1986 Historical Commission minutesCITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Northampton Historical Commission Official Meeting Notice Date: Tuesday, January 7, 1986 Time: 4 :15 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers, Wallace Puchalski,Municipal Bldg. Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Historic Markers for Northampton sites - Stephens 3. Resource suppliers of historic plaques - Wilbur 4. The Commission's mandate - Kiteley 5. The Design Review Committee - Chapin r i �� l NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting, January 7, '1986 Present: Barrett, Bowman, Chapin, C. Clark, Clausing, Kiteley, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stephens Absent: G. Clark, Dyer, Eliot, Gage, Lewis Exofficio: Brooks 1. The minutes were approved. 2. The Commission voted to nominate Curran Associates for the Historical Commission Preservation Award for the renovation of the Round House building. 3. Dr. Wilbur has submitted a design for historic markers. The Commission will invite him to the February meeting to discuss plaques for historic buildings. 4. The Design Review Committee was discussed. The Commission will examine its relation to Design Review'. 5. Jean Kiteley, Carolyn Barrett and Emmy Clausing will research t terms of the Commission mandate and report at the March meeting. 6. The Chairman will write a letter of congratulations to the Cooley- Dickinson Hosptial on its 50th anniversary. 7. Emmy Clausing read an item from the Wall Street Journal on the restoration of historic buildings. 8. Carolyn Barrett raised the question design for the proposed parking building. Respectfully submitted - Elean.or Lincoln I j � f�l NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commission official Meeting Notice Date: Tuesday,.February 4, 1986 Time: 4 :15 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers, Na °llace Puchalski Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Historic Markers - Dr. Wilbur 3. Design Review - Eliot (The new parking building) 4. Nomination of the Roundhouse Building- Chapin 5. old School building on South Street'', I r f NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting February 4, 1986 Present: Barrett, Bowman, Chapin, G. Clark, C.I.Ausing, Dyer, Gage, Lewis, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stephens. Absent: C. Clark, Eliot, Kiteley. Guests: Kieth,.Wilbur, Quenten Quesnell 1. Mr. Quesnell who has purchased a house at 235 South Street, said to have been at one time a city school, reported upon his extensive research in the history of Northampton schools. 2. Dr. Wilbur presented an award to Emmy Clausing for her services to the pre- servation of Northampton history. 3. Dr. Wilbur then presented his design for a wooden marker for dating old Northampton houses. He suggested that the Smith Vocational School would submit plans for making the signs. Lena Stephens will discuss with Marcia Burick the use of the beautification funds for this project. It was remarked that pressure treated wood or masonite be used. It was urged that the North- ampton logo be incorporated in the design. 4. An application for an award to Curran Associates for the Round House Restor- ation has been sent to the Massachusetts Historical Commission. 5. Preservation Week: The Historical Society is preparing an exhibition of records and photographs of the old Union Street jail. It was suggested that the meeting for making awards be held in the jail building, which will be renovated by next spring. Lisa Reitzes will explore the possibility that posters for Preservation Week can be designed an printed by students at Smith Coll& ge. A list of buildings which have been proposed for awards will be sent with the notice of the next meeting. 6. Next meeting March 4. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON EISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Proposed for Preservation Awards 1986 Bay-State Fire House Cook Block Round House East Side Coffee House Murphy Real Estate Building - Florence 25 Jone Avenue Fire Station-Tower First Church Plaza Cutlery restoration Town Clock �j I j NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commission Official Meeting Notice Date: March 4, 1986 Time: 4 :15 p.m. place: City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Round House Award - Chapin 3. Historic Markers - Stephens 4. Preservation Week - Clausing 5. Awards 6. The Commission Mandate - Kiteley NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting, March 4, 1986 Present: Barrett, Bowman, Chapin, G. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Stephens Absent: C. Clark, Eliot, Gager, Reitzes. 1. Round,. -House Award: The Massachusetts Historical Commission will respond to our nomination by April lst. Awards are present at the annual meeting. 