FY11 CPA Funds
June 17, 2009
To: Mayor Clare Higgins
From: Fran Volkmann, Chair, Community Preservation Committee (CPC)
Re: Request for Transfer/Appropriation of Fiscal Year 2011 CPA Funds
At its meeting on Wednesday, June 16th, 2010, the Community Preservation
Community voted to request that the following appropriations/transfers be made by
the City Council. These requests were voted on as a package by the committee.
These appropriations/transfers will ensure that CPA money is available for spending
at the beginning of the 2011 fiscal year. The amounts are based on the Total
Estimated CPA Revenue of $1,111,375 ($848,378 to be collected locally during the
FY11 fiscal year, and $262,997 to be received in October, 2010 as the estimated state
match of 31%).
The committee asks that you present these requests to the City Council so that they
can be acted on before the end of FY10.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
To transfer $111,138 from FY11 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the
Community Preservation Fund Open Space Reserve
To transfer $111,138 from FY11 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the
Community Preservation Fund Historic Preservation Reserve
To transfer $111,138 from FY11 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the
Community Preservation Fund Affordable Housing Reserve
To appropriate $55,569 from FY11 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the
Community Preservation Fund Administrative Account.
To transfer $722,392 from FY11 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the
Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve