2000 Historical Commission minutesCITY HALL
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Date: Monday, January 3, a
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Memorial Hall
7:00 pm Attendance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements
7:10 pm The State Hospital
7:30 pm Millennium Awards
8:00 pm 2000 Preservation Awards ProgramNominees - Valerie Lavender
Grant Pre - Application
Jonathan Edwards Memorial at Bridge Street Cemetery - Valerie Lavender
Plaques/Markers Project
Survey and National Register Work- The Beeches, Diners, Hortense Pollard
Adjourn 9:00 pm
Next Meetings: January 31, February 29, March 27, April 24, May 29
am V
January 3, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Louise Bloomberg, Norman Winston, Kimball
Howes, Tris Metcalfe, Valerie Lavender. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order
Chairperson Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Howes made a motion to
approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Winston. The vote was
unanimous in favor.
Ms. Well noted that Eglal -Doss Quinby had submitted a letter of resignation effective
immediately. Peg said she would contact her to see if she wanted to submit something
more formal to the Mayor's Office.
State Hospital Update/
Ms. Well reviewed the letter she had drafted to Mass. Historic requesting that repairs be
(� made to the main complex in order to prevent any further deterioration. Members
approved the text. Ms. Lavender reported on a letter she had received from Wayne Feiden
and gave an update on the report compiled by the consultants investigating the cemetery
at Hospital Hill. She said there is evidence that the area served as a burial ground for
Native Americans, in addition to patients and staff of the hospital.
Mr. Metcalfe said that he had submitted the schematic floor plans he had prepared for the
main complex to the developer, but he has not heard anything in return. Ms. Well
reported that Gerry Joseph said that Anna Schuleit has received permission to have her
performance at the campus sometime in November 2000 and that somehow she found
floor plans from 1963. Mr. Metcalfe said that he would like to see them, Peg will call.
In summary, members agreed to move ahead with trying to get the building secured by
sending the letter to MHC and trying to get those plans from Mr. Joseph. It was
mentioned that a hospital renovation project had occurred in Philadelphia and possibly
MHC could contact that state to see how this was accomplished.
Mr. Howes noted that it all comes down to a cost benefit analysis. The issue should be
studied, costs determined, then the development feasibility assessed- certain # of square
feet, with new systems and elevators, will determine the course of action. Mr. Metcalfe
said that the engineers he spoke with said that the way the building is constructed, the
seismic concerns were largely diffused. The parapets would need bolstering but not the
floors or walls. Ms. Well suggested that we could get info from Mr. Joseph's engineers
for Mr. Metcalfe and Mr. Howes to review. Peg will follow -up.
Academy of Music / Mr. Howes will be serving as the NHC rep. on the Academy of
Music Building Committee. An historic preservation restriction exists on the property
from previous funding awards, which Ms. Well gave to Mr. Howes. Evidently an amount
Was awarded through a State line item earmark, now the Committee will develop a scope
of work that requires that amount.
Millenium Awards/ Ms. Lavender will talk to Ron Hall of WHMP regarding this event.
The plan to get something into circulation this past First Night did not come to fruition.
Discussion followed regarding posters, public relations and the panel of experts. Ms.
Well asked First Night Committee members if they would support the event and they
agreed. Next steps will be to solidify the panel, determine the nomination process and
apply for funding from the Arts Council in March for the graphic artist for prepare the PR
materials. Peg will call Mary Kaspar to ascertain the timetable.
Annual Awards/ Ms. Well reported that David Murphy wants to resubmit his home for
nomination. She said the house on Massasoit has sold, Florence Savings Bank will be
nominated for their calendars and the Harrison Ave. owners will be recontacted. Ms.
Lavender suggested the gazebo at Historic Northampton as a site for the presentations.
She will call the Harrison Ave. owners.
O MHC Grant Application/ Peg submitted a letter of intent to Mass. Historic for funding
to nominate the Pomeroy Terrace district and to review other potential nominations. No
word has been received. Ms. Well called the ward councilor who is in support.
Plaques/ Ms. Well delivered the plaques that have the letters peeling off. Charlie Conant
agreed to redo them.
Survey Activity/ Ms. Well reported no movement at the Beeches, and now that Mrs.
Bleiman is a City Councilor, the nomination activity will have to be private. Ms. Well
reported that she received word from the State that if we wanted to take the initiative on
submitting the other two diners for recognition, they would support it. She also noted that
MHC said local forms need to be updated on the H. Pollard property in order for them to
consider that nomination as well. Ms. Bloomberg and Ms. Lavender said they would
work on the Beeches, pulling 'information together to pass.along to the property owners.
Adjourn/ The meeting was concluded at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
V ll
� r
1 �
Date: Monday, January 31, 2000
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Memorial Hall
7:00 pm Attendance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements
7:10 pm 2000 Preservation Awards Program
Nominees, Dates, Possible Places, Format
7:40 pm The State Hospital- Update on Letter to MHC
Anna Schuleit - November 19, 2000
8:00 pm Millennium Awards
Grant Pre - Application
Notifications from Smith College
Jonathan Edwards Memorial at Bridge Street Cemetery - Valerie Lavender
Plaques/Markers Project-
Survey and National Register Work- The Beeches, Diners, Hortense Pollard
Adjourn 9:00 pm
Next Meetings: February 29, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26
is E
January 31, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Kimball Howes, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston,
Tris Metcalfe. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order
Chair Susan Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. There were two revisions to the
minutes. Ms. Lavender made a motion to accept them as revised, seconded by Mr.
Metcalfe, vote unanimous in favor.
Academy of Music Renovations
Mr. Howes, in his role as representative of the Historical Commission on the Academy
Building Committee, reported that the committee has met and taken a tour. It appears that
the money awarded will be used to make necessary repairs, leaving little to address other
concerns. Roof repairs, exterior brick work, and systems upgrades will all be extensive
work items.
2000 Preservation Awards
New names have been added since last meeting. Members were asked to drive around
and examine the suggested properties for final evaluation. The names and addresses will
be finalized. The week of May 14 is National Preservation Week, so the event should
take place within that time. The owner of Clio Associates offered her space for the
ceremony, Ms. Well will follow -up. Mr. Metcalfe said the meeting room at Historic
Northampton could be used, as well as Florence Savings Bank. There is time to think
about the format for the event.
Northampton State Hospital
Mass. Historic Commission has not acknowledged receipt of the letter we sent, nor sent
us a copy of their letter to DCAM. The performance by Anna Schuleit will be held
November 19, 2000. Peg said she would contact Gerry Josephs to get an update on
Smith College Proiects
Because several building improvement projects are being proposed by Smith which will
utilize a State funding source, local and State review is necessary. The stack of project
submissions has been reviewed by Ms. Well, and the ones located in the Elm Street
Historic District have been separated out. There is a bond issue through the Mass.
Development Finance Agency for higher education that requires the review. Peg took the
pile back to continue the process.
Smith College Parking Garage
Members reviewed the plans submitted for the construction of the Parking garage on
West Street. Ms. Well reported on the meeting she attended as part of the Mass.
Environmental Protection Agency review. The number of parking spaces proposed
exceeds a threshold activating MEPA review. Members expressed general dissatisfaction
with the design and Peg will forward comments to the MEPA office for Feb. 1, 2000.
Comments included the fact that the elevations were misleading due to the omission of
existing buildings, no aesthetic context with the surrounding neighborhood, the vertical
columns seem to lead nowhere, "prison" bars at the ground level, insufficient information
to assess proposed materials.
Ms. Well will communicate to Mass. Historic to determine their role in this process. She
said that Ann Lattinville of Mass. Historic is reviewing all the MDFA submissions to
determine which are on the State register.
Campus Center
Members then discussed their generally negative reactions to the proposed design for the
Campus Center and agreed to send a letter to the Trustees of the College expressing
concern for the contemporary nature of the two designs (parking garage and campus
center) and the seeming disregard for the historic integrity of their surrounds. Ms.
Lavender made a motion to send the letter, seconded by Mr. Metcalfe, the vote 4 -1.
Due to the lateness of the hour, the meeting concluded at 9:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
January 31, 2000
Laura Rome, MEPA Office
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02202
RE: ENF Comments from the Northampton Historical Commission for
the Smith College Parking Garage
50 West Street
Northampton, MA
Dear Ms. Rome;
At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Northampton Historical Commission held
January 31 2000 members reviewed the plans for the parking garage. The following
{� comments were made:
- difficult to assess visual impact on nearby historic districts due to lack of renderings
which include existing buildings, i.e. Garrison Hall
- concern with proposed vertical columns that seem to go nowhere
- no visual information provided showing building materials proposed
- proposed bars at ground level problematic visually
- general dissatisfaction with contemporary design
- no architectural blend with the existing neighborhood
As Chair of the Historic Commission, I attended the consultation meeting held January
24"" No color renderings or illustrations depicting the buildings visual relationship. to
the neighborhood were available for review. The lack of those materials makes the
formulation of more specific comments difficult. We will be communicating these
concerns to the Massachusetts Historical Commission, as well. Thank you for the
opportunity to comment. Requests for additional information can be made to me at 413-
586 -2370.
Susan Well, Chair
Northampton Historical Commission
Submitted at the Commission's request
,Peg Keller
'Planning & Development j
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000
Time: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: 210 Main Street, Northampton
Room 10
7:00 p.m. Attendance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements
7:10 p.m. 2000 Preservation Awards Program
Nominees, Dates, Possible Places, Format
7:40 p.m. Smith College
8:00 p.m. The State Hospital: Update on letter to MHC
8:10 p.m. Millennium Awards
Grant Pre - Application
Jonathan Edwards Memorial at Bridge St. Cemetery - Valerie Lavender
Plaques / Markets Project -
Survey and National Register Work:
The Beeches, Diners, Hortense Pollard
9:00 P.M. Adjourn
Next Meetings: March 27, April 24, June 26
February 28, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Louise Bloomberg, Kimball Howes, Valerie
Lavender, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston. Also present, Peg Keller, staff, Bill Brandt,
Charlie Conant and Gary Hartwell of Smith College and Architects from Arrowstreet,
Inc. and Michael De Lacey of Boston Affiliates.
Ms. Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Howes made a motion to approve
the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Metcalfe, vote unanimous in favor.
■ Elks Lodge/ the City has sent a package of materials to Mass. Historic provided by..
the architect, Tris Metcalfe describing the proposed changes to the Elks building.
Mr. Metcalfe will elaborate on the project later in the meeting.
O Presentation/ Smith College Parking Garage
Ms. Well stated that because of the size of the proposed parking garage, the Mass.
Environmental Protection Agency review was activated which included comment from
Mass. Historic. Also, due to the funding source proposed for utilization by Smith
College, historic review was required. Ms. Well read the letter from Mass. Historic to the
MEPA office and one from an alumnus expressing her dislike of the design.
Introductions were made. It was noted that Ann Lattinville of Mass. Historic will be out
tomorrow morning for a project update as well. Mr. Brandt began by providing some
project background.
- there are long standing parking issues, the campus was built in a non -auto era
- the need for cars has increased over the years, currently there are 1000 spaces on
campus; 850 staff, faculty and visitor and 150 student slots.
- There are 1300 employees and 2500 students
- Prior presidents have recognized the problem, a feasibility study was commissioned
by Ruth Simmons
- Sasaki was hired to decide whether or not a parking structure was needed and if so,
where it should be put
- 4 sites were identified / Green Street, Belmont Ave., Davis St., and West Street
- Elm street and West Street are the main arteries for the campus
- Their architect selection process is rigorous/ faculty, administrators, art historians
make recommendations to the trustees on the RFP responses
� 2
' J - many people are involved in the design process
the permitting process was successfully completed with the local Planning Board,
they were unaware that the revenue bonds being sought from the Mass. Development
Finance Agency required historic review
the project is in proximity to an historic district in place since 1975
The Arrowstreet architects then reviewed the model of the parking structure and
described the thought process behind the design.
- the structure was sited to fit comfortably on the site and be unobtrusive
- by rotating it the way they did, only a corner actually faces the street, reducing the
mass along the street frontage
- the siting also allowed for a better alignment for traffic, more at a right angle with the
street opposite the site
- stacking/ lining up is accommodated on site
- Garrison Hall is higher then this structure on average
- The corner facing the street contains the elevator and stairs
- Materials samples were shown/ after consideration of many palette options, lighter
colors were chosen and cast stone to emulate limestone
- A concrete sample was shown/ lighter colored materials articulate shadows better
- Zinc cladding will be applied to the stair tower and columns/ the color of lead coated
copper/ pre - patinaed
- Concrete will be used for the upper levels/ ground floor will use a cut metal ivy
pattern for the grille that is found throughout the campus
- Grout will be the same color
- Used a connotation of a cornice across the top to break the fortress look
- Columns stop mid -way through the top course to accomplish that
- The ivy ornamentation on the grille was used to give relief
Highlights of member comments were as follows:
- ground floor metal work is "prison- like"
- promotes feeling of urban paranoia
- no relationship to existing buildings/ (comment made in MEPA letter)
- discussion followed of structure operation/ not staffed, lighting installed so as not to
spill out into neighborhood, security consultant made recommendations about access
points, grille, etc.
- the height of the stair tower is required to house the additional 6 ft. needed above the
elevator shaft
Members noted that concerns they had developed when viewing a black and white 8 x 11
zerox were mostly abated when presented with color renderings that showed Garrison
Hall. Garrison does shield the long side expanse of the structure, tree plantings will help,
architects agreed to look again at the vertical bars. Safety and snow removal were
Ms. Well concluded the discussion by saying that the Commission's questions had been
answered and that she now had a better appreciation of the thought that has, gone into the
project. She said she was dismayed that the Commission did not have an opportunity to
review the project earlier as the project has already gone out to bid and bids have been
received. Mr. Brandt said again that they did not know they had to come before the
Further discussion occurred about the need for glass, as a safety factor that allows
pedestrians to see into the elevator and stairway. Comments were made from the
representatives of Boston Affiliates who said they thought Arrowstreet did a good job
blending the structure into the area that actually already contains a number of very large
The presentation concluded, all guests left. Commission members continued their
discussion in order to provide specific feedback for Mass. Historic the following
morning. Generally, the issues that remained:
- the goal of the vertical columns stopping mid - course was to provide a cornice -like
top/ the top should be brought out to really be cornice -like/ the original model had
crenalations that appear to have been chopped off/ as proposed it looks unfinished.
- in general agreement with siting and materials/ quiet palette to blend
- dislike the vertical bars, and question the purpose they would serve for limiting access
(� Susan Well and Peg Keller will attend the meeting with Smith and MHC.
Other Items
Northampton State Hospita the plans supplied by Gerry Joseph do not contain floor
plans for the main campus building. The letter from Mass. Historic to DCAM at our
urging was read. Peg will call Gerry and get a project update. Ms. Wellwill talk to Gary
Hammer to see if there is anything else the Commission should be doing to prevent
further deterioration of the Main Campus building.
Awards Responsibility for contacting property owners was divided up among members.
Cemet= Grant Info was given to Ms. Lavender
MHC Denial for Pomeroy Terrace the grant application to further this nomination was
denied. The Mayor will be contacted to see any City money is available for the project.
Elks Lodge Mr. Metcalfe gave a very brief presentation about proposed changes to the
Elks building. This will be continued at the next meeting.
Adjourn/ due to the lateness of the hour, the meeting concluded at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts Historical Commission
February 25, 2000
Ms. Lisa LaGrasse
Office of Real Estate
Division of Capital Asset Management
100 Cambridge Street, 16` Floor
Boston, MA 02202
RE: Northampton State Hospital Redevelopment, Northampton, MA; MHC # 3230
Dear Ms. LaGrasse:
The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has been contacted by constituents from the
Northampton area with regard to the condition of the main complex at the 'Northampton State Hospital.
As you know, the Northampton State Hospital is listed in the State and National Registers of Historic
Places and is the subject of a Memorandum of Agreement executed in 1995 between your office, the
MHC, and the City of Northampton.
The MHC understands that on August 5, 1999, members of the Northampton Historical Commission
accompanied Mr. Gerry Joseph of The Community Builders on a tour of the state hospital campus in
order to observe the conditions of the buildings and to discuss the developer's constraints with regard to
the redevelopment of the property. During this tour, the Commission members noted that the roof of the
main complex was in a particularly severe state of disrepair and that a hole in the roof was leaving the
building open to the elements, thus accelerating the building's ongoing deterioration.
It is the understanding of the MHC that the Master Plan prepared by The Community Builders anticipates
the redevelopment process to occur over a period of at least 15 years. The MHC also understands that
redevelopment of the main complex area is scheduled to occur as part of the final phase.
The MHC continues to be concerned that the redevelopment plan for the former state hospital property
does not propose the retention of any part of the historic main building. As discussed during our meeting
of Julyl, 1999, the MHC is also concerned that the Division of Capital Asset Management is authorized
to provide funds for the demolition of the existing buildings on the campus, but is not authorized to divert
such funds to assist with the rehabilitation of such buildings.
Given the lengthy redevelopment period proposed under the Master Plan, the MHC believes that options
for the potential rehabilitation and reuse of the main building, or portions thereof, should be kept open.
The MHC respectfully requests the Division of Capital Asset Management to undertake minimal repairs
to the roof of the main building in order to limit the amount of water infiltration into the structure. In
addition, the MHC encourages Asset Management to continue to work with The Community Builders to
pursue alternative redevelopment plans which would include the preservation of at least part of the
historic main complex.
—� 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 (617) 727 -8470
Fax: (617) 727 -5 128 • TDD: 1- 800 - 392 -6090
tuzuzu.state. Ana. acs /sec /mbc
The MHC looks forward to continued consultation with Asset Management, The Community Builders,
and the City of Northampton regarding the proposed redevelopment project.
Sincerely, L
Gary Hammer
Director of Architectural Review
Massachusetts Historical Commission
cc: Gerry Joseph, The Community Builders
Susan Well, Northampton Historical Commission
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts Historical Commission
February 25, 2000
Ms. Kirsten Hoffman
Goulston & Storrs
400 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110 -3333
RE: Northampton State Hospital Recordation Package, Northampton, MA; MHC # 3230
Dear Ms. Hoffman:
Thank you for submitting the photographic recordation package for the Northampton State Hospital in accordance
with Stipulation V of the 1995 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Division of Capital Planning and
Operations (now the Division of Capital Asset Management), the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), and
the City of Northampton. After a review of the recordation package, the MHC has the following comments.
The MHC finds that the recordation package substantially meets the requirements as set forth in Stipulation V and
Appendix C of the MOA, with the following exceptions:
1. The documentation package does not include a series of 8 '' /2 " - x -11" historic site plans, as specified in
Appendix C, Section II of the MOA.
2. The photographic prints you submitted are Polaroid black -arid -white instant prints and are not
archivally stable. Please note that photographers sometimes shoot a "test" Polaroid prior to shooting a
final photograph. Did the photographer provide you with more than one set of prints for this project?
If so, were the archival quality prints mistakenly transmitted to the City of Northampton or retained by
the Division of Capital Asset Management?
Receipt of the historic site plans and archival quality photographic prints will satisfy the recordation requirements as
stipulated in the MOA. The MHC looks forward to receiving and reviewing these items.
These comments are provided to assist the Division of Capital Asset Management,in compliance with the 1995
MOA regarding the former Northampton State Hospital. Please feel free to contact me at this office should you
have any questions.
l rely,
Director of Architectural Review
Massachusetts Historical Commission
cc: Lisa LaGrasse, Division of Capital Asset Management
Susan Well, Northampton Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 • (617) 727 -8470
Fax: (617) 727 -5128 - TDD: 1- 800 - 392 -6090
ruww.state. ma. us /.sec /mbc
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
March 6 , 2000 William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Charles Conant
Smith College Physical Plant
West Street
Northampton, MA 01063
RE: Smith College Parking Structure, 42 and 50 West Street, Northampton, MA, MHC# 25398; EOEA# 12132
Dear Mr. Conant:
Staff of the Massachusetts Historical Commission have reviewed the additional information you submitted, received
February 8, 2000, concerning the above referenced project.. MHC staff also received additional information during a
meeting held on February 29, 2000 in Northampton. The proposed project site at 42 West Street is included in the
State and National Registers of Historic Places as part of the Northampton Downtown Historic District. The
proposed site contains Garrison Hall, a building owned by Smith College. After a review of the materials submitted,
the MHC has the following comments.
