31C-017 North Campus Phase 3 Roads.. f^~ ~
Carolyn Misch
From: Delaney, Alan [ADelaney@Massdevelopment.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 1:50 PM
To: jlaurila@nohodpw.org
Cc: Ned Huntley; Carolyn Misch; Northrup,. Sara; Murphy, Elizabeth; Kaye, Robert
Subject: North Campus -Phase 3 Roads
I have a couple of questions related to the Phase 3 Road plans and comments by DPW dated March 16, 2009.
On the water and sewer comments there appears one comment similar in both which I would like to ask about.
Under water, the statement is "separate metering and external shut-offs for each townhouse owner will be required."
Under sewer, the statement is "sewer clean-out for each service stub ...."
My question is related to the lots where the townhouses are going to be developed, along Musante Drive across the street
from the Coach House. When we went through the design and construction of the earlier roads, Moser and Olander, on
the lots which we are in process of selling to Wright Builders north of the former Nurse's Home, we had discussions about
the services for the future townhouses. At that time, it had been discussed that the original design of serving the
townhomes with a manifold system of water from the front was problematic and not preferred by the DPW. One option
which I thought we were in agreement with DPW on, was to serue:.the townhouse buildings by an individual water main to
the backs of the buildings and the services would be served to the' homes through a "water dept room" at the back of the
building where the water dept could gain access to the meters.; backflow preventers, etc.
Therefore, my assumption with serving the water services to th,e future townhouse lots on Moser, north of the DMH
building, between Village Hill Road and Musante, had been to 'serve a single 6 inch water main into the lot, to be redefined
by the developer and the DPW how to service this room for the buildings. This is already installed under the recent
contract with Gagliarducci (Phase 2 Roads).
This new project (Phase 3 Roads) has another lot,,across from the Coacii~l-iouse with a similar development plan. The
assumption is to service this townhouse building from the back with a similar arrangement "water dept room" as discussed
I would like to ask for your hopeful agreement that this is what was discussed and would be acceptable for the current
townhouse lots, as that is how we prepared the Moser Street I~o`t under Phase 2 Roads.
The sewer comment in the DPW March 16th comments, is wh'ere~l would also like your agreement to our discussion. For
the sewer, I had thought we agreed to serving each of the townhouse buildings by a single 6-inch sewer pipe from the
roadway which would then be split outside of the buildings into, eacli~townhouse unit by the developer of the townhouses.
We are not aware of the size of orientation of the buildings ori, fheseaownhouse lots but are leaving 2 sewer services to
support 2 buildings. Cleanouts would be located outside of the, buildings or at the property line which would connect 3 or 4
units in each townhouse building. The townhouse owners wo,ultl; be an association and be jointly responsible for the
building in which they live, as we see it now.
:;~; . ~.
It would be helpful to discuss these issues with you before the.. PB ~learipg next week so we can agree to the needs of the
plans for this project. Thank you. ~ ~~
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I apologize for not showing the sewer in Ford Crossing west df the IVl'usa'nte intersection at less than 10 feet in these plans
as our consultant failed to do so before the plans were submitted:.We have every intention of providing the sewer in this
stretch of street as less than 10 feet deep. We still have an issuetw.ith ALL sewer being less than 10 feet and hopefully
DPW and OPD can reach a resolution before next Thursday.? : ~~ '.` ~~:' ~~~..'~, ~ '
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