will be submitted to the Planning Department. An earlier article which they had prepared was to be submitted to the Daily H ampshire Gaz for - publication. This article concerned the Historical Commission, what it was presently doing, and its goals for the future. - 4. King Phillip's War - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur stated_ that an exhibit should be prepared of Indian artifacts as part of the celebration of the 300 year anniversity of this war. 5. Award of Merit - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur is to seek out and report on the criteria necessary for awarding this certificate at the next regular meeting of the Historical Comission. 6. As- ociate Commissioners - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion tlatt was seconded by Mr. Harvey Finison that associate commissioners be elected every year by Historical Commissioners on the first meeting in January. These associate members should be sponsored by a member of the Historical Corr.missioners. This motion - passed unamiously. N B USINESS: 1. New Quarters - Dr. C. Keith Wilt:ur stated that it was possible for the Historical Commission to have a new melting place in flue future. This might be located in the renovated Gas Company buildinE_, however, the :possibility of a room in Memorial Hall should be invest - i..:ated. (2) December 2, 1974 2. Budget - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur and 1"1r. Harvey Finison suggested that we should consider budgetary items for the next fiscal year at our next meting. 3. Historical Inventory Coordinator - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur reported th3t the federal government was, in the future, to give to the state,governments funds to pay the salary of people working on. a public service - nro ject. This person would work 40 tzours per week for one year and could be used to work on the historical inventory. 4. Notification of building demolition - Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Charles .Stark that a letter be sent to the Mayor requesting that he take action to assure that the Historical Commission be advised of demolition permits that were aplDlied for. By so doing the Historical Commission could then make comment on the historical importance of such. structures. The motion passed unamiously. 5. Memorial Hall.- Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur that a resolution be sent to the City Property Committee, Fire Department, and Police Department in regards to the security of this structure. The resolution states: Whereas Memorial Hall is a building of historic importance and used by various commission and the Historical Society, it is important that greater security be provided and that a fire prevention program be developed. The motion passed unamiously. 6. City Hall - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson that a letter be sent to the City Property Committee and the Mayor concerning the repainting and repairing of City Hall. At present, while plans are being developed for the painting of City Hall, it is impertant that such historic building's be renovated in a way in which they were originally constructed. The Historical Commission could give valuable advise on this type or project because of its basic function in the city. City Hall originally was decorated. with warm or cocoa brown columns, mouldings, and gingerbread and this motif should be continued. As to color it would closely resemble the Smith Charities building on lower Main St. This motion passed unamiously. 7. City Hall Offices - Mr. Harvey Finison made a motion which was seconded by Miss Juliette Tomlinson., that a letter be sent to the City Council and the Mayor stating how that City Hall had since its inception been the center of government in Northampton, the Historical Commission recommends that both the City Council and the Mayor's Offices remain there and not be traifaferred to the renovated Gas Company Building. The motion passed. unamiously. 8. Newburyport, Mass. - Mr. Harvey Finison reported on the program of historical renovation. being conducted there. Mr. Finiscn further stated that with new owners of Sheehan's Cafe a letter should be sent to them explaining the importance of this structure and how we might assist t`gem in riving advise on renovation to enhance its features. Dr. C. Keith '!Iiilbur volunteered to write a letter suggesting such a program and explaining how strongly we feel about this building. (3 ) December 2, 1974 9. TOPICS Program - Mrs. Agnes Shea made a motion which was seconded by Juliette Tomlinson that a letter be sent to the Mayor concerning this program. It should state that an important object - ive for downtown Northampton is to maintain the 19th century character and this prorosed program will destroy this important character. The Historical Commission stands oprosed to the adoption of the TOPICS Program. Dr. C. Keith Wilbur is to deliver a letter to the Mayor in regards to our disfavor. The Motion passed unamiously. 10. Historical Inventory - The foll1wing assignment were given by Dr. C. Keith Wilbur to be completed by our next meeting on December 16, 1974: Gas House - Dr. C. Keith Wilbur Unitarian Church - Mr. Charles Stsrk City Hall - Mrs. Linton Foster Academy of Music - 1vr. Kenneth Bowen Pulaski Park - Mrs. Agnes Shea Memorial Hall - Miss Helen Searing. The next ml =eting of the Northampton Historical Commission will be held on Monday, December 16, 1974 in the Planning Department Offices of Memorial Hall at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Harvey Finison. made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr. that the meeting be adjourned at 6:25 p.m. This motion passed unamiously. Respectfully submitted, Wilfred D. Spemcer, Jr. Secretary