1973 Historical Commission minutesIn City Council, Octobcr 4,
CITY G; N& - r1 ;;' , �T O\
The following a r
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Leonard E. Day r. 2
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Harvey J. ison I year
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(PZrs) Ag rWs S. Shea 3 years
21 vN rth N in Street
W'1fred D. 'nenc-r, Jr 3 years
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Charles stark 2 years-
0 12 ak °'
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(Nis - uliette Tomlinson 1 vear
35 Woodlawn.Avenue
Q, : L) A6\', w ' . b - . I
Dr. C. Keith Wilbur 3 year.:.
397 Prospect Street
City C1 rk
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oc x. ,1975
O ct. 1 1974
Oct, 1976
Oct. 1 975
Oct. , 1974
-Oct.,1976 1
November 13, 1973
The initial meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
was held on Tuesday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference
Room of the Northampton City Hall.
Mayor Sean Dunphy opened the meeting, and the members were
sworn into office by City Clerk, James Faulkner. An official
photograph of this newly created Commission was taken.
Mayor Sean Dunphy proceded to inform the Commission members
of the responsibilities, budget procedures and the three avenues
which should have priority for the future. These three areas
would include the Centenial Celebration of Smith College, an
historical inventory of the City of Northampton and the role
Northampton would assume in the Bicentenial Anniversary of the
founding of the United States.
A general discus.sion ensued concerning historical landmarks
in Northampton and the various means used in recording and
preserving these sites. It was agreed by the members that
officers should be elected on a temporary basis, and the following
officers were chosen: Dr. C. Keith Wilbur, Chairman; Mrs. Agnes
Shea, Vice - chairman; and Mr. Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr., Secretary.
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, November 26
at 7:45 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wilif red D. Spencer, Jr.
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November 26, 1973
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission
was held on Monday, November 26, 1973 at 7:45 P.M. in the
Conference Room of the City Hall.
The secretary's report was read and accepted
OLD BUSINESS There was no old business discussed.
NEW BUSINESS A discussion was held concerning a provisional
budget for the Northampton Historical Commission to cover
such items as stationery, postage, publications and other
miscellaneous expenses. A motion was made by Wilfred D.
Spencer, Jr. and seconded by Charles Stark for a provisional
budget of 0200.00. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Harvey Finison and seconded by Agnes Shea
that the regular meetings of the Northampton Historical
Commission be held on the first and third Monday's of the
month. The motion passed unanimously.
The following items of new business were discussed as part of
the current study of the present role of the Historical
1. A logo for all stationery and official documents of
the Northampton Historical Commission should be adopted. Mem-
bers of the Commission were requested to consider various
designs for possible adoption at our next meeting.
2. One of the major functions of the Historical Commission
is an historical inventory of the structures in Northampton.
A general discussion ensued concerning the method by which
this inventory would be carried out and the campaign to enlist
the support of the whole community in this effort. The var-
ious forms from the Massachusetts Historical Commission were
distributed and discussed from the stand -point of what types
of buildings should be first inventoried. Further study is
needed to determine the initial approach and areas to be first
3. The third consideration of this meeting is the Bicenten-
ial and the role Northampton will play. Applications for
local assistance from the Massachusetts Bicentenial Commission
must be submitted prior to January 28, 1974. It is believed
by the Commission that letters should be sent to various
service organizations, church groups, and professional organ-
izations to enlist a. representative from each of these in a
general meeting concerned with their possible ideas for the
Northampton celebration. It should be stated that the Bicen-
tenial Celebration has three definite objectives:
A. Heritage, 76 - restoration of historical treasures
and attempt to stimulate interest in historical matters.
B. Festival, 76 - celebration of the Bicentenial
through plays, festivals and pageants.
11/26/73 - Page 2
8. Horizon, 76 - construction of permanent sites,
structures, or publications of lasting interest to the
Members were urged to attend the Massachusetts Historical
Commission Workshop in Old Deerfield on Saturday, December 1,
Agnes Shea made a motion which was seconded by Dr. C. Keith
Wilbur to adjourn at 9:35 P.M. The motion passed unamimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Wilfred D.' Spencer, Jr.
Acting Secretary
December 1, 1973
A general meeting of all historic commissions, societies, and
interested citizens in Western Massachusetts was held on
December 1, 1973 under the auspices of the Massachusetts
Historic Commission in Old Deerfield, Massachusetts
The Northampton Historic Commission was represented and
Commissioners Agnes Shea, Charles Stark, Harvey Finison, Dr.
C. Keith Wilbur, Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr., and Mrs. Ruth Wilbur,
a member of the Northampton Historic Society were in attendance.
Registration started at 9:30 A.M. and a general session ensued
at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. Robert B. Rettig, Executive Directory
of the Massachusetts Historic Commission, serving as moderator.
Elizabeth R. Amadon, Polly M. Rettig, and Patricia L. Weslowski
gave qn overview of the responsibilities and potential programs
of Historic Commissions and a question and answer period closed
the morning session at 12:00.
The afternoon session, which started at 2:00 P.M. was concerned
with individual workshops devoted to the subjects which had been
discussed during the morning session. Each tzf the Northampton
Historic Commission members were represented in the six different
subject areas. There were two separate time periods for these
six different workshops and they consisted of:
A. 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
1.. Historical Commissions (Mrs. Rettig)
2. Inventory Techniques (Mrs. Amadon and Ms. Weslowski)
3. Preservation Grants (Mr. Rettig)
B. 3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
1. Historic Districts (Ms. Weslowski)
2. National Register (Mrs. Amadon)
3. Preservation Planning (Mr. Rettig)
The general meeting closed at 4:00 P.M. and the Northampton Historic
Commissioners found the meeting useful and interesting.
Respectfully submit ed,
/1 i �
WiX fred D. Spence Jr.
Acting Secretary
December 3, 1973
A regular meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission was
held on Monday, December 5, 1973 at 7 :45 P.M. in the Conference
Room of the City Hall.
The secretary's report was read and accepted.
1. Logo - A discussion was held concerning an official logo for
the Northampton Historical Commission and various designs were
submitted. It was agreed that a frontal view of the Northampton
City Hall would be appropriate and Dr. C. Keith Wilbur was placed
in charge of formulating a completed design and making the
suitable arrangements for the printing of stationery.
2. Bicentennial Celebration A motion was made by Wilfred D.
Spencer, Jr. that a sub - committee of three people should draft a
letter to be sent to the various service, religious, professional,
and civic organizations in the area concerning their possible
involvement in the Bicentennial celebration. This motion was
seconded by Charles Stark and passed unamiously. The sub-
committee was chosen and it will consist of Dorothy Clark,
intern from Smith College, Leonard Day, Jr. and Wilfred D.
Spencer, Jr.
3. Historic Inventory - As one of the major concerns of any
historic commission is an historic inventory of the dwellings
and sites of historic interest in the community, the commission
has decided that this program should be initiated immediately.
It was decided,throu gh discussion, that the inventory would
commence in the down town Northampton area and pleasant St.,
Bridge St., Hawley St., Market St., Old South St., King St.,
and Phillips Place were to be the first streets to be investigated.
,Assignments for each of these streets were given to the individual
members of the commission. Dr. Wilbur volunteered to go to
Forbes Library to investigate the source information available
and see if it was possible to get books and other source
materials placed in one area of the library.
1. Historic District Commission - Dr. Wilbur suggested that we
investigate the possibility of establishing an Historic District
Commission Study Group for the purpose of establishing Historic
Districts. Central Northampton and Bay State were discussed
as to their potential for establishing such areas. Dr. Wilbur
pointed out that such a body would consist of 3 to 7 members and
asked the commission to consider such a program for the next
The next meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission was
planned for Monday, December 17, 1973 at 7:45 P.M. in the
Conference Room of the Northampton City Hall.
Dr. C. Keith Wilbur made a motion which was seconded by Agnes
Shea to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. The motion passed unamiously.
Rp ctfu�y submitted,
Wi fred D. pence , Jr.
Acting Secretary
December 5, 1973
A sub- committee meeting of the Northampton Historic Commission
was held on Wednesday, December 5, 1973 in the Conference
Room of the City Hall. The meeting was attended by Dorothy
Clarke, intern from Smith College, Leonard Day, Jr. and
Wilfred D. Spencer, Jr.
Thigsmeeting was held for the purpose of drafting a letter to
be sent to the various service, civic, professional, and
religious organizations in the Greater Northampton area con-
cerning their possible involvement and suggestions in the
Bicentennial celebration. A letter was drafted and submitted
to Mayor Sean Dunphy for his approval on this subject. Additional
information was needed at that time as to the location and
date and it was agreed by the members involved that the letter should
be sent out prior to December 20, 1973.
A date for the meeting has been set since that time and the
general meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the
Northampton City Hall on January 3, 1974•
Respectfully submitted,
Wi fred D. Spenc r, Jr.
Acting Secretary