3276 photopages Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Photo Page 1 July 7, 2010 Westhampton & Glendale Roads, Northampton, MA Project No. 08-3276 Photograph 1: A typical view taken from the middle of the “A” wetland, with Westhampton Road in the background. Shrub-and sapling-sized Cottonwood trees are dominant in much of this wetland. Photograph 2: Looking downstream along the stream channel, with flag B17 on the left. Photograph 3: Another view of “B” wetlands, with an Alder thicket in the background and the stream channel in the foreground. The wider areas of these wetlands between the BVW line and the stream are flat and seasonally saturated. They are also included in the Riverfront Area. Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Photo Page 2 July 7, 2010 Westhampton & Glendale Roads, Northampton, MA Project No. 08-3276 Photograph 4: Wooded swamp on the west side of the site, with flag F25 visible on the left. Photograph 5: Wooded swamp in the “B” wetland, east of the stream, typical of much of the inner Riverfront Area. Photograph 6: Land typical of the outer Riverfront Area in the formerly farmed portion of the site. Some sections are dominated by saplings and young trees, others are shrub thickets, and in a few places the land is still relatively open.