1993 Historical Commission minutesr City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586 -6950 FAX (413) 586 -3726 • Community and Economic Development • Conservation • Historic Preservation • Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals • Northampton Parking Commission NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: Monday, February 1, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: City Council Chambers, Wallace J. Puchalski Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Review December Meeting Minutes 2. Preservation Awards 3• Any Other Business q�a,A'L= pwju.A- Mary Pa er J NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING February 1 1993 Present: Bloomberg, Cadet, Heston, Kiteley, Lockwood, Metcalfe, Parker, Weiss Absent: Feeley (adjunct), Fitzgerald, Murdock AGENDA The meeting began at 4:20 pm. 1. Minutes: The 1 February were approved with one correction: Revision of Para. 2. a. Meeting 11/19/92 - City Officials and Representatives of the Massachusetts Historical Commission Parker reported that the purpose of the meeting to ease the fears of the City regarding the plans of the Commonwealth to place NSH on the National Register. The entire complex will probably be included, not just a few buildings as the City would prefer. It is within the power of the State to accomplish this with or without local consent. However; MHC will be required to review any plans for development within the complex in a timely fashion (within 90 days). Parker noted that had Northampton approved a local historic district, it could have become a Certified Local Government entitled to review proposals for development locally, instead of submitting to MHC oversight. 2. Chair Report: a. New Member: Ellen Weiss is now officially an associate member of the Historical Commission. The Mayor approved her nomination. b. South Street Markers: Four residents responded and gave permission - for the City to supply Markers with the date of the house's origin. C. Preservation /Restoration Awards Nominations so far are: Corner of Forbes and Jewett Gothic Street New Complex Beyond Words Bookshop on Main Street Clarke School - Numbers House (tan) , Pratt Cottage (Blue with red shutters) , and Yale House (yellow white) Graves and Market - Painting and exterior carpentry of a row house (gray and white) two statues in front of Memorial Hall 1 � City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586 -6950 FAX (413) 586 -3726 • Community and Economic Development • Conservation • Historic Preservation • Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals • Northampton Parking Commission NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, March 1, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: City Council Chambers Wallace J. Puchalski Building 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Review January Meeting Minutes 2. State Hospital Update - Wayne Feiden 3. Review of Presentation award nominations and discussion of Awards Ceremony. (Members are expected to go and see the properties nominated at the previous meeting. See the enclosed minutes. In addition nominations have been made for No. 72 Columbus Avenue and the Lathrop Community's Adaptive Re -Use of the farmhouse on Bridge Road which is right at the entrance to the Community.) 4. New Inventory Forms to review 5. Other Business Mary Park J NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION i MINUTES OF MEETING March 1, 1993 Present: Bloomberg, Cadet, Heston, Kiteley, Lockwood, Murdock, Parker, Weiss Absent: Feeley (adjunct), Fitzgerald, Lincoln (adjunct), Metcalfe AGENDA 1. Minutes: The 1 February Minutes (prepared by J.V. Kiteley) were approved as presented. 2. State Hospital Update -- Wayne Feiden. Using a color coded map, Feiden explained current rezoning plans for NSH land and the classification of its buildings: RED = historic buildings erected 1855 -58; PURPLE = 1918; GREEN = 1919 -1950. The Commonwealth will dispose of some NHS properties "sometime" he said. Then, local zoning ordinances will regulate how the city decided to develop the land and some of its remaining buildings. The main focus will be on the historic area (RED) where reuse projects would be permitted at dense levels. Presently, OPD is trying to create incentives that would encourage rehabilitation of some of the suitable buildings. Other structures probably must be razed because they have degenerated over time and restoration costs are prohibitive. Kiteley, Lockwood, and Parker, who recall how imposing some of these buildings used to be, decried this sad state of affairs. Meanwhile, said Feiden, the Commonwealth is studying all of the NSH campus buildings to assess their eligibility for inclusion in NRHS. In fact, the staff level of the Massachusetts Historical Commission may visit Northampton on 27 April 1993 to study NSH campus site -- and to educate the public. OPD is concerned because inclusion of the entire complex in NRHS would discourage local rehabilitation and reuse of the better buildings. Moreover, the derelict buildings with little or no historic merit would be included in NRHS as well. Feiden hopes that the NHC will, at some point, take a stand on supporting local reuse objectives and make recommendations about which buildings should be listed in NRHS as well. NHC members endorsed his view. Parker is eager to have the historic main complex saved; Bloomberg remarked that the Kirkbridge architecture should also be preserved. William Savard, a representative from Coalition for the Disabled Person, then asked if some of the buildings could be - 1 designated for disabled citizens, battered women, a detox enter et. als. Feiden replied that as long as the Commonwealth owns the land, local officials cannot make such decisions. In response, Savard suggested drafting a proposal for the State Legislature requesting that some of the buildings be designated for groups who require social services. 3. Finally, a representative from Northampton Community Gardens (Kathy Stourias ?) distributed "Historical Outline for Use of the Garden Committee" (Rev. 1991). Because NCG plots are located on NSH property, gardeners there are concerned about the gardens' future. Review of Presentation award nominations and discussion of Awards Ceremony. Nomination to date: PLEASE VISIT ALL OF THESE SITES Corner of Forbes and Jewett (approved) Gothic Street New Complex (deferred) Beyond Words Bookshop on Main St.(approved) Clarke School* (deferred for now)r Graves and Market House (postponed) Memorial Hall -- two statues (approved) Farmhouse on Bridge Road ( "inappropriate ") 81 High Street (Parker: "nice "). 205 Prospect (Parker: "no ") 35 -37 Stilson Ave. Florence ( ?) 40 Columbus Ave. (Parker: "nice ") 72 Columbus Ave. ( ?) 76 Columbus Ave. (Parker: "nice ") * Cadet will arrange an appt for Parker to visit the site) 4. 5. New Inventory Forms to Review: Parker distributed the forms. Weiss listed the numbers and respective recipients. Other Business a. Feiden remarked that the issue of establishing Local Historic Districts in Northampton probably should be resurrected because LHD regulations are the one way to save local historic buildings. The NRHS grants to save local historic buildings. The NRHS grants permits only. It does not protect historic buildings. Previous recent attempts to establish four LHD's in Baystate, Downtown, Florence and Leeds engendered so much i �_i' 2 controversy that the City Council tabled the project in 1991. Nevertheless, Lockwood favors trying to establish one district again. If the issues involved could be presented more objectively, she hopes that people's opposition to LHD's might abate. LHD guidelines, after all, can help to prevent inappropriate renovations of properties that can alter the appearance and character of streets and areas. Kari Knapp and Diane Welter described an Elm Street project as a case in point. Parker recommends reinstatement of the Historic District Study Committee. Lockwood volunteered to attend the City Council meeting on Thursday 4 March. Her mission is to inform the City Council that NHC members wish to have a new HDSC formed. b. Bloomberg displayed three samples for new historic markers that Cadet made. NHC members selected #3: qM Bloomberg's text drafts will be mailed to members. Please make changes as desired. C. Kiteley may have found a new "house dater" at JFK. The next meeting of Northampton Historical Commission is on Monday, 5 April 1993 at 4:15 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Mary li eth Murdock Secretary i 3 City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586 -6950 FAX (413) 586 -3726 • Community and Economic Development • Conservation • Historic Preservation • Planning Board,- Zoning Board of Appeals • Northampton Parking Commission NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, April 5, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: City Council Chambers Wallace J. Puchalski Building 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Review March Meeting Minutes 2. Announcements 3. Status Report - Proposed Elm Street District 4. Historic District Signs 5. Awards Ceremony:_ a.) Nominations b.) Discussion C.) Vote d.) Arrangements for the Ceremony 6. Other Business r, !