2. Funds for National Historic Preservation: The Chairman will write to Kennedy, Conte and Kerry in support of continuing funding for historica preservation. 3. Historic Markers: A plywood plaque has been designed to include the Northampton - logo and a legend (maximum 35 words). Members of the Commission will write of legends. Twenty =five markers financed by the Beautification Trust will be in- stalled along the Walking Tour. City Hall will secure permission for posting the signs. 4. Preservation Week, May 11 -18. The Ceremony will take place at the old Union Street Jail on May 13th. It will be followed by a tour of the renovated building. The Northampton Historical Society is mounting an exhibition of the jail in the Parsons house which will be opened at three o'clock following the Awards meeting. The Commission will sponsor Walking Tour on May 15th or 16th. Posters for the event will;be furnished by the Smith College students in printing. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln i � NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSIO OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: April 1, 1986 Time: 4 :15 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers, Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. AGENDA 1. Round House Award - Chapin 2. Preservation Week - Clausing Awards Walking Tour 3. Historic Markers - Stephens 4. Commission Mandate - Kiteley NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION l CITY HALL CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 M.inu tez Noxthampton HistoxicaZ Comm ", z ion Meeting Apxi Z 1, 1986 Pxesent: Bov nan, Chapin, C. CZaA.k, G. Cank., Ctauz ing, Dyex, EZiot, Gage, Lewi,6 LincoZn Absent: Batvrett, Kitetey, Reitzets, Stephens U 0�4%cio: BUvU 1. The Cha ixman announced that the Mazzachu/s etts Histotc,i cat Comm.czAton witZ ptce/s ent a Pxes etrvat i o n Au=d to Cuxxan A/sz 0 e,i.a to 4 ox the xe�stoxat i.an o� the Round House. Membut -6 04 the Notrthampton Hrstox.ica2 Commaz ion cure invited to attend the eetemony on May 9th, 1986 at Bolston Uyl wexa.ity o� Law at 5:00 p.m. 2. Fox the committee on Ptaexvati:on Week obtsenvances, Emmy Ctausing outt i. ed the �ottowing avang emend: - The eeAemony wiU take ptaee in CouAct Squaxe on Tue.6day, May 13th, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. - Awaxd4 box pxesexvati.,on wiU be pta at 4 v' c2och. - At 4:45 the H,iztox cat Society wiU host an exh.ibi i.on o4 oZd'axti� acts and photogxaphs o� ".Lire at 5 Union Stxeet" at the Paxzons House, 58 13x,idg e StAee t. 3. The Comm' .6 ion voted to give awaxds yox pxeSetcvati.on to 4oux, pops ,6.ibZy �)ive buiZdings in Notrthampton. C,itationz w.iU be pxaented by members of the Comm.ivsz ion o 4o.Zow6: Murphy Reat estate fox etreati,ve xe -uze Goxdon C Ak 25 1amm Avenue 4ox pxaexvati on and renovation _ EZeanot Lewin The Town CZock 4ox renovation - RaZph Gage The Round Howse 4ox renovation - Dox.0thy Chapin The Eas;tz,i:de Gx.i U- (.i� eomptete) 4ox renovation - Fmmy CZauz ing 4. Emmy CZauz ng xepn ted that oux nomination on 06 the Fart H.i,P.e i'sttui.ct to the National. Reg.istex o4 Hiztoxic Pkacu hays been accepted by the Ma&s. flatoricaZ Commis.6 ion. i i I Receiuv- WSO) m --M Al l ,Toles CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Noxthampton H.izto ica2 Commi&s.ian 0�4tc i:ae Meeting Notice Date: May 6, 7986 Time: 4:15 p.m. Ptace: City HaU, Muni: i paZ BuZed.i.ng, Counc,U Chambvu6 Agenda I. M,i,nute/s 2. Round House Amatd, Bortcn Chaplin 3. Pne/sexvation Week ObAeAOance - CZausing 4. Histoi i:c Manizen.s - Stephens NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 r� CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting, May 6, 1986 1. Minutes: Correction - The Round House award. Change "renovation" to "restoration ". 2. Preservation Week Observances reported by Emmy Clausing. The Award Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 14 at 4 p.m. in the Court Square. Councilman Ray LaBarge will represent Mayor Musante. Beatrice and Dan Ruddy will conduct a walking tour of the Historic District at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 15. (Raindate the 16th). Leaving from the Information booth on King Street. Smith College students cannot make posters because the request was made too late in the semester to be put iA to the printing schedule. 3. Historic Markers - Lena Stephens presented a sample of the markers _ prepared by students at the Smith Vocational School. Permission for the historic legend and for display must be secured from owners of the sites. Commission members will request permission. The mounting will � be done by owners of the sites. 