The MHC understands that the proposed project involves the construction of a 3 '/z story, pre -cast concrete structure.
The elevator head house will be clad primarily with glass and zinc shingles and the ground floor level will contain a
security grille comprised of laser -cut steel. The grille will be ornamented with an ivy motif and the spandrel
construction of the concrete will be finished to provide a texture which will resemble board siding.
After a review of materials submitted, I have determined that the proposed project will have "no adverse effect"
(950 CMR 71.07(2)(b)(2)) on the Northampton Downtown Historic District provided the following conditions are
met: 1). the design of the column height on the garage shall be changed to bring the columns to the full height of the
garage and to give them a finished cap to resemble a capital; 2) the.proponent shall provide the MHC and the
Northampton Historical Commission with additional information regarding the wear and weathering of the zinc and
shall allow the MHC and the Northampton Historical Commission the opportunity to comment on the proposed use
of zinc for cladding on this structure; 3) the proponent shall provide the MHC and the Northampton Historical
Commission with the opportunity to review and comment on a proposed landscaping plan which will screen the
garage from the nearby Forbes Library and Garrison Hall; and 4) the proponent shall provide the MHC and the
Northampton Historical Commission with the opportunity to review and comment on information regarding the
grille work on the garage, including a description of the proposed finish for the laser -cut steel (including color,
whether it is matte or 'shiny, etc.).
These comments are offered to assist in compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 9, Section 26 -27c, as amended by Chapter
254 of the Acts of 1988 (950 CMR 71) and MEPA. Please feel free to contact Ann Lattinville of my staff if you
have questions.
Ju 'th B. McDonough
Ex cutive Director
ate Historic Preservation Officer
Massachusetts Historical Commission
xc: Northampton Historical Commission
Laura Rome, MEPA
� I
220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 - (617) 727 -8470
Fax: (617) 727 -5128 • TDD: 1- 800 -392 -6090
immustate. nza. us /sec /mhc
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849 March 19, 2000
Rochelle Braff Lazarus, Chair
Smith College Board of Trustees
College Hall 30, Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Dear Ms. Lazarus and Members of the Board:
I am writing on behalf of the Northampton Historical Commission which was established by the city in the early
1970's to identify, preserve and protect the historic assets of the city. The purpose of this letter is to express our-
concern regarding the contemporary nature of two new building projects you are proposing for the city, namely the
parking garage on West Street and the Campus Center on Elm Street.
U The Commission or its representatives have reviewed the plans for the parking garage on three occasions; all very
late in the process because we were not notified that government funds would be used in its construction earlier.
As I write, the negotiations with the Massachusetts Historical Commission are drawing to a close. While we do
not disagree with the settlement, we are still certain that you could have selected a more compatible design for a
structure next to a building in a National Register Historic District.
We have seen the Campus Center model depicted in the newspaper, and we note from your web site and the
AcaMedia that you have asked the architect to reconsider and revise the design. We applaud your action. The
Elm Street Local Historical District is a very special part of the city for its citizens and we hope for you as well.
It is our feeling that neither of the projects fits well with its surroundings. Please understand that this Commission
recognizes contemporary design as an element in the built environment and does not encourage /approve designs
that only mimic the past. However, we remain troubled about these two designs and hope that you will think about
the legacy these two structures will leave in the community we share. Thank your for your consideration of these
concerns. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached by phone or fax at 413.586.2370 or by email at
413 5862370 @proj2000.com.
Susan Well, Chair
Northampton Historical Commission
l cc: Ruth Simmons, President, Smith College
J Bill Brandt, Smith College
Dennis Nolan, Chair, Elm Street Local Historic District Commission
i•:; °
�Wa�mvnm�n,r� •
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Date: Monday, March 27, 2000
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Memorial Hall
7:00 pm Attendance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements
Academy of Music - Kim Howes
Elks Lodge - 43 Center Street
7:45 pm 2000 Preservation Awards Program
Nominees, Dates, Possible Places, Format
8:15 pm Smith College
8:30 pm Millennium Awards
Jonathan Edwards Memorial at Bridge Street Cemetery - Valerie Lavender
Plaques /Markers Project -
Survey and National Register Work- The Beeches, Diners, Hortense Pollard
Adjourn 9:00 pm
Next Meetings: April 24, May 22, June 26
I �
March 27, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Kimball Howes, Tris Metcalfe, Valerie Lavender,
Norman Winston, Louise Bloomberg. Also present, Bill Muller, developer for the Elks
Building and Peg Keller, staff.
1. Announcements
Damon Road / MHC has notified the chair that the house with the blue shutters at the
corner of Route 9 and Damon Road is slated for demolition to create more parking area
for the bike path. No survey sheet exists. There is probably not much that can be done to
avoid the demolition, due to the fact that it is not in a district and there is no survey form.
MHC needs to respond to DEM by the end of the week. Peg will ask Wayne if he has any
additional information. Members discussed whether or not it might have served as a toll
house when the ferry that went across the river was in operation.
Lilly Library/ Ms. Well was contacted by Bob Mahar regarding the planned renovation
of the Lilly Library. She said an addition and entrance changes are planned. Mr. Mahar
said State funds may be requested which would activate our.review, but he wanted an
initial reaction at this phase. Ms. Well said we would be happy to provide input, despite
that fact that the building is not in a district, nor on the National Register.
Planning Department Budget/ Ms. Well stated that Wayne Feiden has included $5,000
in the OPD budget to cover projects for the Historic Commission, but that in all
likelihood, it will not make it through the budget process.
Academy of Music / Mr. Howes reported that most of the funding will be used to make
repairs. Ms. Well noted that Mary Kasper had asked her for a contact at Mass. Historic to
assist with interpreting the historic preservation restrictions that had been put in place
from an earlier grant award.
2. Elks Building
Tris Metcalfe and Bill Muller described changes they propose for the Elks Building on
Center Street. Because federal CDBG funds are going into the project, the City is
obligated to conduct a Section 106 review, which requires comment from Mass. Historic
and the local commission. Although this is not a public hearing process, comments will
be forwarded to Mass. Historic.
The guests reviewed the plans for the building and associated drawings. Mr. Metcalfe
noted that the entrance of the building has changed three times before. Other comments
were as follows:
- early buildings had grand staircases across the front, now the grand staircase will be
- the line of the columns will be brought down through the blank red brick wall to the
ground level
- the existing classical architectural staircase was not serving to accomplish anything,
too steep to be used
- the upper floor windows were chopped below the entablature
- in the Tuscan, Doric orders, panels were used for metaphysical information
the glass will be tinted, like a screened porch on a house, adding 500 sq. ft. per floor
to the usable space
- the dormers were discussed
Ms. Well read the letter from MHC. It was determined that no waivers were needed from
the Architectural Access Board, the addition of the roof asphalt shingles are the same as
the existing, the stucco siding will remain, a similar color will be applied for paint, with,,
possibly more white trim, no columns will be added to the addition in the rear.
The heating and cooling on the front porches was discussed, as was the glass tint. Mr.
U Metcalfe noted that the darker the glass, the more the columns would stand out visually.
�J He said the third floor insert would be virtually invisible. He mentioned that this is not a
true Greek revival but the dormers add character. The lights in the dormers were
discussed. Ms. Well suggested that a radiated fan be installed and the applicants agreed if
they can be ventable. Ms. Well expressed her strong dislike for the glassed in porches,
which are not found on Greek Revival buildings. She said that would take away from it
being a landmark building.
Mr. Muller countered by saying that installing the glass adds 10% more floor space. The
building has sat on the market because the available square footage did not pay for the
amount of rehab needed, which is why the rear addition and using the balconies is
proposed. The columns were added in 1924, the front being a mish -mash with Craftsman
style doors. He said that the proposed alterations would make it more of a landmark
building. He said that when the building was lifted 6 ft. and the brick foundation inserted,
the building went up, but its orientation should be down.
Ms. Bloomberg said she does not want the building to fall into further disrepair and as a
Commission, they may need to be open to new possibilities in order to save the building.
Mr. Winston made a motion to approve the project as proposed, seconded by Ms.
Bloomberg. Further discussion yielded the conditions that some design in the windows
on the ground floor fagade be included, possibly to reflect the mullion arrangement of the
windows on the sides of the building, that the square windows along the roof line near the
- J front facade be deleted and that fan lights be installed in the dormers if they can be
ventable. Ms. Lavender made the motion to amend the original motion, seconded by
Mr. Howes. The overall vote was unanimous.
3. Cemetery Grant
Ms. Lavender reported that the grant application was due May 15 Ms. Well noted that
she had spoken to Wayne Feiden who said that Forbes Library and the archeologists for
the State Hospital might also apply. It was decided that it might be better to wait for the
next round. Ms. Lavender asked to be able to attend a conference being held on the topic.
4. Local Awards
The current list was reviewed. It was suggested that Sutter's clock be added. Peg will.
copy the reports that had been submitted on some of the properties and circulate them
before the next meeting which will be April 10 at 5:00 p.m. The awards ceremony will
be held May 16 th .
5. Adjourn
The meeting concluded at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
April 5, 2000
Mayor Mary Clare Higgins
City Hall
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Clare:.
I am writing in support of the $5000 line item in the Department of Planning and Development's
FY2001 budget for this commission. Although the amount is an increase for us, it is necessary at
this time for several reasons not least of which is that the city has ignored our modest budget
needs for far too long..
When we spoke in January, I mentioned that we had done a grant pre- application to the Mass
Historical Commission. We were turned down primarily because our local match was not in
place. Their grants have a minimum amount of $10,000 and a 60/40 match. Our proposal was to
complete a nomination of the Pomeroy Terrace area to the National Register. Pomeroy Terrace
was one of the first neighborhoods in the country designed by one architect, William Fenno Pratt
who also designed City Hall. You may recall that the process was started in the late 1970's and
the area was declared eligible. The nomination only needs . some editing and updating.
If you included the $5000 into the budget, we would have the match for another round of funding
or we might have enough to hire someone to put the nomination together.
If you could give us a budget in these years before Northampton's 2004 anniversary, we might be
able to accomplish more of the goals established for this commission in the 70's just after it was
first appointed. A copy of that early report is enclosed. Wayne Feiden mentioned that new line
items need to have immediate payoff. A well - documented history of some of the city's oldest
residences might payoff in the anniversary year.
If a property included in the city's historic survey or is on the National Register, it has some level
of protection and eligibility for some grant programs. For example. the Department of
Environmental Management is proposing to demolish a building at 399 Damon Road. Because it
Buckle at Historic p y' g. p Kerry
is not on the Northampton historic survey, MHC has had to give its permission. However Ker
Buckley o c Northampton believes it might have been a toll house for a ferry. We will be
making an effort to get photo documentation before the demolition if we can show it has
historical significance.
Survey and Register work is at the heart of our mission, but in a city this size it is easy to let
regulatory work eat up most of the volunteer time. We simply don't get to this important aspect
after dealing with 43 Center Street, the Smith College parking garage and the State Hospital. We
need to pay a consultant to move'this work forward.
I am also enclosing an MHC list of budgets for Historical Commissions around the state and the
information about historic Deerfield's 300` Anniversary celebration in 2004.
Thank you for your consideration.
Susan Well, Chairperson
cc: Wayne Feiden
CitN Hall • 2 i o Main Street • Northampton MA o i o6o • (413)587 -1266 • Fax: (41315 87-1264
wayneFeiden,Director • email:p fanning @city.northampton.ma.us . internet :www.city.northampton.ma.tis
DATE: Monday, April 10, 2000
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: Council on Aging Conference Room, Memorial Hall
Northampton, Mass.
1. Local Preservation Awards
2. Any Other Business
3. Adjourn
planning board • conservation commission • zoning board o of appeals • housing partnership • redevelopment authority
— -- economic development - •community develop men t • historic district com mission - •historicaIcommission • northamptonGIs
original prim tedon regydedpaper
April 10, 2000
Members Present: Chair Susan Well, Tris Metcalfe, Valerie Lavender, Louise Bloomberg,
Norman Winston
Call to Order
Ms. Well called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
1. Local Preservation Awards
After lively discussion, the following properties were nominated for this year's awards:
24 Harrison Avenue Owners: Donald Andrew, Sandra Woyner
123 Massasoit Street Owners: Timothy Jones, Carolyn Misch
Prior Owners and Renovators: Shawn Hill, Amy Putnam
�\l 279 Main Street Owners: The Edwards Church
J 280 -282 Elm Street Owner: Harold R. Fitzgerald
Kiosk, Main Street Owner: City of Northampton
Gawith Hall Owner: Clarke School
70 Old South Street Owner: Hortense Clapp Pollard
78 North Elm Street Owner: David A. Murphy
Historic Northampton Owner: Historic Northampton
330 Elm Street Owner: Edward and Donna Goll
Nominated by Ford Gillen Architects
The nomination of 87 Prospect Street was put on hold until more information was found and
members drove by and called the chair with their decisions.
Florence Savings Bank, John Heaps, President and Douglas Burr, Marketing Director was
nominated for its most recent calendar depicting historic and present photos of landmark buildings
in area towns. This continues a tradition which has been ongoing for several years.
-� It was decided to hold the ceremony at Gawith Hall on Tuesday, May 16 at 4:00 p.m. V.
Lavender will check this date with the school and report back.
Well brought the commission up to date on the demolition of 399 Damon Road. MHC has given
its permission to DEM. We can work with DEM to get photo documentation of the building
before demolition. DEM staff member, Wendy Pearl is willing to do dome research or have an
intern do it. This could lead to a Form B on the property. Well toured the building this morning
and found a block foundation with brick above ground level indicating that this part of the
structure was built in this century. The floor joists and roof rafters are log, probably hemlock
indicating a much older age for the superstructure. There was an attic fire. It was moved to the
present site. The interior shows woodwork from the 1920's and later paneling and a wood stove
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Well
Habeas Corpus
THE EVENT The proposed idea concerns a unique memorialization event for the former
Northampton State Hospital in Northampton, MA, on November 18, 2000. The event
will be the recorded performance of J. S. Bach's Magnicatthrough hundreds of speakers
placed. throughout the old main building of the hospital (built in 1856). While the
audience, consisting of former patients, employees, and the general public, is standing
and walking around the building, the abandoned structure will resound with the
tuneless chorales of Bach. I leant to make the building sing. The event will be
dedicated to the memory of the patients and employees who lived, worked, and died in
Northampton State Hospital during its 137 years of operation. Plans for -the
redevelopment of this and similar hospitals, and the impending demolition of many
original 19th century buildings that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places,
have been the urgent incentive for this memorialization event
[Because of liability issues, the public cannot be allowed inside the building at any time]
THE IDEA The idea thus proposed results from my years of artistic production centered on the
abandoned state hospitals in Massachusetts. Through painting and drawing I visually
examined institutional architecture of the 19th and 20th century, and through researching
and interviewing former employees, patients, and administrators, I have been able to
learn their various insights into the system of mental health care. My passion lies with
the anonymous and forgotten, and it is with them in mind that I propose this musical
installation of Bach's Magnicatinside and throughout the old, gigantic main building of
Northampton State Hospital, - an installation to honor their memory.
THE EXHIBITION Historic Northampton agreed to become the umbrella organization for the project, and
supported the idea for an exhibition to accompany the musical installation that would
bring together an oral history project from 1993 -94 based on the hospital by the
historian J. Michael Moore and my paintings, drawings, and photographs from the past
six years. We have proposed to the Northampton Center for the Arts in downtown
Northampton to accommodate the joint exhibition during the month of November
2000. The exhibition is planned to precede the musical installation by two weeks, and
should conclude around the beginning of December. The exhibition will be open
throughout the month of November to create a semi - permanent backdrop for the
otherwise impermanent musical installation.
PLANNING The event is planned for Saturday, November 18, 2000. The permission for the event
was recently gained, and fundraising can begin. For this purpose, Historic Northampton
has become the non - profit umbrella organization [501(c)(3)] for the event and the
accompanying exhibition. For technical support, the sound installation company DIVIX
Sound & Music from Northborough, Massachusetts, has been contacted, and a quote of
the estimated costs has been established. Two documentary film teams (one from
PBS /Channel Thirteen, New York, and the other from Germany) are going to
document the event and its making, and have begun their planning. The German film
team will come to Massachusetts in August 2000 to film several crucial interviews with
people involved with the project, and then again in November 2000 to .film the actual
event and the days leading up to it. Six months before the event a team of 25 highly
motivated project assistants, possibly consisting of students from Smith College and the
Rhode Island School of Design, will be created for the preparation and execution of the
Friday, November 17, 2000 S=osium
on the Changing Role of Hospitals in Mental Health Care
at UMass Conference Center, Amherst, MA
featuring speakers and discussants who have played leadership
roles in hospital -based care, de- institutionalization, and the
development of alternative treatment programs
8am until 5pm, including mid -day lunch
Opening Reception
The Life and Death of Northampton State Hospital
Oral History Project Exhibition by J. Michael Moore
together with Paintings /Drawings /Photographs by Anna Schuleit
at the Northampton Center for the Arts
Saturday, November 18, 2000 Northampton State Hospital• Open Talk and Discussion
at Sage Hall Auditorium, Smith College
featuring former residents and employees of Northampton State
11 am until fpm
Habeas Corpus
A Musical Installation for Northampton State Hos ptal
at the old main complex of the hospital
(outdoors; directly following the talk at Smith)
Ongoing The Life and Death of Northampton State Hospital
Oral History Project Exhibition by J. Michael Moore
together with Paintings /Drawings /Photographs by Anna Schuleit
at the Northampton Center for the Arts
November 1 -30, 2000, open daily
Opening Reception on Friday, November 17, 2000
I ,_ O A' i
Date: Monday, April 24, 2000
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Memorial. Hall
7:00 pm Attendance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements
�l 7:15 pm 2000 Preservation Awards Program
Other Business
Adjourn 9:00 pm
Next Meetings: May 22, June 26
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
r }
April 24, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Louise Bloomberg, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston,
Tris Metcalfe, Kimball Howes. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Chair Susan Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Ms. Lavender made a motion
to approve the minutes from April 10, 2000, seconded by Ms. Bloomberg, vote
1. Awards Ceremony
Assignments were finalized regarding presenters for each award. The location will be
Gawith Hall, on May 16' Rodney Kunath will be contacted to take photographs and the
letters to the awardees will be sent out by the end of the week.
� 2. Historic Northampton
Ms. Well noted that Mr. Kerry Buckley of Historic Northampton had not heard from
Mass. Historic about the consultant who had been hired to work on the nomination for
their three buildings. The work is to be done the end of June. Mr. Metcalfe and Mr.
Winston will follow up.
3. Bay State Fire Station
Ms. Well reported that a zoning change has been proposed for the Bay State Fire Station
and Councilor LaBarge had asked if the Historic Commission had been consulted.
Members discussed possibilities for its reuse and which zone might present more options.
Peg agreed to ask Wayne Feiden for additional information on which to finalize
comments, but generally members felt the change would not be detrimental.
4. Masonic Fire Station
Ms. Well reported on a tour that had been conducted earlier this evening of the outside of
the Masonic Street Fire Station. The City is moving ahead with the disposition of the
property and plans to attach a preservation restriction. Members of the local Commission
as well as members of the Central Business Architecture Committee were invited in order
to determine characteristics of the building worthy of preservation. Those in attendance
decided that the towers needed to be left intact, the CBAD guidelines would need to be
(� met and that the Commission would work with the Planning Department on the wording.
City Property voted at 6:00 p.m. this evening to move ahead. The recommendation will
be forwarded to the City Council.
5. City Hall
Ms. Well reported that a grant has been received that will be used to paint the trim on
City Hall. The paint will be recycled paint, accessed through the recycling coordinator.
Members discussed what color the trim should be painted, and what is considered trim. It
was decided that whatever is currently chocolate brown should be painted the same color
and this includes the battlements from the air hole on up. Mr. Metcalfe asked that Ms.
Well communicate that the building has many needs, and painting the trim is certainly
not the priority.
6. Radio Tower
A communication was received from Mass. Historic listing several proposed locations for
cellular towers, one of which is 376 Easthampton Road. This location is slated to receive
a 190 ft. metal lattice tower. MHC was asking if there were any historical assets that
would be negatively impacted by this proposal. Peg agreed to find out more, as members
were concerned that this tower would be visible from all over, particularly the State
Hospital property.
O 7. 399 Damon Road
Ms. Well reported that demolishing the building is still planned, but that she was told
about a woman, Rosamond Ward, who lived in the house which was owned by her father,
Patrick Gleason. She said it was moved to the site at the time of the bridge construction.
He gave the house to her sister. Ms. Well called Ms. Ward and left a message; she hopes
to learn more by speaking with her directly.
8. Cultural Council Grant
Ms. Well is writing the grant proposal that is due April 27 The request is for funding to
photograph highlighted properties that have received historic preservation awards in the
past, for public display. This project is being pursued in lieu of a millenium awards
program. Ms. Bloomberg suggested a book, rather than a wall mounting.
9. Academy of Music
Mr. Howes reported that someone from the State came out and toured the building with
the Building Committee members. They are still developing the scope of work to be
�.� 3
10. Canal
Ms. Well reported that she has received a letter from the Southampton Historical
Commission seeking assistance with nominating the canal that used to run from New
Haven to Northampton on the National Register. She wrote back expressing interest in
the project.
11. Smith College
Members discussed the current design for the Smith College Campus Center and the fact
that no correspondence has been received to acknowledge the letter sent by the
12. Elm Street Walking Tour
Ms. Well noted that Chris Skelly of Mass. Historic was coming out on May 3 to walk
the Elm Street Historic area with Elm Street members. She asked that members of the -
Historic Commission meet earlier, at 3:00 p.m. to discuss Commission duties with Mr..
Skelly. Members are then welcome to join the Elm Street group on their walking tour if
they so desire.
13. 1VIHC Inventory Update
Ms. Well reported that staff from MHC was going out to communities to update the
National Register project list. They have developed a list of the properties in
Northampton and we need to review that survey.
14. Lilly Library
Ms. Well circulated drawings of the proposed changes to the Library. She has spoken to
staff at the library who agreed to assemble the information required to fill out a Form B.
The trustees have hired the Preservation Partnership architectural firm and a 1.3 million
dollar project with a new addition is proposed. Members discussed the project.
Comments made were the following: concern about the flat roofs proposed for the new
entrances, the application of stucco at grade, the poor detailing at one roof corner and
inappropriate window design. Members preferred a course of granite at the lower level,
then stucco above, if desired. Ms. Well will forward those comments to Mr. Mahar, and
follow -up on the Form B. If State library funds are accessed, the Commission may have a
formal review role.
15. Adjourn
The meeting concluded at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Wednesday, May 3", 2000
TIME: 3:00 p.m.
PLACE: Hearing Room, 2 " d floor, City Hall
Northampton, Mass.
1. Meeting with Chris Skelly, Mass. Historical Commission
2. Any Other Business
3. Adjourn
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
May 1, 2000
Mansour Ghalibaf
Hotel Northampton
36 King Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Mr. Ghalibaf:
Thank you for your interest in this commission's Historic Preservation Awards. We were happy
to review your work on the Wiggins Tavern. The project sparked lively debate after which it was
decided not to honor it with an award. We felt that this historic place in the city should have
been given a treatment more in keeping with restoration rather than renovation principles and
I imagine the hotel is always working on a project so please feel free to submit other work for
our consideration.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 586 -2370.
IJC�aln A ��P
Susan Well
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Mayor Mary Clare Higgins
City of Northampton
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mayor Higgins,
May 1, 2000
Every year since 1975, the Northampton Historical Commission has selected properties that it
feels deserve recognition for their recent respectful restoration, renovation or new construction.
On behalf of the Commission, I am pleased to inform you that your property Main Street Kiosk
has been chosen to receive one of our Year 2000 Preservation Awards.
The Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 16 " from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the
Gawith Hall, Clarke School. From Elm Street, turn on to Round Hill Road and Gawith Hall is
on the left at the top of the hill. Parking is on the street or in a lot on the right side of the street
beyond and behind a white building.
We have chosen a date during National Preservation Week sponsored across the country by the
National Trust for Historic Preservation. We hope you will be able to attend and accept your
Before the ceremony, a commission member will call you to discuss the ceremony. Please share
a few "before" pictures of your project with us by dropping them in the mail or bringing them to
the Planning Department on the second floor of City Hall. We will provide the "after" pictures
so don't be surprised to see a tall man with a camera at your property soon. At the ceremony, we
would like you to take 1 or 2 minutes to say a few words about your project and the work that
was done.
Traditionally, our awards are given to the property owners, but we encourage you to invite your
architect and/or builder to accompany you and be recognized with you. We look forward to
having you participate. Congratulations and thank you for your positive contribution to our built
Susan Well
cc: Mary Kasper, Director, Arts Council
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Sally
Evans, President'of ESNA, and Denny Nolan,, Chair of the
Historic District Committee. -- The topic for the evening was a discussion of the -two
major building projects planned by Smith College: Renovation
of the Fine Arts Center and construction of a. Campus Center,
both on Elm Street.
There were no comments concerning the renovation of the
Fine Arts Center.
The following comments, questions, etc. pertained to the
new Campus Center: -
Where is the main entrance? Will trucks be backing out
onto Elm Street. (Questioner was told that present
plans will make this unnecessary.)
Can Smith College retain open space in the area of the
new building?
Will students drive to get their mail?
It will be important for the building to have
"eyes'' (windows and doors) onto the street.
Will students spill out after attending events? Is the
building being set back far enough to p a
problem if this happens? Later another person said
the set -back was not deep enough.
Why not move Wesley forward and build the Campus Center
behind it?
Except for trees, the second design put forth by the
architects ''should be built on. the moon."
Facade should be of brick and wood.
"Not fully in love yet with the forms they have chosen."
Look at the building- -Does it fit in with the existing
buildings? Modern buildings often don't make any
attempt to fit in. They often seem to be designed
to conflict with existing buildings.
Most important thing is scale, even if a new building is
a contemporary structure. Need lots of windows.
Need an obvious front door.
Need good °landscaping.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Evans
City Hall • 2. i o Main Street • Nort f jampton� MA o x oho • (4 5 87-1 66 • Fax: (4 587
waNneRiden,Director • email: planning @city.northampton.mams • internet :www.eity.northampton.ma.us
DATE: Monday, May 22" 2000
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
PLACE: Wayne Feiden's Office, Office of Planning & Development;
2nd floor, City Hall, Northampton, Mass.
1. . Approval of Minutes.
2. Recap of Awards Ceremony.
3. Smith College Parking Garage.
4. Membership.
5. Goals for Next Year.
6. Other Business.
7. Adjourn.
Peg ler, Housing Planner
planning board • conservation commission • zoning boardof appeals • h ousing partnership • redevelopmentauthoritry
— econom development • communitN development h istoric district commission •historical com mission • northampton GIS
originalprinWan recr�cleapaper
May 22, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Louise Bloomberg, Valerie
Lavender, Kim Howes, Norman Winston. Also present, Peg
Keller, staff.
Call to Order/ Chair Susan Well called the meeting to
order at 7:05 p.m. The minutes from the March meeting were
accepted and one revision was made to the April minutes.
Motions were made by Ms. Bloomberg, seconded by Ms.
Lavender, vote unanimous.
Academy of Music Update
Mr. Howes reported that work continues defining the scope
of repairs needed. Discussions include resolution of ADA
issues and the preparation of a business plan. A nationally
known consultant from Canada may be hired.
Evaluation of Preservation Awards Ceremon
Mr. Howes commented on the excellent location and
hospitality. It was noted that Ron Hall of WHMP had a
report about the ceremony on the morning radio. Ms.
Bloomberg commented on the great story about Mrs. Pollard
and her house that appeared on the Gazette's front page.
Ms. Well thanked Ms. Lavender for her work on being the
liaison with Clarke School and the media.
Ms. Lavender suggested that next year the comments made by
the members in their respective presentations be included
in some sort of archives for future reference. Including
additional information in the program was mentioned.
Mr. Winston suggested the Building Inspectors office be
asked for building permit lists regularly so the Commission
could track activity that might be award worthy. It was
suggested that the old flier be replaced with a new one.
Valerie agreed to reprint the flier. Ms. Well will write a
_i thank you note to Clarke School. The list was begun for
next year. Locations mentioned included the Sojourner Truth
Statue, the Elks Building, the Guild Art Centre building,
the Ritz Camera building, the Masonic Street Fire Station,
the Riverside Drive Fire Station.
Ms. Lavender mentioned that the photos made for the
Ceremony should be kept each year for documentation. Ms.
Bloomberg said they could be digitized and kept that way.
Smith College Parking Garage
Ms. Well read the letter from Mass. Historic to Smith
College approving the project based on the alterations made
to the height of the columns, the grille pattern and the
use of zinc. Ms. Well will respond to Mass. Historic
regarding the Commission's reaction to the grille design,
the landscaping and the fact that the zinc will not be
Historic Northampton
The consultant has not done the work but Mass. Historic
O seems to think it can still be done by June 30
Masonic Street Fire Station
The City is moving ahead on disposition of the property.
Requests for Bids are being developed for distribution.
Painting of City Hall
Ms. Bloomberg said there is an engraving of City Hall in
the lobby of the Florence Medical Building that shows the
colors of the trim. They are the same as what exists now.
Radio Tower Application/ Route 5
Mass. Historic has asked that the company float a balloon
the height of the proposed tower to assess the visibility
from the surrounding area that includes the State Hospital
399 Damon Road
Ms. Well sent a letter to Mass. Historic with more
information about the house proposed for demolition.
Millenium Awards
The Cultural Council denied the application for funds from
the Commission. The request was for money to create a
pictorial display of past award winners. Feedback revealed
that we should have picked a photographer ahead of time,
sent samples of their work, plans for the display, etc. Ms.