►,,��"� Jib • NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION i , CITY HALL CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING April 5 1993 The Northampton Historical Commission met last on April 5, 1993. Only three members, Parker, Metcalfe and Lockwood were present so no actual business was acted upon. Susan Well, Mayor rIs Business Advisory Committee of Northampton State Hospital, was present as a guest which led to a general discussion regarding the future of the Northampton State Hospital building complex. Mary Parker, Chairman of the Northampton Historical Commission reported on the neighborhood meeting of Elm Street citizens concerned about the recent obtrusive and /or unfortunate alterations to the house at 211 Elm Street. The group is considering the possibility of having another historic district study committee appointed for their neighborhood. Also discussed were the identifying signs that the Northampton Historical Commission plans to see replaced and /or installed on major downtown structures. Before adjournment, those present were urged to attend the public meeting on the Northampton State Hospital to be held at the Little Theater on April 27th. The next meeting of Northampton Historical Commission is on Monday, 3 May 1993 at 4:15 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Lockwood for Mary Elizabeth Murdock, Secretary �l - � u � u 1 C a � w � mm � m ^ CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, May 3, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: City Council Chambers Wallace J. Puchalski Building 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Review April Meeting Minutes 2. Award Ceremony 3. Historic District Signs 4. Building Inventory Update 5. Nominating Committee 6. Other Business i Mary Pa er �J� NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING May 3, 1993 Present: Bloomberg, Cadet, Fitzgerald, Metcalfe, Murdock, Parker Absent: Feeley (adjunct), Heston, Kiteley, Lincoln (adjunct), Lockwood, Weiss AGENDA 1. Minutes: The 5 April Minutes (prepared by Allison Lockwood) were approved as presented. 2. Awards Ceremony: Clarke School's Bancroft Room in Rogers Hall (49 Round Hill Road) is the site of the Awards Ceremony. Starting time is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday 12 May. In Mayor Mary Ford's absence, Councilor William Ames will read Mayor Ford's Proclamation. Parker reported that Katherine Schneider lettered the Awards Certificates. Cadet stated that "everything is all set" at Clarke School for the Awards Ceremony. /? 3. Historic District Signs: Bloomberg discussed details regarding the new Historic District signs e.g. finished size (117/8" x 157/8 methods of printing, preserving and installing them. Cadet will make, prime and install the signs. Metcalfe suggested a protective polyurethane finish to preserve them. He also recommended that Bloomberg confer with sign makers. Amherst Copy Center, Graphic Information Systems and Leeds Stamps (in Florence) are possibilities. Bloomberg will circulate sign texts one more time. NHC members should make final suggestions /corrections if necessary. Murdock proposed updating NHC Is descriptive flyer once the new signs are in place. Perhaps some grant money could be found to subsidize such a project. 4. Building Inventory Update: Parker announced that Weiss cannot continue her work on this project for some months because of family complications. Parker later agreed to assume this responsibility once she leaves her post as chairperson of NHC. 1 5. Nominating Committee: Cadet, Metcalfe and Murdock agreed to search for a new chairperson. Their unanimous choice is Allison Lockwood. A day later, she accepted the post. Murdock agreed to assist her. 6. Other Business: John Morrison, Chairperson of the City Property Committee, discussed the new turret project for City Hall. He asked if NHC members would be interested in sponsoring a fund raising campaign to pay for the needed materials. Labor cost are already funded. Parker will announce the proposal at the Awards Ceremony. All donations would be deposited in the City's General Fund - - earmarked, however, for the turrets. Parker gave the order of Awards Ceremony presentations: 1. Northampton Remembers -- (statues of Civil War soldiers) 2. Forbes Library (restoration of Anna Gertrude Brewster Children's Room) 3. Clarke School Properties 83 Bancroft (Numbers House) �1 several buildings on Round Hill Road 4. Weinberg -Fago House 81 High Street Florence 5. Joelson -Levin House 40 Columbus Avenue 6. Klepacki - Melone House 19 Forbes Avenue 7. Beyond Words Bookshop 189 Main Street Jeffrey and Diana Krauth, owner Murdock will confer with Lockwood and Northampton City Editor, Stanley Moulton, about publishing an article in the Daily Hampshire Gazette about the Awards Ceremony. On 7 June, members will decide the status of July and August meetings. The next meeting of Northampton Historical Commission is on Monday, 7 June 1993 at 4:15 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Mary/Elizab&th Murdock Secretary (7) 2 r CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION. CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 , I I NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, June 7, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: City Council Chambers Wallace J. Puchalski Building 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Review and approval of May 3rd Minutes and discuss the status of July and August Meetings 2. Review of signs for the Downtown District 3. Postpartum of Awards Ceremony 4. Report of Nominating Committee and Election of Officers 5. Other Business Mary P rker fig NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL' COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING June 7, 1993 Present: Bloomberg, Cadet, Fitzgerald, Heston, Metcalfe, Kiteley, Parker, Weiss Absent: Murdock, Feeley (adjunct), Lincoln (adjunct) AGENDA 1• Minutes: The 3rd of May Minutes r Murdock) were approved (P spared by Mary- Elizabeth missed any corrections made) (Kiteley had just arrived, may have 2. Awards Ceremony: Successful event applauded. Paucity of Publicity � Presenters to be we will take nothing for granted, problem perhaps! Next year 3. Historic District Signs: Any final changes will be cleared with Bloomberg. Concise description will be included on each sign. 4• Official: New Chair - Allison Lockwood, elected unanimously! Secretary - Mary - Elizabeth Murdock. Many thanks to out -going Chair, Mary Parker! 5. a• Rodney Kunath, alum. of Clarke School su .member. He has expressed interest. ggested as b• Discussion of fundraising as responsibility of Historical Commission. Tris will take our recommendation to Property Commission following this meeting. Time is of the essence. 6. Next meeting: July 12th. At that meeting the Histo Commission will decide if an August meeting is necessary. Faithfully submitted, Je T V. Kiteley CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, July 12, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: Council on Aging Memorial Hall AGENDA 1. City Hall Turrets 2. Historic Building Signs 3. Elm Street Historic District Study Proposal 4. Building Inventory 5. Future priorities 6. Other business lC�1 %1 1�jir M-Iw Allison ... NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING July 12, 1993 Present: Lockwood, Bloomberg, Cadet, Fitzgerald, Heston, Metcalfe, Parker, Weiss, Kunath, Mary McDermott, Marlene Moran Absent: Kiteley, Murdock, Feeley (adjunct), Lincoln (adjunct) AGENDA Minutes of June 7 approved 1. N.H.C. is committed to raising $2,000 to complete the City Hall turrets. We now have $482.18; $282.18 from our budget. Judith Fine will put a notice in the August D.B.A. newsletter. What will happen with any excess donations - we cannot hold money, only the City can? Marlene Moran agreed to send a memo to the City Property Dept. asking them to pledge to spend any surplus on preservation of the exterior of City Hall. Chairperson Lockwood's newspaper ad for the Turret Fund was approved (the cost of the ad will be donated). 2. Tris Metcalfe described his design for a new main entrance and elevator to provide handicap access to City Hall. The design was enthusiastically endorsed. 3. It was decided to add new information to the Historic Buildings signs. The following are to try to find architects and dates: Kunath - Firehouse Metcalfe - Masonic Block Cadet - Rahars Heston - Roundhouse, Sylvester Graham Fitzgerald - Unitarian Church 4. It was suggested that signs be made for other Historic Buildings - Rogers Hall (Thomas Shepherd, 1806), Dudley Hall (Levi Shepherd, 1807), St. Mary's Church, Baptist Church, First Church, buildings in Florence, etc. Discussion and action on this matter was postponed. 5. Should we continue the Building Inventory? - decision postponed. 6. Mary Parker suggested encouraging a Demolition Delay Ordinance. 7. It was unanimously approved that Tris Metcalfe be recommended to the City Council as a voting member of the N.H.C. 8. Allison Lockwood will ask Penny Kim about possible plans for new street lights. 9. Many thanks to Mary Parker for her excellent leadership; many good wishes to Allison Lockwood as the new chairperson. Respectfully submitted rank Heston XO_M_T±r''2,'_,2T ; , "R10L "01-1ISSIO "- T ___ " 12 o f - t ("' � ri r� ��'.r. s{ n, r. r` �.:. ..L.+�� u.7 .n ....._] ui: ��. ROCs1,iy 1 r �l��J, Us. nuteo 0 Ju - _,a o 7 a 1ajar 0v d C;OiI „ ?j_t�,u ?C , u - rye' t0 GU 1 �_.,'G' t17:. citV %i:.�_�. stir C: �: e oi: hr-1,ti �u . _c, _u2. .0 :i ov oti._ Kati C�;ti t. JL_ �.,._ ' i r f, - t- n t "„-] .t.I , � m' c, ' � n7. GPs 1 et c; f' ��. �:i _ _ ;�u� �, nog � i1�. �:t_e ��.G.�G1:�t 1i.1: }e._ye n t ` ,_ �. . C�.;_ces`s C Cent:. l io., .� C3',:L1�10'� !:7.OlC "i10 1. Only' the 0 Council cf,n? 1.0 oron .,;. -= -9C! i;r, r '?C <_. 61!JA ?0 •i,J t��:n4; t'?..a to pledge to spend any surplus on - nreserv�.ti on of the e-_terior of City Iciall e Chairperson Lock,•TOOd's nei�spaDar ad for the Turret Fund f approved (the, cost of- the ad will be d onat ed). 2. Tris ;.lstcs.lfo described his design for a neT'T main entrance 'and elevator to provide handicap access to City Ba ll. The design was enthousiastically endorsed. 3. It w-:s decided to add now information to the Historic :wilding signs. The folloti:ring are to try to find architects and dates t Kunath - Firehouse MTetcalfe - 1-asonic Block Cadet _ Rahars Heston - Roundhouse, Sylvester Graham. Fi.tzgerald - Unitarian Church. 4. It ti -as su ggested that signs be made for other Historic Buildings - Rogers Hall (Thomas Shepherd, 1806), Dudley :-gall (Levi Shepherd, 1807) , St. iary's Church, Bapti st Church, Furst Ohurch, buildings in Florence, etc. Discussion and action an this matt or ? 5. Should we continue the Building Inventory? - decision postponed. 6. Lary Parker suggested encouraging c). Demolition Delay Ordinance. 7. It was 'unanimously approved that Tris lkletcalfe be recommeded to the City Council as a voting member of the X.H.C. 8. ::Aison Lockwood will ask Penny Kin about possible plans for new street lights 9. I thanks to Hary 'Parker for her -- Zeellent leadership; many good wishes to _�_Aison Lockwood as the new chairperson. "ran' 17-1eston CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA Date: Monday, August 2, 1993 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: Council on Aging PLEASE Memorial Hall NOTE! AGENDA 1. City Hall Turrets Restoration Progress. Report 2. Historic Building Signs 3. Demolition Delay Ordinance 4. Building Inventory Project 5. Other business AW r , ► t I _'iii ■ Lockwood Allison NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1993 - 4:15 p.m. Attending: Allison Lockwood, Chair, Louise Bloomberg, Sally Evans, Harold Fitzgerald, Jean Kiteley, Rodney Kunath, Mary Parker, Ellen Weiss, and Jackie Gauger, guest. Absent: Gary Cadet, Frank Heston, Tristam Metcalf, Mary - Elizabeth Murdock. 1. Minutes of the Meeting of 7/12/93. Corrections: In paragraph 1, in addition to the DBA, add Chamber of Commerce. In the listing of members working on information about specific buildings, R. Kunath will work on the Draper Hotel in addition to the Firehouse. 2. City Hall Turret Restoration. A.'Lockwood distributed a memo of understanding concerning donations for the restoration which was sent to the Office of Planning and Development 7/22/93. (Copy attached) M. Parker suggested, and the members agreed, that "any surplus is to be used by the Historical Commission for the preservation of historic buildings." A, Lockwood will seek the opinion of the City Solicitor on this addition. R. Kunath suggested that such money might be used for preventative maintenance. An advertisement asking for donations ran in the Daily Hampshire Gazette 7/24 and 7/27 and in the Springfield Union News the week before. As of today the fund contains $947.43. A copy of - the advertisement coupon was sent to the DBA. It will be enclosed with their August newsletter which is scheduled to the mailed this week. Furthermore, a friend of the Chamber of Commerce has offered to match dollar for dollar every donation received from C of C members until the goal is reached. A. Lockwood, after researching all past articles concerning City Hall which have appeared in the Daily Hampshire Gazette since the building was created, has written an article which the Gazette will run, accompanied by early illustration of the building. 3. Handicapped Access. The Planning Board has asked A, Lockwood to sign a letter to the Massachusetts Historical Commission agreeing to the project to provide handicapped access to City Hall., (Copy attached) 4. Historical Articles. The Daily Hampshire Gazette has agreed to run a monthly historical article which A. Lockwood will write. 5. Historical Commission Membership. There should be seven voting members. A. Lockwood proposed, and M. Parker seconded, the elevation of Harold Fitzgerald to become a voting member. The names of T, Metcalf and H. Fitzgerald will go to the Mayor's Office to initiate the confirmation process. 6. Historic Building Signs. As the result of work by several members of the Commission the following additional information is now available: Union Station - The engineer was Charles Allen. (Architect not discovered) Unitarian Church - Architect was Guy Kirkham. 7. Street Lamps on Main Street. H. Fitzgerald has expressed a particular interest in this project and wants to study the possibility of repair and rehabilitation of the existing lamps. 8. Elm Street Historic District. Status? Awaiting announcement by the Mayor of the members of the study committee. M. Parker proposed, and Commission members approved, the sending of a questionnaire about historic preservation to all candidates for City Council in the forthcoming election. When the results of this survey have been received, A, Lockwood will relay the information to the Gazette 9. Demolition Delay Ordinance. M. Parker distributed copies of a guide for the establishment of such an ordinance which was published by the Massachusetts Historical Commission. The subject will be discussed at a later meeting. 10. Building Inventory Project. Should the work of updating information on previously inventoried buildings and /or compiling data on uninventoried ones continue at this time? Who is going to have time to do this work? Might senior citizens or high school students help? It is not clear that the return received by the use of such outside individuals justifies the amount of training that would be involved. Furthermore, assistance from students also requires involvement of teachers, and latter are now overworked. 11. House Dating. Jean Kiteley is still awaiting a response from the schools from which she hoped to receive assistance. 12. Next meeting. Scheduled for Monday, September 13 at 4:15 p.m. in the Council on Aging room in Memorial Hall. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Respective y submitted, a ly an NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING TO: The Office of Planning and Development FROM: The Northampton Historical Commission RE: City Hall Turret Restoration DATE: July 22, 1993 Donations for the restoration of the Northampton City Hall Turrets will be mailed to the Office of Planning and Development. The checks will be made payable to the City of Northampton/ Turrets. It is the Northampton Historical Commission's understanding that such donations will be placed in the Turret Account, #02- 192 - 3205 -18, created specifically for the City Hall Turret Restoration under the direction of the City Property Committee. Please contact Allison Lockwood at 586 -7092 if you U have any questions. NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL July 27, 1993 Judith B. McDonough Executive Director State Historic Preservation Officer Massachusetts Historical Commission 80 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 Re: City Hall, Northampton Dear Ms. McDonough: At its regularly scheduled meeting of July 12, 1993, the Northampton Historical Commission reviewed the plans prepared by Metcalfe Associates, Inc. to provide handicap access to City Hall. The design was enthusiastically endorsed by the Commission. Not only will it improve access to the building, but it will establish an entrance from Crafts Avenue in such a way as to compliment the architecture of the building. Sincerely, Allison Lockwood Chairman t �1 CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Date: Monday, September 13, 1993 Time: 4:15 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Office Building 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Turret Restoration Project 2. Building plaques 3. Historic District Study Committee Report Elm Street proposal 4. Meeting time alternatives 5. Any Other Business Allison Lockwood a NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES September 13, 1993 Present: Cadet, Evans, Heston, Kiteley, Kunath, Lockwood, Murdock, Parker Guests: Gauger, Moran Absent: Bloomberg, Feeley(Honorary Member), Fitzgerald, Lincoln(Hono- rary Member), Metcalfe, Weiss AGENDA 1. Minutes of 2 August meeting: Lack of a. quorum postponed action on 2 August Minutes until 4 October 1993• 2. Turret Restoration Project: Lockwood described recent productive efforts to publicize the turret project. For example, her 11 August article in Daill Hampshire Gazette entitled "Northampton's City Hall Endures Despite Both Accident and Design" provides valuable historical information about the building and its advocates over the years. As of 10 September 1993, donations to the Turret Fund total X2,127 so the project will be completed. A Memo of Understanding dated 22 July 1993 states that all donations for the turret restoration pro ect will be placed in the Turret Account # 02.192- 3205 -1 . Finally builder Alex Ghiselin, will use wood "that won't rot" to create the new turrets. 3. Building Plaques: The 4 October meeting will focus on the plaque project. Three important issues are (a) establishing specific criteria for identifying and selecting appropriate sites (b) content of plaque texts (c) Fort Hill House Dating project. Lockwood will notify Bloomberg (plaque project head). 19th century records reveal the architects of these Northampton structures: (taken from Lockwood's last) Allen, Charles (engineer) Union Station Brocklesby, William Academy of Music Forbes Library Graham Kilbourn, Henry F. Court House Kirkham, Guy Unitarian (Church) Society McLoughlan, James Memorial Hall Peabody and Stearns First Churches 2 of 2 Pratt, W.F. City Hall New Fire House 1869 Engine House 1872 People's Institute Round House ? Smith Charities Pratt-and Gardner Rahars ? Putnam and B ailey Masonic Block Stephens, H.L. and Company Hotel Northampton NCS funds will pay for the plaques 4. Historic District Study Committee Report; Elm Street Proposal: A group of Elm Street residents have asked HDSC to study the possibility of designating Elm Street as an Historic District. At an HDSC meeting, Wayne Feiden explained how "all" works -- and how to proceed. HDSC meets again on 22 September. Richard Gnatek has been added to the committee, but Evans questioned how this happened without City Council approval. Some Ward 2 views on an Elm Street Historic District: Abbott, Beth Supports it Gnatek, R. Cautious. Will talk with neighbors Scagel, R. Supports -- but will also talk with neighbors Smith College Favors an Elm Street Historic District Kiteley suggested talking with Professor Helen Searing because of her strong interest in preservinS 5. Meeting time alternatives: After some discussion, NHC members decided to keep the present time: FIRST MONDAY of each month at 4:15 p.m.- NEW MEETING PLACE Council on Aging building. Murdock will reserve this space through 1994 (if possible). 6. Other business: NHC members decided to cancel a $75.00 annual membership in National Trust for Historic Preservation. Massachusetts Historical Commission understands that plans for the new Florence Savings Bank downtown branch foorner of Main and Pleasant Streets) will retain the present exterior. The next meeting will be held on Monday 4 October at 4:15p.m. in the Council on Aging building. Respectfully submit ed Rec ding 'ecretary CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE AGENDA DATE: Monday, November 1, 1993 TIME: 4:15 p.m. PLACE: Council on Acting, Memorial Hall 1. Turret report 2. Historic building plaques 3. Demolition delay ordinance 4. Meeting time and membership participation 5. Other business PLEASE NOTE LOCATION OF OUR MEETING - -- SEE ABOVE. NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES November 1, 1993 �l ♦Y t b Present: Bloomberg, Fitzgerald, Heston, Kunath, Lockwood, Metcalfe, Murdock, Parker Absent: Cadette, Feeley (Honorary Member) , Kiteley, Lincoln (Honorary Member) Introductory Comments: .(Lockwood) Lockwood explained why there was no October meeting. Lockwood fears that the Old Fire House may be razed. Her research and subsequent DHG article dated 10 -16 -93 entitled "Fire Station Declared Inadequate -- in 1892 traces the history of the building and describes its significance. AGENDA 1. Minutes of the 13 September meeting were approved with the following amendment and corrections: a. Ref. p.2 no. 4: Richard Gnatek was not and is not a member of the Historic District Study Committee 1 although some NHC members thought that he was. b. Ref. p.1 no. 2: Metcalfe said that all woods rot. It is the details that are planned for the new turrets, L however, that will protect the riew turret wood from rotting. j C. Ref. p.2 no. 3 (cont.) Corrections to Lockwood's preliminary list of architects and buildings: (1) Delete Pratt and Round House (2) Tilton, Edward L. (not Pratt) was People's Institute architect. 2. Turret Report Lockwood reported that checks are still arriving for the Turret Account. Total to date: $2,977.18. Metcalfe will design the turrets and Alex Ghiselin will construct them. Richard Garvey and Ghiselin want to "move ahead on the crane project" that will hoist the new turrets into place. Lockwood and Metcalfe commented on forthcoming and /or other \1 possible improvements well. The bid for City Hall's new entrance and interior access improvements, for example, has been accepted. They also wish to have sufficient funds to consider changing the city's flag -- perhaps with City Hall �) as the logo because "people recognize it." Perhaps some -- work could be done on other city emblems as well. Target date for completion of turret project: 1 May 1994. 3. Historic Building Plaques Funds are available to pay for the new plaques and Cadette is eager to "get going" on them. Bloomberg distributed a 3 page print -out of proposed texts and design for this important "work in process." Bloomberg and Cadette are the two people most involved with the project to date. Now, they and three additional NHC members (Evans, Fitzgerald and Metcalfe) comprise the subcommittee proposed by Parker. This committee will establish specific criteria for each proposed site and work to bring the plaque project to a successful conclusion. Bloomberg's current plaque texts are on a Macintosh disc so corrections or additions can easily be made. Evans asked what steps would lead to completion of the plaque project. Bloomberg described them: 1. proofread, edit, etc. present texts to product a final version and agree on plaque design. 2. print final results in full size. 3. give full size copy to Cadette who will make templates, etc. 4. develop an appropriate adhesive for installation. Lockwood asked the plaque subcommittee to present a progress report at the 6 December meeting. 4.. Demolition Delay Ordinance (discussion deferred) 5. Meeting time and membership participation Once again, NHC members, confirmed 1993 -94 meeting time as the first Monday of each month, at 4:15 p.m. in the Council on Aging building. Holidays, however, may mandate changes. The Recording Secretary will reserve monthly meeting dates, time and place for the entire year -- if possible. 6. Other Business Members suggested possible candidates to replace Weiss, E., who is in the process of resigning from NHC. Members also discussed moving an Associate Member to voting status. Kunath, a possible candidate, wished to postpone a decision on this matter. I I Lockwood reminded members to keep thinking about possibilities for May 1994 awards. The next NHC meeting will be held on Monday, 6 December at 4:15 p.m. in the Council on Aging building. Respectfully submitted, Mary- Elizabeth Murdock Recording Secretary NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION .. CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Official Meeting Notice Northampton Historical Commission DATE: Monday, December 6, 1993 TIME: 4:15 p.m. PLACE: Council on Aging Meeting Room Memorial Hall, Northampton, MA Actenda 1. Turret Report 2. Awards List 3. Plaque Committee report & discussion PLEASE NOTE LOCATION OF MEETING: SEE ABOVE f NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1993 Present: Cadette, Evans, Fitzgerald, Heston, Kunath, Lockwood, Metcalfe, Murdock, Parker Guest: Gauger Absent: Bloomberg, Feeley (Honorary Member), Kiteley, Lincoln (Honorary Member) AGENDA 1. Minutes of the 1 November 1993 meeting were approved as presented. 2. Turret Restoration Project Progress continues on this important project. See Minutes dated 11 -1 -93 item #2 for specific details. 3. Awards List - Nominations to date: City Hall access improvements. Although flags and other distinctive elements were eliminated in the rebid process, Metcalfe is still eager to have the entrance finished "nicely Maplewood Avenue (Bay State) -- an old house restored by Chuck Tyler. Kunath will provide additional information. Silverscape Designs 1 King Street - Denis Perlman Tepper Building Pleasant Street Lockwood invited NHC members (or others) to submit additional nominations. 4. Plaque Committee report and discussion Evans (Chairperson of Plaque Committee) reported that the committee is reviewing plaque texts and establishing some criteria for selecting historic sites as well. She has Bloomberg's Macintosh disc containing current plaque texts and the editing process is continuing. Soon, Evans will mail plaque texts to all NHC members for review. Members should bring edited texts to the 10 January meeting for final approval. Evans asked again about the mechanics of assembling the plaques. Metcalfe replied that approved texts would be produced in full size on special paper, then glued on the wood templates and waterproofed with a urethane (or other) finish. He will take the wood plaques and Macintosh disc to Paradise Printing and then complete "final touches" on the plaques. Lockwood regards the plaque project as an on -going endeavor, therefore, additional sites may be added in the future. For example, sites that meet established selection criteria might include churches with "design value ", historic significance, etc., annex of the Draper Hotel et. al. 5. Other Business a. Lockwood read Ellen Weiss' letter of resignation. She regretted lack of progress on the house - dating project. b. Fitzgerald will report on the downtown street lamp replacement project. C. Metcalfe commented on a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING regarding the future disposition of Northampton State Hospital lands. Its intent is to give the city more control over what happens to this property so as to make it more attractive to potential developers. He noted as well that the Massachusetts Historical Commission will determine the ultimate fate of the NSH campus as well as the other such campuses throughout the Commonwealth. Lockwood will invite Wayne Feiden to the 10 January meeting to discuss this MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING and to explain the best ways to attract developers. Murdock will ask OPD Secretary to include a copy of the MOU with the mailing of the 6 December Minutes. d. Murdock has scheduled 1994 NHC Monday meeting dates as follows: 10 January, 7 February, 7 March, 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, (11 July), (1 August), 5 September, 3 October, 7 November, 5 December. ( ) = possible vacation. Place: Council on Aging Building The next meeting will be held on 10 January 1994 at 4:15 p.m. in the Council on Aging building. Respectfully submitted, Mary- Elizabeth Murdock Recording Secretary