1979 King Street conversationRobert I. Glass
68 Lyman Road
Northampton, MA 01060
March 29 1979
Walter J. Murphy, Marketing Director
Northampton Redevelopment Authority
City Hall
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Murphy,
Our Northampton area is now facing a severe and critical challenge.
We certainly need all the help we can muster to meet and overcome the
intense competition that Northampton now faces.
We must find viable alternatives to meet the huge Pyramid super — malls;
The Hampshire Mall in Hadley, already in operation, and the Holyoke Mall in
Ingleside, planned to open this Fall.
Most strong retailers have already left Northampton; Sears plans to
leave this Fall. In the case of Hill and Dale, Todd's has moved to West
Springfield, Jacket World has closed, and both Tag-
,way Shoes and Hit or Miss
have decided to relocate in the Pyramid Malls.
How can Hill and,Dale utilize its empty space ?. How can this empty
space be turned into a benefit for the Northampton community? Hill and Dale
is located in�the "dead center" of both Northampton's service and shopping
areas; it is the center for food retailing. At the same time, it is adja—
cent to the Industrial Park, and does offer industrial employees an ex—
tremely cohvenient location.
Attracting retailers to Hill and Dale, in view of the Pyramid Malls,
is unrealistic. 'In addition, if this were possible, it would serve only
as' wasteful duplication.
A recreational use of the vacant Mall space is both a needed and vi—
able.alternative. It is non — competitive with the Malls, offers Northampton
a service which,up to now does not exist, and acts as a catalyst in attrac—
ting industry.:to the adjacent Industrial Park.
Sports Illustrated Court-Clubs of America, Inc. have surveyed this lo—
cation and have found it to be a viable one. Adequate parking is available,
the property is located in the Center of Northampton, and the building can
be renovated at a reasonable cost.
Mr. Murphy, in view of the extremely tight condition of current finan—
cial markets, which,all but eliminates conventional financing for this
worthwhile renovation, your help and guidance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
J � �