Bloomberg will contact a photographer she knows to get a
sense of the cost.
Southampton Canal Project
All the towns along the former canal path expressed
interest in the project. The Southampton group will now
contact Mass. Historic about how to proceed.
Lilly Library
The Form B is almost completed.
Northampton /Chesterfield Bridge Project
O Ms. Well read a letter from Mass. Highway about plans to
reconstruct this bridge. She said the Commission had
commented about the railing in prior communications.
345 Damon Road
Ms. Well received a call from Mass. Historic about approval
for a paving project and the fact that this house came up
on the inventory. Additional research will be done. The
house was discussed.
Ms. Well will check in with Janee Van Pee and the Director
of the Clarke School has expressed interest.
Bridge Street Cemetery
Ms. Lavender made a presentation on the workshop she
attended and information that will be needed for the grant.
The points made were: it either has to be on the National
Register already or Register eligible (MHC does evaluations
every 2 wks.), must show community interest and
�' involvement, municipal support and involvement, show
evidence of preservation efforts in the community,
activities undertaken to date to further preservation in
the City and matching funds are needed. Members discussed
strategy and approaching the DPW for their assistance and
approval. Work will continue.
Adj ourn
Due to the lateness of the hour, the meeting concluded at
9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
June 26, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston, Valerie Lavender,
Louise Bloomberg. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order/ Chair Susan Well called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. She asked for
a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ms. Lavender requested an
amendment to add her name to the second and fourth paragraph, which was approved
unanimously. The motion to approve the minutes with the amendment was seconded by
Mr. Metcalfe, approved in favor.
Project Updates
Historic Northampton Ms. Well reported that the work by the consultant from Mass.
Historic has begun and it is still slated for completion by June 30
Smith Voc Farmhouse Mr. Metcalfe reported that he has been hired by Smith Voc. to
assist them with their effort to renovate the house on N. Elm Street. He said he had done
some drawings a year ago to sketch out a conversion to a two family. He went to the site
today and the plan is to have the students do the work. He said they are considering
ripping off the vinyl siding and may leave some walls exposed inside for instructional
purposes to show the construction method. Evidently the walls are filled with brick. Peg
said she had seen a description of the house on the Historic Northampton web site and
she will send him a copy of it.
Academy of Music Ms. Well reported that she had met with Mary Kasper and Kimball
Howes and they discussed the Secretary of the Interiors rehab standards. Peg said she
needs a copy of the book describing the standards. She will write for some copies.
Bridge Street Cemetery Ms. Lavender distributed an outline of the grant application
components and said that two Northampton Public Works employees were in attendance
at the Conference held in Worcester. Members reviewed the handout. Peg suggested that
in order to meet the requirement for a master plan, she would contact the Conway School
of Design and UMass to see if anyone needs a student project. Ms. Lavender discussed
the need for creating a Friends organization to oversee fundraising and community
events. More discussion followed. Peg will contact the DPW to arrange for a meeting.
Award Flier Ms. Lavender gave an updated copy about the local awards program to Peg
for reproduction. Peg will deliver to the Building Inspector's Office.
Millenium Awards Program Ms. Bloomberg contacted Stan Scherer about putting a
proposal together and he submitted a sample budget. The cost to do the project is
probably more than an award through the Cultural Arts Council would be, but Peg
suggested going ahead with it and finding the remaining fiends through a local bank. Ms.
Kasper has said that although the application is not a strong contender, she suggested that
we should still apply in the October round. She also suggested we pre- select the local
artist, stress the arts part, include the artists resume and tie in an educational component.
Ms. Well said that the photos could depict the best out of each category and it could be a
traveling road show that could go to the schools. It was suggested that Mr. Scherer could
talk about his photography technique and Peg suggested that as part of the in -kind
donation, Mr. Metcalfe could speak about the architecture.
Ms. Lavender made a motion for the Commission to go forward and apply for the grant,
seconded by Ms. Bloomberg. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Mr. Howes Slide Show Ms. Well noted that Mr. Howes has offered to show the
Commission a slide show of Howes Brothers photographs. The Commissioners
responded favorably.
Adjourn The meeting concluded at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
Monday, July 31, 2000
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Council on Aging Conference Room
Memorial Hall, 240 Main Street, Northampton
1) Call to Order
2) Approval of Minutes
3) Project Updates
- Academy of Music
- Bridge Street Cemetery
- Historic Northampton Register Nomination
- Millenium Awards Program
- Others
4) Any Other Business
5) Adjourn
Peg Kel er
Housing & Community Development Planner
July 31, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Valerie Lavender, Louise Bloomberg, Tris
Metcalfe, Kim Howes, Norman Winston. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order/
Chair Susan Well called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. In reviewing the minutes from
the last meeting, Mr. Metcalfe noted that he had not been formally hired to do the work
described for Smith Vocational School. With that revision, he then made a motion for
approval of the minutes, seconded by Ms. Lavender. All present voted in favor.
Project Updates/
Meeting with the Mayor Chair Well noted that she will be meeting with the Mayor and
asked members to identify topics she should bring up at that meeting. Items included the
City's 350 Birthday Celebration and the concern about the deterioration of City Hall.
Academy of Music / Mr. Howes said that there is no news other than that work
continues. The scope will focus on maintenance and roof repair according to the
standards outlined in the deed restriction.
Bridge Street Cemetery Peg reported that she had contacted Cookie Nelson of the Hope
Cemetery in Worcester inquiring about their master plan. Ms. Nelson said the one they
have should not be used as a model but she gave the name of their consultant based in
Concord. Peg also spoke with Guilford Mooring of the Department of Public Works and
he had sent staff to the conference to identify resources that would assist them with the
maintenance of the Bates Tomb in the Bridge Street Cemetery. Peg described the
Commission's desire to meet with him to discuss a planning process / grant application
and he agreed. Peg also has connected with Henry Lu, a professor at Umass's Landscape
Architecture and Regional Planning Department about a studio project this fall. The head
of the Department (John Mullin) told her that Mr. Lu had done a cemetery master plan
somewhere else and it had received awards. Ms. Bloomberg suggested Peg try reaching
Mr. Lu via email, which she will do.
Chair Well circulated pictures she had taken of the entrances to the cemetery and Ms.
Lavender discussed other parameters of the grant application. Two newspaper articles
were circulated describing recent awards made to Sunderland and the Hilltowns, one for
cemetery survey work (also from DEM). Ms. Lavender will notify Peg when it is
�� convenient for her to meet with the DPW.
Bonducci "s
Bowen & Siegel Law Offices, 40 Center Street
Fitzwilly "s
Kimball and Cary bldg., 11 Brewster Court
138 Main Street (present Beardsley "s) for first renovation
Newell Ho 10 Button Alley
Smith Charities
Sutter's Mill
Zelda "s
1976 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
Roger's Hall, Clarke School:'retention of old bldg_ &
Academy of Music: interior work, refurbishing stage
Country Comfort: renovation [At which address ?]
2 Pomeroy Terrace: exterior
51 Conz Street: appropriate renovation & restoration
Leeds Village Apts.: 1880's silk mill restoration & reuse.
Parsons House, Northampton Historical Society: exterior work.
Deyette House, 310 South Street: repairs & restoration
City Hall: repair of gingerbread :
1977 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
Pleasant Street Theater
Main Street Center (present Thorne's)
Morrison Optician bldg.: exterior and residence
First Church: pointwork
Beardsley's: renovation & restoration
Draper (Hotel) building:..restoration
Courthouse: retention of exterior
Hill Institute: continuation of education activities
1978 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
N.I.S.: sidewalks and light fixtures
Forbes Library: restoration of Director's office
Sheehan "s: interior
Daniel's block: retaining & refurbishing fire - damaged bldg.
1979 (Nothing on the list found in NHC cabinet in City Hall)
1980 (Nothing on the list found in NHC cabinet in City Hall)
1981 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1-997)
The Beeches
Curran Associates bldg
Randolph Place Row Houses
262 Bridge St.
41 Locust St.: creative reuse
1982 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
Gare Jewellers: interior
Honor Court, 22 Main Street
Hotel Northampton: preservation of the Coach Light Room
Naegele Bakery
Graves Ave, 2 -22, 29, 32: renovation
1983 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
169 Prospect St.
11 Edwards Sq.
203 State St.
Alumnae Gym, Smith College
119 Prospect St., Tom Dyer
134 State St. Whalen residence
152 South St., gray Victorian
Tepper Bldg_ Scheinman and Blumenthal
1984 (From an Agenda /program sheet)
Awards of Merit:
Alan Verson, 56 Main St., for preservation of Grove Hill
Mansion in Leeds.
Cosimo and Claire Serio and Edward and Josephine Cavallari
for preservation of the Serio building, 151 Main Street
Joseph Hebert for preservation of the Old Plaza Theatre at 79
Pleasant St.
Elaine Ullman and David Pesuit for preservation of the
Carlson Bldg at 68 Main St.
Leonard Jakanowski for preservation of the cape house at 549
North Farms Road, Florence
Gordon Thorne for adaptive reuse of 90 Franklin St.
David Ringey for adaptive reuse of the barn at 381 North
Farms Road
Cecil Clark for creative use of space at the Maplewood Shops
1985 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
Awards of 'Merit :
John Herlihy, 1 Round House Plaza for compatible design of
a new bldg. at the Round House Plaza.
David B. Musante, Jr., Mayor of Northampton for restoration
of the crenellations on City Hall.
John O'Reilly, Century Investment Company for creative reuse
of the Old School Commons
Smith College Admissions Office, Ms. Lorna Blake, Director,
for creative reuse of Garrison Hall on West Street.
32 Masonic Street (former Foote Button Factory) [Perry
Smith ?] creatd ve reuse of /[by ?] Smith Glass.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus O'Grady, 98 Nonotuck Street, Florence, for
restoration of the cape house at 98 Nonotuck St.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Carpenter, 51 Harrison Ave. for restoration
in color to Victorian style.
[The] Rev. R. Leroy (Tex) Moser, 275 Elm Street, for
narration of the Walking Tour Tapes.