4. Small Plaques - A proposal to offer small markers dating private homes was discussed. The Chairman appointed Dyer, Clausing, and G. Clark to recommend procedures for authenticating dates and distributing plaques. 11 J I NORTHAMPTON 'H[ISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Northampton' His torical Commission official Meeting-Notice' Date: .7une 3, 1986• Time 4 :15 P.M. Place: City Hall Municipal Building; Council Chambers Agenda i 11 I 1. Minutes 2. Budget - Chapin 3. Historic Markers - Stephens 4. Preservation Award in Boston - Chapin 5. Preservation Week Ceremonies, Northampton - Clausing 6. Individual house plaques Dyer CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting June -3, 1986 Present: Bowman, Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Stephen's Absent: Barrett, Eliot, Reitzes Exofficio: Musante; Burick 1. The meeting was proceeded by the presentation of the historic markers to owners of the' sites ' and� recognition of Commission members, designer's, calli -. grapher', the Smith. School and other's who contributed' to the project: by Marcia - Burick.' She gave special thanks'to Keith Wilbur who has pursued this project for seven years.. Photographs of participants were taken'on the City Hall steps. 2. Dorothy Chapin, Chairman, opened' the meeting with a summary review of the events of the year: .The Massachusetts Award to the' Round House Restoration the filming of the Proprietors .Recorcls for'Foubes the historic m4r.ke.rs,.,.the nomination of the Port. Hill District to the National Register. Sh.e remarked' upon " th.e membership . of 'the' Northampton Commis sion which ' is not highly politic zed'.as. are many-in the State. 3. Walking- Tours. - Two.. new.. cassettes' have been' purchased° The Chairman thanked. Ralph. Gage for work.on the .91d cassettes', 'Letters from Marcia Burick.con cerning disposition of_ the. tapes: are appended'to' these minutes'. 4.. Emmy Claus.ing reported.upon Preservation Week observances. 5. Dyer - criteria for distribution of markers for individual houses will be reported at the August meeting Next meeting August 5, 1986. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL MorthamptoA. Historical.•"Commiss on official Meeting - Notice Date: Tuesday, August 5, 1986 Time: 4 :15 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building, City Hall, Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes 2.. Court House Plaque — George Boyle ' 3. Restoration of 271 Main Street'Building - William Gillen' 1 4. Chapel Hill Coffee' - Jean Wing j 5. Criteria for assignment -of individual house plaques - Dyer 6. Graves: avenue 12ow Houses' i I I � I I i j I ✓ i I i I --�p -�, � G Background Individual House Registration Many downtown buildings are singularly significant in historical terms because of their architectural style, their relationship to notable persons or events, or perhaps, just for the fact that they have for some reason survived. Individually, each of these structures represent a link to the city's past. Collectively, they make up the townscape which people identify with so strongly and which has contributed to this town's remarkable revitalization over the past decade. Most of these buildings are either commercial or institutional. The key point is that there is a growing sense of stewardship for these buildings by the private sector. It seems to me that this Commission can be proud of the role which it has played in in this effort to restore and maintain the architectural integrity of the downtown area. It also seems to me that while focusing most of its attention on the downtown area, the Commission has, as an organization, had less of a sense of purpose or mission with regard to the residential neighborhoods which extend outward from the. downtown. effected residents. neighborhoods which include outstanding examples of colonial residential architecture. When in the past, other residential areas have been considered for district nomination, there has been a quick and decidedly negative response from many of the Important work required for the nomination of a historic district has been done by individuals serving on the Commission in several of the town's oldest surviving It seems to me, that it is appropriate that the Commission foster the idea that the responsibility of owning a home includes some responsibility for maintaining the architectural integrity of that home. Each house is important and contributes to what planners refer to as the fabric of the street and the neighborhood. We are currently doing this through the Preservation Awards. But I think we could do more. I am convinced that if our objective is to enhance the community's collective and individual appreciation for its homes and neighborhoods, we will be most successful through a program which fosters individual pride and awareness. Persons who have taken the time to research the history of J their house are more likely to view both it and their neighborhood in a new context. i Program �E The responsibility to do the research should be on the homeowner. Applicants for a date marker should at a minimum, submit documentation indicating the chain of title to the home as recorded in the Registry of Deeds. ,E Supplimental data might include early maps, wills, newspaper accounts, e -t-o— r -��Y'� J P-, The home should be substantially intact (but not necessarily restored) in order to be elegible for a date marker. �F The home should be 50? years or more old. In instances where the exact date of the construction of the house is not possible to determine, a "circa" designation might be used. Y"�cWy �a x In order to promote the program and to educate.persons on I how to do the required research, we may want to consider holding periodic workshops. I would recommend that the marker be a simple, rectangular white marker with the date of the construction of the house only. NORTHAMPTON I- IISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commission' Minutes Meeting August 5, 1986 Present: Chapin, C. Clark, Dyer, Gage, Lincoln, Reitzes. Absent: Barrett, Bowman, G. Clark,'Clausing, Eliot, Kiteley, Lewis, Stephens 1. Courthouse Plaque - George Boyle presented' the plans for a brief ceremony. on August 21st at 3 p.m. in the' foyer'of'the'Courthous.e The mounting of the marker will observe the hundredth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the building on August 26', 1986.' There will be a display of graphics. The County Commissioners will attend° 2. Old Schoolhouse,on Chapel Street - Jean Wing outlined the history of the Chapel Street School house,'wh.ich later became the Chapel'Hill Coffee Shop, followed by a discussion of nomination of the' building to the National Register. 3. Renovation of 271 Main Street'- Gillen Associates presented their design for a renovation of the facade of'the building now occupied'by Contemporary Trends. Their intent in so far as possible is to restore the original front of the building. The Comission voted'to support their design. Emmy Cl.ausing-. voted inabaentia. 4. Individual house plaques' - Tom Dyer' submitted' a statement of i ntalit and of over - sigh.t'for,theaauth.orization of date markers on privately owned buildings. That report is appended'to these minutes. Cecil Clark observed that building, dates are recorded on the.Building Inspectors map of the city. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor T. Lincoln I I � I �I NORTHAMPTON BISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commis Official Meeting Notice Date: Tuesday, September 2, 1986 Time 4:15 p.m. Place; Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes - 2. Individual house plaques Dyer �1 3. Market Square - Clausing 4. Depot renovation tour - C. Clark �I NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 r CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commission Minutes Meeting, Tuesday, September 2, 1986 Present: Barrett, Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Clausing, Gage, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Stephens Exofficio: Riccelli Absent: Bowman, Dyer, Eliot, Reitzes 1. Minutes approved. 2. The Chair reported upon ceremonies for the mounting of the Court House Plaque. 3. The Academy of Music has received a grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission for renovation of the building. 4. Emmy Clausing proposed an award for the Market Square renovation. The original architecture of the building was established by Joan Wiegle. Jean Kiteley and Eleanor Lewis will investigate. 5. Jean Kiteley raised the question of awards for painting.buildings. 6. The Commission adjourned to tour the Depot renovation. Next Meeting: October 7th Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 ( CITY HALL Northampton Historical Commission Official Meeting Notice Date: Tuesday, October 7, 1986 Time: 4:15 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Bldg., Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Applications for Massachusetts Historical Commission FY88 preservation grants - Chapin 3. Individual house plaques - Dyer 4. Market Square award - Kiteley and Lewis 5. Date for next meeting NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting October 7," 1986• 1. Minutes approved. 2. The Chairman called'attention to the Celebration of Shea's Rebellion on October 10, 11, 12 in Pelham, Massachusetts. 3. The Commission will support an application for preservation grants to repair the roof and the plumbing of Memorial Hall. 4. Gant Gesork presented the structural history of Market Square since its construction in 1913 by the Armer Packifig Co. and described the recent renovation done under the guidance of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. The building will be considered for a preservation award next spring. 5. Location of the Building Inspectors which indicate plot number and date of building is being pursued in the Tnspectors office and the Historical Society. 6. A plan to solicit help from veterans organizations for renovation of the status in front of Memorial hall will be studied'in committee. 7. Gene Bunnell will present a design for the interior of Memorial Hall at the next meeting. See outline appended'to these minutes. j I CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Official Meeting = Notic Northampton Historical Commission. Date: Tuesday, November 4, 1986 Time: 4:15 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Northampton, Mass. Agenda 1. Minutes -- 2. Memorial Hall - application for grant - Bunnell 3. Bus Stop Design - Riccelli -J 4. House Plaques - Dyer NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Maeting November 4, 1986 PRESENT: Barrett, Chapin, C. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Eliot, Lewes, Lincoln, Reitzes ABSENT: Bowman, Gage, Kitely, Stephens 1. Minutes approved. 2. The preservation funds for Memorial Hall have been approved. 3. Progress was reported on an application for a grant to re- design and replace the bus stops. The Historical Commission will be asked to approve the design and ratify the project at each step. It will be necessary to secure a grant for the Arts and Humanities Community Funds for the new design. 4. Emmy Clausing proposed that the Commission become a member of Historic Massachusetts Incorporated. 5. Elizabeth Brabeck will prepare a brochure on the procedure for mounting plaques on individual residences. The project will .begin with houses already on the Inventory and develop in local neighborhoods. 6. Cecil Clark urged that steps be taken to preserve the Northampton Building Department Ward Books. He pointed out that building permits were not required in Northampton until 1906 and many structures are not dated on the ward maps. Respecfully submitted, Eleanor T. Lincoln I('REM MEN@ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 8 COMMUNITY PLANNING ELIZABETH BRABEC * 6 HILLSIDE AVENUE WARREN. MA 01083 413- 436-782 Tom Dyer, 119 Prospect Street, Northampton, Ma. 01060 November 12, 1986 Dear Tom, Thankyou for your recent nrHouse Dating1PgogrameT Iewouldng a brochure for the North His be pleased to assist the inr helresearchland writingr,aandcular yourself and Emmy Clausing, conceptual layout of the brochure. The brochure .should beg excitementtpeopPerPaneha�e the project, including the of the text will basic house styles and periods, discovering the history of their The body cover the techniques of dating basic to historical an introduction l documents available in t e library such as the town survey, historical photograp directories, general histories and assessors records. A basic technique to research deeds will also be outlined. methods will be in dating which used as an The most important aspect of discussing these explain their limitations, the common methods lcankbe can be made., and how the dating integrated whole to ensure an accurate date.. to In preparing the brochure, materials will b �� ts. However, hle ethesimportant�aspectr am brochures and how -to P p for laypersons, is that it relate of a brochure of this kind, exactly to .documents available, formationlsu�hlaslcallrnumbers and Northampton itself. Specific in n the Forbes Library will be invaluable for those i locations people who rarely venture into the library. The cost for these services will be a flat fee of $200he,Hpstobical upon acceptance of the final draft of the broicaleCommission 'stor P the Hi that It is understood therefore a Commission. 87 Com February 19 , wishes the project to be underway by a Commission meeting. - - -- drft will be prepared for review at the January t, please have the Historical Commission If you are in agreemen ro 2, osal at the next meeting, December sign one copy of this p P The signature will serve as a 1986 (which I will .be attending) . _ -- - - _- _- - - ^ -'- -- - - _ - - -,.- � - - - - -- not ce- -to- proceed - with -the project. .. _ - - -- - - - - - -- I am looking forward to working on this project with the Northampton Historical Commission, and I know that it is going to be a successful one. Yours truly, Elizabeth Brabec i Dorothy Chapin, Chair Northampton Historical Commission CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Date: December 2, 1986 Time: 4 :15 P.M. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building Northarpton, MA 1. Minutes 2. Budget - 1987 3. House plaques - Dyer, Brabeck 4. Awards 1987 - nominations - Clausing 5. NI--morial Hall statues 6. Bus Stop - Riccalli