Eric J. Snoek, 37 Butler Place, for editing the Walking Tour
1986 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
The Gasworks, 244 Main Street (former Gas Co. round house)
for restoration (Bob Curran accepting).
Murphy Real Estate Office, Florence, for creative re -use
(Gordon Murphy accepting).
25 James Avenue, Jim Hammerschmith and Wendy Kane for
renovation of residence.
"Town Clock" - First Church tower, Main St. Renovation - Ray
LaBarge accepting for City of Northampton.
1987 (From a list fd. in NHC cabinet in City Hall Fall 1997)
The Depot Restaurant, creative reuse.
Market Square. 12 -31 Market St., creative reuse.
261 -263 Main Street, renovation.
Tilly Hall, Smith College (Renshaw [Ave.]) Smith Management
Program, creative reuse.
134 North Street. residence, renovation, Nasser and
294 Elm Street. residence, renovation, Jeffways.
71 King Street, .Goggins and Whalen offices, renovation.
Commendation: Alice Manning, Author
1988 (Ceremony at 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Wednesday, May 11, 4:00
2 Pomeroy Terrace, for restoration and Creative re -use. Paul
Britt, owner.
Coolidge Park Condominiums, Union St., for Creative re -use.
Theodore Dimauro et al., owners.
Brewster Court Bar and Grill, 11 Brewster Court, for Creative
re -use. Mark Metzger et al., owners.
Residence, 107 Franklin St., for Compatible new construction.
Thomas and Linda Aird, owners. Building done and planned
by Robert J. Novotny, Jr.
James House, 42 Gothic Street. (For Restoration( ?) and
Renovation( ?) - Repair and duplication of what was
there). Heritage /NIS, owner.*
Martha deB. Beaver. Commendation for work published and
shared concerning local architectural history.
Francis LaMontage, 130 South Main St., Florence.
Commendation for interest and knowledge share in local
Also, a certificate and plaque to Martha Ferrante,. 48 Meadow
St., Florence, the.first house owner to research her
home's date.
These may =t have been awarded:
Pinch Pottery, 179 Main St. The owners and Bob Walker of
Construct, Inc.,. collaborated on the design, and
Construct did the work of renovation.
Brookside Square Condominiums, Hawley Sty.. For Creative
re -use.
_ 1989 (From handwritten list fd. in City Hall Fall 1997
198 State St., - Renovation - Mrs. Norman Graves.
Clark Street Condos - Creative re -use - Mr. Jodrien( ?)
43 Beacon St.
19 Trumbull Road - Restoration
Country Store Building, Florence (on Prospect Ave ?)
Old Stairway to Depot
127 Franklin St. - Renovation - Mr. Robert Goodman
Cutlery in Bay State ( ?)
1990 (Not yet found - Were any awarded ?)
1991 (Not yet found - Were any awarded ?)
1992 (From official program)
William R.S_ Muller: for restoration of 102 Main St_
Jeff Lipston: for restoration of 108 Main St.
Tom Masters; for creative reuse /renovation of Masters Bldg.
Harold Fitzgerald: for new construction compatible with
neighborhood [Where ?]
Dick Munson: for. decorative design of Smith College Border
Garden outside fence near greenhouse.
Brian Elliot: for preservation of flagpole and Pine Theater
at Look Park.
Northampton Arts Council: for decorative design of railroad
bridge mural.
Kari Knapp: for restoration of 219 Elm Street.
Robert Paynter and Linda Morley: for restoration of 244
Prospect Street.
Herbert &.Marci Gintis: for restoration of 15 Forbes Avenue.
Cary Cadette: for restoration of 60 -62 Market Street
For outstanding contributions in historic preservation:
Historic District Study Committee
Honor Court
Councilor Ray LaBarge
Diane Welter
Richard Garvey
Eleanor Lincoln
Gerry Ramville and John Sullivan
1993 (Not yet found - Were any awarded ?)
1994 (From a draft for the program)
City Hall, New Main Entrance accessibility (Mayor Mary Ford).
Silverscape Designs, 1 King Stre.et, restoration of erierior
(Dennis Perlman).
Tepper Building, 29 Pleasant St., restoration of tower, (Con-
dominium association: Richard Pini, Kim Rosen, Ed
Judice, Karl vonKries, Roger vonKries, Beth Klemer)
82 Washington Ave., restoration of residence (Marjorie
Senechall & Stanley Sherer)
100 Washington Ave., restoration of residence and addition
(Jeffrey M. Korff & Shelly Steuer)
?Gargoyle on Tepper Bldg, John Morrison? [Confusion &
mistake ?)
1995 (From the official program)
Historic Preservation Awards:
City Hall (Mayor Mary Ford)
St. John's Church (The Reverend James Munroe)
Smith College, Northrop- Gillett colonnade ((President Mary
Maples Dunn)
15 Summer St. (Richard and Karen Marquis)
Smith Charities (Judy Carriveau for President Larry
Stange (sp. ?)
Florence Congregational Church (The Reverend Dewey Gierke)
Honorable Mentions:
Haymarket Cafe
Smith College Admissions
Winston Building
The Word and Pictures Museum
Citizens" Awards:
Elise Bernier- Feeley
Isabel Holden
Keith Wilbur
Ruth Wilbur
(From official program)
1 Historic Preservation Awards:
Northampton Country Club (Robert Berniche, Sr.)
29 Arlington St. (Merry Nasser)
30 Munrow St. (James & Julie Kurose)
Small Projects Award:
225 Elm St. [porch balcony railing] (Louise & Robert Jeffway)
Honorable mention:
41 & 45 Elm St., Chase and Duckett Houses, Smith College.
1997 _
Historic Preservation Awards:
84 Conz Street (John.Fortier, Sr. & John Fortier, Jr.)
36 Liberty Street (Robert Leroux & Theresa Meckel)
28 Lilly Street (Priscilla Ross)
88 Massasoit Street (Mark & Mary Casey)
35 Revell Avenue (Wayne Feiden & Denise Green)
Forbes Library
Small Projects Award:
41 Washington Avenue (Stanley & Cynthia Button)
CitN Hall • 21 o Main Street, Room ii • Nortljampton, MA o 1 o60 -3 rg8 • 4 1 3)S 8 7 -1266 • Fax:587 -iz64
war�ne reiden, Director • email: planning @city.northampton.ma.us • internet :www.northamptonplanning org
, �'_
Peg eller
Housing & Community Development Planner
planning board • conservation commission • zoning boardof appeals • h ousing partnership • redevelopment auth oritN - northampton GIs
- economic development • commu nitvdevelopment historic district commission • historica [commission • central businessarchitecture- -
DATE: Monday, August 28, 2000
TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
PLACE: Council on Aging Conference Room
Memorial Hall, 240 Main Street, Northampton
A,e nda
1) Project Updates:
-Lilly Library
- Meeting with Mayor Higgins
- Bridge St. Cemetery
-Local Awards List for 2001
- Millennium Awards Project
2) Other Business
3) Adjourn
original primtedon recyciedpaper
August 28, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Louise Bloomberg, Valerie Lavender, Tris
Metcalfe, Kimball Howes, Norman Winston. Also present, potential member Chris
Kennedy and Peg Keller, staff.
Chair Susan Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. She welcomed Mr.
Kennedy and made introductions. He described his background and interests.
Minutes/ Mr. Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last
meeting, seconded by Ms. Lavender. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Project Updates/
1. City Hall Sub - Committee/ Members Howes, Metcalfe and Winston
C� circulated photos they had taken and commented on their observations
regarding the poor condition of the City Hall building. Mr. Metcalfe offered to
write a narrative to accompany the pictures. This report will be submitted to
the Mayor.
Mr. Metcalfe described the serious structural problem that is occurring,
evidenced by the four corners of the building deflecting out. Chair Well said
she will set up a meeting with the Mayor and Brett Jacobus (City Property) to
discuss these concerns. Mr. Metcalfe said he will show the pictures to the
structural engineer he works with. Ryan Hellwig knows the building from
when he worked with Tris on the elevator installation. Further discussion of
the water seepage that is occurring, and the apron cracks ensued. Peg Keller
agreed to research funding options, talk to John Musante about City funding
options and Mr. Howes and Mr. Metcalfe will produce a report.
2. New Haven/ Northampton Canal/ Mr. Winston agreed to attend a
meeting to be held on September 20th at the Southampton Historical
Commission to discuss moving ahead with a national register nomination.
3. Lilly Library/ Chair. Well circulated the Form B she has prepared for the
Library. The original will be sent. Members complimented -her on her work.
William Fenno Pratt
Architect, 1849
DATE: Monday, September 25, 2000
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council on Aging Conference Room
Memorial Hall, 240 Main Street, Northampton
A enda
6:30 p.m. Call to order, minutes, announcements
6:45 p.m. City Hall Sub - Committee
7:00 p.m. Arts Lottery Grant
7:15 p.m. Adjourn
Peg Keller
Housing & Community Development Planner
September 25, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Kimball Howes, Valerie Lavender, Louise
Bloomberg, Chris Kennedy. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order/
Chair Well called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. The date of the Southampton
Canal meeting was incorrect in the minutes. It should have read October 26 th,
not the 20 With that amendment, Ms. Lavender made a motion to accept the
minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Mr. Winston, vote unanimous
in favor.
Millenium Grant Application to the Arts Council
Peg Keller reviewed her work to date. The budget was discussed and the project
parameters were revised. Contacts have been made with school personnel,
Florence Savings Bank and the City. All the pieces are coming together and the
deadline of October 16 will be met. Mr. Kennedy noted the pros and cons of
color vs. black and white for the photographs. Still to be determined is how to
select the photos to be taken. There is time to discuss that at a later date.
City Hall
Members reviewed the report Mr. Metcalfe emailed regarding the condition of
City Hall. Mr. Howes circulated a summary sheet he prepared to describe the
photographs taken. Members agreed that Mr. Metcalfe's report should. be revised
somewhat to facilitate readability. Both will be submitted during the site visit
scheduled with the Mayor, City Councilor in charge of City Property (Bill Dwight),
the department head for City Property (Brett Jacobus) and sub - committee
members. The meeting scheduled for October 3 rd needs to be re- scheduled.
The meeting was concluded in order to have the first committee meeting to plan
the City's 350 Anniversary Celebration. Ms. Lavender made the motion to
adjourn, seconded by Mr. Winston, vote unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Architect, 1849
DATE: October 30, 2000
TIME: 7:00 P.M. to 9;00 P.M.
PLACE: Council on Aging Conference Room
Memorial Hall,. 240 Main Street
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Proiect Updates
- Lilly Library
- City Hail
- Millenium Photo Display Grant Application
- Canal Update
- Local Awards
- Strong Avenue
- Bridge Street Cemetery
- 350 Committee
4. Other Business
S. Adjourn
peg K r Housing and Community Development Planner
October 30, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Norman Winston, Chris Kennedy, Tris
Metcalfe, Louise Bloomberg, Kim Howes. Also present, Peg Keller, staff.
Call to Order
Mr. Winston asked that his name be added to the attendance list for the last
meeting. He then made a motion to approve those minutes with that addition,
seconded by Ms. Bloomberg. The vote was unanimous in favor.
1. State Hospital Performance Weekend
Ms. Well distributed invitations to Anna Shuleit's schedule of activities for the
State Hospital on the weekend of November 17 -19. In addition to the music
planned for noon on Saturday, there will be lectures on Friday and a patient's
`\ forum Saturday morning.
2. Academy of Music
Work continues on determining the work scope and formulating the business
plan. Ms. Bloomberg and Mr. Kennedy agreed to try to attend the strategic
planning meeting to be held November 8 that will determine how the building
should be used in the future. This process is occurring in conjunction with the
physical renovation of the theatre.
3. Strong Avenue Sidewalk/ amp
Ms. Well displayed plans for the ramp proposed for the corner of Strong Ave. and
Main Street. This ramp will allow for handicapped accessibility. Because CDBG
funds are being used and because this is a National Register district, an historic
review is required. The issue is the type of railing that will be installed for the 75-
ft. distance. Members reviewed the plans and discussed railing types.
The use options include utilizing the existing 55 -ft. of railing and fabricating the
same type for the additional 20 -ft.; or create all new railing, possibly in the same
style as that used for City Hall. Mr. Metcalfe noted that the railing finial on the
plans were not similar to anything currently in existence and expressed his
preference for recreating the existing style that is the most historic. The same
style continues down Main Street under the bridge. He thought it should be
easily replicated. Mr. Winston made a motion to approve the overall design and
reuse the existing railing and add an extension (of the same existing style) or if
the entire railing had to be recreated, to do so using the existing style. Mr.
Metcalfe seconded the motion, vote in favor, unanimous.
4. Millenium Application
Peg distributed copies of the final application that was submitted to the Arts
Council in October. Members discussed the pros and cons of color vs. black and
white photographs. Award announcements should be made in November.
5. National Register Work
Historic Northampton has submitted their application for the three buildings,
which will be considered by Mass. Historic in March of 2001. Ms. Well circulated
the Form B that was prepared by DEM for the property at 399 Damon Road.
Apparently the demolition plans are on hold. Members discussed the merits of
the structure and expressed desire to have the building reused or moved. Peg
offered to write a letter to DEM with a copy to Mass Historic relating that
J preference. Because no Form B existed initially, MHC did not have any grounds
to oppose the demolition plan. Ms. Bloomberg made a motion to submit
comments to DEM expressing the desire of the Commission to have the building
reused or relocated. Mr. Winston seconded the motion, vote in favor unanimous.
6. Lilly Library
The library has been declared National Register eligible, as a result of the work
Ms. Well did preparing the Form B. Ms. Well had a discussion with the Director
of the Library and she gave him information describing how to proceed with the
formal nomination. She also shared information on the Mass. Preservation
Projects fund.
7. Canal Update
Mr. Winston reported that he thinks they are looking for sections to rebuild. He
attempted to attend the meeting but could not find the location. The issue of
ownership of abutting parcels was raised. Mr. Howes said there is evidence of
the canals in Southwick. He added that Canal Lanes Bowling Alley has an old
canal behind it and there are additional remnants south of Easthampton.
8. 350 Committee
A large group meeting is planned for November 20 The plan is to establish
sub - committees in order to divide up the tasks. A sub - committee has been
formed to recruit more members. NHC members said they need to think about
what role the Commission should play. Signage was discussed to acknowledge
the event and how that might tie in to the existing sign project with Smith.
9. Local Awards
The list was reviewed and discussed. 187 Crescent Street was noted, as the
property owner came in requesting a nomination form.
10. City Hall
Ms. Well updated members on the meeting with the Mayor, Bill Dwight,
(Councilor in charge of the City Property Committee), Brett Jacobus, Director of
City Property and the Commission's sub - committee. Mr. Metcalfe said that it
appears Mr. Jacobus has since read the committee's report and had contacted
the Building Inspector and Ryan Hellwig, a structural engineer. It was Mr.
Metcalfe's impression that Mr. Hellwig said he would not take part in an
investigation until the asbestos situation in the attic was addressed.
After the tour, Mr. Dwight agreed to take up the matter at the next City Property
Committee meeting. The Mayor asked Mr. Jacobus to provide information on the
work that has been done to the building and the requests that have been made
over time to the Capitol Improvement Program planning committee. Ms. Well
said that the topic is on the agenda for the City Property meeting scheduled for
November 6 Ms. Bloomberg asked that Ms. Well attend that meeting.
Ms. Well said she would give copies of the Mass. Preservation Projects Fund info.
to Mr. Jacobus and Mr. Dwight, as well as a list of consultants and a Preservation
Brief on repairing stucco. She said that the Society for the Preservation of New
England Antiquities was also a resource for building structural analyses. It was
asked if CDBG funds could serve as a local match for the Preservation Projects
fund. Peg will inquire.
11. Adjourn
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
The next meeting will be held November 27
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Architect, 1849
TIME 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
PLACE Council on Aging Conference Room
240 Main Street
1. Project Updates
Lilly Library National Register Nomination
Pomeroy Terrace
Local Awards
City Hall
350 Celebration Planning Committee
2. Millemum Award
- Photo Selection Criteria
- Public Planning Process
- How to Proceed/ Grant Implementation
3. Other Business / Adi ourn
-1�2 - ---------------------
Peg er, Housing Planner
----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - --
November 27, 2000
Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Louise Bloomberg, Norman Winston, Chris
Kemledy, Kiln Howes, Tris Metcalfe and Valerie Lavender. Also present, Peg Keller,
staff and Steve Strimer, interested party.
CALL TO ORDER/ Ms. Well called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Mr. Kemiedy
made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Howes. The
vote was unanimous in favor.
Mr. Strimer introduced himself as a co -owner of Collective Copies and interested in the
history of Florence. He has printed Charles Sheffield's History of Florence and is
working on the Florence History Museum. He said Paul Gaffney has secured a grant from
a Small Museums resource. He mentioned that the Eagles Baseball team may be one of
the first integrated baseball teams in the 1860's and Florence may have the oldest
Memorial Day Parade in the country. There was significant activity during the Civil War
and the abolitionist movement. He said the Park Street Cemetery needs more recognition
and many of these special characteristics should have broader acl mowledgement.
He noted that he is also working on events for the 350 anniversary celebration. He is
particularly interested in finding a way to feature the buildings designed by William
Fenno Pratt. He distributed a brochure that contained information compiled by a.Smith
student, Cynthia Hunt, in the 1970's. He hopes to use that material to put together a
walking tour for the celebration.
The Pomeroy Terrace area was then discussed. Mr Strimer mentioned a possible walking
tour in that area and Ms. Well updated him on the efforts of the Commission to have that
area designated a National Register Historic District. A nomination originally put forth in
the 1970's never reached fruition because the nominated area was too large. Last year
the Commission applied for State funds to resurrect the nomination but the funding award
was not made. The plan is now to work with Bomlie Parsons at the Pioneer Valley
Planning Commission to move the nomination forward.
Members then discussed how Pratt laid out the original subdivision including Pomeroy
Terrace and Phillips Place, which was documented in Ms. Hunt's thesis research. After
further discussion, Mr. Howes made a motion to have the Commission move ahead with
the Pomeroy Terrace nomination.
�- 2
The motion was seconded by Ms. Lavender, vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Kemiedy
agreed to look at the materials and assist Ms. Parsons with the effort. Peg agreed to make
copies of the material for Mr. Kemledy and Ms. Parsons and to set up a meeting with all
interested parties. Mr. Strimer was thanked for his interest and he departed.
Project Updates
Lilly LibrarX Ms. Well said the Director and Board had requested more information on
the pros and cons of National Register nomination. She will be compiling information for
them for a January meeting.
Local Awards Ms. Lavender reported that the list has not changed since the last
meeting. It was agreed that the nominees would be discussed in earnest at the next
City Hall Ms. Well reported on the meeting with the City Property Committee that she
and Mr. Metcalfe attended. She said it was very short and members did not have the
materials she had given to Mr. Dwight for distribution. She said that Brett Jacobus
reported that he had met with the Building Inspector and Ryan Hellwig, a structural
engineer familiar with City Hall and reviewed the report submitted by the Commission.
He said that they did not agree with much in the report and that he (Brett) would write a
response. He said that the plan to move ahead with the request to Capital Improvements
for $31,000 for exterior repairs and painting was still valid.
Ms. Well then circulated a draft memo she intended to send to Bill Dwight as a follow -
up. Ms. Bloomberg suggested stressing resources that may be available. Mr. Howes
added that the role of the Commission is to inquire as to the plan for addressing the
problems identified. The next meeting will be held Dec. 0 and the Commission is on the
agenda for further discussion.
Millenium Award Program The Commission has received approval of the $900 request
to the Northampton Arts, Council for "New Visions, the Art of Architecture ". This means
the project will take place over the next year. Peg reviewed the obligations of the
Commission. The first task becomes the selection of the 15 projects Mr. Sherer will
photograph. Peg suggested drafting a questionnaire for public input and sending it first to
the members of the 350 Committee (as a representative public sampling of those
interested in architecture and history). Peg will circulate the draft and contact Mr. Sherer
about his time table.
Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. after determining that there would not be
a meeting in December. The motion was made by Ms. Bloomberg, seconded by Ms.
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller